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Slashdot Gaining in RC5

Garrett Goebel wrote in to tell us that Slashdot is right behind Evangelista in distributed.net's RC5 competition. "Team Slashdot.org is pulling up in a challenge for first place in the daily rankings. If just a few more people would download the client and join up, then first place is ours! Not to mention that we're poised to jump to 6th place in the overall rankings. Daily rankings can be found at: link Get the Client at link Slashdot is team 1365. ". The "invicible" Evangelista (due to how good PowerPCs are at cracking RC5) may be overtaken yet. You can find out how to join here.
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Slashdot Gaining in RC5

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It was kinda like stuffing the wrong card in a computer, when you're stickin' those artificial stimulants in your arm. -- Dion, noted computer scientist
