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Government Medicine IT

On the Deaths of Two Unvaccinated Florida IT Workers ( 339

I sometimes talk about "the family of geeks" — how our shared experiences can bring us together.

But if that's true, there's been a death in the family.... Manatee County Administrator Scott Hopes, who is also an epidemiologist, said six unvaccinated employees, including five in the IT department, tested positive for the virus within a two-week period.

The two IT employees who died last week were identified in local media and obituaries as Mary Knight, 58, and Alphonso Cox, 53.

Hopes said that the one IT employee, 23, exposed to the virus who was vaccinated did not get infected. "This particular outbreak demonstrates the effectiveness, I believe, with the vaccine," he said to reporters Monday. "All of the cases were non-vaccinated. They were unvaccinated." He added in a news release, "Individual employees in the IT Department who were known to be fully vaccinated and who were in close proximity of those who were infected did not contract COVID-19."

But even with the outbreak, masks will remain optional for staffers returning this week, with unvaccinated workers being "encouraged but not required, to follow covid-19 prevention measures...." Manatee County, located in southwest Florida, has fully vaccinated 43 percent of its eligible population. The Manatee Board of County Commissioners repealed coronavirus safety requirements last month and strongly recommended that people visiting the County Administration Building "use their best judgment" to protect themselves from a potential spread of the virus...

When the second employee died Thursday, the decision was made to shut down the building the next day so it could be disinfected. "When you have that many cases, and you have a 40 percent fatality rate, you have to worry," Hopes said to Florida Politics. "I would prefer not to have any more employee funerals." Yet the county announced over the weekend that "face masks will be optional for the public and employees inside the facility...."

Funerals and celebration-of-life events for Knight and Cox are scheduled to take place later this week.

Thanks to Slashdot reader luis_a_espinal (a Florida-based software engineer) for sharing the story. Country administrator Hopes is concerned, reports the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, because "Of the first five cases, all were sick enough to be hospitalized or died. That's not the normal COVID variant that we saw last year." And yet... As officials work to control the outbreak, questions have been raised about how far the county can go to keep employees safe — including whether it can inquire about employees' vaccination status, since the recent victims so far have not been fully vaccinated... "We are allowed to ask," Hopes said. "But they don't have to tell us, and whatever their response is, we are not to ask any further." Manatee County School District General Counsel Mitch Teitelbaum said the school district had the same understanding of privacy laws...

[The county-owned seaport] Port Manatee had reported three new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, spurring fears that the virus was continuing to spread among the county's workforce. On Tuesday, port spokeswoman Virginia Zimmerman said the three cases had been an "aberration" and that there are not any additional cases to report. Zimmerman said the port does not inquire about employees' vaccination status, and that the port "encourages, but does not require, staff to be vaccinated."

While the county scrambles to mitigate the spread of the virus, Hopes said many county employees are grieving the loss of their coworkers.

"These weren't just colleagues," Hopes said. "These people have basically lived at work together for 20 years, and this happened quickly."

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On the Deaths of Two Unvaccinated Florida IT Workers

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  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @11:47AM (#61526500) Journal

    Not being vaccinated is probably a requirement for working in a Florida IT department.

  • Trying to convince anti-vax dumbfucks to question their decisions by presenting a bunch of self-indulgent preachy maudlin bullshit about tech workers dying works about as well as trying to convince your dog not to shit in the house by showing it a Powerpoint about cholera. No matter how right you are, you're still wasting your breath.

    • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

      by Nrrqshrr ( 1879148 )

      Exactly! These articles are honestly starting to piss me off. These journalists are operating under the assumption that they are living in 1940 and that they are the only channel on the TV.
      People who don't want the vaccine for dumb reasons arent reading these article. They're not browsing this website, and they sure as hell arent going to listen to you when you come and say "Oh wow, YET AGAIN 2 more people die of the virus." We have been reading these same lines since the beginning of the pandemic, now with

      • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

        Aww man, they must have cheated me and kept the dopamine for themselves. I didn't get as sick as I expected from the second jab -- I'd say that aside from my arm being sore for five days, it was actually less severe than my reaction to the first jab -- but I sure as hell didn't get any bliss out of it.

      • You and me both, brother. It just dissolves into this constant low-key din of depressing mawkish downer bullshit that serves no purpose and is impossible to escape from. Cordon it off with the global warming articles and let me be free of it. I promise that if I ever end up in charge of an oil megacorp or find myself in a reverse Bill D. Cat situation where my brain is implanted into Donald Trump's body I'll do what needs to be done, but until that time please just fuck off and let me breathe.

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @11:50AM (#61526516)
    Based on what, a gut feel from a few samples? Would be nice if they actually tested the infected individuals so that we'd know for sure rather than someone making assumptions out of his ass.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @12:35PM (#61526664)
    It's absolutely infuriating that we've made vaccination a political issue. What makes me more frustrated is that it's very likely the reason it's a political issue isn't just a distract from the disastrous handling of the pandemic while the Republican party was in charge, but also to do damage to the country in the economy while a Democrat was in charge.

    Go ahead and mod me down but if you actually look into it you'll find that the pattern repeats again and again. In 2008 when the economy crashed the Republican party did everything they could to prevent the Democrats from addressing the crisis. It's smashed and grab is what it is. When the Republican party is in charge they grab as much money and power for themselves as they can. When they're inevitably cast out of office due to incompetence and the damage they do they focus on smashing as much as they can so that voters will blame the people in charge at the time.

    And you're never allowed to talk about the partisan divide because we've been all been conditioned not to.

    So you get the Republican party's propaganda apparatus in the form of Tucker Carlson literally saying that doctors are lying about whether the vaccine works, and we're all just supposed to pretend that they have the best intentions. It's absurd on the face of it. At some point we either acknowledge that one party is actively trying to end democracy and harm us in order to grab as much power as they can, or we give up democracy so we can pretend we're all getting along in the bipartisan fashion.

    Of course all the Republicans on this forum are going to take this as a personal attack like I made fun of their favorite sports team. So instead of reading what I wrote and thinking about it and reflecting on it, every one of them was mod points is going to dogpile on me. And it becomes my responsibility to worry about and care about their feelings so I can desperately try to convince them that they should try and protect democracy. It's incredibly frustrating.
    • *shrug* Why would I take it that way when both parties are a mess. We didn't need to have a two-party system but historically that's how it worked out. Other nations have more than two parties.

    • It's absolutely infuriating that we've made vaccination a political issue... you proceed to dogshit-pile on one particular political party, as if there are really sides or isles in a swamp.

      And it becomes my responsibility to worry about and care about their feelings so I can desperately try to convince them that they should try and protect democracy. It's incredibly frustrating.

      Well, since we're not making this political and want to protect democracy, perhaps you should worry more about President Dementia and his laughing hyena sidekick, since they are the ones who are relevant now. Continuing to point fingers and blame the past or the "other side", is doing nothing but feeding the flames and playing their pointless game of distracting the masses while BOTH partie

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
        You're illustrating my point. I'm actively attacking the Republican party because they're actively attacking all of us. You're still hung up on defending them because you can't get your mind past the notion that we're all on the same side. We're not. The Republican party heads are not American, they're global citizens and have no particular loyalty to this country or it's people, only to money and power. But you're already in defense mode just like they've trained you too be. It's a trick and I can't stand
    • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @02:07PM (#61526992) Journal

      Of course all the Republicans on this forum are going to take this as a personal attack like I made fun of their favorite sports team. So instead of reading what I wrote and thinking about it and reflecting on it, every one of them was mod points is going to dogpile on me. And it becomes my responsibility to worry about and care about their feelings so I can desperately try to convince them that they should try and protect democracy. It's incredibly frustrating.

      You're going to "protect democracy" by demonizing a whole party, IT firms colluding to suppress speech and so forth? Um, ok.

      Your interpretations of events and history are just wrong. I disagree, and it doesn't make me a monster.

  • Imagine if the police officer who pulls you over isn't allowed to ask if you've been drinking or even if you're licensed. Is that how far privacy should be protected?

    It's annoying how registering to vote puts you on mailing lists and search engines but asking whether you're a potential health hazard to those around you violates your privacy.

  • by Dawn Keyhotie ( 3145 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @01:52PM (#61526944)

    Which meme fits best? Can we get a poll?

    1. F*cked Around and Found Out
    2. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
    3. Well, well, well, if it's not the consequences of my own actions
    4. Mistakes: It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others

    I hardly think these deaths merit a Darwin award, since both "victims" were in their 50's. If they had not managed to reproduce by now, they had already edited themselves out of the gene pool.

    Anyway, sad for their families. May their deaths motivate others to get vaxxed, and not be in vain.

  • When I became eligible for the vaccine, I waited a bit, thinking I did not need it as badly as others. I'd been working from home since late March of LAST year, so I figured many others needed it much more than me. After 10 days I checked to see the apparent backlog, by seeing how soon I could get vaccinated. Turns out their was no backlog, (at that time). So I made the 2 appointments, the first just 3 days later. That means I was starting my vaccination 14 days after eligibility. Pretty quick by my standar
  • by Goldenhawk ( 242867 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @04:13PM (#61527388) Homepage

    At this point, as tempting as it is to say "let Darwin sort it all out" and hope that the unvax'd people die and "decrease the surplus population" to quote Scrooge, the reality is that variants appear from new cases. Each time the virus infects someone is another approximately 10^10 chances for a mutation. Eventually worse variants will occur, so the fewer people get sick, the lower the chance that a vaccine-breakout variant will occur.

    So far, we've been pretty lucky that the variants have not proven to be very good at beating the current vaccines. But that luck could run out at any time.

    So from my perspective, as much as I'd love to just say "Told ya so; it's your own dumb fault you got sick" the reality is that they're endangering the rest of us too.

  • Masks not required (Score:5, Interesting)

    by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday June 27, 2021 @05:07PM (#61527528)

    I had a similar case during a maintenance visit at a chemical plant recently. Me and 3 fuckwits working in a confined space. "Masks are not mandatory here, you don't need to wear them". I think I heard that maybe 20 times in the one damn shift. Yeah I don't "need" to wear them. Wore it anyway. Fast forward 2 days I get an after hours call from HSSE telling me I need to get my arse to the testing centre because the 3 fuckwits tested positive for COVID. I tested negative.

    Fortunately they were only home sick, not hospitalised. I don't wish ill on people, even the dumb fuckwits. Interestingly 3 weeks later I worked with 2 of them on another machine and they were wearing masks, so at least they learnt something. And fortunately everyone is now at least partially vaccinated.

No man is an island if he's on at least one mailing list.
