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DDoS Attack On Wikileaks Increasing 919

tetrahedrassface writes "According to the Twitter feed for Wikileaks, the attack on the controversial site is increasing and is now at 10 Gigabits per second. In light of the recent release of highly sensitive documents and calls by many lawmakers around the world to swiftly find, extradite, and try suspected rapist Julius Assange for breaches of national security, one nation, Ecuador, has offered asylum."
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DDoS Attack On Wikileaks Increasing

Comments Filter:
  • by Ismellpoop ( 1949100 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:10AM (#34388454)
    then you have nothing to hide.
    At least isn't that what the government tells us?
    • by girlintraining ( 1395911 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:24AM (#34388662)

      At least isn't that what the government tells us?

      The government also tells you to hide under your desk in the event of a nuclear attack.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Haedrian ( 1676506 )
      That depends, you also need to not share the name of someone who did something wrong. Otherwise you may end up on a no-fly list, or kidnapped from your country and taken to Afghanistan for torture.
    • by MightyYar ( 622222 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:33AM (#34388810)

      At least isn't that what the government tells us?

      Right, because you don't have any embarrassing secrets. You don't tell friends things in confidence.

      Thanks to this leak (and to the idiotic flubbing of security in the first place), it will be at least a little bit harder for American diplomats to make friends who will tell them things in confidence.

      • by TheCarp ( 96830 ) <sjc&carpanet,net> on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:50AM (#34389088) Homepage

        And rightfully so!

        Would you tell something "in confidence" to someone who you expected to write down a detailed report of your statements, and send them into a system to analysed and passed around? Anyone speaking to a diplomat and expecting confidence was naive from day one.

        I might have some sympathy here if it wasn't for the fact that the same people who are bitching about privacy are the ones who would think nothing of the invasion of other peoples privacy for their own ends. Somehow spying is better when its public? Better when its the people who pretend to represent us?

        Turnabout is fair play, and thats all that happened.


        • by Richard_at_work ( 517087 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @11:14AM (#34389552)

          And rightfully so!

          Would you tell something "in confidence" to someone who you expected to write down a detailed report of your statements, and send them into a system to analysed and passed around? Anyone speaking to a diplomat and expecting confidence was naive from day one.

          So you would have no issues with your medical records being made public then?

          There are plenty of reasons for diplomats to commit potentially inflammatory statements to paper and have them passed around - detailed foreign staffing reports on who they met, their personalities, comments made and perceptions drawn all help other diplomats to handle foreign contacts better and most certainly will contain information you would never, ever say to that persons face, despite it being 100% true.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by TheCarp ( 96830 )

            Well... how about this. If I went around breaking into other peoples medical records, reading them, and passing the info around to the friends of mine who I think could benefit from reading them....

            then I wouldn't expect any sympathy for me when mine are stolen and published.

            That is more what I am saying. These people use spies, work with spies, and sometimes simply are spies themselves. They engage in it left and right, I see no reason to have any sympathy for them when the tables get turned.

            Turnabout is f

        • Anyone speaking to a diplomat and expecting confidence was naive from day one.

          You're completely missing the point. When one diplomat tells another something, the expectation all around is that it will get written down and passed to the recipient's superiors. It is NOT expected that it will fall into the hands of someone like Assange who will release it to the world.
          • by SETIGuy ( 33768 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @01:30PM (#34391904) Homepage

            You're completely missing the point. When one diplomat tells another something, the expectation all around is that it will get written down and passed to the recipient's superiors. It is NOT expected that it will fall into the hands of someone like Assange who will release it to the world.

            If these were Iranian diplomatic cables would you still have a problem with this release by WikiLeaks? If the answer is yes, congratulations, you're not a hypocrite!

          • by fyngyrz ( 762201 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @01:59PM (#34392384) Homepage Journal

            It is NOT expected that it will fall into the hands of someone like Assange who will release it to the world.

            Well, you know, when I wrote my emails, I didn't expect them to be read by the government. But they did it anyway. Since they violated my trust and privacy and the 4th amendment without any legitimate authorization, I'm for pulling their pants down around their ankles in public and laughing at their shrunken little parts. Respect is not given, it is earned. And the USG has not been earning in this regard, it has been spending.

            So three cheers for Julian, and here's hoping for some real embarrassments in the cables. I mean, besides the ones already known, like the idiocy about trading Guantanamo prisoners for an audience with El Presidente.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Gerzel ( 240421 )

      Suspected rapist? I thought they dropped that charge? Jeeze this article seems a little biased.

  • Ut Oh! (Score:5, Funny)

    by PORNorART ( 1949708 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:12AM (#34388478) Homepage

    /. is in trouble now for leaking the US's inability to conduct a succesful DDoS campaign.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Are they doing it? Have they announced where the majority of the attacks are coming from or is like a /. effect?

      (They can't lose! Either they're being attacked for revealing the truth and/or they're super popular!)

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        A DDoS is more than a simple /. effect.

        Only when your servers are not designed for massive amounts of traffic at a time will you be harmed by the slashdot effect. Usually it happens on /. because we link to some university Website, who is only used to maybe a couple thousand students and not millions of internet viewers.

        Wikileaks is in the business of being read by as many people as possible - You'll notice Wikileaks is still UP during all this. This suggests they expected this kind of stuff and likely they

    • Slashdotting (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Barryke ( 772876 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:35AM (#34388858) Homepage

      The main site seems to work fine after
      A) Worldwide mass interest
      B) DDOS
      C) slashdotting and other causes of sudden increase in traffic.

      This should be featured on Discovery's "How do they do it." for sure. I'm peaked.

  • by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:19AM (#34388566) Homepage

    He will be quite comfortable and safe in my mother's basement.

  • by MBHkewl ( 807459 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:19AM (#34388574)

    "suspected rapist Julius Assange"

    Their attempt at discrediting the accuracy of the info by repeating the word "suspected rapist" is a bit of an old cliche, don't you think?

    Also, does this still work, even with so much data available?

    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:38AM (#34388918)

      I think possible dog molester MBHkewl is right. Much as I disagree with MBHkewl's alleged disgusting lifestyle, I think it's possible, just possible, that we're seeing an obvious case of character assassination here. And I urge readers to overlook the fact that MBHkewl purportedly rapes innocent puppies long enough to consider that he may have a point.

  • Pied Piper (Score:5, Interesting)

    by FuckingNickName ( 1362625 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:23AM (#34388640) Journal

    What we've learnt about the US is that they privately criticise and occasionally seek intelligence on important figures, and they don't like their citizens being arrested. Moreover, several million people have US "secret" clearance, which means anyone foreign and relevant also had the information: the release was therefore benign.

    In other shocking news, I sometimes mumble "idiot!" under my breath after leaving a meeting and double-check a CV. Don't get me wrong, it's a great laugh to see a few fragile egos insulted, but the most interesting thing to come from this in the West will be whatever law stops it happening again.

    This leak was damaging to those who the US are currently LARTing, from the UK to Saudi Arabia; from a diplomatic PoV, the US government has come out pretty well while playing the perfect victim. It's almost like we're approaching a significant anniversary of another time it did that: now the fires need stoking from an information warfare angle.

    If wikileaks is being DDoS'd, it certainly isn't the US government trying to put some genie back in a bottle.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      If anything, my reaction is akin to that of the "Bull in a China Shop" experiment on MythBusters []. You hear that Wikileaks announces a big leak, they hype it up, you get all this anticipation, and when the actual results come out, they're... amusing, fascinating, but not "OMG national security crisis!!1!" (the smashing ceramics) material. The worst we've seen in the cables is that the US spies on the UN and other countries via diplomats, but that's hardly surprising given that they had no compunction against

  • simple solution (Score:3, Insightful)

    by VincenzoRomano ( 881055 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:26AM (#34388690) Homepage Journal
    Put everything on bittorrent.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Haedrian ( 1676506 )
      Its been done already. The files were placed on pirate bay and encrypted. Its a clever backup.
  • ©ontrol (Score:3, Interesting)

    by sean_nestor ( 781844 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:36AM (#34388870) Homepage
    Fight the power and the power will fight back!
    You're only as good as the system you hack;
    If you become a problem you will be replaced--
    banned, shut down, erased!

    The world has capsized, gone erratic
    Constitutional rights have dissolved into static
    The truth is based on misinformation--
    reality is only a hallucination!

    -MDFMK, ©ontrol
  • by elucido ( 870205 ) * on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:41AM (#34388962)

    Here is the Proof

    3. (S) The Baku businessman is a UK-educated engineer from a
    prominent Pre-Revolution Isfahan family, and formerly owned a
    large factory in Iran. He is a former national fencing
    champion of Iran. former President of the Iran Fencing
    Association, and Vice-President of an Azerbaijan sports
    association. He has been based in Baku for more than ten
    years, working primarily as a sub-contractor to BP and the
    Cape Industrial Services company. While his oil services
    company includes an insulation division that may be in
    competition with INSULTEC, source has provided "inside"
    information on many other Iranian issues (including
    comprehensive data on the status of new Iranian oil refinery
    construction) that does not relate to his private interests
    in any way.

    4. (S) Note: A quick google check revealed several companies
    with the name INSULTEC in the title - these may or not be
    affiliated. Based on the information provided by source
    (currently in Iran, where he frequently travels), one
    possible candidate could be "INSULTEC Chitral Ltd." End

    You can thank Julian Assange for this.

  • by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:43AM (#34388986)

    Even in a normal case, that really is presuming guilt. In this case, where it looks like it isn't even a rape by classic measures, it's more dubious.

    As far as I can tell, both ladies had voluntary sex and then later, based on additional facts, decided they were raped. As far as I can tell, no one has alleged Assange forcibly had sex with them while they were saying "no".

    • by Renraku ( 518261 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @12:36PM (#34390924) Homepage

      That's because of the way the whole 'rape' thing works. You see, a lot of rapes don't start out as rape. Instead it's something like making out, maybe cuddling, etc. Then someone takes things too far and is just used to the other person sharing their passions or going along with it. Except this time, they aren't going along with it. They've decided that they don't want to go to third base, but things keep evolving. Either they're too weak/scared to say no, or they were forced to do it.

      It's still rape.

      Therein lies the problem. Anyone, at any time, can decide that a sexual encounter in the past was rape. All they have to do is say that sex happened and that they didn't want to do it at some point. Even if that point lies after the fact, it's still rape.

      Get drunk at a party and sleep with someone nasty? Rape, of course. Want to have a better standing in the divorce? They raped you, and you're afraid for your children/pets/belongings. Get in a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend and want to be a vindictive ass? They raped you.

      Of course, it generally only applies to women, since most men would be laughed out of the court room for saying they were raped by a woman. And if they woman conceived during that rape, the guy would still be responsible for paying child support payments, regardless of the circumstances of the rape. There is NO gender equality going on here.

    • Not just any ladies, either -

      'Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a “leftist”. She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden. He further notes that the gro

  • by Programmer_In_Traini ( 566499 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:45AM (#34389022)

    I think this just goes to show the dual morality of entities such as the government when even they wont frown on hiring hackers to protect their interest despite all the government laws, motions and acts layed by said government to stop those said hackers when they're not working for them.

    Go wikileaks! not that we had any doubts that shit is taking place just about everyday, but its nice to have some proof and poor some clear water into that mud pool.

  • Forget Assange (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Raven_Stark ( 747360 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @10:50AM (#34389092)

    If any heads should roll over the leaks, it should be those of the guy who stole the data and whatever dunce(s) allowed peons access to the data. Although, overall so far, I'm generally pleased with the leaks because they show that most of the world's leaders are fallible but basically rational human beings. For instance, it is good to see that most of the middle eastern leaders understand that Iranian leaders are nutjobs who cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. Same goes for China's recognition that Kim Jong Ill is off his rocker. I feel much better about the world in general now because so far the leaked info confirms my suspicion that the world's messes aren't as insurmountable as it sometimes seems.

    That said, I am deeply embarrassed that the Pentagon is incompetent enough to have allowed the leak of things said in confidence. They are idiots who shouldn't be trusted with so much power.

    Even more, I am embarrassed over the USA's strong-arming of Germany over the arrest of one of its citizens. World ***please*** don't take that kind of shit from us (the USA).

    I really think it is high time for the USA to turn over the job of policing the world to a democratically elected world government. It is unfair for the US taxpayers to pay so much for world security and to get all of the blame when our leaders fuck up and holy fuck do they ever fuck up. More importantly, it is unfair to the world for the US to have so much say in how the world is run.

  • by gestalt_n_pepper ( 991155 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @11:11AM (#34389508) making the USA's government look desperate and pathetic. If they don't understand how unstoppable this is now, they look technically impaired. If they don't understand what "out of your jurisdiction" means, they look disingenuous, dangerous and as hamfisted as the Russians. All it does is to confirm every negative impression that came out of Wikileaks, which by the way, would be immediately replaced by several other similar organizations if the original is somehow made to stop and it's founder killed or imprisoned. Apparently the US government hasn't learned the lesson of Napster.

    Bottom line: The American empire no longer commands the respect of its subjects and incidents like this will continue. Thank you very much, conservative republican financial community and all the recent presidential figureheads starting with Reagan, none of whom actually give a rat's patoot about the USA other than as a money generating device.

  • by davev2.0 ( 1873518 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @11:25AM (#34389734)
    Wikileaks just wants to embarrass the U.S. and damage the ties the U.S. has with other nations. There was nothing criminal or even shocking other than the candid opinions of lower level personal in the state department about other countries and said countries leaders. The worst thing is that this damages the relationship between the U.S. and various other countries, especially those in the Middle East as well as many Middle East countries relationship with Iran.

    This is just Assange using wikileaks to attack a country he hates.
    • by Brannoncyll ( 894648 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @12:33PM (#34390866)

      This is just Assange using wikileaks to attack a country he hates.

      Clearly this is why the headline story on BBC news today [] is about China's thinking on North Korea, and the headline story in The Independent [] is about missiles in Iran, both of which are sourced from the Wikileaks cables and neither of which is remotely 'anti-US'. I'm sure there are numerous other examples. It seems that you are being deceived by the US government propaganda machine, which attempts to bias (US) public opinion against things it doesn't like by claiming that they are attacking the democratic beacon of justice and humanity, the great and powerful USA, land of the free etc etc.

    • by Gary W. Longsine ( 124661 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @01:49PM (#34392224) Homepage Journal
      This batch of leaks is about as likely to wind up helping the United States more than hurting it, as it has exposed, for example, the deep hypocrisy of the Arab governments in the middle east. It does the United States very little good, so far as anyone can tell, from letting these governments publicly berate our every action in the region, while privately begging us to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. A little sunshine on that single issue might do enough good to entirely negate any other random embarrassments which occur.

      I don't have a sense for whether or not Mr. Assange "hates" the United States. It is quite clear that he thinks governments keep too many secrets, and that he thinks operational transparency might lead to governments whose actions are more closely aligned with the interests of their populations. He seems pretty focused on western democratic nations, and this looks like an indication that perhaps he doesn't hate them. More like "tough love".
  • by cpghost ( 719344 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @12:01PM (#34390294) Homepage
    Actually, this probably isn't a DDoS at all, but simply people repeatedly checking the site for new cables. If they had released a lot more cables in a batch (say a couple of thousands or more), people would look less frequently while digesting what they've got. So, this increase in traffic may very well be self-inflicted by their painfully slow release policy.
  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @12:11PM (#34390460) Homepage Journal
    i see that they didnt like their filth coming out into the open eh ?

    that means there is probably even stronger sh@t to come up yet. since those bastards have started calling for his arrest calling him 'rapist'. despite the girls who are involved in that case openly state that there is no rape involved and that was voluntary. i guess, that conveniently slips by their ears.

    the rock bottom level of corruption that politics has hit, is nauseating.
  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @12:23PM (#34390694) Homepage Journal
    the amount of filth continually being exposed about their government and its BETRAYAL to their country's values is increasing, yet, also the numbers of americans who are supporting their government is increasing, at least in slashdot.

    i find it nauseating. how can someone support some party that has DECEIVED them, by betraying the founding ideals of their country in regard to freedom, liberty and basic human rights, and perpetrated innumerable filth behind the cover of secrecy with the 'national secrets' excuse ....

    YET, some people can still stomach being deceived, lied, and bottomless filth committed in their name, AND come up supporting that !!!

    HOW. WHY ?
  • Godaddy domains down (Score:5, Interesting)

    by secondhand_Buddah ( 906643 ) <secondhand,buddah&gmail,com> on Tuesday November 30, 2010 @01:45PM (#34392146) Homepage Journal
    The Godaddy registered Wikileaks domains (,, are no longer pointing at anything meaninful - just Godaddy blurb pages. It seems that Godaddy has decided to stop serving DNS for Wikileaks

Take your work seriously but never take yourself seriously; and do not take what happens either to yourself or your work seriously. -- Booth Tarkington
