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Businesses AI Security

Startup Can Identify Deepfake Video In Real Time ( 5

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Real-time video deepfakes are a growing threat for governments, businesses, and individuals. Recently, the chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations mistakenly took a video call with someone pretending to be a Ukrainian official. An international engineering company lost millions of dollars earlier in 2024 when one employee was tricked by a deepfake video call. Also, romance scams targeting everyday individuals have employed similar techniques. "It's probably only a matter of months before we're going to start seeing an explosion of deepfake video, face-to-face fraud," says Ben Colman, CEO and cofounder at Reality Defender. When it comes to video calls, especially in high-stakes situations, seeing should not be believing.

The startup is laser-focused on partnering with business and government clients to help thwart AI-powered deepfakes. Even with this core mission, Colman doesn't want his company to be seen as more broadly standing against artificial intelligence developments. "We're very pro-AI," he says. "We think that 99.999 percent of use cases are transformational -- for medicine, for productivity, for creativity -- but in these kinds of very, very small edge cases the risks are disproportionately bad." Reality Defender's plan for the real-time detector is to start with a plug-in for Zoom that can make active predictions about whether others on a video call are real or AI-powered impersonations. The company is currently working on benchmarking the tool to determine how accurately it discerns real video participants from fake ones. Unfortunately, it's not something you'll likely be able to try out soon. The new software feature will only be available in beta for some of the startup's clients.

As Reality Defender works to improve the detection accuracy of its models, Colman says that access to more data is a critical challenge to overcome -- a common refrain from the current batch of AI-focused startups. He's hopeful more partnerships will fill in these gaps, and without specifics, hints at multiple new deals likely coming next year. After ElevenLabs was tied to a deepfake voice call of US president Joe Biden, the AI-audio startup struck a deal with Reality Defender to mitigate potential misuse. [...] "We don't ask my 80-year-old mother to flag ransomware in an email," says Colman. "Because she's not a computer science expert." In the future, it's possible real-time video authentication, if AI detection continues to improve and shows to be reliably accurate, will be as taken for granted as that malware scanner quietly humming along in the background of your email inbox.

Startup Can Identify Deepfake Video In Real Time

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  • > The startup is laser focused

    No, lasers aren't focused. Those who use that phrase are selling something.

    It can detect deepfakes? So can I. Their business plan is one.

    Next one, Trebek, and also, your mother.

    • It can detect deepfakes? So can I. Their business plan is one.

      Cool! Do you have a Dockerfile available so I can deploy you into our K8s cluster?

      Or are you not scaleable enough to help us meet our compliance requirements?

      Just a headsup, this isn't about you. Its about the other 8.2bil-1 people in the world

    • No, lasers aren't focused.

      Yeah, I've seen people claim that too. Doesn't mean it's correct. []

    • by vbdasc ( 146051 )

      Those who use that phrase are selling something.

      Well, no sh!t... People usually make startups to sell something.

      It can detect deepfakes? So can I.

      Good for you. I, however, can not, or at least I'm not at all sure that I can. And the majority of the human population is just like me concerning this.

      With all that said, I highly doubt that what this startup has can detect deepfakes, either. It's trying to play an unwinnable game of cat and mouse. It might at best be able to detect yesterday's deepfakes, while today's ones are flooding our lives, and tomorrow it will be the same, and the day

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