Tens of Thousands of Infowars Accounts Hacked (vice.com) 115
Joseph Cox, reporting for Motherboard: Tens of thousands of subscriber accounts for media company Infowars are being traded in the digital underground. Infowars, created by famed radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, produces radio, documentaries and written pieces. The dumped data relates to Prison Planet TV, which gives paying subscribers access to a variety of Infowars content. The data includes email addresses, usernames, and poorly hashed passwords. The administrator of breach notification site Databases. Land provided a copy of 100,223 records to Motherboard for verification purposes. Vigilante.PW, another breach notification service, also has the Infowars dump listed on its site, and says the data comes from 2014. However, every record appears to have been included twice in the data, making the actual number of user accounts closer to 50,000.Motherboard adds that it tested a few of the login credentials and that they worked.
False flag operation? (Score:1, Informative)
Probably a false-flag operation to re-direct attention away from Mr. Jones.
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I'm gonna buy stock in aluminum right away
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Stock is worthless in the upcoming apocalypse!
You're supposed to hoard! Gold, bottled water, aluminum foil (for protective head gear and home protection).
And guns. Lots of guns.
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That's what the Illuminati, the Koch Brothers, and the GMOs want you to think!
Re: False flag operation? (Score:3)
No, I think this is all being orchestrated by the Bilderberg group in tandem with the NWO as part of the conspiracy to take over the world with IPv6.
(And yes, people on the infowars forum actually believe that IPv6 is part of an NWO plot to take over the world.)
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Only shills and their victims (Score:2)
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And guns. Lots of guns.
Wouldn't it be more useful to only have a few guns and hoard ammo? Unless your plan is to throw handguns at people and use rifles as clubs, they're kind of useless without ammo. I guess if you wanted to be inefficient you could hoard only loaded guns and just throw them away every time you used all the ammo in one. That way does seem more American than the first way, now that I think about it.
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Guns would also be a useful trade good. So would ammo.
Re:False flag operation? (Score:4, Funny)
I've got to the point that every time a politician lies, I buy a box of ammo.
I've had to buy three warehouses this election cycle so far.
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So, you're the one that is causing all the ammo shelves at Academy and Wally-World to be empty of product!!
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Don't blame me. Blame the lying liars who lie, then lie about lying, the lie about lying about the lie (Hillary on Emails) and who changes his lies depending on the crowd (Donald on everything).
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Aluminum actually increases the RF hitting your head. You need actual tin foil, not aluminum.
(Actual study results appear to be offline now, but here's a news article on it: http://www.theatlantic.com/hea... [theatlantic.com] )
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Fool! Everyone knows that real libertarians use *gold* foil for their hats!
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Re:False flag operation? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah...who is Jones REALLY working for?
Wake up! Jones IS the false flag!
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Please don't spreas Alex Jones == Bill Hicks BS. (Score:2)
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Normally, I'd make a joke that watching Alex Jones is like watching a really immersive Let's Play of Illuminati: New World Order.
However, (some of) these nutbags seem to actually believe that Steve Jackson Games is in on it: http://yournewswire.com/illumi... [yournewswire.com]
Just amazing. Satire is truly obsolete.
Re:False flag operation? (Score:4, Funny)
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: [very nervous] Lord, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. I don't, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, Jack, Jack, listen... tell me, tell me, Jack. When did you first... become... well, develop this theory?
General Jack D. Ripper: [somewhat embarassed] Well, I, uh... I... I... first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I... I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake:: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.
General Jack D. Ripper: But I... I do deny them my essence.
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he's a Mossad/MI-6/Zurich/Reptilian plant, you poor deluded fool! take those pills at your own peril!
Seriously? (Score:2, Funny)
That many people actually listen to Alex Jones?
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There's no shortage of crazy people with too much time on their hands
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Donald Trump won the nomination of a major political party, so yes, it's pretty obvious there are a lot of fucking nutters out there.
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Don't laugh, I've encountered conspiratorial trolls who probably think he's reptilian. Annoying bast#rds.
The news makes we want to play a really small violin. [pinimg.com]
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Top-tier skit reference.
"I was in a scene in Star Wars!... but my line got cut."
"What was your line?"
"It was.. 'I'm just so tired of all these... Star Wars..'"
Begun... (Score:4, Funny)
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And if you're dumb enough to buy guns or ammo at Walmart on that particular day of the year, you just made "The List".
Infowars Hacked! (Score:3)
I'm not saying it was aliens, but...
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Aliens...illuminati...FEMA concentration camps. What's the fucking difference? Seriously, it's like arguing the difference between fairies and fey folks.
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I serve the Lizard King.
https://youtu.be/7ceAK3-7DEM [youtu.be]
Tested? (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm no fan of Infowars (although his trolling of The Young Turks was hilarious) but I'm really really hesitant to say this is kosher. Didn't they just break several laws about unauthorized access?
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i am a fan of trolling, even extreme trolling a la Weev, but seriously, given Alex Jones' well-known history of starting disagreements and escalating them to physical violence, i would basically classify that incident as harassment verging on assault. it has literally happened before.
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It has to be the (Score:2)
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Nice try.
Should have included reptilians.
+1 for effort.
If you swim, expect to get wet (Score:1, Interesting)
You would be pretty irresponsible to register at Infowars.com using your real identity.
If you do register, you should expect that one day you will end up in someone's shit list, according to the lessons of the history. That day has come.
That being said, if only email and login credentials have been hacked, then it is not a big issue. Website will ask users to update passwords.
What's the value of having the listing of 50,000 emails? Start marketing guns, gold, food ?
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The retard that uses the same login credentials for his banking and for FUCKING INFOWARS deserves to be hacked.
Re:If you swim, expect to get wet (Score:4, Insightful)
No, no they do not.
People don't deserve punishment for not being as intelligent as you or for believing the wrong things.
I can't even being to imagine the kinds of horrors you could justify with that sort of moral philosophy.
Gentlemen, start your engines! (Score:1)
Let the conspiracy theories flow! This should launch a record-breaking banner crop of conspiracy addicts and cranks from every basement in the country.
The "power elite" and their Agenda 21 plan overseen by the Illuminati, the Reptilians and Bigfoot, sponsored by George Soros and Saul Alinsky and the CIA/FBI/TSA in conjunction with the Hollywood leftists and the Bilderberg group, working hand-in-hand with the Chemtrail Society and the secret Progressive Cabal, using HAARP and MK ULTRA to convince Americans t
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Let the conspiracy theories flow! This should launch a record-breaking banner crop of conspiracy addicts and cranks from every basement in the country.
The "power elite" and their Agenda 21 plan overseen by the Illuminati, the Reptilians and Bigfoot, sponsored by George Soros and Saul Alinsky and the CIA/FBI/TSA in conjunction with the Hollywood leftists and the Bilderberg group, working hand-in-hand with the Chemtrail Society and the secret Progressive Cabal, using HAARP and MK ULTRA to convince Americans that everything is normal, nothing to see, move along citizen
Nobody talks about Majestic 12 anymore because the same (lizard) people are now running Agenda 21.
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Let the conspiracy theories flow! This should launch a record-breaking banner crop of conspiracy addicts and cranks from every basement in the country.
The "power elite" and their Agenda 21 plan overseen by the Illuminati, the Reptilians and Bigfoot, sponsored by George Soros and Saul Alinsky and the CIA/FBI/TSA in conjunction with the Hollywood leftists and the Bilderberg group, working hand-in-hand with the Chemtrail Society and the secret Progressive Cabal, using HAARP and MK ULTRA to convince Americans that everything is normal, nothing to see, move along citizen
Nobody talks about Majestic 12 anymore because the same (lizard) people are now running Agenda 21.
You seem confused, MKultra does not equal Majestic 12.. big difference.. MK Ultra was a long run program that was confirmed to be a real thing .. where the CIA used multiple drugs and torture techniques to the end of mind control and enhanced interrogation techniques. Majestic 12 was the group in the Eisenhower white house that was responsible for covering up the supposed UFOs that were recovered at Roswell.
MK Ultra was confirmed to be a real thing, though a lot of conspiracy theories were launched from it
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Delicious irony in 3... 2... 1... (Score:2)
Won't it be great if the FBI, ideally in collaboration with numerous other three-letter agencies, finds and prosecutes the folks who did this?
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Motherboard had two options: Crying wolf with no evidence or testing if they could log in (followed by immediate logout, I'm guessing) before crying wolf.
Please tell me which one is worse.
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The Illuminati invented salted hashes to sow a false sense of security among the sheeple. Don't you know anything?
You're one of them, aren't you?!!
Well, for once the Info-Wars people are right ... (Score:1)
... "they" really are out to make the InfoWars people look like idiots.
Not that "they" need much help mind you:
"Oh lookie, a poorly hashed password, what idiot runs their security system?"
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"... in other news, the sysadmin of "infowars.com" has been unmasked as a Reptilian agent for Agenda 21, a previously unknown terrorist organization. More news at 11."
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Agenda 21, a previously unknown terrorist organization.
Not to be confused with A21 [a21.org], a well-respected anti-human-trafficking organization.
So, two questions... (Score:2, Troll)
Has he blamed Hillary / the Democratic Party yet?
Since this happened in 2014, did he ever notify his tinfoil wearing followers? If not, they should really be looking at him as part of a conspiracy, as much as he normally looks at... well, everything.
Re: 50,000 paid subscribers? (Score:1)
That's how we know the hack is fake
Motherboard Blows It (Score:2)
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Mod this up. Hack from 2012 Infowars is under a lot of pressure from Media outlets trying to discredit them for publishing negative stories about Mrs. Clinton.
This story is confirmed FAKE (Score:1)
Jones denies hack (Score:1)
In this video he briefly denies the hack: https://youtube.com/watch?v=yf4xdGm0Nfs [youtube.com]
Jones' dismissal sounds somewhat uninformed. But it also sounds like VICE/Motherboard saw a hashed file and then paid for only a few cracked hashes.
Sounds like Jones is claiming the "cracked hashes" were stooge accounts.
There should have been a headline a few days ago, "Hillary thinks it is worth her time to attack Alex Jones."