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Sweden Drops Russian Hacking Investigation Due To Legal Complications ( 12

The Swedish government dropped today its investigation into the 2017 hack of its sports authority, citing legal constraints that would have prevented prosecutors from charging the Russian hackers responsible for the intrusion, which officials claimed were mere pawns operating on behalf of a "foreign power." From a report: This marks the first time that such a legal clause is cited by prosecutors investigating cyber-espionage hacking groups. Today's statement from the Swedish Prosecution Authority also marks the first time that Swedish officials formally blamed the Russian government for the 2017 hack of the Swedish Sports Confederation (SSC). Citing a recently-concluded investigation from the Swedish Security Service, which also involved foreign intelligence services, Swedish prosecutors said that one of Russia's military hacker groups breached its sports body between December 2017 and May 2018 and stole medical records for Swedish athletes.
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Sweden Drops Russian Hacking Investigation Due To Legal Complications

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