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Software Security

Linux Netwosix Creator Discusses 2.0 Vision 72

An anonymous reader writes "LinuxWorld recently took the time to talk to Linux Netwosix creator Vincenzo Ciaglia to answer why there are two releases (1.3 and 2.0-rc1) within a week of each other, among other questions. From the article: "We think that its light structure could make Linux Netwosix suited for all network security work. For a good network plan, the sysadmin needs a light system that is highly configurable. Every sysadmin wants to configure networks, and work with them, with the possibility of doing everything alone."
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Linux Netwosix Creator Discusses 2.0 Vision

Comments Filter:
  • Huh? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Ydna ( 32354 ) *
    Neo asks, what is the Wosix?
    • Re:Huh? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by NewKimAll ( 923422 )
      Yup, that's my reaction too. When I first saw it, I couldn't help thinking, "The Nets-a-What's-it? What's-a-Who's-it?" WTF!
  • sys-con? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 02, 2006 @07:25PM (#14381374)
    Aren't they the ones that allowed Maureen O'Gara to attack/smear PJ on Groklaw?

    I'm sure it's an interesting article but I'll wait to see it somewhere else before I read anything on a sys-con site.
  • Coral Cache (Score:1, Redundant)

    by FST ( 766202 )
    Yet another server getting bombed. Heres the Coral Cache Link [].
  • Popup window (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Frogbert ( 589961 ) <> on Monday January 02, 2006 @07:34PM (#14381408)
    Wow a DHTML popup window covering the text. Great way to get me to read the article. Hint: If I can't see popup windows it means that I have gone out of my way to block them, making me see them again means you just wasted your bandwidth.
    • Yup - super lame ad. Not quite sure which source ya need to pick in adblock plus to keep it from poping either. :( Hint to sites: I don't block non PITA text ads - Sometimes, I even click them...

      In this case, it doesn't make a good slashdot story. This isn't distro news. Should slashdotters submit every story that pops up on distrowatch? bah!
    • It's ok, I just won't RTFA.
  • Is it me... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by slashdotnickname ( 882178 ) on Monday January 02, 2006 @07:47PM (#14381461)
    Or does the article never answer it's lead question of why the two releases within a week of each other?

    I saw a lot of product pitches but why, of why, why the close releases!? Not that it's that important, in fact I'm sure they were worked on semi-independetly of each other... but now I must know... I smell a cover-up...

  • Every (Score:5, Funny)

    by nacturation ( 646836 ) <nacturation@gmai l . c om> on Monday January 02, 2006 @07:59PM (#14381509) Journal
    "Every sysadmin wants to configure networks, and work with them, with the possibility of doing everything alone."

    Also, every generalization is false.
  • by SheeEttin ( 899897 ) <> on Monday January 02, 2006 @08:07PM (#14381533) Homepage
    with the possibility of doing everything alone

    Yes, that's the problem with geeks... we end up doing literally everything alone.
  • geek (Score:4, Insightful)

    by goarilla ( 908067 ) on Monday January 02, 2006 @08:08PM (#14381539)
    i am the creator of neo linux triumph U are a huge nerd

    no seriously, it's very good this youngster creates a distro. But it's aimed at security
    I don't trust a 19 year old to know everything about security, he maybe be a genius
    although they say the same about me knowing that i went through my senior two years
    in highschool without books. I'm a european ... had 6 hrs chem, 6 hrs math, 5 hrs
    physics and 3 hrs biology/ a week in my last 2 yrs. But hell i'm now a 4 years slackware user and i'm not even near to making a security based distro, i damn well
    hope this guy has a team or some backup. because damn man u must be either lonely
    or have way too much spare time
    • Re:geek (Score:3, Insightful)

      by 0racle ( 667029 )
      I don't expect people who have worked for years as admins to know everything about security. I wouldn't expect a 19yr old to really know anything about security.
      • Re:geek (Score:1, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        i'm 25 yrs old, and while i'm not saying this guys knows "everything" about security, i'd probably feel a lot more comfortable about a 19yr old "hacker" (i'm referring to old school purist version not current media twisted version) putting out a security distro than many of the 45+yr "i've been doing this since mainframes" types out there. One of the stereo types that I am constantly beat down w/ is that i'm some young upstart kid who only has a few years under his belt, so why should the people w/ twice a
  • Gentoo based? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by oglueck ( 235089 ) on Monday January 02, 2006 @08:17PM (#14381584) Homepage
    I'm planning to expand the portage tree, doing other 300/400 packages ports, with everyone security oriented.

    Is this distro based on Gentoo's portage? If so, what is this distribution trying to fix? And is this guy "porting" packages all alone? He probably never figured how much work it will be to maintain his own distro.
  • Worst. Advert. Ever. (Score:1, Interesting)

    by cortana ( 588495 )
    Good god, why do people put up with this crap!
  • This must be a joke (Score:5, Interesting)

    by oglueck ( 235089 ) on Monday January 02, 2006 @08:34PM (#14381653) Homepage
    Netwosix will try to offer the first valid alternative to historically secure systems like the *BSD
    stability, performance, and support for mission-critical application deployments
    users can benefit from outstanding robustness, scalabilty, and reliability

    Big words. If he wants stability why does this 19 year old jerk use the latest stable kernel? Where do all those features come from? You won't get security and robustness by just repackaging software. Is Ciaglia saying he reviews all the code in his distro and fixes broken stuff? All on his own? On several platforms? Look at their site []: Their "community" consists of merely two people.

    Goodness, just because every kid can burn a bootable Linux CD that doesn't mean he just created a new distro!

    Call this a flame. But I really don't see the point of Netwosix.
    • Did you take a look at the screenshots? Those are awesome! I especially love the progress bar for the security related program code named vim! That must be like viably impenetrable machine or something right? In all seriousness, he's up to 9 people registered for his forums, doesn't show a single screenshot of anything proprietary, doesn't explain why his distro would be better then anything else. I don't know of any security experts that run through hundreds of secrity aplications let alone even know of hu
      • His tool set isn't very complete.

        The Knoppix-STD distribution is excellent and I've seen it used and recommended by professional penetration testers.

        Example uses of Knoppix-STD in computer forensics, image and checksum the hard drive. Mount a windows partition, crack off the administrator password, browse internet explorer histories and cookies, undelete files, view recycle bins etc. etc. All with well packaged Linux tools.

        Knoppix-STD also has a pretty much all you'll need for emergency firewalling, packe
  • Netwosix? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hmccabe ( 465882 ) on Monday January 02, 2006 @08:36PM (#14381661)
    Are there any marketing students out there who can contribute to OSS projects by coming up with product names that aren't (in my opinion) the types of things businesses are going to immediately disregard because they sound retarded. Gimp may be a passable image editor, but it shares its name with a failure to walk correctly, or worse, the dude in the mask in the basement. Divx may be an ok codec, but naming it after someone else's failed technology on a lark hardly seems like a good idea. Netwosix sounds like something Homer Simpson would make. It's not all bad, but there's so much that is.
    • . . .it shares its name with a failure to walk correctly, . . .

      Yeah, but at least today I was able to hang the cane up.

      . . .or worse, the dude in the mask in the basement.

      Ok, now you're just being an insensitive clod.

    • Netwosix sounds like something Homer Simpson would make
      actually when i try to sound it out i picture someone more along the line of Julius Caesar from Life of Brian. that "w" in there seems to be the source of most of the problem, so i figure it must have been added by the person who made famous the phrase "thwow him to the fwow"
    • Are there any marketing students out there who can contribute to OSS projects by coming up with product names that aren't (in my opinion) the types of things businesses are going to immediately disregard because they sound retarded.

      Divx may be an ok codec, but naming it after someone else's failed technology on a lark hardly seems like a good idea.

      Dude, do you not think that including a perfect example of a commercial non-OSS project with an awful name rather detracts from your point about OSS projects havi
    • Netwosix sounds like something Homer Simpson would make.

      OK, I get the concept behind the name. It's like NetBSD, except based on a Linux 2.6 kernel. Hence, Net-Two-Six.

      And yet everytime my eyes scan the name, my brain thinks, "Net-Wos-Ix". It's poorly portmanteaued.

      Beyond that, the name is poor because it doesn't account for future kernel revision numbers, which are pretty much a statistical certainty. Can we look forward to a "Net-Woe-Ight" somewhere down the line? Or will it just be "Net-Wosix Versio
  • I really wonder what is the advantage of using portage over apt-get in handling repositories. I mean more and more linux distro makers are moving to portage. Gentoo has it. Now netwosix also have it. Is it because of a flaw or drawback that they see in apt-get ?

    It would be good if there is an article giving the pros and cons of portage over apt-get and clear the matter once and for all. Both are very popular amoung *nix users.
    • You don't need to make a package for it, just a script to built it. The sources/packages can be downloaded from the original site at build time, and not from a central repository, if seen fit. Of course you can always download from a mirror.
    • More and more are moving over to Portage? Where did you get that idea from? Apart from Netwosix and Gentoo, and maybe a few Gentoo-derivatives, I don't know of any other Linux distros that use Portage - hell, 80% of them all seem to use apt-get!

      I use Gentoo and love Portage, but I wouldn't say there are more and more people moving over to it. I would switch to a system with apt-get immediately if I knew the packages were going to be as up-to-date as the Portage tree. (K/Ubuntu isn't as up-to-date, I've trie
    • The ability to have custom compile time library dependencies. I don't have a printer. USE=-cups means that I don't have to worry about cups at all. It isn't just the extra package, it it maintaining it, tracking vulnerabilities..

      Similarly, I can build without LDAP support. Often things that Debian's default builds do not do. And if it boils down to rebuilding a significant part of the distro for my customisation, apt-get really offers no benefits.

      apt offers incredible benefits if the binaries provided by th
  • Nice Webiste, my 1900+ Laptop runs mozilla at 95% on their site and slows way down.
    • 95% on their site and slows way down.

      Its the little javascript scrolling frame 70% of the way down.

      Some moron put one on our intranet home page at work, to advertise our achievements. Its a great way to justify a new PC.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Some moron put one on our intranet home page at work, to advertise our achievements. Its a great way to justify a new PC.
        1. Moron makes a simple change to intranet home page
        2. Everybody in the moron's department gets new PCs

        So... how is he a moron, exactly?
    • That's a duff browser. My 2600+ desktop runs konqueror at 2% and displays it fine, even the great big cover-up-the-page ad.
  • This is news? (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Let me get this straight. Yet another lightweight linux distribution has a BSD-like packaging system and claims to be all about security. They release a new version and then a separate tree based on a slightly new architecture. How is any of this news? How is this different from about a dozen other linux distributions out there?
  • Hey, I read through the install doc, you have to manually setup fstab plus a few other things. I do not see why anyone would pick this distro. Using kickstart or custom tag files (Slackware) we can easily have a minimal install done. I would like to see how this distro compares to NetBSD .... It looks like a "wag the dog"
  • by datafr0g ( 831498 ) <datafrog&gmail,com> on Monday January 02, 2006 @09:25PM (#14381796) Homepage
    From the article:
    Also, if your company wants to contribute to Netwosix development, let us know, because we're seeking business partners for financial support!

    Should have left that out, dude - or at least be a little more subtle. You can't be that blatantly honest when asking for cash!
  • Aside from something with a godawful name, what the hell is Netwosix? (Something to do with "Linux" and network security, but *what*? And when it says "Linux" does it mean the Linux kernel, or a distribution based on it?) Submitters, please actually say what something is when submitting an article about it. Editors, please damn well edit submissions to don't.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • One person posts a something negative about this thing and everyone wants to turn it into a slamfest. Has anyone installed this and checked it out? Does anyone know the developer personally? Age is not the end all measuring stick for intelligence, and neither is a Phd in whatever. stfu.. christ.

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
