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Security Android Cellphones Privacy

A Powerful New Android Spyware Targets Business Executives (helpnetsecurity.com) 18

Orome1 quotes HelpNetSecurity: "Researchers from mobile security outfit Skycure have recently analyzed a malicious app they found on an Android 6.0.1 device owned by a vice president at a global technology company. The name of the malicious package is 'com.android.protect', and it comes disguised as a Google Play Services app. It disables Samsung's SPCM service in order to keep running, installs itself as a system package to prevent removal by the user (if it can get root access), and also hides itself from the launcher." The spyware is able to collect chats and messages sent and received via SMS, MMS, and popular email and IM apps; record audio and telephone calls; collect pictures and take screenshots; collect contacts, browser histories, the contents of the calendar, and so on.
According to the article, "chances are someone took advantage of the physical access they had to the device to do the dirty deed."
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A Powerful New Android Spyware Targets Business Executives

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    it was made by a brazilian office named reweb or any shit from squaregroup. they support organized crime and drug smuggling on brazil.

  • "The spyware is able to collect chats and messages sent and received via SMS, MMS, and popular email and IM apps; record audio and telephone calls; collect pictures and take screenshots; collect contacts, browser histories, the contents of the calendar, and so on."

    This is exactly what they can already do. I refuse to speak whenever there is a surveillance device in the same room, even.

  • by bigbang137 ( 2953369 ) on Saturday November 05, 2016 @04:17PM (#53219969)
    And this is why you never install anything proprietary offered by your employer - you never know what spyware is bundled in it. Especially if you work for a big organization, your corporate upper management is the one most likely to want to you spy on you. I take this very seriously.
    • If they really need an app installed, let them provide their own device for it. Assuming you cover the camera, that too can at least record audio.
  • Crowdsourcing malware detection app: https://play.google.com/store/... [google.com]
  • by penguinoid ( 724646 ) on Saturday November 05, 2016 @06:28PM (#53220517) Homepage Journal

    The spyware is able to collect chats and messages sent and received via SMS, MMS, and popular email and IM apps; record audio and telephone calls; collect pictures and take screenshots; collect contacts, browser histories, the contents of the calendar, and so on.

    Sounds to me like pretty much what a standard phone OS does, except the OS is more advanced and doesn't need screenshots. I guess it's malware because it shares the information with the wrong person?

  • Google says Android is secure.
    • While some tools decided that I was issuing flame bait or trolling, I was merely reporting the truth, and referenced in this slashdot story:

      https://apple.slashdot.org/sto... [slashdot.org]

      Theer truth is a dangerous and powerful thing. Crush the fuck out of it as it must be destroyed. Mod this post down to show that you prefer the lies that make you comfortable. Do it - you will feel much better.

To the landlord belongs the doorknobs.
