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China Security United States

Chinese Hackers Outnumber FBI Cyber Staff 50 To 1, Bureau Director Says ( 48

According to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Chinese hackers vastly outnumber U.S. cyber intelligence staff "by at least 50 to 1." CNBC reports: "To give you a sense of what we're up against, if each one of the FBI's cyber agents and intel analysts focused exclusively on the China threat, Chinese hackers would still outnumber FBI Cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1," Wray said in prepared remarks for a budget hearing before a House Appropriations subcommittee on Thursday. The disclosure highlights the massive scale of cyber threats the U.S. is facing, particularly from China. Wray said the country has "a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations -- big or small -- combined."

The agency is requesting about $63 million to help it beef up its cyber staff with 192 new positions. Wray said this would also help the FBI put more cyber staff in field offices to be closer to where victims of cyber crimes actually are.

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Chinese Hackers Outnumber FBI Cyber Staff 50 To 1, Bureau Director Says

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  • more people who believe Jesus will save the USA.
    Take that Xinnie the Pooh!

  • It's usually the situation that there are a lot more criminals than there are cops. I'm not sure what Wray is intending with his remarks. Is he trying to set low expectations? Does he just want more staff reporting to him? Perhaps if he refocused some of the agents pursuing American politicians he would be able to cover the Chinese hacking threat better.

    • It's usually the situation that there are a lot more criminals than there are cops. I'm not sure what Wray is intending with his remarks. Is he trying to set low expectations? Does he just want more staff reporting to him? Perhaps if he refocused some of the agents pursuing American politicians he would be able to cover the Chinese hacking threat better.

      Asking for $63 million seems like a small amount, especially given that the FBI budget is over $10 billion. Since this seems like an important aspect of national defense, I would think that bipartisan support for a much larger amount wouldn't be that hard to garner.

      • You'd think there'd be bipartisan support for stopping a pandemic, too, but that would be underestimating the willingness of our political parties to turn anything into a partisan issue if they think they can portray the other candidate in a bad light.

  • Drop the fbi academy and age limits for IT work.

    Also add an POT waver as well.

    But still even then it's hard to compete with Cheap Chinese Labor

    • So, you think a 14 year old (the federal limit) with 20 weeks of training is both older than necessary and more trained than necessary?

      What, exactly, would you propose for the age and training time requirements for FBI specialists?

      • Drop MAX AGE to be hired 37 can be low for some PRO's
        Also why does an IT pro working an desk need to pass
        Firearms skills?
        Police interrogation skills?
        Tactical driving?
        Physical surveillance of people? (maybe some what useful)
        physical fitness at the cop in the field level? and say some one with issues that need an wheelchair can't work an IT job?

  • by zendarva ( 8340223 ) on Friday April 28, 2023 @07:31PM (#63484292)
    Wow.,. impressive. A larger population has a larger pool from which to draw talent.
  • Something about not needing to hire any more agents. Maybe their ChatGPT can talk to our ChatGPT and negotiate a settlement.
  • Once AI agents are fully optimized, America could potentially outnumber Chinese hackers by a 10,000 to 1.
  • FBI Director Christopher Wray is basically asking for 3 more agents per field office. The FBI's culture does not support the level of specialization that effective counter-cyber agents need to have. They should be contracting actual professionals, not trying to train their own general-purpose investigator-cogs to do this.
  • Their top people will not be that many. The only reason the mediocre and bad Chinese hackers get into US secrets is the abysmally bad state of IT security that is prevalent. The FBI is not the right tool to do anything there, they just want more money for entirely different reasons, namely growing their power. Like any bureaucracy. What would do something is real penalties for the CEOs that screw up by not protecting their assets adequately. But apparently that is un-American because it would mean people ma

  • Very interesting youtube with both sides discussing whether to engage or contain China
    Kishore Mahbubani gives China's view of things and that we can and should work with China
    John Mearsheimer sticking with his theory on great power politics, e.g. like it or not conflict is just the way things will go. []
  • Someone give me an example from any time or place on planet Earth where the police weren't outnumbered by bad guys? 50 to 1 sounds like really good odds. Normal police probably face a thousand to one odds at least.

  • This is misleading in so many ways:
    - Chinese hackers do not target exclusively the US, they target a lot of other countries too and those countries have their own cyber defences
    - Chinese hackers do not target exclusively US government, they also target the private sector, which has its own cyber defences
    - FBI is not the only cyber security gov organization in the US
    - while a FBI cyber staff will work full time, we don't know those Chinese hackers also work full time
    - all that is said about Chinese hackers i

  • Chinese Slashdot moderators used all their points here.
    Chinese hackers attacked my Linkedin account and deleted it. I lived in China and it is the simple thinking people that follow the CCP., similar to the MAGA in America. The rest are too scared to do anything.
  • The FBI is maxed out rounding up citizens who were linked to Jan. 6, parents who complained too loudly at school board meetings, and people making fun of the government on social media.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
