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Security Problems Are Primarily Just Bugs, Linus Torvalds Says ( 272

Linus Torvalds, in his signature voice: Some security people have scoffed at me when I say that security problems are primarily "just bugs." Those security people are f*cking morons. Because honestly, the kind of security person who doesn't accept that security problems are primarily just bugs, I don't want to work with. Security firm Errata Security has defended Linus's point of view.
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Security Problems Are Primarily Just Bugs, Linus Torvalds Says

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  • by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:24AM (#55587017)

    Security by obscurity, government backdoors, etc. Those are not bugs.

    • by iserlohn ( 49556 )

      That's not what Linus is talking about either. Stop grinding axe at every opportunity.

    • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
      They are bugs. They're just bugs in how you designed your government.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @12:12PM (#55587935) Homepage Journal

      With Linus it's more like security through obscenity :-)

    • Those are human bugs.
    • It seems like he wasn't actually saying "all security problems are just bugs" in the abstract. He's saying that, in the development of the kernel, security problems should be treated the same as a bug. That is, basically, you shouldn't freak out and make patching those bugs your only priority, breaking other things as you go.

      In the world of all security problems, there are security problems that are not "just bugs". However, in the world of developing the Linux kernel, he's saying, "A bug that causes a

  • True, but. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by XXongo ( 3986865 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:27AM (#55587033) Homepage
    It's true, security problems usually exploit a bug. BUT, in general, there is a systematic problem underneath the bug, which allows a bug in a program to escalate to gain access to root-level systems. So, it's not just a bug, but a bug that is built on a system that does not have security built in.
    • by ranton ( 36917 )

      It's true, security problems usually exploit a bug. BUT, in general, there is a systematic problem underneath the bug, which allows a bug in a program to escalate to gain access to root-level systems. So, it's not just a bug, but a bug that is built on a system that does not have security built in.

      I am assuming Torvalds considers not building security into a system is a bug. Consider software which does not prevent SQL injection attacks. If there was no attempt to prevent these attacks, technically the code is working as intended. Security simply was not a consideration. But in practice I believe it is still fair to consider that a bug.

      • Aren't SQL injection attacks usually queued commands? Isn't the ability to queue multiple SQL commands in one string a flaw in itself? Ex: what possible harm would it do to require a "drop table" command to be called on its own,etc ?

        • Re: True, but. (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Theyâ(TM)re usually someone passing unescaped user data to an sql query. So the end user is able to break out of a string and change the functionality of the query. Incredibly basic stuff.

        • Aren't SQL injection attacks usually queued commands? Isn't the ability to queue multiple SQL commands in one string a flaw in itself? Ex: what possible harm would it do to require a "drop table" command to be called on its own,etc ?

          The real flaw is giving out ddl grants to a service account that's supposed to be doing dml.

          • The real flaw is giving out ddl grants to a service account that's supposed to be doing dml.

            Listening to this shit is painful. You should ALL know better.

            xkcd 327 is WRONG.

            Everyone who thinks SQLi is about cleaning / sanitizing / scrubbing / bathing data is fundamentally wrong and entirely missing the point of what SQLi actually is and how to address it.

            SQLi has NOTHING to do with the content of data. "Scrubbing" is entirely irrelevant. You all need to "internalize" this basic fact and stop propagating bullshit.

            As for the "real flaw" being handing out DDL grants this reminds me of xkcd 1200.

            • I don't read that comic so your post makes little sense. I suppose in general I agree no one design any software around something they read in a web comic but I'm not clear on why it's painful to suggest an account that needs to only do dml not have ddl grants. Are you saying it should?
              Also, it's a little odd that you rant about how wrong the comic is yet have episode numbers memorized.

              • I don't read that comic so your post makes little sense. I suppose in general I

                It is not necessary as relevant context is provided separately. You can ignore the comic references if you'd like.

                agree no one design any software around something they read in a web comic but I'm not clear on why it's painful to suggest an account that needs to only do dml not have ddl grants. Are you saying it should?

                The original remark "The real flaw is giving out ddl grants to a service account that's supposed to be doing dml".

                The problem with this remark it treats a very specific instantiation of a symptom that does nothing to:

                1. Resolve the underlying issue
                2. Address problems caused by continued existence of underlying issue. In simplest of terms disallowing DDL prevents DROP TABLE ... but not DELETE F

            • It is about both, I would say sanitation is more important. Yes there is no need to grant the process access to drop tables but that only patches that problem you can still do a lot of damage without that.

              e.g. '); update account set balance = 1000000;

              or even if you don't give write access (usually the process needs to write) it is still possible that you maybe able to extract information that you shouldn't have like other customers email, or credit card info.

              PS sanitation should not be done manually but bui

        • Aren't SQL injection attacks usually queued commands? Isn't the ability to queue multiple SQL commands in one string a flaw in itself? Ex: what possible harm would it do to require a "drop table" command to be called on its own,etc ?

          You won't be able to execute non-trivial installation SQL scripts directly through your code. You'll either have to chop the script into individual queries and run each separately, or run the SQL script e.g. from command line.

          Also, SQL injection can be useful even without adding extra query. For example, if the login form uses this kind of SQL query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password_hash';", you can log in as arbitrary user without knowing the password just by typing t

        • Most SQL libraries are serializing the text of the commands to send that to the server. Drop table is a perfectly valid part of a multiple command piece of SQL (especially if you might have a temp table as part of a sequence). The real security solution for SQL injection is two steps. First, sanitize user input before including it in SQL sent to the database. Second, set up correct permissions for what can be done via a connection that allows user-generated input to be included. The primary source of SQL in
      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        I disagree that you can view lack of security as a bug. Using your example, lets say a novel way to attack databases developed in 2018. Lets call it relationship mutations. Today we have no idea how it works and how to defend against it, because it isn't invented yet. Are all databases released today buggy as a result? Do they become buggy, without any code change whatsoever, at the time this new exploit is invented?
        • by Junta ( 36770 )

          The same can be said of functional bugs, they are buggy, but you don't know it until discovered. The discovery of the bug does not mean the code changed, it means that bug hadn't been caught yet.

          So yes, a system that is vulnerable to an as-yet unknown attack is buggy.

        • by ranton ( 36917 )

          I disagree that you can view lack of security as a bug. Using your example, lets say a novel way to attack databases developed in 2018. Lets call it relationship mutations. Today we have no idea how it works and how to defend against it, because it isn't invented yet. Are all databases released today buggy as a result? Do they become buggy, without any code change whatsoever, at the time this new exploit is invented?

          I am not sure why you don't consider that a bug. If a new way of attacking any SQL command was discovered tomorrow, that would simply mean that 100% of existing SQL commands have a bug in them. It was a previously undiscovered bug, but a bug which needs to be fixed none the less. Perhaps the bug is in the SQL syntax or ODBC interface, but it is still a bug in need of fixing.

          • by sinij ( 911942 )
            Security is adequately meeting requirements in the existing environment. You can't secure for all possible environment and use cases, especially future ones we can't yet anticipate.

            I don't consider my example of a hypothetical new exploit a bug because we can't be sure it is connected to a programmatic mistake. It could be the case that in the future all databases start running in a different environment... that is, our assumptions will have to be changed. This happened in the past - in the past databases
        • We can have a philosophical/semantics debate about how to classify a bug that was not known or prevalent before a certain time, but it's easier to accept reality and just stop assuming that bugs can only be created or closed by changes to the code.

          "Doesn't work on a smartphone browser" was a "bug" that popped up for many sites when smartphones became mainstream, despite the sites themselves remaining unchanged (in fact, that was the bug).

          By contrast, a bug that causes problems with a particular processo

      • I am assuming Torvalds considers not building security into a system is a bug.

        By that measure, the code with the most bugs is the program that hasn't been written yet.

        • by ranton ( 36917 )

          I am assuming Torvalds considers not building security into a system is a bug.

          By that measure, the code with the most bugs is the program that hasn't been written yet.

          If the program hasn't been written yet, it cannot behave in any unintended way. So no, it doesn't have any bugs. A piece of software that when run allows a user to do something they aren't supposed to do is behaving in an unintended way, so that is a bug regardless of whether they put any thought into security when building it.

      • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

        I am 'security guy' but I would agree with Linus most, maybe not all, but certainly most are just bugs.

        SQLi is a perfect example. The code does NOT work as intended. If SQLi is possible than code that was supposed to allow the input of a string somewhere does not handle certain strings properly, or does not correctly control the input domain if certain values are not supposed to be allowed! Take your pick.

        The first time that name filed for example encounters a name with an apostrophe in it, D'Arc

    • A bug is never just a mistake. It represents something bigger. An error of thinking that makes you who you are.

      -- Mr. Robot

  • He is demonstrably wrong. True, some security problems are bugs, but there are also security problems that are bad design choices, that are misconfigurations, that are counting use of old technology (e.g. RSA 1024), that are poor use cases (nobody follows policy, because it is too complex and/or convoluted). You can't secure systems with just code reviews and patching. No way, no how.
    • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:38AM (#55587131)

      Linus's context is entirely in terms of the kernel. If you ignore that, you write comments that are complete non-sequiturs.

      • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @11:02AM (#55587329) Homepage Journal

        A few years ago I spent some time studying ontology technologies. In a nutshell ontology is a branch of philosophy having to do with "being" and existence, but in an information technology context it refers to models of reality that are built around taxonomic models (e.g. statements like "security problems" are a kind of "software bug"). This has most obvious applications in object oriented class hierarchies, but taxonomic models are also a big part of database design and also implicitly arise in the design of data interchange formats.

        Here's what I took away from my dive into the intersection of metaphysics and software engineering: taxonomic models are only valid within a specific domain of application. Even if you intend to model objective reality, you end up modeling just the parts you work with.

        This is a perfect example. Torvalds is effectively saying while some security problems may not be bugs, but for practical purposes nearly all of them are. Clearly this is true for him, so true that he literally doesn't know how to work with people concerned with non-bug security problems. What he is saying has really more to do with what he does on a day to day basis, rather than about the overall field of security. In that field you also have to deal with issues like trust delegation, agency, physical security and and social engineering. Clearly Torvalds must know these things exist, but for him they might as well not.

        People are very seldom concerned with some kind of universal model of capital T Truth; they're almost always concerned with creating models that help them get their job done. This is inevitable, and it creates problems when you try to glue data from different sources together. The unnecessary problems that arise come from people who don't accept that their useful domain-specific models don't describe all of objective reality.

        • by Kjella ( 173770 )

          Here's what I took away from my dive into the intersection of metaphysics and software engineering: taxonomic models are only valid within a specific domain of application. Even if you intend to model objective reality, you end up modeling just the parts you work with.

          Usually because you collapse the model in all the directions that don't really matter to you. Like say if you're classifying animals, you like mammals and reptilians and that way... but then you got aquatic creatures like fish and whales, land-based like lizards and humans, flying animals like bats and birds. You got predators and herbivores, nocturnal animals and day-dwellers, bipeds and hexapods and any number of other abstractions which might be useful in a particular context. And you always end up with

          • by hey! ( 33014 )

            Usually because you collapse the model in all the directions that don't really matter to you.

            You can think of this this way in principle, and that's important because otherwise when you move data from one domain to another you'd never be able to reconcile the different viewpoints under which data is constructed. But it doesn't take too much of that for the complexity to overwhelm your ability to get anything useful done, so even if it were possible to deal with all the issues like differences in opinion and limitations of human knowledge, you still can't hope to capture any kind of complex reality

        • Fascinating comment, thanks.
      • Linus's context is entirely in terms of the kernel. If you ignore that, you write comments that are complete non-sequiturs.

        More importantly, Linus's context is the particular discussion. If you lift the comment to the context of the kernel as a whole, it's wrong.

        In the full context, I think he has a point; he was arguing against panicking the kernel when an out-of-spec situation is found. The security guy's (Kees) patch presumed that out-of-spec indicated an attack, when it most likely just indicates a bug. Being a security guy myself, I sympathize with Kees, we tend to think about things in terms of how to mitigate possible

        • One solves security issues by architecture primarily. This ensures that the damage a bug can do is minimized. I do wish mainstream operating systems went with a microkernel, or a more structured, compartmentalized system. It might make writing drivers tougher, but it would keep something like a USB flesh drive from masquerading as a keyboard and mouse, when it shouldn't.

          The Linux kernel has been pretty good when it comes to security, but what threats are out there might just trying to patch bugs without

          • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 )

            I don't think you understand the difference between a monolithic and a micro kernel. The latter in no way prevents a driver or device from masquerading as something it is not. The very idea doesn't even make sense.

    • by burhop ( 2883223 )

      he said they were "primarily" bugs. By "problem", I would guess he is talking about issues in properly set up software.

      You are right about there being other issues in practice but you might argue better without using a strawman.

    • by ranton ( 36917 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:45AM (#55587189)

      He is demonstrably wrong. True, some security problems are bugs, but there are also security problems that are bad design choices, that are misconfigurations, that are counting use of old technology (e.g. RSA 1024), that are poor use cases (nobody follows policy, because it is too complex and/or convoluted). You can't secure systems with just code reviews and patching. No way, no how.

      A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. [] You may disagree with this definition of a software bug from Wikipedia, but I think it lines up with what I consider a bug. The bad design choices you mention are merely another potential cause of a bug.

      The context of Linus's statements must also be considered. He is talking about product level security (Linux kernal in this case), not enterprise scale system level security. At my company some security concerns are at the product level, such as ensuring users can only see the appropriate fields / records. Others are at the operations level, such as properly verifying the identity of a customer over the phone before relieving certain information. I agree with Linus that security problems at the product level are primarily just bugs. Security problems at the level of corporate policies are sometimes bugs, but also sometimes the result of people not following protocol. All the training in the world will never prevent employees from making mistakes, and sometimes it isn't possible to put checks and balances everywhere.

      • Granted from Linus' kernel perspective, _MOST_ security problems are caused by bugs. Userspace has far more bugs, and proportionally more caused by poor design & implementation. However, loadable kernel modules are a security hazard that has been designed-in.

        • Except that permission has to be granted to load a kernel module.  It doesn't happen by accident (in a normally configured system)
          • by redelm ( 54142 )
            `insmod` is tough? Modifying a commonly used module, perhaps one loaded later (vfat)? Modules do have a checksum, easy to fix. They do not have any crypto-signing which might verify integrity.
    • He is demonstrably wrong. True, some security problems are bugs, but there are also security problems that are bad design choices, that are misconfigurations, that are counting use of old technology (e.g. RSA 1024), that are poor use cases (nobody follows policy, because it is too complex and/or convoluted). You can't secure systems with just code reviews and patching. No way, no how.

      You are completely missing Linus' point. He is saying in the context of kernel development that security issues don't get privileged treatment. There is one set of rules for all issues, be they outright bugs, bad design choices in any aspect, misconfiguration in any aspect, etc.

    • Is there any objective and consistent working definition and/or test of "bug" versus "bad design"? I suspect there is a lot of gray area such that Laynes Law [] will reign over such discussions.

      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        To me, Laynes Law implies that there exists universal truth and it is knowable. I disagree with that.

        To me, bad design is understanding undesirable consequence and proceeding with them. For example, leaving default hard-coded credentials for the service team to remotely access your product. You can't call this a bug - the functionality is intentional.
  • The alternative would be "features"

  • At least when you take into account that people should design security in today. So from the coding angle, pretty much "just bugs". From the testing angle often vastly different, as in functionality testing you check for the presence of functionality, but in security testing you check for the absence of functionality. Individual tests are still pretty similar, but getting test-coverage is very different and a lot more difficult.

    Of course, the "just bugs" view also requires that the developers actually under

    • We will NEVER, EVER have 100% of all developers understand security at the level required to make 100% secure programs.

      What we need is OS and languages that have security built-in, the same way programmers don't know assembly and UEFI and yet can still code and make programs.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        So? Why would "100% secure programs" be desirable? This is the thinking of a complete amateur in the security-space. Security is risk management. You never do risk mitigation to "100%" in reality. It is stupid.

        And "OS and languages that have security built-in"? Have you completely ignored all attempts and all research on that for the, oh, last 40 years or so? It cannot be done and asking for it is, again, stupid.

  • Assuming he has a requirement for security then of course he's right
  • by SCVonSteroids ( 2816091 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:48AM (#55587197)

    You can word it the way you want. If it's not secure, it's not secure.

  • by mspohr ( 589790 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @10:48AM (#55587199)
  • I thought that Linus personally approves all the changes to the kernel. So didn't he approve the changes he is complaining about?

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @11:01AM (#55587321) Journal

      The context of the statement is that somebody submitted changes to the kernel and he denied the request.

      Somebody wanted to add "security" code that would kill of a process, or even the whole kernel, if it detected something that might be a security concern. So with the proposed change, programs would crash without warning if this new code detected a possible security problem. Most of what it detects aren't attacks, though, they are just bugs in the software that need to be tweaked to explicitly follow security rules. The new security code should first warn about these bugs rather than crashing the system, Linus said. Quoting him:

      So the hardening efforts should instead _start_ from the standpoint of
      "let's warn about what looks dangerous, and maybe in a _year_ when
      we've warned for a long time, and we are confident that we've actually
      caught all the normal cases, _then_ we can start taking more drastic

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • His world being the world of the Linux Kernel. When you use this context then of course any security breach is due to a bug, simply because, well, what else should it be?

    Outside of that context... no.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Thereâ(TM)s âoeyou forgot to check array bounds hereâ bugs, and then thereâ(TM)s âoeyour entire design is fundamentally fucked and insecureâ bugsâ¦

  • Linus has been going back and forth with grsecurity about the patch set they have put out. All I know is that over the years all the kernel bugs that have allowed for local and remote stack overflows, my systems have not been compromised because of the use of the grsecurity patches. It's a shame that the guy who puts out the grsec patches is trying to charge money for them, but its also a shame that some of these standard features like no-exec-stack patch and trusted-path-execution patches have not been i
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Monday November 20, 2017 @01:03PM (#55588425)

    ... Linus doesn't mince words when it comes to pointing out bad software development.

    As usual, he's right.

    And before you object, think for a moment if it could actually be the case that he knows what he is talking about and may even be a better programmer than you. And that your should maybe listen to what he has to say.

    My 2 cents.

  • Perspectives will vary by profession. Once you get outside of software development, I suggest that most security problems are the result of either failing to promptly update software, failure to properly configure software, or incomplete risk analysis. For example:

    The Pentagon leak [] appears to be a a failure to properly configure access controls.

    Equifax [] was a failure to update software after a bug was found/fixed.

    Fukushima [] was a failure to consider the risks during the design process.

    Linus' perspective is f

  • by nuckfuts ( 690967 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @02:45PM (#55589353)

    OpenBSD has promoted this belief for years. The description of their audit process [] states...

    "Another facet of our security auditing process is its proactiveness. In most cases we have found that the determination of exploitability is not an issue. During our ongoing auditing process we find many bugs, and endeavor to fix them even though exploitability is not proven. We fix the bug, and we move on to find other bugs to fix. We have fixed many simple and obvious careless programming errors in code and only months later discovered that the problems were in fact exploitable. (Or, more likely someone on BUGTRAQ would report that other operating systems were vulnerable to a `newly discovered problem', and then it would be discovered that OpenBSD had been fixed in a previous release). In other cases we have been saved from full exploitability of complex step-by-step attacks because we had fixed one of the intermediate steps."

  • Linus is back :) (Score:2, Insightful)

    by phil42 ( 24711 )

    it is great to see that "kinder gentler Linus" has gone away and good old "kick 'em in the ass Linus" is back.

    Linus' outrageous remarks serve kernel development well

  • by hlee ( 518174 ) on Monday November 20, 2017 @06:03PM (#55591073)

    Got to read Linus' comment in context of his post, otherwise it's a gross generalization where you're just arguing about semantics and opinions.

    A better summarization of what Linus said is: take into account security aspects when designing a feature, so you don't rely on a kernel panic (or exceptions) when some rule is not observed.

    Here is something analogous I ran into recently regarding a Java SDK that was not designed with security in mind. Java has a SealedObject to protect sensitive data while in memory - great feature, but then things got messy when it came to dealing with String instances. In Java it is considered bad practice to use String type to represent any kind of sensitive data like passwords because the String is immutable (i.e. it can be visible in the heap for quite a while before getting garbage collected, and if a heap dump is triggered you are screwed). What it boiled down to was the current SDK had signatures like the following:

    setPassword(String pwd); // BAD!!!

    instead of:

    setPassword(char[] pwd); // better!

    If the SDK was designed with setPassword(char[]) to begin with, SealedObject library usage would have been much simpler and cleaner - no silly security rules. But thanks to cluelessness of setPassword(String) in the SDK, SealedObject library design became much messier due to security rule to throw an exception whenever it encountered String instances were used to represent sensitive data.

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
