Skipjack Analyzed
For one last article to round out a day of crypto, Python sent us a link to an important story for you encryption advocates out there.
"Eli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Orr Dunkelman, Eran Richardson and Adi Shamir have conducted an initial cryptanalysis of the SkipJack (of clipper fame) algorithm. In short, they say "SkipJack does not have a conservative design with a large margin of safety." In IMHO, this is just another example of why you can't trust big brother to dictate what crypto we can and can not use.
The entirety of their research is available at: link " I don't know if I'm more surprised or disgusted. It very much reminds me
of the "cathedral" style of development. Other than that, I think Python said it all...
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Skipjack Analyzed
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