Accused Zotob Worm Author Says Money Was Motive 213
An anonymous reader writes "Washingtonpost.com has an excerpt of an online interview with "Diabl0", the 18-year-old that Moroccan authorities arrested on suspicion of writing the Zotob and Mytob worms, as well as the Rbot trojan. In the back-and-forth, Diabl0 says his worms "spread only for money" and hints that the motive was receiving commissions from installing spyware on infected computers."
What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:4, Insightful)
The other one is... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The other one is... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:The other one is... (Score:2)
Re:The other one is... SEX (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The other one is... SEX (Score:2)
Answer to the hundredth question? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Most life forms are motivated by greed, but not all. You still left the other one percent open (in your view/statement).
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:3, Insightful)
What really needs to be done is to cut out there vectors of attack. That or a serious effort to stop organised crime
just follow the money (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:3, Interesting)
Do you know why? Because my morals are not their morals.
Their country is (dare I say radically?) different than mine, and as such, I don't have the right to tell them what to do with their laws/morals/culture.
This is the way of the world.
Re:right shmite (Score:2)
But immoral by whose standards?
It's their country, by what "right" do I have to tell them how to run it, and conversely, what right do they have to tell us how to run ours?
None, except by force, and so far, that's not being considered.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Witches used to be put to death here, iirc.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Is it too much to ask that the Muslim world join the civilized world? It's easy now since we did it first.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Just because we're at a certain point in civilization, we expect others to be right here with us?
Granted, I don't like the fact that the 16 year old died - I don't feel it's right. However, it's not up to me to determine their progress through history, is it?
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:3, Insightful)
Instead, try to figure out how it's our fault that the Iranians are killing people for such ludicrous "offenses." I'm sure your Score: 3, Insightful will soon become a Score: 5.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:5, Informative)
Easy. From Wikipedia [wikipedia.org]:
The 16th century saw renewed independence with the Safavids and then other lines of kings or shahs. During the 19th century Persia came under pressure from both Russia and the United Kingdom leading to a process of modernisation that continued into the 20th century. By the 20th century Iranians were longing for a change and thus followed the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1905/1911. In 1953 Iran's prime minister Mohammed Mossadeq, who had been elected to parliament in 1923 and again in 1944 and who had been prime minister since 1951, was removed from power in a complex plot orchestrated by British and US intelligence agencies ("Operation Ajax").
Many scholars suspect that this ouster was motivated by British-US opposition to Mossadeq's attempt to nationalize Iran's oil. Following Mossadeq's fall, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Iran's monarch) grew increasingly dictatorial. With strong support from the USA and the UK, the Shah further modernised Iranian industry but crushed civil liberties. His autocratic rule, including systematic torture and other human rights violations, led to the Iranian revolution and overthrow of his regime in 1979. After more than a year of political struggle between a variety of different groups, an Islamic republic was established under the Ayatollah Khomeini by popular vote.
So USA and UK tried to protect the Iranian people from a - umm - democratic regime and reinstalled their beloved tyrant. The ungrateful Iranians didn't like that, revolted, and from that mess emerged another group of tyrants, which like to kill people for ludicous "offenses".
While the new tyrans aren't the USA/UKs fault per se, it is obvious that their rise to power was eased by USA/UKs greed for oil and their lack of respect for democracy and autonomy.
Oh yeah... (Score:2, Insightful)
If the USA (and the UK) kept their armies and "intelligence" agencies from fucking around with the rest of the world, the world would be a better and safer place. Iranian oil, Iraqi oil, Venezuelan oil is none of your fucking business. You don't have any right to it.
Yes, you have a near-perfect education system that produces plenty of cannon-fodder (poor and/or brainwashed enough) that your well-funded armies can send to whatever place they want to steal whatever stuff they wa
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:4, Insightful)
the sickness of Islam doesn't end there
Its fuckers like you
who say shit like that
that really piss me off.
Those acts are no more about Islam than Pat Robertson calling for the assasination of Hugo Chaves is about Christianity and it doesn't stop there. Any mainstream religion will have plenty of nutz on the fringe who will do whatever evil they fucking want to and then blame it on their god. That doesn't, in any way, invalidate the religion, it just proves that evil will use whatever tool it can.
With over a billion muslims in the world, it is just plain stupid to judge them based on the actions of the most extreme fringes of their society. How would you feel if all white people in the world were treated as if the actions and beliefs of the KKK were their own actions and beliefs?
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:3, Interesting)
Ironically, the most extreme Christians are argueably the ones who are being truest to their holy book. If you're a good Chrisitian, you should be following these rules.
Kill witches
"You should not let a sorceress live." (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
Kill Homosexuals
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:3, Informative)
You would be more accurate if you had said
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Corinthians 6:9: "Corithians 6:9-10: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Even if you're a bad Christian who believes that the old laws of God can be swept aside, then here is an example from Jesus himself
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
They do? When was the last time you heard of people sacraficing a bird or heifer? Jews don't even follow all the old laws in the Hebrew Scriptures.
And according to the New Testament, that is what Jesus did. He fullfiled the prophecies and gave new laws. When Jesus was asked what are the greatest of the commandments, He didn't say go and read the Torah for the 10 commandments. He
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
My statements were not about all Mu
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
The most regressive islamic regimes staring with the worst are:
0) The Taliban
1) Iran
2) Saudia Arabia
When you are second to the Taliban, rule by force and not by popular vote, you are the few nutz on the fringe.
My statements were not about all Muslims (if it sounded that way then I apologize).
It sure as hell did sound that way, how else would you interpret "the the sickness of Islam doesn't end there." If you really did not
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
That was called a few too many beers, I meant to expand that to the typical radical Islam of the Middle East.
Sorry, chump, I mean champ but you are wrong. I personally know 15 middle-eastern men and women Muslims that moved to the USA. The ones I know are from Iraq, Saudi
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
So, these 15 men and women that you know, they hate christains, jews, hindus and everyone else that is not a muslim? Because that's exactly what you said, chump. Do you YET see the logical fallacy of your claims?
The majority of the USA does not want to kill someone because they practice a different religion or no religion at all
Re:So you're saying most Islams don't follow Quran (Score:2)
Verse 29 is about the jizyah which is essentially the non-muslim version of zakat - a roughly 10% tithe. The way it works is that zakat supports the operation of the islamic state, if you live in an islamic state, but you don't pay zakat because you aren't muslim, you still
Re:Tax... (Score:2)
For example: zakat [wikipedia.org] and jizya [wikipedia.org]
Even so, at least you've been able to go from "islam adovocates violence against non muslims" to "islam inflicts taxation without representation." That's a lot of progress for an infidel to make in the time between two posts.
Re:Other than your lack of facts to refute... (Score:2)
You quoted from a hindu website, what, you think google only indexes unbiased sources?
The Hedaya (or al Hidayah), states that jizya means "retribution", and defines it as "a species of punishment, inflicted upon infidels on account of their infidelity, whence it is termed Jizyat
So, just how exactly does picking just one of the points of view presented there disprove the other, particularly the one held in the majority? Yeah sure you can IGNORE i
The point is... (Score:2, Interesting)
The Biblical quote you give is an historical report of a specific event. The Quran text was a generalized command.
Furthermore, mainstream Christian belief is that the "New Testament" gives the rules for the religion, essentially replacing any given in the Old Testament, which is relegated to being a historical narrative. (note that the 10 commandments are re-iterated in the New). Mainstream Christianity also believes the Bible is subject to i
Re:So you're saying most Islams don't follow Quran (Score:2)
The New Testament is quite clear on how Christians should look upon the old laws of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Imagine if people were burnt at the stake for practicing natural remedies (middle-ages) or were hung for the color of their skin (American South), or burnt in ovens because they were racially impure (Nazi Germany), or starved to death in forced labour because they were educated middle-class (Cambodia). Crazy!
Yes - you are a tad "out of touch". Try picking up a history book. Our collective past is jam-packed full of shit like this. Most of it is caused by ignorance. And if you think we h
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Please stop confusing the sickness of Iran with the sickness of Islam. As a religion, Islam is extremely peacefully oriented. These leaders are no more Islamic than David Korresh was Christian.
This, my dear boy, is called predjudice.
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
Re:What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? (Score:2)
To pretend that having murderers in our midst is equivalent to a broad and accepted policy of execution of people due to their sexual orientation is simply disgusting. It is important to face the human rights crimes of a government; they execute people for simple speech on a regular basis.
Yes, we have murderers; all societies do. We have not condoned the killing of pe
Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:5, Insightful)
Because he's stealing THEIR business model! =)
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:4, Insightful)
Whose business model? Who is actually doing the paying? Some low-life add-popper, or the companies who make so much money on virii/worm erradication that they can buy naming rights to stadia?
I still think the really story is what these guys will say, assuming they talk and don't have some mob death threat hanging overy their heads.
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:2, Informative)
Viri is man.
Virus is poison or slimy liquid and is not pluralised in latin as far as I am aware.
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:2)
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:3, Informative)
Regardless of it being a Latin loan word, it's an English word now, and therefore "viruses" is absolutely the correct way to pluralize it, just as cactuses, and octopuses are correct English words.
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:2)
For example, plural from "skazka" (fairy tale) is "skazki". But a sentence like "he told us five skazki" sounds very strange, because word "skazki" should be in genetive case ("skazok").
The same also applies to Greek and Latin, since these languages also have grammar cases.
Re:Anti Virus firms will kick his butt (Score:2)
Youngins.... (Score:5, Funny)
GAWD! I must be getting old cause I can remember when "authorities" used to be older than 18.
Re:Youngins.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Youngins.... (Score:3, Funny)
Oh, *phew*! (Score:5, Funny)
For a minute there I thought he was a real asshole.
Re:Oh, *phew*! (Score:2)
Re:Oh, *phew*! (Score:2)
1) Just as in this case, they are using spyware referrals to make cash off of every install. My first experience with this was realphx.com's IM worm in 2003, and they've pretty much all done it.
2) Oooooh look at me, I'm a script kiddie! All bow before my awesome coding prowess! Instead of using my meager, supposed skill to build software for a
Something must be done! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:3, Funny)
C:\WINDOWS>telnet all_evil
Connecting To all_evil...
SunOS 6.6.6
login: root
Password: money
Last login: Tue Jun 6 06:06:06 from
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 6.6.6
all_evil@hades [/] rm -rf /
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2)
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2, Funny)
Exactly, if in fact it is the root of all worm designs, then we should make it worthless.
I for one welcome our new overpaying tech overlords, even if they they make us create worms for fun and profit
Re:Something must be done! (Score:2, Funny)
Or something like that. I never got the hang of that meme.
One Fine Afternoon in Morroco (Score:5, Funny)
un..deux..trois! CRASH
Diab10: wtf :p
Police: j00 r u|\|d3r 4rr35t, m0|\|513ur! :p
Diab10: u c4n't kn0ck? i'11 1053 my d3p05it, 100k 4t th4t d00r! r3ck3d! :(
Police: s0rry m0|\|513ur, w3 s4a11 g0 b4ck 0ut5id3 4nd try 4g4in, 0iu? :)
Diab10: w311, 0k.
Police: <kn0ck kn0ck kn0ck> Diab10: wtf, wh0 r u? :p
Police: <13 p01ic3>
Diab10: g0 4w4y, i'm n07 h0m3 :p
Police: <s4cr3 b13u, 332 g0t 4w4y!> >:(
Diab10: :)
Police: <w4it 4 s3c0nd...>
Re:One Fine Afternoon in Morroco (Score:2)
Good laugh though and impressive use of that skit.
(I'm not kidding. It took me just under 3 minutes to decipher that)
Re:One Fine Afternoon in Morroco (Score:5, Funny)
I speak two languages, english and l337.
Re:One Fine Afternoon in Morroco (Score:2)
Re:One Fine Afternoon in Morroco (Score:2)
good stuff!
So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did? (Score:4, Interesting)
I am soooooo, sick of the politicians and their corruption. I personally don't see any "fix" besides a civil war in the USA to blow the shite out of the corrupted politicians.
How much longer should we sit on our fat @sses and let the big corps have privileges that we as private citizens could only dream of? Why should a corp be allowed to commit a crime and only get fined yet, if a private "citizen" committed the _same_ crime would get jail time?
I personally see nothing wrong with what Diabl0 did. After all, he was looking out for "share holders best interests" to MAKE MONEY, so why shouldn't he be protected just like all the other corps that "just want to make money"?
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:3, Funny)
Either give us good TV, dammit, or else.
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:3, Insightful)
Beyond which, they're acting illegally.
And it's up to state and federal legislatures to redefine what is and is not legal for companies to do. Recent legislation like Sarbanes-Oxley places enormously more scrutiny and burden on large companies. Why? Because a very small number of them pulled some dumb shit, and now everyone who forms a corporation is "evil" until proven otherwise (or, from your perspective, evil no matte
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:3, Insightful)
Second, tell me which "corporation" has legally gotten away with illegally hacking into user computers, then installing a trojan that will allow them to install whatever they want?
Third, WTF does this have to do with the USA specifically? MOST countries today are capitalistic.
It seems you have a beef with USA/corporations/capitalism and are just using any excuse to drag them down.
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
Thanks, and so are you! There, I came down to your level, feel better?
Umm, corps have been getting away with tons of crap for a long time now. Toxic waste dumping, damage to the environment, illegal monopolies, etc, etc. My beef is that if it is just a citizen not hiding behind a corporate shield, they often g
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
You are a moron because of the content of your post. It wasn't just some random name calling.
Umm, corps have been getting away with tons of crap for a long time now. Toxic waste dumping, damage to the environment, illegal monopolies, etc, etc. My beef is that if it is just a citizen not hiding behind a corporate shield, they often get "made an example of" by the feds. When it is a medium to large sized corp with enough money, they get le
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
I am rubber, and your glue. There now, we are back to your level. Justifying naming calling is just stupid. You sound like a teeny-booper trying to justify what you did wrong. Name calling adds nothing to a discussion.
Huh? What are _you_ talking about. Corps have been getting away with tons of crap for _decades_.
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
You're still a moron.
Huh? What are _you_ talking about. Corps have been getting away with tons of crap for _decades_. Did anyone personally get in trouble at MS because of their actions that were found to be monopolistic practices? Nope. MS was able to blame it on the "Corporation". Though a n
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
The execs aren't the corporation, so if the corporation misbehaves, why should they go to jail? If you think that they should go to jail because they "should" know and be responsible for everything the corporation does, that's actually a better argument for locking up the board of directors. OTOH, if the executives themselves misbehave, they do go to jail. See Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia...
Re:So what is wrong with what with what Diabl0 did (Score:2)
The Moron's Businiess Plan (Score:4, Funny)
2. hack up a virus, release on 'net
A new generation of virus author? (Score:5, Interesting)
To read this now is both unsurprising and saddening, like the end of an era. A part of me misses the simple pleasure of a BBS, a modem, and people who had to care enough about technology to visit the same places that I was. Reading this story is where the new age of the Internet really hit home for me, though it's certainly been this way for at least a couple of years. The people who care simply don't have their own home anymore, or if they do I don't know where it is. Now that anyone can get on the Internet and the primary motivation for exploring technology is the cash offered by malevolent advertising, I can only sit and be dismayed at what this has all become.
I guess it's all spilled milk and sour grapes for me, though. And I'm sure those who were around at the very beginning, in the late 70s and through the 80s would look at me as a disrespectful babe in diapers for not showing up until the early 90s and sullying what they'd built just as I look upon this jerk as a harbinger of a new generation that just doesn't care.
Re:A new generation of virus author? (Score:2, Interesting)
The person under question could have got all the same things you mentioned, except he had the potential to get paid as well. The learning experience was still there unless he just whipped the virus up in a few minutes and it worked first time.
There was a show on the Discovery channel about some dude and his wife making countfeit replicas of casino coins. He was a hacker at heart as noted b
Re:A new generation of virus author? (Score:2)
If only the kid had incorporated... (Score:5, Funny)
Typo (Score:2, Funny)
They spelled it moroccan.
"cca" wasn't suppossed to be there.
Well of COURSE it was for the money! (Score:5, Insightful)
While this Diabl0 guy was only 18, there is no shortage of university graduates who, after 4+ years of studying, find out that there is no such thing as a job market for them.
The most resourceful and those with affulent families escape to europe and the U.S while those of more modest origins or stronger ties to their country get bitter and are forced to take up any crappy job they can find.
It is inevitable that more cyber-criminals will emerge in Morocco. Cybercafes are cheap and those unemployed folks have plenty of time to devise moneymaking schemes.
Oh, i'm one of those who escaped. Every summer I return, I look and I despair.
Commission Theft (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Commission Theft (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Commission Theft (Score:5, Informative)
On another interesting note, the privacy policy of the site where 180 networks 'officially' distributes it's crapware, http://zango.com/ [zango.com], bears no mention of this referrer-stealing. Ironically, they are even so bold as to show a little anti-spyware animated GIF at the bottom of the page** [zango.com].
*Coral cached to avoid toasting some poor web server just because it hosts an interesting file.
**No coral cache for leeching scumbags.
Re:Commission Theft (Score:2)
That reminds me... (Score:2)
Re:What? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What? (Score:5, Informative)
F-Secure has a hi-tech diagram how it works here [f-secure.com].
Re:What? (Score:2)
Re:Jail (Score:5, Interesting)
Wait until he rats on the people who pay him, then put them all in the same cell.
Re:A question about the Turk guy. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:A question about the Turk guy. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I was wondering about this... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I was wondering about this... (Score:4, Funny)
on that 'removing spyware' note... (Score:4, Interesting)
Cartago delenda est (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Follow that money! (Score:2)
IANAL, but conspiracy charges might be able to stick.