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Chrome Security IT

Google Expands its Advanced Protection Program To Chrome ( 30

Google is expanding its Advanced Protection Program to its Chrome browser. From a report: If you're an Advanced Protection Program user and you have sync turned on in Chrome, you will now automatically receive stronger protections against risky downloads. Google didn't go into much detail regarding the protections, likely not to publicly give away how they work. But the company did say that when users attempt to download "certain risky files," Chrome will now show additional warnings, or in some cases even block the downloads outright. The warnings are, however, only available in Chrome for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Google is not rolling out the Advanced Protection Program to Chrome for Android and iOS.
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Google Expands its Advanced Protection Program To Chrome

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Advanced Spying Program.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I bet there are quite a few lurkers out there who will agree wholeheartedly with the following:

    • * freenode (the IRC chat network) has in recent years banned every single "throwaway" e-mail service known to man (likely using some sort of service which keeps track of every new domain that pops up). The sneaky part is that it sometimes lets you create the account, without displaying the usual pre-registration "This e-mail service is not allowed." error message, but then it immediately (literally less than a
  • by Anonymous Coward

    So I should trust Google to be my net nanny. Sorry no thanks!

  • by grep -v '.*' * ( 780312 ) on Tuesday August 06, 2019 @08:06PM (#59054602)
    The Advanced Protection Program safeguards the personal Google Accounts of anyone at risk of targeted attacks â" like journalists, activists, business leaders, and political campaign teams.

    To enroll [in the Advanced Protection Program []], you'll need to purchase two Security Keys and register them to your Google Account.
    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )'s just a physical key device for logging in?

      the other features are things you get for free anyhow.

    • In other words, Google would have exclusive access to data of e.g. journalists, activists, business leaders, and political campaign teams.

  • why is this a paid feature and not standard build into the product?

Our business is run on trust. We trust you will pay in advance.
