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Critical Magento SQL Injection Flaw Could Soon Be Targeted By Hackers ( 13

itwbennett writes: The popular e-commerce platform Magento has released 37 security issues affecting both the commercial and open-source versions, four of which are critical. 'Of those, one SQL injection flaw is of particular concern for researchers because it can be exploited without authentication,' writes Lucian Constantine for CSO. Researchers from Web security firm Sucuri 'have already reverse-engineered the patch [for that flaw] and created a working proof-of-concept exploit for internal testing' says Constantin. 'The SQL vulnerability is very easy to exploit, and we encourage every Magento site owner to update to these recently patched versions to protect their ecommerce websites,' the researchers warn in a blog post.
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Critical Magento SQL Injection Flaw Could Soon Be Targeted By Hackers

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