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Six Ransomware Gangs Behind Over 50% of 2024 Attacks (theregister.com) 5

An anonymous reader shares a report: Despite a law enforcement takedown six months ago, LockBit 3.0 remains the most prolific encryption and extortion gang, at least so far, this year, according to Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42. Of the 53 ransomware groups whose underworld websites, where the crooks name their victims and leak stolen data, that the incident response team monitored, just six accounted for more than half of the total infections observed.

For its analysis, Unit 42 reviewed announcements posted on these crews' dedicated leak sites during the first six months of 2024 and counted 1,762 posts, which represents a 4.3 percent year-over-year increase from 2023. Before we get into the top six gangs' victims count, a note on how Unit 42 tracks nation-state and cybercrime groups: It combines a modifier with a constellation. And Scorpius is the lucky constellation that Unit 42 connects to ransomware gangs.

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Six Ransomware Gangs Behind Over 50% of 2024 Attacks

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  • by Zontar_Thing_From_Ve ( 949321 ) on Tuesday August 13, 2024 @05:44PM (#64703498)

    Before we get into the top six gangs' victims count, a note on how Unit 42 tracks nation-state and cybercrime groups: It combines a modifier with a constellation.

    I'm guessing a Zoomer wrote this as it doesn't really make sense exactly as written. That's not how they track such groups. It's how they name such groups that they track. That's a different thing.

    • You don't have to be a Zoomer to use that colloquialism, it's been common speech in some cultures for a few generations I believe.
      But yeah, it's theregister. At least the editors are better than Slashdot.

  • Ethics does not seem to matter to some people. There is right, and there is wrong, and some don't know the difference.
  • Could end 50% of ransomware... the rest would shut down out of fear.
  • during the first six months of 2024 and counted 1,762 posts, which represents a 4.3 percent year-over-year increase from 2023

    you know somebody has 0 insight when they start quoting statistics.... refuge of the braindead

Real computer scientists don't comment their code. The identifiers are so long they can't afford the disk space.
