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Google Safe Browsing Adds 'Repeat Offender' Category ( 18

An anonymous reader writes: Google's Safe Browsing service will now brand sites which fall victim to malware repeatedly as "repeat offenders." When a site is identified as serving malware -- which usually occurs via an SQL injection attack or through auction-driven network advertising -- Google adds a "This site will harm your computer" tag to domain entries in its search results, and serves further warnings by way of interstitial pages. From today, sites which continue to succumb to attackers will not be permitted to resubmit their domain for consideration via Search Console for thirty days -- enough time to do significant SEO damage. That period does not include additional time for Google to respond to submissions about repaired sites and to remove the warnings.
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Google Safe Browsing Adds 'Repeat Offender' Category

Comments Filter:
  • by The-Ixian ( 168184 ) on Wednesday November 09, 2016 @05:13PM (#53250671)

    Seems like a lot malware is still installed via malicious ads.

    Is the algorithm smart enough not to ding the site if it is Google's own ad network that is serving the malicious content?

    • So Google will flag Google, and for 30 days and 30 nights, a plague upon their own house? Awesome. You do have a good point about cleaning your own house before going hunting for other sites.
      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        So Google will flag Google, and for 30 days and 30 nights, a plague upon their own house? Awesome. You do have a good point about cleaning your own house before going hunting for other sites.

        More like Google will flag Alphabet, because all the ad companies don't fall under Google anymore, but the Alphabet group of companies.

        Of course, this will also mean every single web page will have the warning, since they all are repeat offenders....

        Heck, even Google's own AdSense distributed malware for Android phones [].

    • Can we have this in slashdot please just to spare me from having to read the replies before I click :)

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