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Security IT

Putting Stickers On Your Laptop is Probably a Bad Security Idea ( 260

From border crossings to hacking conferences, that Bitcoin or political sticker may be worth leaving on a case at home. From a report: Plenty of hackers, journalists, and technologists love to cover their laptop in all manner of stickers. Maybe one shows off their employer, another flaunts that local cryptoparty they attended, or others may display the laptop owner's interest in Bitcoin. That's all well and good, but a laptop lid full of stickers also arguably provides something of a red flag to authorities or hackers who may want to access sensitive information stored on that computer, or otherwise cause the owner hassle.

"Conferences, border crossing[s], airports, public places -- stickers will/can get you targeted for opposition research, industrial espionage, legal or investigative scrutiny," Matt Mitchell, director of digital safety and privacy for technology and activism group Tactical Tech, told Motherboard in an online chat. Mitchell said political stickers, for instance, can land you in secondary search or result in being detained while crossing a border. In one case, Mitchell said a hacker friend ended up missing a flight over stickers.

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Putting Stickers On Your Laptop is Probably a Bad Security Idea

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I only paste QR codes for bad dragons and onaholes on my laptop.

  • Hold on.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Lab Rat Jason ( 2495638 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:23PM (#57125418)

    ...while I slap some stickers on this honeypot.

    • I have never felt a greater need to put some of these stickers [] on things in my life. For those afraid to click it is a Hello Kitty Punisher sticker.
  • Remember (Score:5, Insightful)

    by HarryCaul ( 25943 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:26PM (#57125448)

    Keep your opinions to yourself if you don't want to be targeted.

    • Re:Remember (Score:5, Informative)

      by jwhyche ( 6192 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:33PM (#57125508) Homepage

      An be a good and quiet little sheep. Just like they want you to be.

      • Re:Remember (Score:5, Informative)

        by avandesande ( 143899 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:43PM (#57125610) Journal
        Getting past the age of 19 and believing that people need to know what you are thinking is a form of mental illness.... []
        • Getting past the age of 19 and believing that people need to know what you are thinking is a form of mental illness...

          I'm mad. You're mad. We're all mad, here.

      • Re:Remember (Score:4, Funny)

        by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:51PM (#57125700)

        Yes my identity depends on the stickers on my laptop. Fuck you dad you can't tell me what to do anymore! *runs away crying*

        • by anegg ( 1390659 )
          My laptop has stickers pulled off of bananas on it. Chiquita sometimes, right now they are Del Monte.
          • People allergic to bananas feel offended.

            • My granddaughter gave me a "love you" sticker that they gave her at Trader Joes' so I stuck it to my laptop. Hopefully it has no drug use connotations and will not offend. :-/

          • by ls671 ( 1122017 )

            They will suspect you of drug trafficking. Coke is often hidden in banana shipments so they will think that every sticker means a kilo.

      • But a sheep's clothing can be very useful >:-)

      • Nobody said you couldn't have "subversive" (or "independent", or however you want to characterize them) thoughts, or do such things.

        What is being said is that flaunting such opinions is idiotically egotistical virtue-signaling. To shout "I hate the government" and then NOT expect extra colossally dumb.

    • by DaHat ( 247651 )

      Does that mean you want gay pride parades to go away?

    • Keep your opinions to yourself if you don't want to be targeted.

      And my friend who gets pulled over all the time by cops wonders why and I say "it's probably because you have tons of beer company stickers all over your car" --it's a Colorado, craft-brew kinda thing...

      I said you should put a Marines and Fraternal Order of Policemen stickers on it instead...

  • Safety sticker (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:35PM (#57125536)
    I just put a sticker with the Compaq logo over my Apple logo. Never had my laptop messed with.
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:38PM (#57125558)
    Not sure if they would even know what that is, just like my Lotus Notes or Harvard Graphics stickers.
  • Freeze Peach (Score:5, Interesting)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:39PM (#57125568) Journal

    I guess I should think about taking off that "My other computer is an AR-15" sticker, huh?

    I thought this was America. Isn't this America? I'm sorry, I thought this was America.

  • I put Whataburger stickers on my laptop power bricks. Mostly "JALAPEÑO". I guess that would profile me as being from Texas.
  • You could have a laptop with just the factory stickers on it but if its odd looking it will still get you flagged.

    try getting past them with a Purple/Mint green laptop.

  • You put all the cool and edgy stickers on your laptop.

    Then leave that laptop somewhere safe on a VPN tunnel and bring a "clean" empty laptop with you. Extra points if it's running windows 7.

  • by TheDarkener ( 198348 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:54PM (#57125714) Homepage

    Favor the Lords of the masses, do not express yourself, do not talk to others about your interests, do not put stickers on your laptops and automobiles. Be a good sheep, please the Lords. Be normal. Carry on.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Kind of weird reading some of the responses. I don't put stickers on my electronics and cars because it's nobody's damn business what I like and don't like. And I don't need some vindication that others like or dislike like the things I like.

      I see *not* advertising myself as thinking for myself, and being my own person.

    • Favor the Lords of the masses, do not express yourself, do not talk to others about your interests, do not put stickers on your laptops and automobiles. Be a good sheep, please the Lords. Be normal. Carry on.

      Yes, yes! Please express yourself! Be unique. Put the SAME DAMN sports team sticker on your car as everyone else in your city. What kind of coffee mug do you own? Yeti?! Me too brother, me too! How many people are in your family? How many pets? Oh, I can just look at the back window of your vehicle. Haha, I have the same sticker on mine. Aw look, you know someone that died, so you put a memorial sticker on the back of your car. I know someone that died too... where did you get that?! I need on

      • by TheDarkener ( 198348 ) on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @05:18PM (#57126408) Homepage

        Yes, yes! Please express yourself! Be unique. Put the SAME DAMN sports team sticker on your car as everyone else in your city. What kind of coffee mug do you own? Yeti?! Me too brother, me too! How many people are in your family? How many pets? Oh, I can just look at the back window of your vehicle. Haha, I have the same sticker on mine. Aw look, you know someone that died, so you put a memorial sticker on the back of your car. I know someone that died too... where did you get that?! I need one, so I can be unique and expressive too. Where do your kids go to school? Are you proud of them? That is unique sentiment amongst parents. Salt Life? What is that? Please tell me all about it. I like your Honda... thanks for putting the giant Honda logo sticker on the back window, it makes me not have to look at the other 8 logos that the factory put on it.

        I hate all of that shit too, but I hate oppression even more.

  • Stickers are just status symbols. A long time ago we use to smear dyes and goats blood on our chest to show our tribal identification. Less painful and itchy this way.

    Times up on this though because recently I got laptop stickers promoting some IBM product to suck up your departments budget. Clear sign the kids will move on as they did when their grandparents friend-ed them on Facebook.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 14, 2018 @03:59PM (#57125756)

    And much of stealth is just blending in. This isn't really anything new. One key to not getting robbed is to not wear all this flashy stuff that identifies you as someone worthy of being robbed. Who's the pick-pocket going to target, the guy with the $20,000 Rolex, or the guy with the $20 Timex?

    Similarly, If you're doing things governments don't like, you'd far smarter just blending in rather than sticking out. People have this odd idea that they need to TELL EVERYONE who they are. Be Proud, Be Loud! Get over yourself. You can still make changes in the world and not have to stick out like a sore thumb.

    • Who's the pick-pocket going to target, the guy with the $20,000 Rolex, or the guy with the $20 Timex?

      Neither. It's too hard to tell real Rolexes from the fakes these days at a glance, and pretty much every idiot is wearing something that looks nice.

      They'll go for someone with a Smartwatch.

    • by lsllll ( 830002 )

      And much of stealth is just blending in. This isn't really anything new. One key to not getting robbed is to not wear all this flashy stuff that identifies you as someone worthy of being robbed. Who's the pick-pocket going to target, the guy with the $20,000 Rolex, or the guy with the $20 Timex?

      Similarly, If you're doing things governments don't like, you'd far smarter just blending in rather than sticking out. People have this odd idea that they need to TELL EVERYONE who they are. Be Proud, Be Loud! Get over yourself. You can still make changes in the world and not have to stick out like a sore thumb.

      The problem with your argument is that pick-pockets and thieves are there to get rich. The government, OTOH, is my employee. The government works for me! I shouldn't have to worry about the government giving me trouble for something that is completely legal. It's not just about being able to make a change in the world, yada yada yada. Making a change INCLUDES putting the government back in its place, as the servant of the people.

      • I'm sure the government that incarcerates far more people than any other nation in the world is quaking in their boots knowing that you're coming for them. If you attract the attention of their agents and make a scene, they'll surely back down and nothing will happen to you.

  • The best way to keep prying eyes away from your stuff it to use Chromebook and wipe it before landing in the USSA.

  • I put them over the logo on my Dell laptop.

    If security ever asks me anything about them, I just tell them "the maze wasn't meant for you" and "it doesn't look like anything to me."

  • ... on my ARM Chromebook which default-boots to a spoof account. Confuses the heck out of even the vaguely tech-savvy security guy. Love the puzzled look on their faces.

  • You mean the Holy Mary Anti-Virus sticker that a religious nut client of mine bought for 50$ and put on his notebook is not a good idea?

  • by trb ( 8509 )

    my laptop has stickers of strawberry shortcake unicorns shitting rainbows.
    because i love pwnies. um, ponies.

  • Guess what, people get political stickers because they _want_ to make a political statement. They are aware that not everyone will agree with them. The rest of the article is pretty obvious. When you travel to say Saudi Arabia, you want to leave your "Jesus Saves" sticker.

    I have to admit I haven't been very careful about the laptop stickers myself. Once I brought a laptop with Ubuntu stickers to the LISA conference. Everyone is cool with Linux I thought. Well, on my way to hotel, I was ambushed by a group o

  • "Intel Inside" ones.

    • Someone printed an early satirical version of Intel's logo that said "Big Brother Inside" and posted it on the lunchroom corkboard. It stayed there for the entire 10 years I worked there.

  • I only put stickers on my honeypot.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Stickers are for children.

    But if political stickers can get you detained while crossing the border of a country, then the border patrol is wasting taxpayer money on a power trip frivolous harassment.
  • One of my favourite genres: where the people targeted by the chilling effect self-organize their own stampede toward compliance.

    Grassroots cryptocurrency? #Fuggedaboutit.

    I for one welcome our new overlord cult of bland, generic, anonymous, non-fraternal public personas.

    This is, of course, assuming that the choir leaders of lemming compliance haven't secretly sold out to The Man.

    Wheels within wheels. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

  • Look, if you have an "Intel Inside" sticker on your laptop, everybody with half a brain will know you are employed by an intelligence agency and you store espionage data on your hard drive.

    What did you think the sticker was for?

Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity? And where does it go after it leaves the toaster? -- Dave Barry, "What is Electricity?"
