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Bug Australia The Almighty Buck

Computer Glitch Leaves Some Australians Without Cash 195

An anonymous reader writes "National Australia Bank payments to customers were again delayed today after a computer glitch yesterday morning due to a corrupted file in its mainframe computer. Upset consumers are now demanding compensation for any fees for late mortgage and credit card payments, overdrawn accounts or bounced direct debits charged by any institutions as a result of the mess."
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Computer Glitch Leaves Some Australians Without Cash

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  • by countertrolling ( 1585477 ) on Saturday November 27, 2010 @01:48AM (#34356408) Journal

    Still the safest place until you house burns down

    • by Zedrick ( 764028 )
      Safest, eh?

      When I lived in Ireland and they switched to the Euro, I took all my Irish Puts, put them in two glass jars and buried them next to a church. My coins might still be there in a few hundred years when I hope some lucky person finds them, but at the moment it looks like the Irish banks could be gone.
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Or when a thief find money there. :D

  • by Nineteen-Delta ( 1892866 ) on Saturday November 27, 2010 @01:50AM (#34356416) Homepage
    Maybe some other big banks could copy this computer glitch and wipe out the billions of pounds /dollars /yen / euros / gold pieces that everyone owes each other, we could get back to some kind of normality.
  • Darn (Score:3, Funny)

    by War Camel ( 1773094 ) on Saturday November 27, 2010 @01:53AM (#34356422)
    Ide have had the first post, but my ISP payment bounced...
  • ... Because the NAB is really one of the 'good' banks , a leader in lowering the absurd fees and penalties banks charge in Australia. I hope they haven't put unfair pressure to reduce costs on their IT department.

  • by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Saturday November 27, 2010 @02:17AM (#34356486)

    It looks like consumers aren't demanding it so much as the bank is promising it, which is no surprise. Even if Australia doesn't have laws protecting consumers in that sort of event, the bank will do it anyhow because they have to.

    As a practical matter all it'll likely take is phone calls/letters to creditors explaining that it was a glitch and no fault of the person involved. As a somewhat related example a friend of mine got hit because of a glitch years ago. The power company double debited his payment. That happened right about when a number of other transactions came which caused some of them to bounce, including his rent check. All the fees from the bank overdrew his account, he had other fees from the people he owed money to, and his landlord notified him he'd be evicted if he didn't pay. Well, the power company made things right and gave him back his money. They also called the relevant parties saying "Sorry, it was our fuckup." Every single one canceled all the fees. Since it wasn't his fault, they didn't fine him. Had they not, the power company said to send them the bills for the fees and they'd reimburse him.

    So while this is doubtless a stressful time for those involved, in the end I have to imagine it'll all get worked out. Goes double since this is a major fuckup, and going to be well known.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 27, 2010 @07:38AM (#34357302)

      No way that was in the united states...

      Companys doing the right thing... Not possible here. Or you got REALLY REALLY lucky.

      • No it was in the United States. Might be because he actually spent some time working on the problem, making the company aware they had fucked up, rather than just whining online as so many people here are prone to do.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Nor was it in the UK - see the direct debit guarantee. Besides, the OP didn't spell cheque right ;)
    • Even if Australia doesn't have laws protecting consumers in that sort of event

      Even if not we do have a fairly decent consumer advocacy group. The ACCC is in large responsible for the reduction in overdrawing fees from banks. I remember my bank once charging $50 because an automated internal transactions between two accounts held in my name at the same branch failed because one was short on cash. I remember being told tough when I complained. I remember getting a refund after the ACCC got involved. These days overdrawing fees are like $15 and only when the account is actually overdraw

  • by guyminuslife ( 1349809 ) on Saturday November 27, 2010 @02:30AM (#34356506)

    Something tells me a system administration job just opened up.at a major Australian bank.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      I would say its a DB2 Admin, Informatica specialist, Z/OS development specialist and the batch file creator. Most batch jobs just run.
      • I would say its a DB2 Admin, Informatica specialist, Z/OS development specialist and the batch file creator. Most batch jobs just run.

        Funny, but when I hear z/OS and batch jobs, I think JCL . . . and then I run away . . .

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by TeraCo ( 410407 )

          When westpac fucked up like this, they just replayed the batch the next day and it was sorted.

          The fact that this wasn't fixed on day one means they're trying to put the data back together from scratch. (ie: they are so fucked)

        • by cwills ( 200262 )
          Ah, so your'e fine with a Perl script with some undecipherable regular expressions.... It's all a matter of perspective..
  • The pubs will need compensation since they'll be the hardest hit in all of this.
  • ... are out of cash because the world economy tanked.

    Although, the Aussies do deserve some sympathy . . . I recently saw a documentary, which showed how many poisonous varmints and critters are trotting around there. I would be afraid to put my hairy ass into bed at night there.

    Having no cash would be one of the least of my worries.

    My favorite is some type of squid, who is tiny, but a sting of it will kill an adult human in about two minutes.

    Yo. "When I say it's not safe to surf this beach, it's not

  • It will be interesting to see how many people end up switching to another bank over this (either because of the stuff-up or because of the lack of communication from the NAB when it initially happened)

    I for one am glad I left the National Australia Bank years ago. I no longer keep my money in the bank, I use a Credit Union :)

  • "corrupted file in its mainframe computer"

    Do they honestly expect us to believe this shit?

    • The western world's financial sector runs on ancient clunky COBOL batch systems that have accumulated a horrendous amount of cruft and as a result are very hard to update. Fuck ups are common although they're rarely as bad as this.

    • As nothing is ever perfect, it is actually quite possible. But was is a manual stuff up, or genuine failed write? Who knows (outisde the IT team)?
  • Whats the fee on the Emergency $500 advances?

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
