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Romanian Cybersecurity Law Will Allow Warrantless Access To Data 62

jfruh writes: The Romanian Parliament has passed a bill that will allow its security services widespread access to data on privately owned services without a warrant, and once the president signs it, it will become law. The law would have widespread impact beyond Romania because the country is a hub for IT outsourcing.
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Romanian Cybersecurity Law Will Allow Warrantless Access To Data

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  • Idiots (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Drgnkght ( 449916 ) on Friday December 26, 2014 @07:30PM (#48677783)

    because the country is a hub for IT outsourcing

    Not anymore.

    • I wonder how the law treats having all your cheap Romanian labor work via thin clients, so the data never actually reside in Romania?
      • The "Microsoft controls the servers in Ireland, so can hoover up everything they hold" case indicates that if a single person in Romania can get the data then the Romanian police can get the data.
        • The "Microsoft controls the servers in Ireland, so can hoover up everything they hold" case indicates that if a single person in Romania can get the data then the Romanian police can get the data.

          I think the South African Police might have something to say about that. Just as an example, of course... http://www.datacentermap.com/s... [datacentermap.com]

    • Companies will only avoid the place if their customers object. Money is still king in the corporate world.
      • Really? It is not like the company data has no value at all. Perhaps you missed what happened recently to Sony. Getting access without a warrant and any valid reason to corporate data is a good way to spy and make a few bucks selling the information to competitors or becoming a competitor. A proposal for a many billion dollars project worth something for the competition. Many millions in fact.
    • Just when I learn a large enterprise here is already in the process to outsource the IT department as a whole in Romania within the next three months. A delayed Water Bucket Challenge.
  • Now maybe they'll shut down the enormous amount of spam that comes from that part of the world.

    On second thought, it pumps hard currency into the economy, so I guess not.

  • by The New Guy 2.0 ( 3497907 ) on Friday December 26, 2014 @07:59PM (#48677907)

    Remember when writing outsourcing agreements that law changes could happen, and should allow you to void the agreement.

  • Ceaucescu... (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    ...would have liked as much control over private data.

    Compared to today's Free world (of course, to the other side, they were the Free world), the former Soviet bloc countries had very little knowledge of citizen activity. The thing we've learned is that it's more effective to propagandize than to force, because all that really matters is the perception of freedom.

    • Allegedly Erich Mielke (former head of the East German Stasi) said concerning the various forms of surveillance we're getting used against us "If we had these things, we'd still have communism today!"

      Well, since we have them, we still have capitalism...

  • I Soviet Romania all your Data Blocs are belonging to us. You can have them back when we are though with them.
  • The Romanian actually passed a law making the stuff they do 'legal',
  • The law in question has not yet been passed by the president and has already been contested at the Constitutional Court. There it will most likely be declared unconstitutional thus illegal and void.
  • Like U.S. (Score:4, Informative)

    by artlu ( 265391 ) <<artlu> <at> <artlu.net>> on Saturday December 27, 2014 @08:56AM (#48679375) Homepage Journal

    As most people are unaware, after the passing of the Dodd Frank reform act (post 2008 financial crisis), the U.S. gave blanket subpoena power to the civil agencies of this country with respect to financial records. Do your research, and remember The Market is not Random. [themarketisnotrandom.com]

  • This law seems to be in contravention of several sections of the European Convention on Human Rights which Romania is party to.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

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