Retired Mainframe Pros Lured Back Into Workforce 223
itwbennett writes "Businesses that cut experienced mainframe administrators in an effort to cut costs inadvertently created a skills shortage that is coming back to bite them. Chris O'Malley, CA's mainframe business executive VP, says that mainframe workers were let go because 'it had no immediate effect and the organizations didn't expect to keep mainframes around.' But businesses have kept mainframes around and now they are struggling to find engineers. Prycroft Six managing director Greg Price, a mainframe veteran of some 45 years, put it this way: 'Mainframes are expensive, ergo businesses want to go to cheaper platforms, but [those platforms] have a lot of packaged overheads. If you do a total cost of ownership, the mainframe comes out cheaper, but since the costs of a mainframe are immediately obvious, it is hard to get it past the bean-counters of an organization.'"
Not a new phenomenon (Score:5, Interesting)
As early as 2002, I started to half-jokingly tell young co-workers that were asking that they should learn COBOL as a way to insure them a prosperous career. ;-) Back then, most schools were removing or had removed COBOL programming from their course list.
I was half-jokingly telling them that by 2015 they should be earning 150-200K a year as a simple COBOL developer ;-)))
See this article from last year saying basically the same thing :
http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2008/08/07/231774/cobol-programmer-shortage-starts-to-bite.htm [computerweekly.com]
Note: I am to old to start to learn COBOL, this is stuff for young people... ;-)
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Being a maintenance programmer sucks. Designing is fun, and modern languages are far less tedious than their ancestors.
But bloody hell, if I can make six figures writing cobol, I'll grab myself a cobol book and quit this programming job. A sucky day job isn't so bad when it means you can retire a decade earlier than otherwise.
Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:5, Funny)
But bloody hell, if I can make six figures writing cobol, I'll grab myself a cobol book and quit this programming job. A sucky day job isn't so bad when it means you can retire a decade earlier than otherwise.
My advice for new programmers has been exactly this: learn COBOL, study mainframes, move to large cities, make big bucks. Sure, you'll want to gouge your eyes out with a fork, but then you'll be able to afford to have robotic eyes grafted back in!
As a second, I recommend that they learn Unix skills, c, and databases. Still lots of money there, and your original eyeballs will last longer. (It's the path I chose, and I do quite well for myself)
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Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:4, Interesting)
About five years into my naval career, they handed me a key to the front (control) panel to every Harris 300/301 computer and the master password for Pacific Fleet. A Harris system engineer also gave an unexpurgated system generation tape (all the compilers, tools, and documentation were uncut). I never knew where I was going on some days but it was sure fun since it was all about understanding the processes and making them tick correctly be it hardware, software, or people. And teaching, of course!
be prepared (Score:3, Interesting)
You not only have to know the application field pretty well (or have the bent to intuit it), but you will have to get used to living without local variables and to a one-call-deep call stack.
Don't ignore the naming conventions. It's what they do to work around the lack of re-entrance.
And never, never, never try anything fancy. If you can't keep the state machine in your head, trying to debug it interactively will eat your lunch and your breakfast, dinner, and midnight snacks, as well.
Oblig. Ref. (Score:4, Funny)
Obligatory Followup (Score:2, Funny)
Some years later, sure enough he wakes up. Asking the nearest person what year it is, they reply, "It's the year 9999 and we need a COBOL programmer to help with this Y10K problem!"
Yeah, it's an old joke. Now GOML!
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Sounds familiar. In 1997 I took a course in system administration, and one of the other students there told me a similar anecdote: ;-)
If you believe that guy, a few years ago, DEC had fired a bunch of experienced big iron programmers (albeit with nice severance packages). Later they found that their newly hired developers were good on PCs but had not much knowledge about mainframes. DEC ended up hiring the old guys back as consultants
Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:4, Informative)
I rather like mainframes in general though. Hell I can at least tolerate Fortran if it comes down to it. COBOL... not so much.
Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:4, Interesting)
Perhaps because COBOL isn't very similar to python, PHP or vbscript?
(I regularly use python, PHP and vbscript at work and I've messed around with COBOL at home on a few occasions and while the language is by no means hard to grasp it is a bit peculiar and I could never stand working on a large COBOL project.)
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I assume I couldn't stand to work on a large COBOL project, but this is because every large COBOL project I've seen has been managed the same way it would be 35 years ago. Just because the language needs to be backwards-compatible doesn't mean the way you write and manage it needs to be, but "old talent" means "old mindsets" and "old mindsets" means "very resistant to change".
Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:5, Interesting)
COBOL is an odd beast, with no pointer/references and barely even has the concept of arrays. It makes processing a stream of input records to create a stream of output records, with occasional DB updates along the way, very straightforward. It's fine at text-oriented work and formatting as well (I bet it would work fine to implement an AJAX backend). Anything else, not so much.
MULTIPLY FOO BY BAR GIVING QUX. - Actual math syntax (never used, I expect, but humorous).
odd beast (Score:3, Interesting)
Odd by today's standards.
No flow-of-control stack. No local variables.
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The funny thing was, if you used COBOL in its intended problem domain (record-oriented processing), the lack of local variables just wasn't a problem. If your program was to read an employee record from the database, compute tax withholding, print a paycheck accoring to his current pay, and update the tax database with the new totals (known as a "card walloping program") you didn't need local variables, or even arrays. Amusingly, most business programming today is still card walloping. Businesses seem kee
Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:4, Interesting)
So you don't like working with COBOL. I haven't ever heard of a "small COBOL project".
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I think it's less an issue of the language as the kind of applications that were developed in that language. For example, the last shop I worked at that had COBOL, had a *LOT* of COBOL, and it had been developed *along with* the policies and procedures and business rules of, among other things, the global supply chain for an oil and gas exploration company. You couldn't work with this stuff if you didn't know both the development platform *and* the business. I suspect it's just as hard to find someone wh
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What would the advantage be in highering a coder? It would be more difficult to reach the keyboard for a start.
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Re:Not a new phenomenon (Score:5, Funny)
> Why would you higher a "Cobol" coder to program Cobol
Because most "web programmers" we know of do not know how to spell. Our COBOL programming interface (terminal based) doesn't have auto-completion or auto-correction features so misspelled words cause errors only when the programmer hits the compile key.
Compiler errors are cryptic and it takes a lot of time to find and fix the misspellings. So even if the logic of the code was flawless (for which we also have doubts), simple spelling errors cost us too much money thus making HIRING web developers a non viable alternative for us.
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... simple spelling errors cost us too much money thus making HIRING web developers a non viable alternative for us.
Did you mean "non-viable"? Syntax is important too.
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Web "programmer"... Hahaha, good one!
Web programming != web interface design. Welcome to the 21st century.
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"Web monkeys"?
Yeah. The monkey-kind are a dime a dozen. Which is proven by how many crappy web pages/applications there are out there. The non-monkey kind exist too. Just like the difference between script kiddies that "play" with their *nix boxes and real system administrators that know how to solve real world problems.
Those mainframe "dudes" as you put it, make similar to what good (read: proficient, non-monkey) web designers make. Moreover, I know several mainframe admins that make significantly less. It
Ohhhhh (Score:2, Interesting)
I speak COBOL, FORTRAN and can do Job Control Language like an old pro, oh wait.
I also program in IBM 360/370 assembler. I'll bet that is almost a lost art.
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I'd take a 370 assembler job, if they existed! I enjoyed that more than any other language I've worked with. Heck, even with the old OS that ususally accompanies such work - threads? preemptive multitasking? Who needs em!
First Opensource?? (Score:2)
I'd take a 370 assembler job, if they existed! I enjoyed that more than any other language I've worked with. Heck, even with the old OS that ususally accompanies such work - threads? preemptive multitasking? Who needs em!
From memory, IBM's 370 macros came with source and cool code was shared freely between mainframe shops.
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MVS? Get off my lawn!
A vasy amount of 370 programming, perhaps the majority, was done against a late version of mainframe DOS (I can't rememebr the exact name now, but basically the last thing before MVS), because IBM licensed the source cheap. It wasn't true "open source" of course, but you had the source and could customize it and fix bugs and whatnot.
It did not have processes memory protection, or threads. It relied on programs respecting their memory partitions (which was easy to get right in COBOL),
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Teaching UNIX security experts to use mainframes (Score:2, Informative)
If you'll excuse the shameless self promotion, this book teaches UNIX security people how to use Mainframes: http://www.amazon.com/Mainframe-Basics-Security-Professionals-Getting/dp/0131738569/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202746607&sr=8-1 [amazon.com]
Cobol vs. Data Entry (Score:4, Insightful)
I learned and taught cobol for awhile, and i can say that cobol is not too far from data entry. It is way too much work to do simple things, and it is way too weak of a language for most things. Its functionality is low that it takes a lot of code to implement simple things. The compiler gives you weird error messages. The language is archane. It is a very miserable language to write in, and I wouldn't code in it for less than several hundreds of dollars per hour, just because its so boring and takes way too much typing to do simple things that would be a snap in other languages.
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Re:Cobol vs. Data Entry (Score:5, Informative)
no worse than C
Except for C having "+" "-" and "=" instead of "MULTIPLY units AND cost GIVING total"
If Perl is the archetypal "write only" language, COBOL is the one true "read only" language.
people are crazy not to get into this field
The whole point of TFA was that entry level jobs where people could "get in" went away, then all the senior staff retired or expired, leaving the companies with nothing.
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The whole point of TFA was that entry level jobs where people could "get in" went away, then all the senior staff retired or expired, leaving the companies with nothing.
I'd have to say that this is by no means unique for mainframe developers/admins, here in Sweden it seemed like no one was hiring entry-level coders or admins between 2002 and 2008 or so (it seems to have picked up now as companies realise that entry-level coders and admins can be paid less than some guy with 10+ years experience).
Of course, if you looked in the job ads you could easily have been fooled into thinking there were plenty of entry-level jobs, until you read the requirements for just about every
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COBOL has COMPUTE (which will give you +, -, * and /.)
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The 70's called, they want their boundaries back.
I had a (small) window of opportunity to do some work in mainframe COBOL at one point. After taking a tour of the IS department of a major insurance company (which turned out to be a 2nd level basement where everything was a grimy yellow), seeing the tools I'd be using (TSO, JCL, CICS, etc), and
boundaries (Score:2)
FWIW, there have been a lot of attempts to modernize CoBOL, new coding environments, objects, etc.
I don't have enough experience with what they're doing (don't want to have that experience, I guess.) to know what they've done about reentrancy, but I suspect that the whole concept of reentrancy is foreign to the very people who like the grammar and syntax of CoBOL.
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For fun, program something that matches exactly the rounding errors that would be done using pencil and paper.
Seems like this is much much easier to do in COBOL (or basic assembler) and all the nice abstractions make an easy path to wrong answers.
Seems like the main problem with COBOL systems is that if you add once character to a data field, you must not only change all the programs and all the data, but also all the historical archives. Hmmmm.
No worse than C? (Score:2)
Are you sure CoBOL is no worse than C?
Or are you comparing apple fritters and ham sandwiches?
I have seen C written the way people write good CoBOL.
I have never seen CoBOL written like good C, and I know why.
Has something to do with something called reentrancy.
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Might I add one point, since this about programming on mainframes. Ken Thompson once said:
"Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale along the beach!"
Actually, TFA was about sysadmins, and not programmers.
Re:Cobol vs. Data Entry (Score:4, Funny)
I quite enjoyed TSO
Oh wait
That was ISPF that I enjoyed.
Re:Cobol vs. Data Entry (Score:5, Interesting)
I used to hate discovering that field XYZ was being modified in jobs that were completely unrelated to XYZ, because the programmer was too lazy to check the appropriate code out of the repository. "Why bother? I can make the change right here and it'll work just fine!"
My favorite line was "Being on a COBOL dev team is like living in a dorm."
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Mainframes have 3 levels of virtualization, why do you run all these programs in the same memory space ?
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"Because it works on my end, gotta be a problem on yours"
Never heard that?
3 deep stack? (Score:2)
Yeah, I know it's an over-simplification, but do remember that your virtualization is one of the tools CoBOL programers use to get around its non-reentrant nature.
Re:Cobol vs. Data Entry (Score:4, Interesting)
But because any program which opens a file can change any data contained in the file, it's tempting to make tweaks wherever it's handy. Nobody claims it's good practice, but these systems have been under constant tweaking for 30 or 40 years by dozens of programmers. After the first decade nobody even knows what the programs were supposed to do in the first place. (Especially since they have names like AB1243A, where 3 of the 7 characters identify the application, leaving only 4 characters to describe what the program does.)
So the typical bug-hunt consists of noticing that a field has the wrong value, and then checking each individual intermediate file from start to finish to see which job changed it. And if you're on a system that doesn't save its intermediate files it means running all the jobs one step at a time to see where the field gets modified. And THEN you have to open the program and find out what it's doing and why.
It's not all that different from any other system that has data which is shared between various components, but somehow solving the problem using TSO makes it all seem so primitive.
(XEDIT is one of the best text editors I've ever used, though.)
"... like living in a dorm." (Score:2)
Good analogy.
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It is a very miserable language to write in, and I wouldn't code in it for less than several hundreds of dollars per hour, just because its so boring and takes way too much typing to do simple things that would be a snap in other languages.
Couldn't you write in a more concise language, and have a simple compiler generate the equivalent COBOL code?
Even if it couldn't reverse-translate existing COBOL code, it could make your life a lot easier for newly written code.
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not just a management issue with CoBOL. (Score:2)
Standard CoBOL is not reentrant.
Those coding standards are equivalent to having management do a full optimization pass on the pseudo-code and completely unrolling every call that goes more than one level deep.
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I'm told that most of industry frowns upon each developer in a team using his or her own language.
Been there, done that. I worked on a mini-computer that had only a Fortran IV compiler, but it did have a macro pre-processor that allowed you to write Fortran 99 looking code that would then be converted to Fortran IV for input to the compiler.
A cow-orker of mine went a couple of steps farther; he used the general purpose macro pre-processor to allow him to write his code in his own language, which was then sent through two passes of the pre-processor, then through the Fortran 99 to IV pre-processor befo
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I wonder if a sorta COBOL decompiler would be helpful. Something that would interpret COBOL into a modern language with 100% perfection (not neccesarily perfection in looking good but perfection in producing the same program bug for bug) ?? IS this possible?
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They have those for RPG that translate the code into Java...and keep the original RPG as comments for reference. I'd guess they have those for Cobol too.
The problem I see is that companies still don't have time to refactor that Java into something useful... so it's just "beginner" level java, copying the code. Also, those languages have little things that are direct data structures and processing modes that were emulations of old hardware and have no equivalent representation in a language like Java without
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Cross compilers aren't hard, but the code they produce isn't at all easy to maintain. It's going to be far easier to maintain the COBOL than to maintain Java automatically generated from COBOL (well, right up until you can't buy a COBOL compiler for your platform).
I've had to support code in one language that was automatically generated from another, and it is really a last resort.
decompilers? (Score:2)
Sounds great.
Except you must realize that you are essentially talking about decompiling a language that is already in many ways at assembly language level.
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And yet, for all the dissing you and other posters give COBOL - you can't ignore one salient fact: It's powered some pretty high power systems for decades. As the commercial says - "like a rock".
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Which is allright if you're Sisyphus...
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There's this new language on the horizon, though - it "basically" makes programming a snap for non-programmers, and is likely to eliminate the job of programmers entirely except for a few high-level system engineering projects.
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"There's this new language on the horizon, though - it "basically" makes programming a snap for non-programmers, and is likely to eliminate the job of programmers entirely except for a few high-level system engineering projects."
What nonsense!
Anyone that has coded for a living knows that it is not X years experience coding that is the important thing, it is X years experience debugging, eventually getting to the point where you see the likely bugs before they happen and debug 'premeptively'. Most programmer
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So why has nobody bootstrapped themselves a bit by writing some libraries or extending/improving the language?
Or at least written a good editor. It's been around for a long time. Hasn't some bored guru written his own vi/emacs clone for it in the last 40 years?
Or improved the compiler to make the errors easier to understand?
Or addressed any of the other complaints I've seen upthread?
Seriously... Is there something about cobol that makes that effectively impossible?
I wonder... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I wonder... (Score:5, Funny)
"Sam? Sam, this is Frank, CIO back at Engulf and Devour. How is the transition away from the mainframe going? Well, listen. That's what I'm calling about. Yes, yes, I know you're retired, but the cloud isn't working out quite as we'd planned, what with the economy and all, and the kids are having a bit of trouble keeping ol' Betsy going. Yes, I did read that memo you wrote, and it turns out you had some good points. Listen, would you be up for a bit of consulting? Say, $100/hr, 100 hours minimum? Oh. That much? And a car and driver? Well, I'm afraid my budget won't quite stretch that far...No! Please don't hang up! Let me talk to the CEO and get back to you, ok? Please?"
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While funny, also too true. Kicking someone in the rear in business often has the downside of the kick being returned. Usually harder.
Interesting article considering how netbooks are taking off. "Users don't need all that power" argument. Pops up every 10 years of so (who ran those ads "The network is the machine"?) Yes, they do have their niche. Just doesn't fit mine.
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Yeah, but how much of that is lost in the brass and overhead? I'd be VERY surprised if the tech actually doing the work (which would be the case with the consultant being hired back) gets anything close to those 100 bucks/h
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Sam is going to get a *lot* more than $100/hr. He also is going to keep reminding the CEO of that memo he wrote.
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Um, the $100/hr is Frank's initial offer. Of *course* it's peanuts. I thought I made it clear that Sam rejected it. We're not saying what Sam's demand was: just that Frank felt that he had to talk to the CEO before meeting it.
Of course, Sam could have just laughed and hung up...
VAX (Score:3)
We were just discussing VAX at work. I personally never got to work on one, but a guy I work with grew up learning on them. He said only guys his age really knew much about VAX and I said he was wrong as several guys I grew up with worked at banks that used them.
Mainfames are like Cobol, they aren't going away until the systems that use them die.
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A VAX is not a mainframe.
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A Vax is a minicomputer. The minicomputers really are dying. None of them are being made now, unless you count IBMs successor to the AS/400 (the iSeries?).
OTOH, Big Iron still owns the business computing high end, with no real threat yet in sight.
VMS lives on! (Score:2)
VAX may be dead, but VMS is still very much alive. The popular OMX trading system runs on VMS/Itanium. It's the backend of many stock exchanges, including NASDAQ, ASX and HKEx derivatives. The systems seem very reliable with decent performance. (Definitely better than that .NET-based TradElect crap the LSE is now trying to drop like a hot potato.)
Run-on sentence FTW (Score:3, Insightful)
O'Malley said in 2000 there were more people in system programming than there are today despite the workloads having quadrupled which is quite an anomaly.
This is an actual sentence from the story. I guess reporters don't need to learn how to use clauses, and editors don't edit.
If E. B. White [bbc.co.uk] were alive today, he'd be spinning in his grave.
Umm...H1-b's are already on the job (Score:2)
http://www.nypost.com/seven/06282009/news/regionalnews/nyc_hit_by_nerd_job_rob_176570.htm/ [nypost.com]
June 28, 2009 --
It's a geek tragedy
While the city vows to save and create jobs for recession-ravaged New Yorkers,
one of its biggest contractors is importing techies from India, instead of
hiring local computer nerds.
"It was a dream come true," said Sunny Amin, 25, who traveled from his Mumbai
home to the Big Apple -- his first US visit.
Amin, who has an engineering degree from
Language gender (Score:2, Insightful)
You know how Cobol is uber verbose? Guess who were programming way back when: female secretaries.
You see C with its almost autistic terseness? Who are using it? Buncha (male) nerds who can't talk.
What's my point?
I'll tell you after my next shot.
How much Scotch do I need to drink before I become an honorary Scot?
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Ok, I'm back.
The point is, highland malt is it. Unless you want that smokey peaty stuff.
reentrancy (Score:2)
Your point is reentrancy.
Reentrancy, and methods of managing complexity -- make a large state machine with a large grammar, or make a bunch of small state machines with small grammars?
Of course, C does allow you to code like a CoBOL programer.
The reverse is not true.
I don't drink, but I'll see if I can't get lost in the implications of applying this to gender concepts while I go take care of some shopping for my wife.
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Heh :-) That thing taste like sucking on charcoal. But then there is this another one called Lagavulin.
It's amazing how far acquired taste can stretch.
The modern mainframe - Who cares about COBOL? (Score:5, Interesting)
I went from UNIX in the late 1970's to mainframe zOS (MVS/OS) to VM and Linux on the mainframe. Anything you can do on an Intel box (or a room full of them), you can do on a mainframe, cheaper and more reliably, once you get past the first big financial hit. I've seen the so-called cost studies that supposedly show the room full of Intel white boxes are cheaper. Once you factor in the "unseen" costs, like the article says, and get past the startup, the mainframe looks VERY good.
Current mainframes aren't what people remember from the past. They're (physically) small, agile, and well suited to certain workloads (can you do 256 concurrent DMA transfers on an Intel box?). The problem is, the only companies that seem to be able to justify them for new workloads are ones that already have them for legacy work. IBM hasn't shown much interest in the low-end of the market (sell small boxen, then discontinue them, push licensed emulation, then kill it, etc).
Our biggest problem is finding people who know the technologies. I give classes to our Linux SA's on this, and they're usually surprised at what the current zSeries boxes can do.
Don't misunderstand, there are plenty of applications where Intel boxes make sense, I work both sides of the fence. I just hate to see mainframes maligned as "obsolete" by people who don't understand what they are now.
If I had to pick... (Score:2, Insightful)
Bad bean counting (Score:4, Interesting)
...If you do a total cost of ownership, the mainframe comes out cheaper, but since the costs of a mainframe are immediately obvious, it is hard to get it past the bean-counters of an organization.
I've found this to be true of many aspects of IT, not just concerning mainframes. I've watched customers struggle to get decent performance and constantly hit limitations with a certain database product (not Oracle) because it was virtually free and they didn't want to spend the capital cost on an Oracle license. The total man hours spent, time lost, etc on getting their "free" db up to speed vastly exceeded the cost of the Oracle licenses and they still have problems with it.
huh. from what I have seen, (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, I'm just the Linux janitor, not a DBA,
Re:Here is to.... (Score:5, Insightful)
The Mainframe does it job and does it well. Nothing comes close in Data Throughput Processing with the amount of reliability that a mainframe brings.
Computer 'Experts' have been saying that the mainframe is dead since the early 90s, but here we are 20 years later and I still have a job programming for it, and I don't see it going away anytime soon. Small to mid-level servers just don't have the capacity to deal with the growing about of data generated. Fedex does in the neighborhood of 2 billion transactions a day, you cant just wipe together a Beowulf Cluster and think it will do the job reliably.
Or the better question is. How much do you trust the Federal Reserve to run all its processing on Windows machines. Or Wall Street. Ever consider if a transaction there is 'lost' because a windows blue screen? Even linux machines arent as dependable as a Mainframe. The IBM Z boxes actually have their own redundant parts included in them already. Not to mention that it will phone in its own tech support request.
Mainframes are not for everyone, but they do fulfill their job well when you do need them.
There are also enough tools out there like SOA so that even Java "Kids" can write applications for them easily.
Mainframes run the world.
Re:Here is to.... (Score:4, Informative)
Quarter Windows Linux UNIX ZOS
02/06 34.20% 12.60% 35.00%
03/06 34.40% 12.40% 34.20% 11.30%
04/06 34.90% 11.40% 33.50% 11.40%
01/07 38.80% 17.00% 35.00%
02/07 38.20% 13.60% 31.70% 9.50%
03/07 40.40% 13.40% 31.10%
04/07 36.60% 12.70% 33.20%
01/08 39.20% 13.70% 30.60% 8.40%
02/08 36.50% 13.40% 32.70% 11.80%
03/08 40.80% 14.00% 29.70% 9.40%
04/08 35.30% 13.60% 36.20%
01/09 37.30% 13.80% 33.10% 9.00%
ZOS is not always reported in press releases and I don't purchase the IDC report.
Looks like neither Mainframe or UNIX is dying, or that Linux is dominating.
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Does this mean that Windows has 100% "market share" in my server rooms?
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I've long been sold on mainframes, but they suffer from a scalability problem - they don't scale down that far.
Here I am, at a small, organically growing company. We've been growing about 25% - 75% per year, and with the economic slowdown, our growth has accelerated. (since we save our prospective clients money) We're too small to afford mainframes. We have about $50,000 invested in our primary hosting hardware now.
We are having to bust some humps to keep up with this year's growth. We've hit the performa
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Most of the experts going on about mainframes being dead were talking about the vt-100 on every desk connected to a timeshare. They were right as far as that went, but they forgot about the massive back end processing aspect entirely and they failed to anticipate client-server.
Google? (Score:2)
How many banks are running on Google's systems?
Re:Here is to.... (Score:4, Insightful)
But I bet google loses lots of data. They certainly have had massive amounts of down time (by main frame standards).
search from 2 places, different results. They don't have highly critical data, so they can sloppily store and syncronize as needed. A liberty that Fedex does not.
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I've only run theoretical experiments with some of the systems in other companies I've worked at that COULDN'T go down, except for very special periods of time (easter and christmas and ne
Don't forget the Sunday restart (Score:2)
Every bank I worked for (and Telco, for that matter) does a reboot of it's Unix and Windows boxen, and a restart of the mainframe regions on Sunday morning. The systems are unavailable for 4-8 hours, depending on the system in question.
Software updates and patches are rolled immediately after that image backup and restart, so that there is an image to roll back to in case of problems.
Unlike your experience, Christmas/Year End is a "freeze" where only emergency patches can be done.
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There realt isn't a reason to "restart" an IBM mainframe. LPARS are IPL'd every few months if there is a major PTF or such going in. But that only happens a few times a year (depending on your use of the system). I've got 30+ years in on them and their reliabilty is incredivle In the past 7 years we've had 2 unscheduled IPLs that I can remember. Here is our next upgrade, scheduled to be put in in 2 weeks: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/z/news/announcement/20080226_annc.html [ibm.com]
That would be the first time our ma
Re:Here is to.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Uh, why?
Mainframes are fucking rock solid, reliable pieces of equipment.
They do the damned job like nobody's business.
The only issue with mainframes is that we haven't kept the people along with the software we chose to run on them decades ago.
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People die. That's a fact you need to work into any business decisions that have impact for more than 10 years.
To replace people, you need new people. And new people like to work with new technology. Mainframes (the hardware) do their job damn well, but mainframes (the software) are stuck so far in the past you can't even see it. A memory that will always stick with me is seeing a nervous girl fresh out of college (maybe even in college) trying to explain to a room full of 60-year-olds an exciting new featu
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The software also works because the OS is inherently predictable, stable, and fault tolerant. It just works right.
Contrast that with the Windows universe, where things just don't work sometimes, and the admin's first response is often to reboot.
I'm not saying Linux is any better; I'm honestly not sure. I know the Windows systems at work give us no end of troubles, whereas the old Unix systems are orders of magnitude more stable. The only place I use Linux at work is an old version of Red Hat on a file serve
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Boy, that really tugs at my heartstrings. Poor helpless little children, trapped between generations. Sob.
Here's a suggestion: go to vo-tech and learn to weld. Or clean teeth.
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You are right as far as I am concerned. We run everything on one big frigging machine with virtual hosts, virtual subnets etc...
In case of any failure, we have another big frigging machine on a fail-over site. It sure makes management easier that way.
Now if we only had money to buy a couple main-frames. Vmware and PCs seem like the poor man's mainframe ;-))
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Mr. Balmer go back to bed, you can count your stock options tomorrow to feel better.