
G4 Powerbooks Predicted For January 2001 211

Spittoon pointed out this ZDNet article claiming that development proceeds apace on G4 portables for Apple's PowerBook line, and that if all goes well, they'll be shown off at Macworld Expo in January. I could live with ads claiming that "The new PowerBook is a supercomputer" in exchange for knocking a couple notes off the price of a G3 PowerBook ;) Slot-loaded CD / DVD drives are long overdue in notebooks, anyhow, so I hope at least that part of the story pans out.

Cities Influence Their Own Weather 119

CalamityJones writes "In the 'Well, DUH!' department, this story from the AP shrieks 'Cities May Make Their Own Weather.' As if anyone with half a brain could possibly have missed this point." Not having a weather supercomputer to crunch the numbers, it wasn't quite that obvious to me, but then what do I know. Living in Michigan I'm used to the lake effect - if I lived east of some major asphalt, I guess I'd get the L.A. effect.

500 Billion Very Specialized FLOPs 89

sheckard writes: "ABC News is reporting about the world's fastest 'supercomputer,' but the catch is that it doesn't do much by itself. The GRAPE 6 supercomputer computes gravitational force, but needs to be hooked up to a normal PC. The PC does the accounting work, while the GRAPE 6 does the crunching." The giant pendulum of full-steam-ahead specialization vs. all-purpose flexibility knocks down another one of those tiny red pins ...

New Linux Supercomputer Forecasts Rain 81

buzzcutbuddha writes "Linux PR has a press release about a new weather forecasting supercomputer running Linux built by High Performance Technologies, Inc. that will be unveiled on Wednesday by NOAA. There is even a phone number to call to tour the High Performance Computer Center. " (let's see if the trolls can be clever for a change ;) Anyhoo 276 nodes, but its costed $15M? Them must be some spendy nodes...

Linux And The PowerPC Architecture 202

Linux is always a little bigger than you think. Every day, people are working on porting Linux to new platforms to achieve more with what they have. In the case of LinuxPPC and Terra Soft Solutions, they're working with community spirit and the PowerPC architecture to create insanely great solutions with a touch of Tux.

Jordan Pollack Answers AI And IP Questions 196

Professor Pollack put a lot of time and thought into answering your questions, and it shows. What follows is a "deeper than we expected" series of comments about Artificial Intelligence and intellectual property distribution from one of the acknowledged leaders in both fields.

What Happened To Starbridge's Supercomputer? 2

ncmusic asks: "As seen in this story, whatever became of Starbridge and their cheap supercomputers? Was it all an elaborate hoax?" As far as I can tell, they are still around, but can anyone more familiar with them give us a heads-up on their progress?

The Mind of God 305

In the new paperback edition of his book, Paul Davies takes us on a wonderful tour (metaphorically) through what he calls the "Mind of God." Physics may scare some people, but physicists like Davies (and Dyson and Walker) are doing some of the best writing on the planet on spirituality, science, and the powerful connection between the two. This paperback is a hypnotic exploration of some of the great questions of existence as well as a lively summary of recent developments in theoretical physics. Read more.

Linux And Los Lobos Supercomputer 89

DocRea writes: "Using Linux, IBM and the University of New Mexico will connect 256 two-processor IBM Intel-based servers with high-speed Myrinet cards to create a 512-processor machine capable of 375 billion calculations per second. The computer, called Los Lobos, will primarily be used for scientific purposes, but will be adapted by IBM to provide the "cluster" approach to running software for business tasks and e- commerce. "

IBM Creates New Fastest Beowulf Cluster 154

shawnb writes "It seems that IBM has created the world's fastest Linux cluster built from lots of small servers (64 IBM Netfinity 256 servers). The Netfinity servers are linked together using "special clustering software and high-speed networking hardware, which causes the separate units to act as one computer, delivering a processing speed of 375 gigaflops, or 375 billion operations per second." They also go on to say that this is the fastest Linux supercomputer, "it will only rank 24th on the list of the top 500 fastest supercomputers. " "

Affordable Supercomputers 117

Brian writes "CNN Online has a story on a company that has introduced supercomputers for under $100,000 and they hope to have four-layer supercomputers for under $4,000 before long. The computers use AMD processors and according to the company's Web site, they come running Linux. I can't wait to add one of these to my collection!" As always, we've heard about Patmos before. Check out an older story here.

IBM Announces Plans for Petaflop Supercomputer

Narf Narf writes "From the New York Times, an article a five-year, $100 million program to build a supercomputer whose purpose is to simulate protein folding and acheive one petaflop. Free registration required. "
Silicon Graphics

SGI to Build Commercial Linux Supercomputers 109

jfinke sent in a link - as did many others - to a brief Yahoo News story about SGI's plans to move into the parallel processing supercomputer marketplace with Linux as their base OS. "We're really pumped up about it," said Beau Vrolyk, senior vice president of SGI's product group. "It represents the beginning of a whole new generation of supercomputer."
Silicon Graphics

World's Fastest Supercomputer to be Linux 108

xinit was one of the people who pointed us to the CNET story running about the possibility that a current bid by SGI for a supercomputer could be run on Linux. The supercomputer could be the fastest in the world at time of its production. SGI has confirmed the bid, saying it's being targeted for 2001, if the bid is accepted. The placement would be Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Silicon Graphics

U.S. Helps Finance New Cray Development 61

Durinia writes "SGI has announced a few details on their next Cray vector supercomputer. The press release is mostly about them getting government support for the R&D. It does, however, mention that it will be combining the powerful Cray vector processors with SGI's ccNUMA architecture for big-time scalability."

Linux Supercomputer Wins Weather Bid 115

Greg Lindahl writes "The Forecast Systems Laboratory, a divison of NOAA, selected HPTi, a Linux cluster integrator, to provide a $15 million supercomputing system during the next 5 years. The computational core of this system is a cluster of Compaq Alphas running Linux, using Myrinet interconnect. Check outwww.hpti.com for information on the company. "

The G4 and Apple's Second Coming 432

Apple's G4, launched in a blizzard of savvy hype, heralds the second Age of Apple. Although this one is very different from the first (for one thing, Apple is a lot greedier), Apple's string of successes says a lot about the fact that individual creativity will beat out corporate marketers every single time.

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