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Over 1M BeautifulPeople Dating Site User Details Leak Online ( 50

An anonymous reader writes: Personal information of over one million users stored by popular dating site BeautifulPeople has leaked, and is now accessible online. We already knew that was hacked (it happened in November 2015), but this is the first confirmation from a security researcher that the details are legitimate. (BeautifulPeople had downplayed it at the time, saying that it was a staging server, and not a production server, that was hacked.) Security researcher Troy Hunt, citing a source, noted that the data has been sold online. The leaked personal information include email addresses, phone numbers, as well as hair color, weight, job and other details.Troy also noted that of the 1.1 million users details,170 of them have government email addresses. Some of you may remember BeautifulPixel as the creator the "Shrek" virus.
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Over 1M BeautifulPeople Dating Site User Details Leak Online

Comments Filter:
  • by magarity ( 164372 ) on Monday April 25, 2016 @10:54AM (#51983111)

    Ever been to the DMV lately? I'm not surprised there's only 170 total beautiful people in all of government.

    • Ever been to the DMV lately? I'm not surprised there's only 170 total beautiful people in all of government.

      Well, if you're talking the DMV...then you are really limiting yourself to a narrow set of the concept of what beauty is....I mean, the DMV is certainly NOT the bastion of racial diversity.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday April 25, 2016 @11:01AM (#51983157)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I originally interpreted it as a joke--out of over a million people who have been deemed beautiful enough to participate in an exclusive dating service...only 170 of them are government employees.

      But looking at the tweet that announces it, I'd say it is just a judgement of "what idiot uses their government work email to sign up for a dating site"

      • I didn't think government employees used their gov email addresses for anything, don't they all have personal servers ?
    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      So unless it is some seriously high member of Gov, this is absolute irrelevant information and to me that means that the rest is likely also irrelevant information.

      So now the Bad Guys[1] have a nice list of people known to be inside government who are vain enough to sign up for a dating site called "Beautiful People" using their government emails. Just by knowing this you know that these are prime targets to be catphished with the aim of delivering malware inside the government systems.

      [1] For the threat de jour.

    • So unless it is some seriously high member of Gov, this is absolute irrelevant information and to me that means that the rest is likely also irrelevant information.

      I think the significance goes back to the Ashley Madison hack, where it could be shown that it was married people looking for affairs. People on a dating site may or may not be married, so the potential for blackmail is probably greatly reduced.

  • "a site dedicated to letting people see if they’re details are available online,"
  • by OffTheLip ( 636691 ) on Monday April 25, 2016 @11:12AM (#51983239)
    finally a data breach I don't need to be concerned I am included in.
  • It's been shown in the past that a large number of "members" of these sites, often the majority, are fake, either created by the site itself for marketing purposes (fraud), or "professionals" i.e. hookers.

  • by ERJ ( 600451 ) on Monday April 25, 2016 @12:16PM (#51983717)
    Thank goodness all of us here at Slashdot are in the clear.

    Sorry....but you know someone had to make the joke.
  • So, personal details are released. No mention of actual photos.... inquiring minds want to know what members actually consider to be a beautiful person

  • the creator the "Shrek" virus

    There's no end to your talent, is there?

    Which would be great if there was a beginning.

Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people. -- F.M. Hubbard
