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HPE Investigating Breach Claims After Hacker Offers To Sell Data ( 3

The notorious hacker IntelBroker claims to have stolen data from HPE systems, including source code, private repositories, digital certificates, and access to certain services. SecurityWeek reports: The compromised data allegedly includes source code for products such as Zerto and iLO, private GitHub repositories, digital certificates, Docker builds, and even some personal information that the hacker described as "old user PII for deliveries." IntelBroker is also offering access to some services used by HPE, including APIs, WePay, GitHub and GitLab. Contacted by SecurityWeek, HPE said it's aware of the breach claims and is conducting an investigation.

"HPE became aware on January 16 of claims being made by a group called IntelBroker that it was in possession of information belonging to HPE. HPE immediately activated our cyber response protocols, disabled related credentials, and launched an investigation to evaluate the validity of the claims," said HPE spokesperson Adam R. Bauer. "There is no operational impact to our business at this time, nor evidence that customer information is involved," Bauer added.

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HPE Investigating Breach Claims After Hacker Offers To Sell Data

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  • The problem with this companies is that lots of users leave and they never bother to automatically revoke access. When these break ins happen, they have no clue until they are public and by then the accounts used are no longer needed.
  • "Digital certificates" seems like the item that's of most potential interest. Sure, in terms of what pitiful reporting requirements there are some accounts payable information from 5 years ago is the part that people will fret about and HPE will deny; but for a company that has its fingers in a fair amount of UEFI and BMC firmware the question of exactly what certificates they aren't keeping a tight leash on seems more relevant.
  • How can I blame Donald Trump for this?

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.
