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Encryption Security Cracking Scheme Halted 88

Colin Guillas writes "As we know, a single user posing as using a Russian supercomputer has been cracking keys in the gigakeys range... but it turns out to be a hoax, as stated by nugget himself. Also, there are clues to the identity of this cracker, as written by Maxxim Kochegarov at this site . "
This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Cracking Scheme Halted

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Running a hacked client is IMHO extremely silly. There are only three possible reasons why you'd want to run a hacked client:

    1. To get your name on top of the keyrate list. Of course, putting yourself on top is a great way to be singled-out, discovered and eliminated. If you're not going to be on top, why do it?

    2. To sabotage's operation. Why? Are you trying to find the key yourself? Better you should run the regular client, get a chance at the $1-2K prize!

    3. Just to be an asshole. I suppose there are plenty of those running around; look at all the new virii and trojans.

    Luckily, even with hundreds of hacked clients operating too slowly to be singled out, the spoofed blocks would be a small fraction of a percent of the total keyspace being processed; so the odds of finding the correct key would still be >99%.

    Now, what WOULD be devious is if the contest sponsor were to slip in a keyblock, supposedly generated randomly but giving null results for the actual solution. would then churn away in vain.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The set of puzzles that a client must solve could occasionally be "spiked" with a puzzle that is KNOWN to be solveable. The servers could watch to make sure the clients report a successful crack for these puzzles. If a client doesn't, then it's queries can be tossed as illegitamit.

    The difficult part may be creating the "puzzles" so that the spiked, known-solveable puzzles are not easily differentiable from the normal puzzles. The point is to just make a forging client more costly for a cracker that is worth it.

    The cost for would be a configurable, negligeable slice of the cracking time - I'd guess a number around one every half a million would be good.

    Something to think about for next-generation clients. Would allow to go open-source, too.

    -Pimp Daddy Root
    root (at) localhost
  • One of the letters on expressed concern that the way the database is set up, there is no way to determine which keys were faked by this person. My question is: Aren't the keys being checked in a sequental fashion? Couldn't we backup the counter a couple of days (or however long this person has been doing this) and simply repeat the last few days of work to be sure we don't miss the winning keys? Losing a few days isn't really going to hurt a project that has been running for almost 2 years now, and it will do wonders to dispel the worries people have that all of their work may be for nothing.
  • Well, it's starting. got block-spammed by a broken client, and they did the right thing. They're going to lock down their client now. The previous incident had alot of reason added on to ensure security, but now...

    You can't be too paranoid about security now.

    Spammed? Click here [] for free slack on how to fight it!
  • Why the fuck can't you lame-ass script kiddies and l33t coders just LEAVE THEM ALONE. Why in God's name do you feel you must insist on forcing everybody to be totally secure and have their networks and systems completely impervious to all the lame crap you can throw at them?

    And don't even THINK about calling yourselves "white hat" hackers here. The white-hats would try to find vulnerabilities and in quiet confidentiality contact the vulnerable with information on what they can do to fix the problems. Contrast that with the pests you moron packet kiddies consistently make of yourselves. You're not l33t or k-rad, you're fuckin' gimps. Knock it off. is doing COOL STUFF. You should be HELPING THEM reach their end goals, not pulling stupid shit like breaking their protocols and hacking up clients to "prove" to them that they're not totally secure.

    Sure, releasing it open-source will help make the client more secure. It will also expose vulnerabilities (a necessary part of that process) and will attract more l33t hax0rZ and lame-ass packet kiddies to the sport of breaking into Why do you even need to do this to begin with? So it's theoretically possible to thwart their security measures and cause trouble. So why do it?

    Whenever somebody pulls crap like this they always say, "I was doing it to show you you are vulnerable in this respect." Who the fuck cares? JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE AND LET US ALL WORK AS QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY AS WE CAN.

    Time is the enemy here. By continuing to pull this shit and "force" them to keep adding all these countermeasures against your lamity, all you're doing is HURTING the effort. You may think you're helping by forcing them to keep it secure, but you aren't.

    If you idiots would just fucking GROW UP and find something useful to do with this vast warehouse of knowledge you think you have, the world would be a much more efficient place.
  • So, you want them to open the source code so EVERYONE can run a fake client? Brilliant.
  • So this line:

    Till they throw out this stupid notion of security through obsecurity, and this idotic idea that their current methods scale I'll be running my key faker.

    was just there to make the post buzzword complient?
  • It's an interesting idea but I don't think it'd work. Suppose I run a semi-fake client. It processes keys as normal but also churns out fake key responses. In that case the client would report a successful crack for those puzzles while still swamping in fake solutions.

  • You're missing the point. Why would a hacked or fake client play by the rules and report the correct ID/MAC? They could just make one up and send it out!

    Not to mention than with some cards, you can alter your mac address.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • by Nugget94M ( 3631 ) on Sunday July 25, 1999 @07:58AM (#1785486) Homepage
    Before the speculation and misinformation get too far out of hand, I'd like to respond to the biggest issues I see raised in the threads here.

    1. We *can* detect if a client has or has not performed the work it claimed
    to perform. Right now we have the ability to pass a known positive key to
    a client, and we detect very quickly if a client returns a negative result
    for a known-positive block. Granted, this is not foolproof but it raises the
    skill required to hack a client much past the insertion of a simple JMP at
    the start of the keytesting code. Both czcrack and the russian cracked clients
    failed this test and were spotted in this way. It is not simply their
    unbelievable keyrates that allows us to tell that something is wrong.

    2. The anonymous coward who accuses us of having ego problems is correct that
    calculating and md5 hash of the decrypted strings is another way of being able
    to verify that the work was performed as claimed by a client. I don't know
    who he is, or when he claims to have submitted his code however. *shrug*
    This concept is not implemented in the current clients, but it's likely to be
    added soon. Hopefully the situation with the russian vandal will encourage
    people to upgrade to the client supporting this feature even though their
    keyrate will fall somewhat as a result. This addition is arguably quite

    3. No, we do not think that we are secure because the source is closed. I'd
    point to for the answer to the FAQ "Why is closed source?":

    "Quite truthfully, releasing binary-only clients still does not completely
    eliminate the possibility of sabotage, since it is relatively easy for any
    knowledgeable person to disassemble or patch binaries. This is actually quite a
    trivial task, so we urge you not to try. Indeed, security through obscurity is
    actually not secure at all, and we do not claim it to be such."

    More on this later, but I'd advise all the people crying for open source to
    think through their proposal. This is an unfair demand to make unless you
    have the solution to the client trust issue. Your argument is only compelling
    if it contains the solution to how an opensource client can be trusted.

    4. Full logs are kept showing who tested each block, when they tested it, what client version they used, and what CPU and OS were involved. While the stats database does not retain information at this level, the logfiles do and it is quite simple to "unflag" work performed by known spammer/vandal.

    5. Finally, the difficult truth we face is that even if we do implement
    every last suggestion. If we were to completely swing the pendulum the other
    direction and check every block twice, calculate an md5 hash of the decrypted
    texts, and implement every other suggested countermeasure to broken clients
    it still would not be sufficient to allow the client to be released as
    open source. It is false logic to equate work verification with results
    verification. Even if you prove conclusively that the client performed
    the work, you still cannot trust the answer that the client provides.
    A client could conceivably perform all the work, and provide the necessary
    hashes and checksums to prove that, yet always return a negative answer
    even if the correct key is found.

  • I think that there is another way of checking that a client is genuine. Just send a block that has been decrypted with one of the keys in the recieved field. In order for a client to be trusted it must also send back the key that decrypts the data do that block. Now a fake client could speed things up a miximum of 100% or 50% if there are 2 blocks or 25% if there are 3...
    I.e not much point in hacking the client anymore.

    Now i'd just like to say that these russians did actually increase d.ned security now didin't they?
  • The post by the head of the Russian RC5 team
    is recommended reading. I found it interesting and
    informative. On top of that, he uses better
    english than most goofs posting here :P

  • When did you send your modified client? I've been on staff for 1.5 years and havn't heard of such a client. If the client was actually open source at the time I'd guess you're talking several years ago. Who did you send the client to? Can you send me a copy?

  • No. The keys aren't being checked in sequence. IIRC, they have a pseudo-random block distribution scheme that distributes fairly evenly across the bit space. Then consider the clients that don't have internet access and only process random blocks.

  • The servers could occasionally send out some blocks that have been checked already. A client can't distinguish those from unchecked blocks. Of course, the clients would have to send back some sort of checksum for each block that could only be produced from a complete, correct process (e.g. a CRC32 of all last words obtained for all keys in the block could be calculated quickly). As far as I can tell, GIMPS uses such a scheme successfully (although the clients know when they're getting previously checked input).

    Am I missing something? Comments?

  • but - Making an opensource program will allow you to find problems. Assume the new client will send in a false signal as a mistake if it was true, what would you do about that it nobody find it in the code? What if someone finds quicker algorithms? think about it.

    Why don't you people get your facts straight before you spew this drivel?

    For the record, they HAVE "thought about it".

    The parts of the code that crack blocks *ARE* Open; you can download them from the web site, using the URL given in the message TO WHICH YOU WERE REPLYING.

    The closed parts are mostly the key exchange bits, and the disk buffer bits.

    Nobody at distributed thinks this will prevent abuse; it simply cuts down on the NUMBER of abused blocks.

    If the entire client was Open, any jackass with a C compiler and a copy of "Teach Yourself C in 53 nanoseconds" could intercept the good key or churn out crapola.

    With parts of the client closed, only the folks who care to take the time to disassemble and reverse engineer can abuse the system. It's not all that hard, but a much lower number of people will bother to do it.

    With the actual RC5 code Open, which it is, the off chance that somebody will find a faster way is accounted for.

    Get this through your head; THERE ARE SITUATIONS WHERE CLOSED SOURCE MAKES SENSE. Not many, but they exist. Read Eric Raymond's articles some time for examples.
  • Anandtech is made similar to the Slashdot team where many people who support the site support the effort. Also the hardware reviewers will rin the clients on the computers when they are not benchmarking something. But the "huge lan - more then all AnandTech" should have been "more computers then all of anandTech's team has"

  • Sorry, it's too easy to fake the ID and/or MAC. Besides, what if you had say an AMD CPU and only a modem? What would you do then?
  • hacks-or-d (not the letter d, the sound of a single d)
  • I meant crack the key, not AS the key.
    Let's assume the winning key is: 5577F332 (could it be? chances are 2^(-64) that it is).

    Cheating the winner key would be saying that 5577F332 is a bad key.
    This is the worst thing that can happed, it would force us to start the whole search from key 0.
    (many months of work for waste)

    Cheating as the winner key would be saying that key 4567AB67 (not the winner) is the winner.
    This is a very small problem.
    It will only make the computer recheck if it is the winner.
    (no more than a few cycles lost)

    The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
  • It doesn't work.
    Source code or not, you'll get cracked, you can see it now, and you will later.
    A good example of security through obscurity is ICQ,
    and a good example of secure open source product is PGP (and GnuPG).

    Your claim is that people will work, but when the key is found they will report it as a false one,
    claiming the reward.
    It is possible, I agree, but it is also possible now.

    but - Making an opensource program will allow you to find problems.
    Assume the new client will send in a false signal as a mistake if it was true, what would you do about that it nobody find it in the code?
    What if someone finds quicker algorithms?
    think about it.

    Last thing, you contridict yourself.
    If you can autodetect cracks,
    how come you don't know if all the other people in the russian dude's team are fakes as well?
    (you cut them off, appearantly)
    Why did you have to talk to that guy (which was already detected to be a cracker)?

    The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
  • by BiGGO ( 15018 ) on Sunday July 25, 1999 @06:11AM (#1785498) Homepage
    You can't know who is making false keys.
    That russian dude was both smart and stupid.
    Technicly, he was smart enough to hack the client. Bravo to him on that.
    But he was stupid enough to make gigakeys.
    (assuming he did not want to get caught, just bring his team the honor of a high keyrate)

    The problem is that many people could have cheated without raising suspicion.
    Instead of doing 200 packets per day, they now do 5000, which is quite good, but not good enough to be noticed.
    They might have reversed engineered the client,
    that it will act as several users, each with a thousand or so keys.
    So the cracker pretends to be 200 users, each with ~1000/day and joins them in a team,
    he has a team of 200kpackets/day, and that's a lot.

    AnandTech can be just that too.
    (sorry if they are not this is an example)
    One sudden say they passed slashdot with one user who is the daily number 1.
    Is he legit? How come it was so sudden?
    How did he dare passing team slashdot? ;-)

    The problem is that "it's not cheating unless you get caught".
    And who knows the actual "winner" key could have been cheated and we're working for nothing. :-(

    A solution is to request the client to do another task on the packet (or a part of it),
    that is very fast in one way (nanoseconds) and a bit slower on the other (few seconds), like hashing.
    It will only slow the actual keybreaking by 1%,
    but cheaters will need to solve the hashing challange as well.
    (though if they crack the client well, they can "speed up" by about 100 times)

    The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
  • Incidentally, how do you pronounce that? Hacks-or?

    (b/c it would sound kind of silly for CNN et. al. to say, "The FBI's servers were hacksored again today")
  • "Cheating," in this case, doesn't mean finding the correct key; it's saying to, "I've checked this big set of blocks, and the winning key isn't in any of them." Everyone is scored on how many blocks they've checked, and at what rate, so "cheating" will bump up your score.

    Aye, you can bet if anyone did have the winning key, they wouldn't bother toying with They'd call up RSA in a heartbeat, and get the money and fame :-)
  • Yes, I see how the most economically, militarily, and politically powerful country on earth is "crippled." Not to mention the scientific and cultural influence of the US (assuming thats what you are talking about). I simply fail to understand how the US is crippled.
  • As far as I know, it is possible to remove all keys tested by a person from the database. this is supported by this post [] by nugget. In it he states:

    "4. Full logs are kept showing who tested each block, when they tested it, what client version they used, and what CPU and OS were involved. While the stats database does not retain information at this level, the logfiles do and it is quite simple to "unflag" work performed by known spammer/vandal"

  • But, if you checked even 1% of the keys by reissuing then to check their validity, you'd detect cheaters before they made the project miss the real key and have to start all over again, possible taking two or three times as long as otherwise.

    So, 1-2% more cpu for security vs 100-n00% more for failure.

    Security would be fairly simple. Simply require a CRC of the results of each block. CRCs are fast, and wouldn't slow the clients much. Then, would redistribute a certain percentage of keys at random and check that both users returned the same CRC. If they didn't match, then itself would crack that block and kick out the user whose CRC theirs didn't match.

    Something like this (basing a CRC on the results of the proper cracking, like CRCing the first 4 bytes of the resulting 'plaintext') would force people to actually try the keys, and since there's no faster way to crack than by running the client (that we've yet discovered, or the client would be using it) you guarantee that people are actually doing the work.

    And this method wouldn't depend at all on security by obscurity, and would allow them to open-source the client, if they desired.
  • This was essentially my suggestions (farther up in the thread).

    Compared to RC5 cracking, CRCing is relatively free. So simply have the client CRC the last four bytes of the message they decrypt for all the keys in the block.

    By requiring a CRC for all the tried-decryptions keeps someone from only doing every fifth key (or whatever) and by requiring the CRC to be of the *last* bytes in the string, you force them to decrypt the whole thing (or at least as far as the regular client does to report a failure).

    Then yes, record the CRCs you get on every hundredth packet or so, and send it out to someone else to check. When the results come back, if they don't match, one of the people is a cheater.

    This sort of double-checking should have been in there from the beginning, to guard against bugs, if not cheaters. Only makes good sense to spend a little time making sure you're not wasting a lot.
  • Well, if there's only one correct key, and they're searching for it, it may be a bit hard to send that key to multiple machines...

    I believe that the test is done by encrypting known plaintext, which is always the same, with a secret key, so the plaintext and cyphertext would be wired into the client, or at least sent infrequently.

    The only way to include a known correct key would be to include a new plaintext of cyphertext with the keys so that one of them would properly decrypt it, but a 'smart' cracked client could simply watch for the plaintext or cyphertext to change and then actually start doing the work properly...
  • Correct on the double-checking... It is trivial, if they try, to notice people sending back unchecked-negatives. And it's also a good test to make sure the system is working properly.

    The problem is false-negatives. I hadn't even thought of the economic benefits involved in this, just from the cracker angle of people wanting to screw up the project.

    The only way I can see to solve this is cryptographically... bear with me.

    The point of the contest is to find the *1* key that will turn the cyphertext into the plaintext. Both are (obviously) known to the client and, most likely, hardcoded in. (I mean, the cyphertext changes once per contest, and the plaintext doesn't change at all, right?)

    So, it's impossible to send a fake winning key to a client because you'd have to send a new cyphertext as well. Even if the cyphertext is sent with every block, it would be the same for the other 999 of 1000 blocks, so the client just watches for the cyphertext to change and then calculates properly for a while to catch the fake winning key and then continues cheating.

    The other way to cheat is to crack properly, and thus pass all tests, but halt when the winning key is found, without telling Then just silently return a fake CRC and hope it doesn't get checked, or stop cracking, turn in the answer, and try to say that you were running a personal cracking attempts, which though unlikely to succeed, has to be allowable...

    So, it's impossible to send fake winning keys without having already solved the contest, and cheaters don't have to report a win...

    So, what to do? Well, I didn't invent RC5 so I don't know how something like this would work, but...

    Is there a way to hash the cyphertext AND the plaintext in such a way that the same key will decrypt then as worked on the unhashed pair?

    This would allow to send a plaintext and cyphertext pair to each client that the client would be unable to determine as the real cypertext/plaintext pair. The client would still determine for itself if the key was correct or not, but it wouldn't know if it found the real k/c/p, or a dummy. This would make them return all positive results, because most (if not all) positives that any client generated would be tests, not the real thing...

    But, just eliminating unchecked negatives (via some dual testing) drop the number of cracked significantly. I mean, how many crackers are going to bother running the rc5 client for months, just for a one in a few million chance of being able to screw it up? I think most crackers would want slightly more gratification. Especially since it's not like they could even take credit for it later if it was (by some huge fluke) them who missed the key the first time around. There's no payoff at all, either positive or negative attention.

    On the subject of people finding better ways to crack... It's the algorithm, as interpretted on the computer, that would be enhanced, not the actual algorithm. It's always possible to tweak something with some hand-coded assembly.

    Also, to quickly answer a thread about crypto checking the client... Neat idea, but it doesn't work. It's just more layers to be hacked through, and if you make it that interesting, you'll attract more hackers looking for a challenge along with the crackers. The only way crypto can be used to verify the client is if both end users ( and the person running the client) are cooperating to stop a hypothetical third party in the middle, and in this case, MD5 hashes of the client keep hacked clients from being substituted for the real thing.
  • Eh? Erm, no.

    First, as some people already said, that stuff is easy to fake. But more importantly: there are plenty of distributed clients which don't have MACs or Intel IDs.

    What good will a MAC do if a computer doesn't have Ethernet? What if it has multiple Ethernets? What if the MAC has been reused? (I think vendors have done this, even though they're not supposed to...) What if you're IP Masquerading through just one MAC? What if the Ethernet isn't the connection used to connect to the net? (Hmmm... I'm still using modems, how about you?)

    As for the Intel IDs, this would apply to a small portion of the clients. What if someone doesn't have a BigBrother make CPU? I don't have any which do...

    All of these considerations apply to me. I run clients through my personal proxy. Only one is Intel. I also have Macs, and a K6-3 Linux box. I have clients which don't have a MAC address... So, none of this would work for me, nor would I want it to. I mean, really... until everybody has the same computer and network connection... :)

  • Why not release the source in encrypted form. Then we can start another distributed computing project to decrypt it ;)

  • it wouldn't be hard for them to say "sample" say, one in one thousand keys. Have the client send back the results for one out of every 1000, or 10,000, and check to see it the algorithem was implemented. Or even have it send back every cracked block, and check one in 100. I'm sure there are ways to verify the stuff.

    besides why would someone want to write a hacked client and then *not* get an insainly high score? I mean, what would be the point? There are only 3 reasons to hack/crack/h4x0r antention, money, or beacuse you belive your target is moraly wrong. Now I don't see how you would get money for hacking, and I really doubt anyone would be moraly opposed to (the NSA?) and how would slowly and silently cracking away at get you attention?
    "Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
  • by delmoi ( 26744 )
    Yes, China is a rich and powerfull contry

    did you know that there entire millitary budget is less than the *increase* in the US's budget? (While clintion is "cutting" funding, he's probably just "decreasing the increase")

    I don't know if the US could win a strate war with china at this point, but i don't belive that China is in anyway better then us as far as Sciance/tech

    damn, this is *really* offtopic...
    "Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
  • I mean, what would be the point? There are only 3 reasons to hack/crack/h4x0r antention, money, or beacuse you belive your target is moraly wrong.

    There is one additional motivation that some people have that you overlooked: the desire to cause damage for absolutely no reason. Some people simply take pleasure in destroying a legitamite project.
  • 2. To sabotage's operation. Why? Are you trying to find the key yourself? Better you should run the regular client, get a chance at the $1-2K prize!

    A big point of the RSA contests is to show just how crackable weak encryption is, to push for legalization of strong encryption. There are several groups who wish to argue otherwise. Since I am an American, one of those groups is on my payroll, as it were (not that I agree with them).

    While I doubt that is currently happening, there are entities with opportunity, motive, and weapon to do this sort of thing to protect the encryption status quo.

  • I know you privacy activists will get me for this. But lets say encodes the intel processor ids/mac address within each key block.
    Since each individual machine would have a unique id, you can check if the same machine is returning unfeasible amounts of say 3000 blocks/processor/day.
  • I think the people who run the fake clients have lost the sense of purpose behind this whole thing.

    Exactly. I think that too many people are joining these distributed-computing projects, not to help out the cause, but to see their names up there on the big result board. It's all just a game to them, a big competition to see who has the most CPU power. And viewing it from that angle makes it "logical" to throw a spanner in the works and show the world how k-rad & l33t you are.


  • Another less-publicized event happened recently when a well-known cracking group threatened to release a cracked client as leverage to force us to adopt their opensource philosophies.
    Erp! I think those people need to take some hints from the Linux Advocacy HOWTO. Not that they are necessarily using Linux, but extortion isn't good PR for open-source in general.
  • So, your the same guy as the poster of the much disputed comment #9.

    First, why post as an AC? This anonymous thing doesn't do much good for your credibility.

    Second, you seem very pissed because DCTI didn't listen to you over a year ago. handle sticking name in credits, the must know everything I guess

    Why this attitude? As suggested, write the white paper. Hang out in #distributed on EFnet, maybe submit your ideas again. You seem very interested in distributed computing/security, otherwise you wouldn't have taken the effort to rewrite that v1 client. If you really want to see DCTI to go forward, be more helpful and cooperative. Afterall, even DCTI is only human and it's possible your suggestion just slipped through.
  • This [] is why most people are in here...
  • You have some valid points here... In the gaming world the rule is Never, ever trust the client! has made a game out of this with the scoring and has thereby introduced a new set of incentives that are inconsistent with the stated goal.

    I have to agree with your point about the stupidity of "security through obscurity". Your point about them being able to spot bogus blocks is almost certainly true. Unless they have a very lightweight crosscheck algorithm that is insignificant relative to the workload, then they are at best exagerating. The idea that there is a certain shortcut crosscheck, as opposed to a sampling approach of course, suggests a major cryptographic weakness itself.

    For a "flamebait" comment, you have a hell of an argument. ;)

    But the question still remains: What is the solution you recommended? Post it here for a little friendly peer review.
  • I missed that your suggestion *was* to have them do a sampling based on the result. Sorry. Of course, the overhead here rises with the confidence level they seek... A solution, but a costly one. Have you done the math on just how big a performance hit this would entail?
  • Yeah, I was confused by that, too.
    The .plan file cleared everything up, though.
  • The /. article and title were very confusing. I would've picked a better wording myself. As an anon. user pointed out, it's the cracking OF that's being halted. Read the .plan for more info.
  • I'm not too clear as to how exactly this works, and correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be impossible to 'cheat' the winning key since it would have to be cracked so that you know it's the winning key?
  • Yeah, but isn't it only the person and team that get the winning key that actually win anything?
  • Hey all,

    Doesn't this remind you of the old school phrase "Don't let one person ruin it for you all" ? It's a shame that the phrase rings so true here. Thankfully, according to the finger, no harm has been done, but it just goes to show that at the end of the day there are always people out there to harm.

    The user in question said that he did it to prove it could be done. Whilst this is the main point of the hacker ethic (as in the true meaning), why did he/she/it decide to actually use the thing ? He could have posted it to distributed net with a little explanation highlighting the weaknesses and thus helping them out no end, I'm sure... although perhaps I wrong...
  • I understand that by "cryptographically blessed", you mean a client that sends a "secure" hash based on its own binary and on a challenge from the server.

    The problem with this approach is that it can be defeated easily by keeping both the correct and the broken clients around. The broken client would be the one that actually runs, and the correct one would merely be used as data to compute the "secure" hash.

  • Why not occasionally fire off a known good and known bad key to each client? Clients that fail the test could then automatically have their results removed from the database. Repeat the test a few times each day on every client, or every Nth +/- some random value key. Do this regardless of whether you go open-source or not, since security through obscurity isn't. But then, since you have a decent double-checking measure in place, go open source since the security issue is the only reason not to.
  • And I don't want to waste my CPU time checking other peoples work. My CPU time is worth more than that! :).

  • It is's official position that security through obscurity doesn't work to prevent this type of crack--sending back blocks without checking them--and I think they do actually believe that, especially since it's now been done several times. It's worth noting that they do have a scheme to check this sort of thing--i.e. sending a known positive to the suspected client and seeing if it returns a negative or not.

    A couple things to note about this scheme:

    1) Apparently at this point the key word here is suspected: they only test someone with suspicious activity (say, returning 800,000 blocks a day on a chip which will not be built for several years). Of course, other than the drop in rate, there's no reason I can see why they don't check on everyone every once in a while.

    2) Many people have suggested a checking scheme based on hashing negative results--essentially sending some portion of the blocks out to two people and seeing if they get the "same" negative result. Nugget says that he realizes this is a better idea and will incorporate it into the next client.

    Ok, fine. But I think the reason they haven't incorporated a hash check yet is not, as has been suggested, because they can't stand to lose any speed (people around here have been throwing around figures like 20%). If I understand all the issues correctly (a big if, but still), they only need to double check every, say, 1000 blocks or so in order to get a handle on most any cheating. After all, even someone who bothered running a "covert" hacked client--one that would report blocks fast, but not so fast as to arouse suspicion--would still report at least 1000 blocks a day. Double checking 1/1000 blocks would only slow things down by .1% but would deter anyone from not checking their blocks, IMO.

    No, what I think is more worried about is someone who cracks the client--or, as is, in their thinking (and I have to say mine too), more likely, modifies an open source client--to send out a negative when it gets the winning key, and notify the computer user instead. Then they just report the answer to RC5 themselves, and get $10,000 instead of $2000. loses $2000--$2000 which, I would hope we all agree, they deserve--and some worthy charity loses $6000.

    First off, the hash checking scheme wouldn't catch this, although the known positive scheme would (or might, depending on what exactly it means for them to send a known positive block, and how this differs from a winning block).

    And second off, I hope I'm wrong, but I have this feeling that such an abuse would be much more widespread with an open source client.

    As for the other drawbacks of open sourcing, there's the issue of reliability--how do you know someone's altered client isn't giving off incorrect results because they didn't understand the changes they made? Without checking of both kinds--known positive and hash--we'd never know. Hence open source means they have to double check results way more often than is necessary now.

    There's the issue of rival servers to popping up, taking's share of the prize and making coordinating unchecked blocks more complicated.

    And finally there's the best reason not to open source: it works fine already. Somebody here suggested that an open source client might find a better checking algorithm. Again, I'm not expert on RC5, but from my understanding of it, there is no better algorithm. After all, the specs to RC5 encryption are public domain, and have always been so. If a better algorithm does come along (very unlikely, but possible), it'll come from a mathmetician, not some random guy on /.
  • Excellent suggestion. Only you only rerun (say) 1/128 of the blocks submitted by someone, if they disagree, run it three times more, whoever is not in the majority gets their stats auto-nuked, (and a log entry so that teams with many players get their team stats auto-nuked tool.)

    Its almost fully automatic, only requires wasting at most 5% of the processing time. and cheaters will eventually get automatically caught.

  • Turn off personal statistics forever. That'll solve the ego boosting problem.

    It won't solve the cracking the program for fun problem though...
  • First off, it already is "open source." The only part of the client not publically available is the buffer handling and the key server communications code.

    All the cores are available to anyone who wants them. There is nothing stoping anyone from building their own client and finding the solution themselves.

    As for the comments of people "hijacking" the correct solution, go read the rules for the contest as per RSA. They are going to want full disclosure of how you got the correct answer. I'd like to see how someone would get a hijacked answer past RSA.

    The hashing/crc ideas have been around for a long time. Yes, it would eat some processing time -- how much is open for debate. But someone would still have to go back and verify the results at some point. That's about the only way to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. (It also adds a little extra verification to make sure the actual core(s) are working correctly. It's happened before.)

    For the record, I know of no one ever braking the RSA public key verification ("blessing") for any nettrek client. (In theory, it's not that difficult. And every line of that source code has been public for ever.)

    Rule #1: There is no such thing as "secure."
  • The FBI can bust people for sending bad blocks?

    I wasn't aware laws were being broken. It's mean-spirited but is it illegal?
  • I could be wrong... but hasn't the guy been up for over 600 days? do the math wizard thats pretty much 2 years...
  • "They deserve it" ??? I don't think so. I think you're forgetting that it is a voluntary thing. Nothing is requiring you to lend your CPU time to them.

    I think the people who run the fake clients have lost the sense of purpose behind this whole thing. It's to try and do something no one has ever done before, showing the government how encryption is something that can't be treated like nuclear technologies (I'm talking about the US government's ban on exporting high-level encryption software).

    Just my $0.02 anyway...

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
