5,198 Software Flaws Found in 2005 257
An anonymous reader writes "Security researchers uncovered nearly 5,200 software vulnerabilities in 2005, almost 40 percent more than the number discovered in 2004, according to Washingtonpost.com. From the article: 'According to US-CERT...researchers found 812 flaws in the Windows operating system, 2,328 problems in various versions of the Unix/Linux operating systems (Mac included). An additional 2,058 flaws affected multiple operating systems.'"
Axe Grinding (Score:5, Informative)
including excluding
"(Updated)" "(Updated)"
Windows 813 671
U/L 2328 891
Multiple 2057 1512
(sorry about the spacing - can't find any way of doing it)
greatly reducing the proportion of Unix/Linux vulnerabilities
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:5, Interesting)
They also fail to mention that a lot of these flaws are not in the OS itself (or essential components) but in 3rd party software.
A lot of the software isnt even included in a standard installation.
Unfair (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Unfair (Score:5, Insightful)
If you want to count "OS" flaws, you need to remove ALL the third-party apps. That means in linux, you'd JUST be counting the flaws in the kernel and glibc, and in BSD only the core system as well. And those aren't even going to be distro-specific.
While you're right that it's probably not fair to shove os-x vulns in with the unix/linux category (os-x is its own unique animal and has a lot of things that no other *nix has) I think it is fair to mash together the F/OSS nixes. Or at least to mash together their non-os-specific parts.
Of course, these comparisons are inherently unfair, if they're used as a metric for "which OS is more secure". That's become something of a moot point. No matter how someone calculates their metrics, someone or another is going to be displeased with their methodology. What's more interesting, and more to the point, is the sheer number of vulns found across the board, and that's the whole point of the story.
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:4, Interesting)
7-Zip isn't an OS vulnerability, nor is 4d web star.
Couldn't this be tilted against linux/unix/whatever due to the larger amount of crappy server/networking software available for it?
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:2, Informative)
It's correct that a DoS vulnerability might be actually more critical as it was thought (as in recent IE bug). I think numbers as such very deceptive. From an user perspective I can say this year brought me lots of stupid worm mails which mostly targeted from Windows platforms.
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:5, Informative)
Thus, if you go to distrowatch.com, you find 100 distros for linux alone. So for most actual kernel bugs, you can count each one at least 100 times. And for apps that run on all unix releases, the multiplier can be a lot higher.
Of course, there are several distros of Windows, too. But not nearly as many, and the people adding up the bug counts somehow always seem to miss this trick with Windows.
Anyone else got a favorite way of producing misleading bug scores?
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:3, Insightful)
"All the bad guys know about all the bugs in Linux, because they can see the code. But only Microsoft knows about bugs in Windows, and they fix them before anybody finds out."
Paraphrased, of course, but pretty much what every Microsoftie analyst says on a daily basis.
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:2)
Just the tried and true one...
Let Zonk 'write' the story
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:2)
for example:
Apache 'Mod_SSL SSLVerifyClient' Restriction Bypass (Updated)
Apache 'Mod_SSL SSLVerifyClient' Restriction Bypass (Updated)
Apache 'Mod_SSL SSLVerifyClient' Restriction Bypass (Updated)
Apache 'Mod_SSL SSLVerifyClient' Restriction Bypass (Updated)
Re:Axe Grinding -- the math is simple (Score:2)
Take the total # of flaws of the Linux distros; 2,328.
The number of distros including Mac -- by pulling a guess out of my hat; 12
Since, we can assume that most UNIX distros are similiar, and we'll be kind by saying the Mac has the same number of flaws, Just divide the total by the platforms and you get... 194.
And, since we can assume this is an "independent analyst" paid for by Microsoft -- we can safely assume that they buried vulnerabilities from I
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:5, Interesting)
The way I read the results, *NIX list cover the whole set of OSes of this type. There are at least three major versions of UNIX (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) and multiple releases/versions of each in production. I know that Solaris 8,9 and 10 are all still supported by Sun in 2005 and that is a very big base of installed servers. There are about a dozen LINUX distros, some with serveral releases/versions in production. The Windows numbers cover XP, Win2K, Win2K server, Win2003server. If you count desktops, the Windows installed base is bigger meaning a flaw may affect more users.
However, until someone publishes a more detailed study,with the methodology described, we are ALL just speculating.
Re:Other issues (Score:3, Informative)
I've noticed that on some of the 'nix-based alerts, the initial "discovery" was made in 2004, but not reported by various distros until after the beginning of 2005. I also noticed that with some of them, ALL of the distros listed reported the problem in 2004, but then, someone else chimes in right after the beginning of 2005 (Avaya Security Advisory), basically restating what has already been announced by several other parties prior to 2005.
Re:Other issues (Score:2)
Re:Other issues (Score:2)
I'd be embarrassed if I were the Washington Post, as it appears as though someone didn't do their homework.
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:2, Insightful)
Windows is more secure than it used to be, and you can absolutely make a Windows box more secure than a Linux box, but come on. Any OS that requires (or at least strongly encourages) all applications to be run with full admin privileges is de facto less secure. All these IE/Outlook exploits wouldn't do squat if Windows was Unix-like in that regard. I don't give m
Re:Axe Grinding (Score:2)
this is ridiculous - apples to oranges if i've ever heard of one.
how about comparing a default installation of one OS to another? or a security enhanced version of one to another?
this would be a realistic comparison - but if this is what the original poster implied, then it's such a non-statement that it's not even worth mentioning.
The state of security (Score:4, Insightful)
There's two ways to look at this. I would say that it is quite unlikely that the quality of software with respect to security went down in 2005. Computer Security now has such high profile that software houses across the world are spending many dollars trying to provide better security.
If you accept that security quality has not gone down, then you must conclude our ability to detect vulnerabilites is getting better. This is universally a good thing. Every vulnerability the "good guys" find before the "bad guys" is one we can have fix for before the bad guys take over our system.
Then there's the other side of these figures. That's alot of vulnerabilities. Now, fair enough not all vulnerabilities are created equally but I'd bet at least 10% are serious enough to get your system taken over if you're not careful. That's a lot of ways to break in to my system and it's a lot of work to make sure you're not vulnerable.
We have such a long way to go. For example, in PHP if they'd just follow Microsoft's example and put a SQL injection and XSS attack filter on information passed to web-pages we could close a serious hole in many web-applications. I've not looked at Ruby on Rails but I bet it fails this test too.
For gods sake, if you're not writing an operating system you have no business using C. Read me lips: YOU CAN'T WRITE SECURE C. Not now, not after 20 thousand hours of training, not ever. Sure, it's possible to write secure C in theory but the difference between theory and practice is that in theory they're the same and in practice they are not. In practice, you have deadlines, in practice you have people on the team who have less security training than others, in practice you have developers who have just had children and don't get a lot of sleep. In practice, people make mistakes. Code reviews may help but they wont remove everything. If you write your software in C you're doomed to having silly security bugs. If you want to remove most of the worry about overflows, use a language that rules them out.
Another thing, why should code we execute on our computers run at the maxmium privellege set of the user who's running it? Suppose my program checks a HTTP page against an MD5 hash periodically and sends an SMS through an internet based SMS gateway. Why should that program, if it wants to, be allowed to access the disk? I don't know about Java but C# has got a set of attributes that can control this type of behaviour. Really, we should be forcing declarations at the language level about what permissions each method of the program needs - the default being none of course.
Re:The state of security (Score:5, Interesting)
For gods sake, if you're not writing an operating system you have no business using C. Read me lips: YOU CAN'T WRITE SECURE C.
I beg to differ, C can be real secure if written that way. The problem comes in that most people do not know how C works inside yet they code something. Then of course to your next point:
Code reviews may help but they wont remove everything.
This would solve alot of issues. How many environments routinely run bounds checking and code reviews for functionality AND security? How many people who really understand C reviewed the code?
And security problems are not just C problems, any language like Java, .NET, PHP, C# can also have their issues. CERT and others concentraight on the operating systems that we all use but generally skirt applications security which can be very bad. Job schedulers written in Java that allow root access, data warehouses that give up encoded (but not encrypted) UIDs/passwords ovr the net, the list is long. And how many people use unencrypted telnet/ftp/imap/pop3 even though secure options exist? I know senior NT and UNIX admins that don't know what a key pair is let alone what a certificate chain is. But they have a half dozen certifications.
But secure code begins with it's priority, in design and takes more time to code no mater what language you use. Having knowledgable coders helps alot. But we are in a day and age where we only want cheap coders. And here is a hint, cheap coders are never good coders or they would not be cheap. There in is the issue, more time is something people do not want to do either in training, coding or review.
Re:The state of security (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The state of security (Score:3, Informative)
Apart from the fact that
PHP can have issues because it is interpreted, and so you can get code injection. Java and C# aren't interpreted.
Re:The state of security (Score:2)
Tight code made simple (Score:2)
void main()
I call it Intelligent Design programming. You just have to link to the right libraries.
Re:Tight code made simple (Score:2)
Stop right there. Far from being "bug free", you've just committed one of the best-known sins of C. In C, main is required to return an int. As-is, this has undefined behavior, so nothing (at all) can be predicted about the security (or lack thereof) in the rest of your code.
The first step toward writing really good code is avoiding the most obvious textbook examples of bad code.
Re:The state of security (Score:3, Interesting)
No. If you look at an area where performance and reliability is critical, you will find that Ada is the dominant language (with Java having increasing use)
Re:The state of security (Score:2)
If you have some issues with the performance, reliability or security of Linux, look sidelong to the Mach kernel.
Now, if you don't mind, please pull your heade from your ass.
Re:The state of security (Score:2)
If you have some issues with the performance, reliability or security of Linux, look sidelong to the Mach kernel.
I have no issues with the performance or reliability of Linux or Mach. Did I say otherwise?
What I have issues with is someone saying that only C or assembler are suitable for critical high-performance work. Other languages have been used for this for decades. It is just that C has been the traditional langu
Re:The state of security (Score:2)
No, I really don't go with this. Developers always make mistakes and are fallible, so it is far better to have a language that has speed and security built in, to avoid mistakes.
Re:The state of security (Score:2)
Enjoy your laugh. Boeing is using Java for real-time aeronautics.
Re:The state of security (Score:2, Interesting)
The fact is that C -or- Java running on top of ANY operating system is a recipe for a performance disaster. Folks with the need for speed know this already.
The only way to program for speed and performance is to:
1. snip off any pins on the CPU that could induce interrupts
2. write your program
3. Make sure your program only uses the highest performing registers on the CPU
4. Make sure
Re:The state of security (Score:4, Interesting)
"Aonix engineers have demonstrated hard-real-time Java that reaches the run-time efficiency of C, which makes it able to meet the needs of command-and-control applications such as network-centric warfare, Future Combat Systems, and low-level telecommunications control-plane software, Aonix officials say."
"The Navy Open Architecture guidelines also state that all new development will be done in Java and C++, he adds. "
Laughing now? Or perhaps feeling a little foolish?
Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
It's fascinating that there are two replies to the GPP, post mentioning using Java in a real-time context, as if that somehow implies that its performance is equivalent to something like C or C++. "Hard real-time" and "fast" are completely different qualities, and having one does not imply the other either way around.
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
Of course it doesn't, but if you carefully read the replies it states that Java certainly does match C in speed:
"Aonix engineers have demonstrated hard-real-time Java that reaches the run-time
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
I actually cut the second paragraph from my previous comment before posting, but since you bring the subject up: yes, I do challenge the claims in those articles.
Let's ignore issues of running on a JVM, and assume that once Hotspot or the like has done its stuff we're dealing with fully compiled code. Even then, Java has natural inhibitions regarding performance compared to a lower-level language like C or C++. These range from its lack of "value types" to a highly portable but necessarily non-optimal flo
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
Sorry, but then it is you versus Boeing, Mercedes, and others who are investing millions in this.
as I understand you can in the more recent versions of Java, then you pick up the performance but you give up any pretence of getting the same results on all platforms.
But then in that case it is no worse than any other high-performance language (C or Ad
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
So all of Boeing's avionics are determined by defence contractors? How about automotive systems, like BMW and Mercedes - is their use of Java determined by defence considerations?
Of course not.
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:2)
They do this for the same reason that members of religious groups keep having to tell themselves that their prefered creator of the universe is better than anyone else's
Er - I thought demonstrating that Java is as fast as C is not a matter of faith... there is evidence.
Write some CPU intensive code in C and Java yourself and report back.
Righto. Here you are:
http://www.shudo.net/jit/perf/ [shudo.net]
And don't just write some silly benchmark that tests out a
Re:Hard real-time != fast (Score:3)
I think it is the other way around. Some C programmers maintain a stubborn faith that their way of working is essential for high performance in the face of increasing evidence t
Re:The state of security (Score:2, Troll)
Calling his code secure is like buying a 1929 Model A and saying the wiring is reliable. There is nothing outside of the coil/spark plugs. The power windows/locks/brakes/steering/fuel pump never fail, because it's impossible for them to.
Plus it's always nice when you get to deny that f
Language choice? (Score:2, Informative)
Modern unmanaged C++ is fine (STL containers instead of arrays, RAII, etc.), but I often wonder why people still write in C at all, particularly when it comes to Open Source software. We are not the bearded heroes of the 70s - it's time to write in a modern language. If you don't want to sacrifice speed and system level programming for a managed enviro
Re:Language choice? (Score:4, Insightful)
Modern unmanaged C++ is NOT fine; STL permits many kinds of bugs that are analogous to buffer overflows. Furthermore, modern software systems are composed of many different modules, and just because you happen to be careful in your modules doesn't mean others are careful in theirs. Finally, without full garbage collection, you cannot have full runtime safety.
but I often wonder why people still write in C at all, particularly when it comes to Open Source software.
People prefer C to C++ because for the small increase in safety that C++ gives, it's far too complicated and complex a language. People don't use languages other than C/C++ because those languages interoperate poorly with existing C/C++-based libraries (this is C/C++'s fault), tend to have bloated runtimes, and have only a tiny user community. And, yes, many people don't even realize that there is a problem.
We are not the bearded heroes of the 70s - it's time to write in a modern language.
The bearded heroes of the 70s actually knew better. Back in the 1970's and 1980's, C was of no significance. When people were using HLLs back then, those languages were generally a lot safer than C. The rise of C was a historical accident, related to the rise of BSD UNIX and microcomputers.
But, yes, I share your sentiment: it would be good to see security bugs by language choice. And I'll give you this much: C++ is an improvement over C, but it's not a solution.
Re:Language choice? (Score:3, Insightful)
Huh? Granted there are some silly design decisions in the C++ standard library, like making the unchecked indexing use operator[] and the safer, checked version use at() on a std::vector. Still, it's much harder to get things like overruns using the STL, where much code is iterator-based, and harder still to do it in a way that won't be obvious to any remotely competent code reviewer (who will ask why
Re:Language choice? (Score:3, Insightful)
You write well on this matter, but I think the evidence really is to the contrary. Hundreds of millions (if not more) lines of code have now been written in languages that use garbage collection. Some of these languages are high-performance and some are used for real-time work, and they all work fine.
Garbage collection is now ro
what's your problem? (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps your problem is that you don't understand what a "safe language" is. A safe language is a language that makes guarantees about type errors, error detection, and fault isolation. A language with dynamic memory allocation needs to have a GC in order to be safe. A safe language does not make guarantees about security or pa
Re:Language choice? (Score:2)
Re:Language choice? (Score:2)
Re:Language choice? (Score:3, Informative)
PERL - not installed on some UNIXes
Python - not installed on most UNIXes
Ruby - not installed on any UNIXes
If your app won't run in the default environment of your target platform, you create a lot more work to change the environment. Or you could write the app in a way so that it *will* run in the default environment, which means using C or shell. Usually, PERL will work, but there are several places that it isn't installed by default, even today.
Re:Language choice? (Score:2)
The incompatibility of C++ compilers, and Java compilers, also leads me not to use them if at all avoidable. Plain old gcc-compilable C works robustly across a wide variety of platforms in a way those tools never will.
Re:Language choice? (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, my last big project was written almost entirely in C for the simple reason that that's what the client wanted. We did a lot of prototyping in perl and python, but that code wasn't acceptable for delivery; we had to rewrite all the production code in C. If not, it wouldn't be accepted.
Much of the explanation was that the client had accepted C++ and java in earlier projects, and they were disasters for all the familiar reasons. They were determined that this wouldn't happen again, so they went with a "proven" language with a track record of use in major successful systems.
Similarly, I have a couple of friends who recently did a project in Cobol. They hated it, but they wanted to get paid, and that's what the client would accept.
In the Real World[TM], the decision about which language to use is very often made by managers who aren't programmers and don't have a clue about the real issues. So they make decisions based on things that they can understand and measure.
Re:Language choice? (Score:3, Informative)
OSOS (Score:4, Funny)
Re:OSOS (Score:2)
Error Reports are a feature, not a bug.
Explorer vs Firefox (Score:5, Funny)
Explorer: 45
Explorer wins!
Re:Explorer vs Firefox (Score:2)
Re:Explorer vs Firefox (Score:2)
<Menacing overlord voice> Finish him! </Menacing overlord voice>
This count must be wrong! (Score:4, Funny)
shocking numbers (Score:5, Interesting)
If we listened to just the media you would have thought Windows has thousands and the others only had a few dozen. I promise I'm not trolling, but do those numbers stop and make anyone on the site re-think stances? We all saw the numbers that put Firefox with more holes then IE earlier this year too. Could MS be doing a better job, but just getting hammered in the press (who are mostly Apple users by the way)? MS holes get lots of press while other operating systems get a free pass.
"I know Microsoft issued a lot of patches this year that fixed quite a few vulnerabilities
MS always has an attached KB article that details everything their path does. I don't think that statement is denial.
I find myself defending MS allot on this site, and it's nice to have some numbers from a respected neutral organization to debate some of you guys with. I'm sure after this piece they will be re-classified as MS zealots, but what can ya do.
Re:shocking numbers (Score:3, Insightful)
No, it doesn't. First of all, there are a dozen different versions of UNIX and Linux, each with their own set of flaws. MacOS is an almost entirely different system except for a kernel compatibility module and a bunch of command line utilities. Second, the number of bugs discovered or number of
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:2, Insightful)
Count the number of IIs exploits vs Apache and correlate to the number of installations. If your logic held, there should be many many more exploits out there for Apache.
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:2)
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:3, Insightful)
So why don't web servers count when 'entire operating systems' do? Web servers are always connected to some sort of network, if not the Internet. They wouldn't be much use otherwise. They often have all sorts of modules/plugins loaded, some third-party. They often have to run all sorts of interpreted languages (Perl, Python, PHP, ASP, etc) with scripts written by all sorts of people. They can also run other executables on the host system. They often have to access a database, either on the same machine or
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:2)
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:2)
IID 6 has had all of two [secunia.com] vulneratbilities reported in the last two years, neither of which was exploitable -- that means zero exploits for IIS 6. During the same period, Apache 1.3.x has had fourteen [secunia.com], at least one of which was actually exploited by a worm, and Apache 2.0.x has done even better, with twenty-seven [secunia.com].
Re:a nugget of wisdom (Score:2)
And I'm sorry, but I've seen several IIS flaws discussed in internal security documents, causing the companies to hop to Apache. The flaws in IIS are unfixed, and still show up in testing with exploit t
Re:shocking numbers (Score:2)
For example, on the windows side, problems with the OS and core packages. Things like notepad, control panel, wordpad, etc, and on the linux side, you'd have to do some averaging: Linux 2.4 v 2.6, KDE v. Gnome core apps. Meanwhile a comparison between Openoffice and Office would be in order. It's been a while sice the last good study of how one works next to the other in their 'naitive' environments.
Re:shocking numbers (Score:2)
Not so shocking ... (Score:5, Insightful)
If we listened to just the media you would have thought Windows has thousands and the others only had a few dozen. I promise I'm not trolling, but do those numbers stop and make anyone on the site re-think stances? We all saw the numbers that put Firefox with more holes then IE earlier this year too. Could MS be doing a better job, but just getting hammered in the press (who are mostly Apple users by the way)? MS holes get lots of press while other operating systems get a free pass.
If you look at the first post [slashdot.org], you'll see that the real count of vulnerabilities isn't so shocking after all:
Windows 671
UNIX/Linux 891
Multiple 1512
Also, when you consider the fact that "UNIX/Linux" includes many different operating systems (e.g., GNU/Linux, *BSD, OS X, etc.), you can't give any one Unix operating system the blame. Remember that although some code is shared between projects, GNU/Linux and the *BSD are more or less completely different code bases. In any case, the simple counts of vulnerabilities don't take into account the severity of each, so the real winner is even more ambiguous.
I find myself defending MS allot on this site, and it's nice to have some numbers from a respected neutral organization to debate some of you guys with. I'm sure after this piece they will be re-classified as MS zealots, but what can ya do.
While Brian Krebs might be tainted by his misrepresentation (see the post I got the numbers from), I can't imagine anyone here claiming that US-CERT is somehow a bunch of MS zealots. In fairness to Microsoft, they've definitely come a long way with SP2, and I don't feel nearly as vulnerable when using an SP2 machine as I did with previous Windows versions (though the recent WMF hole makes me a bit more worried). without considering the severity of each vulnerability. But they're still no where near the point where I would switch from Linux.
From Secunia (Score:2)
Linux kernel itself(no other programs) : 33 advisories
Windows XP(including IIS, libraries,
Obviously a simple count of vulnerabilities is a real stupid way to compare things, but i would not claim linux is any more secure than windows or the other way around. You are better of using what OS you know better, and secure better. But MS need
Your not a troll, just an idiot (Score:2)
Only a MS-tool would not instantly spot this. Others have already pointed this out but of course they are just Unix and OS-X and BSD and Linux hippies. Oh and wich OS makes it unsafe to simple browse the web right now? Thank you. Bill Gates called, he is about to take a dump and needs you to swallow it all.
All this article shows is how easily statistics can be used to tell a complete lie.
Re:shocking numbers (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:shocking numbers (Score:2)
Second, the Linux/Mac/UNIX holes tend to be very small: they require a clever programmer to detect the vulnerability, they require skill to exploit, they often require the user to do something additionally
These numbers are meaningless. (Score:5, Informative)
Seriously now, these numbers are useless without mentioning lines of code and programming languages. Suse Linux 9.3, for example, has over 7,000 RPMs, which is an enormous amount of software.
Absolute bug numbers are meaningless.
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
This is why absolute numbers are meaningful.
This isn't necessarily directed at your statement (because you're asking for more hard numbers in the form of programming languages and lines of code) but it's worth saying.
Yes, we can weight the various bugs to make the comparison more 'accurate', but the second we begin doing that, we've injected someone's opinion of what is and isn't important.
Admittedly, you could extend the superficial analysis the author did without h
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
Apple needs to get someone who knows a thing about security, because the false belief "its unix its sec
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
Ok, I've made a 'hello world' program in C++...I had 0 bugs in it, do I win?
Well that all rather depends on your compiler, doesn't it?
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
Any questions? :-)
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
Blockquoth the AC:
Perhaps, but returning 0 from main() is guaranteed to return a suitable success indicator to the host environment. From ISO/IEC 14882:1998, 18.3/8:
Re:These numbers are meaningless. (Score:2)
I can't say for C, but at least in C++ if execution falls off the end of main() the return value is guranteed to be 0 in a compliant compiler, rather than random stack crap.
Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:5, Insightful)
Is a flaw in "Gold FTP explorer" or Photoshop a Windows OS flaw?
Am I the only one seeing this?
Re:Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:2)
So let's keep quiet on the sidelines, and let the all make fools of themselves in public.
Re:Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:2)
It has been changed from the layer of software that operates the hardware and provides the lowest level api for accessing it (kernel, and kernel api); to the layer of software that interacts with the user.
Re:Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:2)
My computer doesn't work.
What OS are you running?
Microsoft Office.
You mean Windows.
Yeah, I think I have Windows. But I'm running Office.
Re:Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Umm am I stupid or something? (Score:2)
Bugs != volnerability (Score:2)
What exactlu do tehy call bugs, one mans "bug" is another mans feature. If a function or dialog in open office for example doesn't have the same capability as MS office, or different capability than the Office equivalent, is that a "Bug" or a feature? depends who you ask...
Re:Bugs != volnerability (Score:4, Funny)
Can't buffer overflows (Score:2)
less ridiculous counting (Score:2)
From Bob the Bot (Score:3, Funny)
Will somebody please remove this guy from having the ability to post stories to slashdot? Yes, I already have his stories blocked, and I wonder how many others are doing the same.
The stories are always slanted FAR away from the reality of what was said, and many times are flat out LIES! I first thought it could have been a mistake, but time has shown that this editor does not represent the community in ANY way whatsoever! This is pathetic! Im not going to waste time digging through all the previous example
I'd be curious to know... (Score:2)
How many code reviews find and fix bugs for which no exploit exists in the wild for *ix?
How many patched fixed bugs for which there was no exploit in the wild for Windows?
Only 5198? (Score:2)
So... what's the secret you guys are hiding from us?
Re:Hooray \o/ (Score:2, Insightful)
You didn't take those figures at face value did you?
Those figures said they were for linux AND other univx variants like OSX...
So, 2500 between OSX, openBSD, netBSD, freeBSD, Linux, Solaris, etc... (not to mention all the flaws listed for the dfifferent linux distributions probably got duplicated across several distros)
versus 900 for windows
(I'm rounding up)
Was this 900 split between 95/98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista?
or just for XP?
There're lies,
Re:Hooray \o/ (Score:2)
Re:Excellent news! (Score:2)
Excellent news! I think it's clear now that Windows OS is about three (3) times more secure than Unix/Linux/Mac!
One could also view this differently. MS is closed source, so if that many were found by people who don't have the source how bad would it be if they had the source?
The second issue is with Linux sources, the bugs are being vetted out of the code at a much faster pace making it ulimately more secure.
Statitics lie when taken out of context. We could also look at the tally of "infections" as i
Re:Excellent news! (Score:2)
Linux is constantly adding new code while Microsoft is pretty much patching their existing code base. SP2 added new features to WinXP, but it also borked a lot of installations at its launch.
I just wonder how many of the patches are for old code compared to relatively fresh stuff. EX. the wmf exploit is based on code that's been lying around since Win98
Re:Software Bugs (Score:2)