April to See Month of MySpace Bugs 165
An anonymous reader passed us a link to PC World's coverage of the upcoming Month of MySpace bugs. Organized by a pair of wiseacre hackers tired of the 'Month of X Bugs', they are set up to 'highlight the monoculture-style danger of extremely popular websites.' Though it's supposed to be funny, outside security analysts have apparently been consulted on the project. "Though the project, which launches on April 1, has all the appearance of a practical joke one well-known hacker said he'd been contacted by the Month of MySpace team with legitimate security questions. 'Those guys and I have been keeping in touch,' said Robert Hansen, chief executive of Sectheory.com. 'It's funny but it's not a joke.'"
But April only has 30 days (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:But April only has 30 days (Score:4, Funny)
It's that time of the month again (Score:2)
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I think these guys are on to something. I hope they suceed
Re:It's that time of the month again (Score:5, Funny)
well (Score:1)
Re:well (Score:5, Interesting)
Which is all the more reason to make sure that no software ever has a really huge user base. It's bad for everybody.
Right now, one major thing that keeps Myspace's user base so incredibly high is the lack of a widely adopted technology like OpenID [openid.net]. Many people get Myspace accounts because they're forced into it in order to communicate reasonably with a friend, and then decide "Oh, what the heck." and build content of their own there as well. I know that's why I have a MySpace account (and, strangely enough, Omnifarious on MySpace isn't me).
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Maybe they should introduce some bugs to slow the user base growth.
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How are Myspace and OpenID remotely related? A decentralized social network would be nifty, but OpenID definitely isn't one. In the mean time, better social networks offer open APIs [facebook.com] that let you access their friend data.
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OpenID means you can comment on other people's blogs/pages without getting a log-in or doing so anonymously.
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Because you could add someone as a MySpace friend without them having to have a MySpace account if MySpace implemented OpenID. If you just gave a list of OpenID URLs that had friend-type permission for your MySpace account and assigned them your own names then I think people would feel m
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And now we know why none of the "social networking" sites will ever adopt this.
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I'm working on it... [sourceforge.net] and the plan is to use OpenID for authentication.
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However, Facebook's API better be damn secure (and not needing even a week of bugs) or else a lot of people would be mighty ticked off. Especially these people that think that stuff on their social networking profile is private and secure. Maybe somebody should let them know that the in
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One of the main points of "social networking" sites is that you interact specifically with those you want (e.g., your real life friends), as opposed to everyone like on Slashdot, so the average demographic doesn't matter.
True, it is. However, how can you tell what a person is like when everybody tries to create images to set themselves apart? I view most social networking sites as ways to practice creating fronts and faces. Sure, I have a MySpace and a Facebook, but I don't even maintain my MySpace. My girlfriend does. So she can put up my interests, but can she really express me? I like Facebook though. Its more limiting. I just get a cleaner vibe from it.
as opposed to everyone like on Slashdot, so the average demographic doesn't matter.
Are you trying to tell me that Slashdot is not a diverse
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Content (Score:2)
And why is it that as of a couple years ago everyone is "in your extended network?" Is there even an "extended network" anymore?
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Tom (Score:2)
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Nope. It's about the worst-written thing on the Internet today.
Just try writing your own CSS for your profile page. There's no consistent use of classes or IDs, what classes there are are named for their default formatting characteristics rather than their usage (e.g. "whitetext12"), the whole thing is made up of generically-named or anonymous nested tables to an extent that would have made even a mid-nineties "web
In other news (Score:3, Funny)
Bug message... (Score:1)
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Not necessarily. The music player was quickly patched because a vulnerability in the music player made it possible to download (read: pirate) music. Its comparable to the DRM vulnerability that Microsoft fixed in three days and issued an out-of-cycle patch for. The bugs uncovered by this project are likely to be more mundane bugs that won't be patched so quickly.
MySpace's Microsoft-backed infrastructure. (Score:2, Informative)
Where I work, we're considering what system we'll use when deploying some new web applications. We recently audited several ASP-based web applicat
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Root/Administrator is a design flaw.
All the platforms you mention have holes in them.
And PHP is a crock, steer well clear. See http://www.php-security.org/ [php-security.org]
11 types (Score:1)
At the risk of being labeled a pedant, that joke is only funny if you use 'binary' instead of 'binaries'; those are different things. It's almost like people who 'duel' boot their computers or ask you to 'bare' with them, except those are unintentionally funny. Homophonic Joke ----> O -+- | - Product of American Public Education / \ "Obviously, the 'Three R's' don't include spelling."
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small change (Score:2)
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that's why I run my web browser on a dedicated machine
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You may be right about MySpace using Windows, but remember, all Netcraft can really tell you is what technology they use to face the Interweb. What really runs the MySpace machine may be quite different. Could be squirrels, for all Netcraft can really tell. But you're probably right...
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Why is it "funny" to exploit security bugs? (Score:1, Insightful)
Exploiting vulnerabilities on a big website, even an "uncool" website, is juvenile and criminal. There
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The principled thing to do is to contact the vendor whose software is buggy, and give them a detailed report of all the bugs you found, mailing a duplicate report to CERT to make sure there's at least some pressure on the vendor to fix them.
The UNPRINCIPLED thing to do is to start up a website and post a "month of MySpace bugs" for
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The best that any developer can hope for is to find the bugs quickly and remove them.
Stunts like this only serve to attack a development project without doing anything productive to help fix it.
Your own comment shows that you think the same way: "These guys are idiots, switch to someone else".
They're not idiots. They're just the guys who happened to be arbitrarily chosen for public attack.
And it IS perfectly arbitrary
Re:Why is it "funny" to exploit security bugs? (Score:5, Interesting)
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This is not the only "month of X bugs" that has happened.
The others were ALL about one or another software package.
I'm saying the general principle is wrong. If you find bugs you should disclose them responsibly. One copy goes to the vendor (or the site owner) and one copy goes to CERT. You don't show the whole world the details of the bug, plus a sample exploit! That's just stooooopid.
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Reason being: the object is to SOLVE the problem,
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Have you ever stopped to think that maybe all this do-gooding attitude is the reason why computer security is so bad? You're just co-conspirators.
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The fundamental disconnect here is that you think you're so important because you "work the problem" as you say. My argument (you know, the part of discussion that is productive) is that the problem isn't people breaking into yo
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The vendor isn't the primary entity harmed because he's already got his license fee from each customer. Also, it's not the vendor that will be attacked by script kiddies, it'll be his customers, who, again, have done you no harm.
The most you'll do to the vendor is give him a little bad P.R. Vendors don't care. They just hire a P.R. firm to "manage spin". The peopl
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So let me get this straight... all it takes is a few moments of you not staying up with the cutting edge of security research and your site might get owned? Whoa there turbo! Stop the presses!! Say it ain't so.
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The curious thing is, if you created a tv program out of it, and added silly sound effects and a silly voiceover, it would be funny. If funniest home video's has taught us nothing else, it has at least taught us that pain and misfortune is funny when it happens to other people.
If it was my application under the spotlight it would be a complete different matter...
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This one : http://www.php-security.org/ [php-security.org] was even done by an ex-member of the PHP security team because they weren't taking him seriously.
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What's really happening here is, things are easier to break than to fix. So a bunch of guys can figure out 30 snarky ways of breaking something, slap together a website, and try to get some attention by attempting to publicly humiliate whatever vendor has pissed them off most recently. They don't think for an instant about what's going to happen when script kiddies start using the ACTUAL EXPLOIT CODE they publish to attack every website under the sun. Or maybe they do -- but that only
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No fault of his ISP's? If PHP had MS style Automagic Updates then staying up to date wouldn't be a problem. It is completely the fault of the ISP for not staying up to date with the patches. If you are in the business of providing software to users then you are in the business of keeping that software
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He claims that month of PHP bugs was created because he couldn't get the fixes into PHP. Whilst this may be true for PHP, he recently announced a vulnerability in mod_security [modsecurity.org] complete with P.O.C code as part of MOPB. This had nothing to do with PHP, and Esser didn't bother to notify the mod_security team before releasing it [modsecurity.org].
It's funny because (Score:1)
Let them squirm a little while. Will you suffer? No. Will anyone other than MySpace's fifty employees suffer? No. Will they suffer for more than a month? No.
Relax, chief.
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My problem is that these "month of X bugs" are coming out for lots of vendors and platforms that in turn serve a WHOLE lot of companies and websites.
This trend is a rotten, rotten idea.
You don't get people to wear bulletproof vests by giving free Saturday Night Specials to every degenerate who wants one.
The whole practice stinks.
Okay (Score:2)
Fair enough. What is the proper way to go about getting big vendors like this to fix their security holes, then? If someone with a generally white-hat motivation doesn't do it, someone less benevolent will eventually.
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> Most homes are vulnerable to someone breaking in and spraypainting "funny" things on the wall,
> Exploiting vulnerabilities on a big website, even an "uncool" website, is juvenile and criminal.
I'd take issue with your analogy. Defacing a website is nothing like defacing someone's home. For one thing, it's not someone's home. It's almost as bad as the old "you wouldn't steal a car, so why would you download a stream of numbers via tcp/ip?" argument al
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Your garage then. You don't live there (though I don't see why you think that's relevant). It just costs you a little time and money to paint over afterwards. I don't see how being on a computer or on the Internet is magically different.
And this is not like taking v. copying. This is doing direct, visible damage v. doing direct, visible damage. If this was a manuscript I was writing you'd (I assume) say 'yeah, it's wrong for them to burn it', but if it's an electronic manuscript, suddenly destroying it is
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If I leave my parked out on the street, doors unlocked and keys in the ignition, and someone steals it, 'That's really stupid' is a correct response. 'That's really stupid and therefore the person who stole didn't do anything as bad as stealing a car that was reasonably-well secured' is not.
Anyway, whether one is a bit worse than the other is irrelevant. So long as you admit it's wrong enough to be criminal. I'm not saying they're equally bad. Having my popular website damaged may be less harmful than havi
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It's a nuisance, but not irreparable.
- RG>
Myspace allows XXS redirect for malware execution (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Myspace allows XXS redirect for malware executi (Score:2)
Funny / Not Funny (Score:2)
Then launch it on April 2. April 1 is a Sunday anyway, and some hax0rz actually do toil thee not on their Sabbath.
clown shoes security? (Score:5, Insightful)
If their security model is based on detecting patterns, then they will never be able to get out of the Red Queen's Race. A properly designed web app has as its core philosophy, "that which is not explicitly allowed is denied". Ttrying to detect all the possible variants of hacking and denying them then is a fool's errand.
Business Model? (Score:1)
Restricting myspace in anyway would quickly lead to less interesting stuff and thus less ad revenue.
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Only one bug.... (Score:2)
After that, all other "bugs" are 100% irrelevant, anything you would want to hack it already willingly posted. So a big fat security *yawn* on this one.
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I personally have discovered viruses being distributed using MySpace, would one consider this secure? I certainly don't. Last time I check MySpace has no code to protect against scripts that create user accounts and spam the living daylights out of every
Bug Filing Number 1 (Score:5, Funny)
Severity: Major
Reproducible: Always
Description: MySpace is filled to the brim with whiny, middle-class, suburbanite, emo kids whining about how emo their life is and how they like to listen to emo music while cutting themselves.
Solution: Delete Myspace.
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Bug Filing Number 2 (Score:1)
Severity: Major
Reproducible: Always
Description: MySpace is like an ugly hooker; you wonder how she gets so much action when she's so hideous.
Solution: Bring the web designer from the 90's back to the present. Will need: flux capacitor, 1.21 jigawatts.
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Actually, LiveJournal's cornered the market on emo kids. MySpace is more about the people who give the emo kids wedgies.
but... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:but... (Score:5, Funny)
Question for slashdot (Score:1, Funny)
And no I don't use MySpace...
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See how many of these you would check for :
http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html [ckers.org]
PEBKAC (Score:1)
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And there was me thinking that it's better to use existing tools than to reinvent the wheel (not that I think MySpace is a good tool, but that's another matter).
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And when someone spots XSS redirects on an account, you'd think that all links to the phishing page would be cleaned up - but I've seen the s
I thought... (Score:1)
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I hope that got
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I'm probably just crazy, but... (Score:1)
Discrimination (Score:1)
- RG>
Spam friend requests (Score:1)
Quick easy one line fix for all Myspace bugs (Score:3, Insightful)
We're encouraging fixing MySpace? (Score:2)
Uhh In case you missed it.. (Score:1)
Monoculture (Score:1)
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