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What's the Oldest Technology You've Used In a Production Environment? 620

itwbennett writes: Sometimes it's a matter of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,' sometimes corporate inertia is to blame, but perhaps even more often what keeps old technology plugging away in businesses large and small is the sense that it does a single, specific job the way that someone wants it done. George R.R. Martin's preference for using a DOS computer running WordStar 4 to write his Song of Ice and Fire series is one such example, but so is the hospital computer whose sole job was to search and print medical images, however badly or slowly it may have done the job. We all have such stories of obsolete tech we've had to use at one point or another. What's yours?
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What's the Oldest Technology You've Used In a Production Environment?

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  • Uhmmmm (Score:5, Funny)

    by Daimanta ( 1140543 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:47PM (#50155989) Journal

    Pen and paper?

    • Re:Uhmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)

      by rudy_wayne ( 414635 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:49PM (#50155999)

      Sometimes it's a matter of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,' ,

      If it ain't broke, break it.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      My last two jobs were both still using 3270 terminal emulators to connect to CICS [] systems. I understand that's still fairly common in both government and industry.

      • by emil ( 695 )
        My Linux systems jack into Dorados running OS2200. We've carted out quite a bit of mainframe over the years. We also carted out VAX 7000s, because we run VMS 7.3 on emulators now. These environments are quite old.
    • by gerf ( 532474 )
      Funny, but obviously they're looking for something electronic or at least with a series of modern replacements that have long ago decremented the item to oblivion. Or should have. Somehow that dang thing is still critical and chugging along.

      In recent days, I've used WinNT4 machines in a manufacturing environment, and there are a few machines with relay logic in our machine shop. I've heard of a handful of machines still surviving from the early 1950s to WW2 days, but they're few and far between, and mos

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        They seem to only be talking about IT stuff, which is a shame, because Slashdot is much bigger than that. For awhile we were using a General Radio Megaohm Bridge that uses vacuum tubes, but I'm certain I've also run tests using a Variac from the 1950's.

        As far as old IT stuff (*sigh*) up until a few years ago we were using some old Commodore SX64s to do some of the testing. Until about a year ago there were a bunch of PC-XTs at test stations out in the lab but those are gone now. The main life tests still

      • by qubezz ( 520511 )

        winnt4 in production is nothing, it is often required on equipment such as HP chromatographs and other lab equipment that is otherwise top-tier (before the company was destroyed by (presidential hopeful) Carly Fiorina.

        If you are looking for old production equipment, I think you'd be impressed by the DEC PDP-11s still running in nuclear power plants that have a commitment to run through 2050. []

      • Re:Uhmmmm (Score:5, Interesting)

        by DerekLyons ( 302214 ) <> on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @09:17PM (#50157139) Homepage

        I've heard of a handful of machines still surviving from the early 1950s to WW2 days, but they're few and far between, and most of those are probably gone by now.

        That would be my oldest machine - the MK113 Torpedo FCS, basically a Really Fancy version of the WWII era TDC. The first entered service with USS Thresher in 1960, and the last left service when USS Kamehameha was decommissioned in 2003. Quite a run for a machine whose core functionality came from an analog computer directly descended from a 1930's design.

    • by Daetrin ( 576516 )
      Oh yeah? Well at my job we have walls and a roof! Also, we wear clothes.

      I'm pretty sure the only thing that beats those in terms of age is only (officially) present at places that produce pornography.
      • Oh yeah? Well at my job we have walls and a roof! Also, we wear clothes.

        And they necessary to solve your problems or are they just traditional?

    • Pen and paper?


  • Oldest? (Score:5, Funny)

    by SoCalChris ( 573049 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:50PM (#50156005) Journal
    One of the servers was on wheels. Wheels
  • I was working in a system in 2009 which had code commits as far back as 1983.
    • Similarly, I'm currently working on a system that has commits from 1980 (in Fortran, or FORTRAN as it was then, I guess).

      • The question I have is, how have you been able to keep all of these commits discrete and trackable in your RCS since 1980? Have they been migrating it forward from whenever they started committing them? And exactly what were people committing into in 1980? :O

        • by lucm ( 889690 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:02PM (#50156487)

          And exactly what were people committing into in 1980?

          Crimes against fashion.

        • Re:25+ years (Score:4, Interesting)

          by kevmeister ( 979231 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @10:11PM (#50157359) Homepage

          And exactly what were people committing into in 1980? :O

          RCS was released in 1982, but SCCS goes back to 1972. In the latter part of the 70s it was dominant and available on IBM OS/360 systems and letter on AT&T Unix System III and V. It was not terribly difficult to move data from SCCS to RCS when it moved to a dominant system.

          So managing a code base going back to 1980 is not at all unreasonable.

    • I worked on systems for the Air Force using JOVIAL that dated back to the 1970s.
      • Do we work together?

        I work with a system that uses NetBIOS networking on DOS. And not that fancy NetBIOS over TCP/IP, either.

        • Re: 25+ years (Score:4, Interesting)

          by rickb928 ( 945187 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:57PM (#50156467) Homepage Journal

          Oh, LANtastic?

          I was supporting a NetWare 2.15c server with a DCB inproduction. In 2003. The 40MB drives were in addition to IDE drives internal to the server chassis, and were deemed untouchable. Separate UPS, no one believed they would spin up again if they lost power. No one ever told me what was on those drives.

  • by Coldeagle ( 624205 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:53PM (#50156033)
    I'm working on a project to replace a legacy system that runs on Fox DB and is completely DOS based. It's so old that it can't actually be run on desktop systems without a VM because it's 8bit and all of our current systems are 64Bit.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I'm working on a project to replace a legacy system that runs on Fox DB and is completely DOS based. It's so old that it can't actually be run on desktop systems without a VM because it's 8bit and all of our current systems are 64Bit.

      I think you mean 16-bit. DOS was never 8-bit.

      • Maybe it runs on a NES.

      • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:42PM (#50156749)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

          MS-DOS was 8 bit for 8080/8088 in version 1, it went 16-bit for 8x86 in version 2.0 and retained backward compatibility for the 8-bit stuff.

          (PC Magazine, November 1982, P.190)

    • by dwywit ( 1109409 )

      I worked on a system like that back in '83-84. I hope it's been replaced, but based on what I knew then about government IT policies, it's possible that it's still in use.

      It used Foxpro to query a DB on as AS400, and use the data to "print" a plastic licence card, using an embossed wheel - kind of like a daisy wheel printer. The printer was primitive, with very little on-board memory, so the the print jobs had to be spooled entirely on the PC. The printer's on board software was also primitive, and we had t

      • I hope it's been replaced, but based on what I knew then about government IT policies, it's possible that it's still in use.

        I'm pretty sure my states' turnpike still uses PDP-11s to process tolls. DEC has been gone for at least 20 years so I have no idea what they do when they need service.

  • by A nonymous Coward ( 7548 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:53PM (#50156039)

    Do fire and wheels count?

    "You punks had water?!? We had to get our own oxygen and hydrogen atoms and smash them together before we could walk uphill both ways in a snowstorm!"

  • A .NET Web Api 2 web service that runs a borland pascal executable...
  • by Lisias ( 447563 )

    In my last job, the oldest piece of technology they had was... ME. =P

    And it (me) did very well, indeed. =D

  • We used an old 386 Compaq desktoip for a DNS server at my first IT job. That thing was manufactureed in 1991 and we were still using it wen I left the company in 2001... It was funny the day I asked "Hey whats this thing doing here?" and tapped the space bar and my boss freaked out a little. He said something along the lines of 'we really need to upgrade that..."
  • I wrote commercial code for a [] in 1995 - it was 10 years old even then. I just removed some Java code dating to 2000 from an in-use code base, but haven't deployed to production yet ;)
  • Serial RS-232 port (Score:4, Interesting)

    by renergy ( 1646119 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:57PM (#50156065)
    I use RS-232 (essentialy a 50 years old technology) regularly to read data from lock-ins, picoammeters, and various other instruments. It works well enough, I don't need extra fast reading (the measurement itself is the slowest part). It's not always a smooth ride, but overall it's pretty reliable and straightforward.
  • by ( 981475 ) <> on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:57PM (#50156067)
    ...what is the oldest computer technology that you have used in a production environment?
    • by swb ( 14022 )

      ...relative to when you used it?

      I had to use a DOS 3.3 PC off and on in a "production" capacity, but this was in 1992 when it was only 5 years old. My desktop PC at home is Server 2008r2 and it least in simple terms, it's actually older technology.

      I still run into Windows 2000, which is like 15 years old but doesn't seem old.

    • I use neural networks on a daily basis based on a very old design. There have been a few tweaks along the way, but still basically in continuous use: []

      That's 600 Mya.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Etcetera ( 14711 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @05:57PM (#50156069) Homepage

    It's not obsolete if it's still capable of performing its function within specifications.

    The ability to *alter* it to match *new* specifications should be taken into account (if it's written in a language no one speaks any more), but that doesn't prevent it from functioning.

    Systems that have to deal with altered specifications because the environment around (physical or virtual) them changes can become obsolete faster than systems that are disconnected from their environment.

    Note: That's an excellent reason to keep your systems disconnected from the environment.

  • by TWX ( 665546 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:00PM (#50156087)
    We have phone systems and network switches that have serial, still configured for 9600-8-N-1. We have modems connected to the phone system devices that can be called via POTS line to do maintenance if all other methods fail, and since we have all of six people to take care of eighty sites we'd really rather not go for a drive if we can avoid it. I also happen to have a WYSE-52 on my desk that I have connected to a switch console port at 38400; If something breaks the workstation VLAN for whatever reason, I can still maintain the network through a different VLAN through this terminal.

    I used to work at a place that handled paging (like, literal TNPP and TAP paging) and we had Digi serial multiplexers with 24 serial ports for connecting to 24 individual modems for paging, fax, and other low-speed services. There were lots of customers still using that technology too; we tried to migrate to Equinox and their digital modems (basically a T1 that emulated 24 modems) but they had trouble with extremely short-length low-baud connections causing lockups. It was literally better to have a huge room full of equipment because it wouldn't crash instead of a single rack full of PCI cards that would constantly have port errors.
    • by c ( 8461 )

      We have phone systems and network switches that have serial, still configured for 9600-8-N-1.

      We still have operational gear running at 110 baud.

      Granted, it's being emulated over 2400 baud satellite networks, but the physical hardware can't go any faster than 110.

  • The first gneration of graphics workstations were LISP machines from Texas Instruments and Symbolics in the early 1980s. UNIX work graphics workstations from Apollo, Sun and Dec followed a few years later.
  • The oldest I have used is a wedge, while producing fire wood.

  • SCO Unix... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by darkain ( 749283 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:02PM (#50156109) Homepage

    SCO Unix runs GREAT inside of VMWare... don't ask me how I know this, as I get back to the server room to beat the shit out of some random OS that isn't performing well... again....

    • Xinuos, which bought the SCO IP, now sells OpenServer X, which is based on FreeBSD and includes a port of one of the SCO UNIX versions (I think OpenServer, but it might be UNIXWare) to run on bhyve. This lets people with old SCO UNIX software run it, but with things like zfs for the underlying storage. There are a surprising number of SCO users still. McDonalds uses it for all of their POS stuff (somewhat appropriately), for example.
  • Morse Code (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:07PM (#50156127) Homepage Journal

    I lobbied to end the requirement for an examination of the ability to decode Morse code with your ear and brain. Until 2007, the U.S. Federal Government required it before they would license all but the lowest grade of Amateur Radio hobbyists.

    As part of my lobbying effort, I successfully passed a test for receiving code at 20 words per minute, and then subsequently refused to use the code on the air. 20 WPM is so fast that you have to decode by the sound of each character, you don't have enough time to pick out the individual dots and dashes.

    We won.

    • Re:Morse Code (Score:5, Informative)

      by Obfuscant ( 592200 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:34PM (#50156303)

      Until 2007, the U.S. Federal Government required it before they would license all but the lowest grade of Amateur Radio hobbyists.

      1. The novice class license had a Morse code requirement. That was the lowest grade of amateur radio license. Five WPM.

      2. The Morse code requirement was mandated by the ITU treaty (International Telecommunications Union) that required anyone who had access to HF bands (that included Novice class amateur radio licensees) to know Morse code. That requirement was based on maritime safety, as an ability to read CW could help during emergencies. Satellite and other systems have replaced the old radio op sending the weak SOS signal from a sinking vessel, so that requirement went away.

      As part of my lobbying effort, I successfully passed a test for receiving code at 20 words per minute, and then subsequently refused to use the code on the air.

      As if the FCC cared that you passed the test and then never used code on the air. I dare say, there were many many people who lobbied the same way -- without any effect, and without even knowing it. Does it count that I passed the test and used CW exactly once, forty years ago?

      We won.

      There are a lot of people who lost, or at least have a good argument that they did. If nothing else, CW was a good way of holding back the push for government agencies and NGO to get access to amateur frequencies.

      With the loss of CW and the changes to the rules, all it takes for a government agency to get essentially free access to the ham bands is having their employees pass a 34 question test. At that point, paid employees can use the ham bands for exercises and drills: []

      (i) A station licensee or station control operator may participate on behalf of an employer in an emergency preparedness or disaster readiness test or drill, limited to the duration and scope of such test or drill, and operational testing immediately prior to such test or drill. Tests or drills that are not government-sponsored are limited to a total time of one hour per week; except that no more than twice in any calendar year, they may be conducted for a period not to exceed 72 hours.

      NGO are limited to one hour per week but for two weeks they can be 3 days long. There is no time limit on government-sponsored "drills".

      I know that government agencies are doing exactly this, because I've VEd exam sessions where they had employees getting their licenses.

      • Re:Morse Code (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:33PM (#50156703) Homepage Journal

        The Novice license stopped being the path to entry once the no-code Technician licensing started. There was indeed an ITU requirement, but it was at the behest of IARU, not as the requirement of any government. Similarly, FCC actually raised code speed requirements at the behest of ARRL. Shore stations had moved to phone and teletype decades before. Most ships no longer employed radio operators, but left that duty to other staff who only used phone. There was only a token continuing monitoring of Morse ship transmissions, now entirely gone.

        There was one pro-code guy who pleaded with me to allow Amateur Radio to "die with dignity". If nothing else did, that convinced me that the pro-code folks could see the end coming and would accept it as long as it came after they died. Amateur licensing was declining fast, operators were dying faster than new ones got licenses, and we could see the end of Amateur Radio would come in a few decades at most..

        Now there are more hams than ever, and Amateur Radio is healthy. When I say "We won", it means "Amateur Radio won". It's too bad we had to fight our own old guys.

        There isn't really any reason for government agencies and NGOs to use Amateur Radio. They have satellite phones, etc. But if it really bothers you, why not lobby against allowing compensation for operators? I'd join that bandwagon.

    • So I see (Score:3, Informative)

      by davidwr ( 791652 )

      I Google'd "bruce perens" and this [] came up as the first hit.

  • via USPS today instead of an email. I even remembered to put a stamp on it.
  • I am sometime called on to do Calligraphy. Yes, with ink and edged pens and fancy expensive as fuck paper. I have a Pelikan pen from 1983. It is in a steel box that used to be my mom's sewing kit. She bought that in 1966. I also have a metric triangle that helps me line out a page very quickly and it's from 1979.

    Given this is slashdot, you're probably thinking "fuck Heineken man - we're talking' computer shit around here dude!"

    So my oldest piece of digital gear is a box of floppy disks from the mid 1980

  • Pixar (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:11PM (#50156143) Homepage Journal

    The Pixar code base came from Lucasfilm, and went back to the 1970's. Some of that code is still in use.

  • I had a college professor who strongly resisted getting a new computer. He had a commodore PET with 8 KB of ram. He would type his handouts into the PET, but it could only hold about 3 pages of text before running out of RAM, so his handouts would end abruptly (sometimes mid sentence) because he had run out of memory while typing. On the PET, you could create longer documents by establishing a new file when you ran out of RAM, but he usually didn't bother. When he printed the document, he only had an 8 pin
  • by Snotnose ( 212196 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:12PM (#50156157)
    CSB time. I went to a community college the first 2 years it was open (Cuyamaca college, San Diego county if you're in the area). In my first semester computer class the instructor took us on a field trip, on a Saturday. There were 3-4 of us who agreed to go, we met on campus. Got in teach's pickup, he drove us to the midway district, into an industrial park, and into an alley going behind a bunch of buildings. There we saw a PDP-8 sitting by a door. Turns out the PDP-8 belonged to my instructor's old company and they were donating it to the school. Our "field trip" was providing muscle to get the thing into the pickup truck, back to school, then into the computer lab.

    Used that PDP-8 for the next 2 years, it was the only computer they had.

  • by TheDarkener ( 198348 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:18PM (#50156193) Homepage

    I recently replaced a client's flaky USB modem for a dedicated fax PC (used daily, all day) with an external US Robotics 56K Serial modem made in 1996 I had gotten from another client. Made in the good ole' U.S. of A. by beer drinking, beard-having men. Its red lights flicker like I remember in the old BBS days - I suspect it will hum along for years to come.

  • ...and any other stuff that fits the requirement.
  • One of my customers still has a Netware 3.12 machine. I'm the third person to be responsible for it. The last two guys are both retired now. I got the gig based on being the youngest person the company could find who actually knows Netware. It runs their ordering/job cost/inventory systems and whatever files or reports it makes can actually be used by their relatively modern accounting software.

    Another guy I do work for has a System/38 machine in his office. I have no earthly idea what he does with it since

  • TCP/IP (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ASDFnz ( 472824 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:24PM (#50156229)

    Fairly much everyone uses TCP/IP, that dates from the 70's.

  • Why, just this morning I turned on a computer that initialized itself to be compatible with an Intel 8086 from 1978.
  • by Sean0michael ( 923458 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:27PM (#50156251)
    We have our legacy system "Theseus" that has been running since the early '80s. Sure the hardware it runs on has changed three times and we've re-written it four times, but it's still the same legacy system we've always had.
  • by kqc7011 ( 525426 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:33PM (#50156293)
    We had a TRS80-100 in use until around 2005, it was collecting data at a remote weather station. It was there the early 90's when I was hired, so I don't know how long it was actually in use.
  • n/c
  • My desktop tech brought me a 386 that had a failed hard drive due to a building collapse (a longer story). It was part of a 3 computer "network" that housed a database of "drug buy" money for the local police department. We replaced the harddrive and put DOS and the database back on it (via floppy backup no less). To the best of my knowledge, it is still in service today. That is how you keep the hackers out!


  • I see the latest version (after being re-licensed) is from 2012, but the one we are using is way older.
  • RS-232 serial consoles to network gear. Running at 9600 baud.

    • by AaronW ( 33736 )

      I'm working with brand new prototype boards and all of the embedded boards I work on have RS232. The reason for this is that it's dirt simple to implement and only needs 3 wires. I only need a few lines of assembly code to initialize it and send or receive a character. It also doesn't care about things like DHCP servers and whatnot, only that you get the pinout and baudrate right. On multiple occasions it was the only way to transfer new images to a board to fix the flash. Of course on some of these boards

  • I had a circa-1986 Mac 512K running in my recording studio up until the early 2000s. It ran Opcode MidiMac (sequencing) and SoundDesigner II (sampling, front-end for an Ensoniq Mirage). Never crashed, reliable as hell, and very quiet since there was no fan or hard drive. Load the OS and software from a 400K floppy and it would run until the heat death of the universe.

    Most everyone involved in music production (EDM excepted) has an affinity for vintage equipment, whether it's an old RCA ribbon mic, an EMT

  • by sandbagger ( 654585 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @06:53PM (#50156443)

    Last year that old guy finally retired. That afternoon we took Copher off the friggin' network.

    It didn't mean much as we did so automated end runs around it but he insisted that it stay there because of some manifesto a neckbeard wrote 20 years ago that was the darkest day of the Internet when Gopher was subsumed. He was somehow still shocked that the community of network administrators failed to rally to save it.

  • The clients have an OS/2 box installed in each of their service (gas) stations. Everything runs on them, time sheets, inventory, ordering, POS, training systems, email, security monitoring etc. In their case it's been a very profitable investment.

    Another client has a DOS box they use to control a large self-adhesive vinyl printer and a CAD cutter (self-adhesive vinyl cutter for signage). They made their money back many times over on the software and hardware investment - the hardware was particularly expens

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:00PM (#50156473)
    One of the first programs I had to modify was a COBOL program written in 1968. Over time, the source code had gone missing. I tracked down a yellowed, falling apart compile listing, and realize the program had never been copied off cards. It was also written in backward indentation, where command lines start at the beginning, and control lines like IF statements are indented. This allows you to move the working lines around. I ended up typing in the code from the compile listing, and ended up only missing 4 periods. Of course, when I got it working, I then had to make the requested change.
  • In 2006 I was working as a system administrator and we were just retiring the production DEC UNIX servers. Yes, actual Digital servers from before it was HP and before it was Compaq. We hated the yearly data center shutdown because we never knew if those servers would come back up. Another group had migrated the applications over to Linux blades.

  • During my post grad internship (circa 2003) I worked with banyan VINES which was still running a pre-Internet internal email program that had been migrated onto it from an even older system. At the time, the place using it was migrating the email to Exchange (5.5 I think) on a Windows 2000 server and wiping the new incoming XP and XP sp1 desktops to install their in-house version of Windows 2000. (this was IIRC, because the standard 2000 and XP didn't support the higher encryption required out of the box, a
  • Some code written in RPG on an AS/400 that was hosting a MAAPICS environment. Some of the code updates were dated to the early 1960's, and there were indications that some of the original code dated back to the 1950's.
    But yes, technically the oldest technology I have used is either a pencil and paper or the wheels on an old cart - those specific instances of the wheels were not that old, but as instances of the "wheel" object within the OO design schema, the wheel object itself is pretty old.

  • I was part of a group in 2002 that was getting an application migrated over to run as a web application instead of a batch process at night. I forget what system it was originally written on but it was 6-bit and no money was ever spent to convert the data into 8-bit. So there was a bunch (50+) small programs from the mainframe days that would read in the 6-bit data, convert it to 8-bit, do it's little bit of work, convert it back to 6-bit, and write it out for the next program.

    One of the things we recomme

  • by NixieBunny ( 859050 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:14PM (#50156575) Homepage
    I work on the 12 meter radio telescope on Kitt Peak. It was built in the mid sixties, refitted with a new dish in 1982, and replaced last year with an ALMA prototype antenna. We still use the old filter bank spectrometers. They were built in 1973-4. This item. []
  • A pry bar to the the wooden crates open. Might have used an inclined plane at some point, too. No clubs. Yet.
  • by dickens ( 31040 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @07:58PM (#50156839) Homepage

    I almost want to post anon but I can't resist. When I took over my current job ten years ago, the company used a green-screen accounting system based on an emulated Wang 2200 running on SCO Open Server. That puts the actual technology in use back around 1973. This used the Niakwa [] Basic2c system. The system was lovingly maintained (!) by some dedicated guys in Auburndale.

    Before we migrated it off it we got it running on Linux and I still have a KVM image running this system over Centos 5. The last time I booted it was in 2014, or 41 years after the Wang 2200 came out. I actually used one at Ashland (MA) High School - the second interactive computer I ever used. (The first was a PDP-8 accessed via a teletype at 110 baud from Wayland Junior High School).

  • Old tech (Score:5, Funny)

    by rossdee ( 243626 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2015 @09:57PM (#50157291)

    I live in a country thats so old-fashioned they measure things in feet and inches...

core error - bus dumped
