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Heartbleed OpenSSL Flaw Still Affects 200,000 Devices 11

Mickeycaskill writes: Despite the rush by vendors and software developers to issue fixes for the notorious Heartbleed OpenSSL flaw, 200,000 connected devices have still not been patched — eighteen months after discovery. Figures from Internet of Things (IoT) search engine provider Shodan show not all admins have been quick to fix their systems, while some security experts suggest the world will never be free of Heartbleed, which at one point was present on 220 million downloaded Android applications. "Clearly, some manufacturers and IT teams have dropped the ball, and failed to update vulnerable systems," said expert Graham Cluely. "My bet is that there will always be devices attached to the internet which are vulnerable to Heartbleed."
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Heartbleed OpenSSL Flaw Still Affects 200,000 Devices

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I THINK THEY SHOULD CONTINUE the policy of not giving a Nobel Prize for paneling. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
