The eBayla Virus 81
An anonymous reader linked us a
Tasty Bit from
Tasty Bits about the eBayla virus: an auction item that
contains some Java Script that will email your private eBay
info to the creator of the auction. Eek.
Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
How does it reproduce? (Score:1)
Increasing bid amounts (Score:1)
1) increases the amount bid before the form is submitted.
2) just tells someone else what the proxy limit is. (Imagine, you submit your bid, and cracker_foobar is right up there, bidding one dollar below your limit. Gee, someone seems to know a lot about what I'm willing to pay.) You could get away with this scam for ages. I wonder who is already doing this...
Increasing bid amounts (Score:1)
It's not too hard to find out. Just do an eBay search of item descriptions for javascript and examine any item that doesn't seem to have anything to do with web design. I just tried this and of the 143 matches, several items were mysteriously cancelled by eBay, but there was one very recently added item that included the ebayla code.
eBay is gonna have to fix this quick or get in the habit of manually checking all of their auctions for dodgy javascript, but for a web company worth billions they sure don't seem to invest much of it in web design expertise.
And they're threatening the guy? (Score:2)
eBay is being ridiculous (also pigheaded and stupid and arrogant and other such things), threatening the guy who found the hole for them. When that sort of thing happens you fall on your feet fixing it, and then you (discreetly) fall on your feet thanking who found it.
If they were to take action against the finder (presumably to protect their own asses), they might find what it's like to get the derision of the broadly-variable security reseach field; that ranges from negative mention in papers few people read to script-kiddie holocaust.
Annoying too that the media's calling this a "virus," which it isn't, not even close.
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
Maybe you can point to a page that uses Javascript effectivly to enhance the experiance. I'd like to see what you consider "making the page better for you".
Re: Javascript (Score:3)
It seems to me that 50% of the Javascript on the web is used to hilite a link when you move your cursor over it, which I think is absolutely useless. My cursor already changes when I move it over a link, and loading a button twice just to have it reinforce the cursor change is not how I want to spend my time.
Another 40% of the Javascript code out there opens annoying, useless "consoles" that take valuble screen space and rarely have any sort of meat to them.
The last 10% is a mixed bag consisting of opening up a homepage to a site when you leave the site (Really really irritating ones force you to kill the browser to get off the site); making forms more "interactive", where the most frequent offender is the pulldown menu that automatically jumps to whatever you select, nevermind if you get it wrong or don't have Javascript. Frequently these pages omit the "submit" button as well, irritating Lynx users to no end.
As if this isn't bad enough, Javascript is not exactly a solid standard, with Netscape and Microsoft implementing their own set of bugs and incompatibilities into each version of their browsers. "But this works on my machine at home and in the lab!".
In conclusion: Javascript does not add enough value to my web surfing experiance to counterbalance all of the negative issues associated with it. >/RANT<
ebay & windows (Score:1)
It's always been my personal opinion that Ebay and windows are alot alike-- hundreds of fun-filled security holes and error messages wrapped up in a nice GUI.
But maybe that's just me.
"He was dead when i got there, i swear!"
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
I bet to differ...
In my case, http://members.tripod.com/mystop
I make 20-30 forms with javacript in less than 9k of code. If you do it with those tags you will probably trible the size. I know it's just 27k, but it DOES make webpage a lot faster, especially with huge tables. (And yes, a huge table make more sense and faster than click click, when you want to check some company's inventory.)
(Some of the forms don't work, I'm too lazy.)
Do you need JS to do this? (Score:1)
I havn't check the original "trojan", but I kind of get the idea of it. However, I remember that I could use absolute positioning in ebay. (but I didn't use "top:0; left:0" So I'm not sure if you can cover the top!)
Make a fake bidding form is quite easy, simply send the form to your server side and redirect the user back to the actual confirmation page. And then you use or at the end to dump the real submit form. (even if you can't dump the real submit form, some bidder will still stupid enough to submit the upper form!!)
Do you need JS to do this? -corrected! (Score:1)
I havn't check the original "trojan", but I kind of get the idea of it. However, I remember that I could use absolute positioning in ebay. (but I didn't use "top:0; left:0" So I'm not sure if you can cover the top!)
Make a fake bidding form is quite easy, simply send the form to your server side and redirect the user back to the actual confirmation page. And then you use "commemt" or "table" tag at the end to dump the real submit form. (even if you can't dump the real submit form, some bidder will still stupid enough to submit the upper form!!)
WebTV (Score:1)
What about the poor bastards using WebTV. Does the WebTV browser support javascript fully enough to be vulnerable to this? And if so, can they disable javascript in their WebTV units?
Javascript (Score:1)
I only allow the banks I use online (IE, they have my money) to use javascript or use cookies. I wish they didn't require javascript though so that I could use lynx which is prefered.
Everyone else, you don't need javascript. (I'll allow java if I'm in netscape which I'm not, only because java is designed for security) I allow a few sites like /. a cookie, but unless you accually do something that needs a cookie you don't get one. (Yes I know cookies are relativly secure)
Where on my HD is eBay info stored? Its not... (Score:1)
Or just have it send to the address of someone you don't like, who's email account you have managed to break into.
How does it reproduce? (Score:1)
The demo isn't properly a virus, but it is possible (but difficult) to make it one. It is not inconcievable to have a script look at any auctions the user may have, and change the description to include the virus code. To me, that would make it a true virus.
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
Javascript is not a guarentee by the end user
(whether he has turned it off, or is using
a browser without it).
Mind you, JavaScript can be used nicely
to enhance a page, but requiring people to
use Javascript to navigate your pages is
a *Bad* thing.
Plus, with all the different implementations out
there (notice that some browsers have to fake
their identity to get JS to work right), and
with the potental security loopholes out there,
JavaScript is just not a good thing right now.
It can be if the browser makers buckled down
and secured it, but I don't see that happening
for a while.
Moral is is to use JavaScript as additional
flavor to a page, but not as a requirement
to use it.
Next time, try this... (Score:1)
Methinks I have to use Preview too (Score:1)
Call it a trojan, but we can make it a virus (Score:1)
If you want to make it a virus, perhaps a two part virus, have it or the other part(back home) scan ebay for items for sale(modifiable pages) owned by the person who's ID you just stole. If they have any such pages, log in and modify them to include the viral code.
Then try to log in to their isp, a few good guesses based on their personal data and I bet more than half have matching passwords. See if they have any home pages, edit them to include the viral code...
To those who say this isn't a virus... (Score:1)
Say I run the trojan on my auction. It steals your password. I've programmed it to create more auctions, supposedly by you, that also steal your password and send it to me...It spreads for every person that bids. Wouldn't it be a virus then?
My $.02
Where on my HD is eBay info stored? Its not... (Score:1)
-mike kania
Unfortunate play on words, in fact... (Score:1)
I always regard it as a goof-up when I find I've left my JavaScript turned on in Netscape for no particular reason...
Bravo, news.com (Score:1)
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
It's not the only security hole... (Score:1)
In any case, I rarely have Javascript enabled (I've yet to see any use for it that makes it worthwhile, and plenty that make it a nuisance) and can't possibly imagine why an auction item would require Javascript to describe it.
The obvious solution to eBayla is to disallow Javascript in auction descriptions -- unfortunately I think the folks at eBay are too busy counting their money to actually do something to make the system better.
Name a play on words? (Score:2)
Ebola virus = eBayla virus, etc.
I know I'm being pedantic, but a lot of people are griping about the inaccuracy...
Jay (=
News.com's version (Score:2)
http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,353 21,00.html [news.com]
The summary about eBay's response:
eBay acknowledged that the JavaScript exploit works, but minimized its importance.
"We know it's there, but you have to put it all in perspective," said eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove. "We have a very open environment that lets individuals describe what they're selling, and JavaScript is there so people can make the best of their abilities to describe an item."
-- Bryan Feir
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
JavaScript is safe, except when idiots like eBay make it unsafe.
Run that by me once again: If I connect to eBay they somehow replace my browser's "safe" Javascript engine with an "unsafe" one?
If a technology can be (ab)used for "unsafe" purposes, it is by extension unsafe. Computer security at whatever level cannot be based on the assumption that everybody will use technology in a safe manner, and not try to do nasty things to you.
(It's a bit like the CERT/CC stuff in the late 80s/early 90s: Largely only Sun actually admitted their holes and bugs to them. Did that mean other Unix vendors had bug- and hole-free implementations? No, they just didn't want the "exposure". This meant that hackers knew the holes (like Ultrix' "finger @@"), while administrators not necessarily learnt of it.)
It's a good thing such things get out - what would eBay have said if the whole mess was discovered at a much later date, and a bunch of people sued them instead?
Dear Ebay: Easy fix (Score:1)
Really f***ing ignorant, ebay
yet another perl + CGI + html guy
The PERL quick fix (Score:1)
I said it was quick
type corrections and more! (Score:1)
g for all occourances
i for ignore case, as in""
on the first i forgot the "... the >'s is also necessary (think "I've got a script!!!
Absolute last. Preview is there for a reason. (Score:1)
Slashdot stripped br and script tags in post too! (Score:1)
eBay not the problem (Score:1)
This is not a virus! (Score:1)
The point is that the victim has to be STUPID enough to enter their password.
This is a classic case of a "social" or "psychological" hack. It does not rely on the cunning or skill of the programmer, it relies on the gullibility of the victim.
And they're threatening the guy? (Score:1)
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
Where on my HD is eBay info stored? Its not... (Score:1)
What about people who are not members? You don't have to be an eBay member to view an auction, and even if you are a member, you don't have you sign in unless you are placing a bid.
Am I missing something? This just doesn't add up. I think we've been the victims of another virus hoax.
- CokeBear
"It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence."
W. K. Clifford, "The Ethics of Belief" p. 282
Personal info has intrinsic value? (Score:1)
Heehee, ha ha! (Score:2)
But wouldn' it be funny if this guy logged on to eBay and offered this javascript for sale? Include a snippet of code, with the guarantee that the script isn't active, and sell to the highest bidder?
eBay would really have to get their butts in gear quick!
I hope he doesn't have to suffer for his service to humanity.
Where on my HD is eBay info stored? Its not... (Score:1)
Am I missing something?
The way it works is that when you type in your username/passwd in order to make the bid, the JScript sends that to the originator and passes the bid info on to eBay. So, it's more like a Trojan.
To turn this into a real virus, take the username/passwd combos you have collected, use them to log in and modify that user's auction pages to include the JScript, and it starts to spread...Do it automatically, and there's a problem. How long before that?
The answer here! (Score:1)
Yes JScript could be used to make a virus, cept I think it would take alot of work and alot of code. It would be interesting to see if someone is developement in one, the code would be outragious.
"The pen is mighter than the sword... But what if you can't write?"
Re: Javascript (Score:2)
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
As a web developer, I like JavaScript becuase it makes my life a lot easier.
People who somehow think cookies and JavaScript can get your credit card number and steal your girlfriend just don't get it. JavaScript is safe, except when idiots like eBay make it unsafe. Their press relase just underlines that they don't get it either.
Javascript (Score:2)
okay so its not a virus... (Score:1)
Re: Javascript (Score:1)
Yes! I turned javascript off and noticed a minimum order of magnitude speed increase. Plus, I got a nice side benefit... geo* type sites are bearable again to view. I don't really miss it.
Additionally, a good website will make allowances to those stuck with "less-capable" (older) browsers. If I'm stuck with a link that's a "click-through" or a "pick your site", it's all a nice View Source away.
Only problems are that Netscape doesn't support Cascading Style Sheets with javascript off, oddly, and that the "Break out of these frames" link sometimes works (from people who can't seem to realize that off site links should break out of the frames itself).
Bravo, news.com (Score:1)
Kudos to news.com for including that. I run into way too many people who confuse Javascript with Java.
The name "Javascript" was coined as a marketing tool to allow a scripting language (originally "liveconnect"?) to ride on the coattails of the Java programming language. Unfortunately, IMHO, the association has harmed the Java programming language.
This is not a virus! (Score:1)
I'm not sure which link you followed, but the one I followed explained quite clearly that just the simple matter of placing a bid on an auction (which requires your Ebay user name and password) would e-mail that same information to the person who had placed the script in the auction - with no warning to you. No special screens you wouldn't normall see on Ebay, no social engineering work required and no extra time taken.
Nothing to warn you that something other than an ordinary auction bid has just taken place.
If you are familiar with the way Ebay works this is easy to follow.
And they're threatening the guy? (Score:1)
It certainly doesn't appear that way to me... but then I read the article...
Ever hear of the phrase "shoot the messenger" - this is exactly what ebay is doing...
eBay Support... (Score:1)
Initially I got back a very misinformed response recommending that I change my password. I finally (3 emails later) got them to understnad what I was talking about, and they claim that they are working on a JS filter and will have the status posted to:
http://www2.ebay.com/aw/announce.shtml [ebay.com]
I also cautioned them against prosecuting blue_adept, since that wouldn't be very good for them in a PR sense...
Hopefully they listen.
Where on my HD is eBay info stored? Its not... (Score:1)
Back out of auctions (Score:2)
How do they intend to determine whether the bid was entered legitimately?
Seems like a wide open excuse for someone who does want to back out "Wasn't me who entered that bid. Must be that eBayla 'virus.'"
Dumb decision on eBay's part. If they decide not to allow JavaScript they won't PO that many customers, but the press over this virus sure will.
Today hostile code is intrusive, not desctructive (Score:1)
Bottom Line: This is just the beginning! I am sure we'll see much more code like this in the near future. No straightforward fix in sight! So better know the tools you are using!
Get tough with eBay. (Score:1)
Amongst the "cute" ideas I've read about below (that all seem immediately technically and socially possible):
- Virus idea. Take each login/pw pair and introduce new JavaScript bids that spread further.
- Redirection. No reason you can't take someone away from eBay, put up a "duplicate" site that requests credit-card info. Very few users regularly check their current address or security information, especially with a "well-known" site like eBay.
- Bid stealing. Immediately send information about bids to a third-party, which can be used to drive up the price to the maximum any user is willing to bid.
- Bid modification. Change all bids and triple the submitted price. With eBay's anal standards about bid-retrieval, this could be a major hassle.
Sheer stupidity. Whoever is in charge of their public relations/technical departments REALLY dropped the ball today (and whenever they decided that JavaScript was somehow necessary and acceptable in auction descriptions).
Get tough with eBay. (Score:2)
Amongst the "cute" ideas I've read about below (that all seem immediately technically and socially possible):
- Virus idea. Take each login/pw pair and introduce new JavaScript bids that spread further.
- Redirection. No reason you can't take someone away from eBay, put up a "duplicate" site that requests credit-card info. Very few users regularly check their current address or security information, especially with a "well-known" site like eBay.
- Bid stealing. Immediately send information about bids to a third-party, which can be used to drive up the price to the maximum any user is willing to bid.
- Bid modification. Change all bids and triple the submitted price. With eBay's anal standards about bid-retrieval, this could be a major hassle.
Sheer stupidity. Whoever is in charge of their public relations/technical departments REALLY dropped the ball today (and whenever they decided that JavaScript was somehow necessary and acceptable in auction descriptions).
Common Reaction to Security holes... (Score:1)
I guess it just means they have to spend money to fix it that they could otherwise channel to thier already swollen profits.
Bravo, news.com (Score:1)
more info on the bug (Score:1)
creator of the ebayla bug. I noticed
that the only link mentioned in the article
is to http://tbtf.com. That site updates itself daily... a static source of information on the bug is http://www.because-we-can.com
Netscape 4.x/ Linux (Score:1)
Re: Disabling Javascript (Score:1)
Forget all the arguing- the very existance of a JavaScript virus that can cause ANY kind of damage or problem, PROVES that JavaScript is NOT secure, and is useless crap anyway.
I've NEVER seen a need or reason to use it.
You probably love those infernal, stupid, waste of 'net bandwidth background images that just make reading a major eyesore. I hope people start suing web developers who use busy background images for carpal tunnel retina.
I bet you also use lots of equally stupid moving gifs. Whoever invented them should be put in stocks until 2030.
I keep images off, Java off, and JavaScript off, and I'm a much happier surfer.
NT (Score:1)