Are Skimpy Raises the New Normal? 736
Lam1969 writes "Computerworld just released their latest salary survey, and it finds that IT worker bees have once again only received small raises. The article notes, "IT raises still lagged slightly behind the average of about 3.2% for all U.S. workers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the majority of respondents (69%) said their 2004 base salary increased from one year ago, 31% experienced either no change in salary or had their pay cut." It goes on to quote LAN specialist Stephen Noisseau as saying, "I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles ... I'll take 4% over nothing. We're getting basically cost-of-living raises.""
Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Welcome to the way the rest of the universe works. Be glad you even got that. Most poeple have to find new jobs to get a raise at all.
Don't worry, I'm sure another bubble will be along to get you a 100% raise every 6 months like the good ol days.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Interesting)
In other words, fire the experienced employees who want a decent wage and hire unskilled workers who don't have the guts to ask for more pay and let the customers suffer with bad support while the new class learns what the hell they're doing..
At my employer (we do contracted support) The client pays for training classes for new employees (these training classes are not as long as they should be but anyway) what happens if the company can't retain the new hires? They have to hire some more and the client has to pay for their training. At some point, the client gets tired of paying for new groups to be trained, and simply don't allow new classes. The result is a hiring freeze for that department. The employees on the project get overworked, irritable, ect. trying to cover the workload of a larger group. We may have oppertunities to earn more from overtime when this happens, sometimes these "oppertunities" are not our choice. In any case, the remaining employees don't get any additional compensation per hours for the extra workload. This situation continues until the company that hired us starts to lose money from their customers leaving from bad support or the employee numbers drop to a point where it is not possible to fulfill staffing hours. The only people who really suffer in the end is the employees who don't quit and the customers (end users) who deal with poor support.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Funny)
Please explain this concept of "earning more" by working overtime. I'm very confused. :)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Informative)
Well there's the first way:
Working overtime is generally not allowed, so by working all scheduled hours I am making the most money possible at my pay rate (without raising ire with the higher ups). I'm scheduled for 40 hrs a week, so base wage x 40 = maximum weekly gross. But when overtime is allowed I can work over 40, so the weekly gross will be more than what my normal maximum weekly gross is.
Then I also get time-and-a-h
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Short answer: YES... (Score:3, Insightful)
Meager wage increases (if you get them at all) are now the norm rather than the exception. The change to labor laws under George W. Bush were not an anomally -- your employer now expects you to work longer hours for less pay and benefits. Consider yourself lucky if your job hasn't already been offshore outsourced, or not in the planning stages. Your 401K overseas investments are growing fastest because you are helping to finance your company's globa
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Here's what it is with most companies: After a while they take you for granted, and are no longer interested in paying you what you're worth. But to another company you're all new and shiny and irresistably mysterious, so they'll offer you more to lure you away. So your old company now has to pay market value+ to replace you, so they're now paying *more* for someone 1) they don't know, and 2) who's not familiar with the code base and procedures for getting reimbursed for travel etc. Each company would be better off working to retain the competent that are already up-to-speed on that company's stuff, but instead they in effect force musical chairs amongst all but the dead wood.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Reality vs. perception (Score:5, Interesting)
I remember hearing over and over that raises where only 2% for the last couple years. In fact, due to cost cutting they stopped collecting the trash cans on a daily basis. Now, instead of individual trash cans in our cubes, we have communal trash cans in the hallways, which are emptied once a week. BTW, we keep having record quarters.
So, when my boss's boss threatened to give me a bad review and no raise, I shrugged my shoulders and informed him that "My annual 2% raise is close enough to 0% that it didn't matter." I then proceeded to tell him that he had a structural problem. The lack of raises provided him with no "stick" and the lack of advancement opportunities provided him with no "carrot."
I have already decided to leave as soon as the first of the year comes around (and I quality for the End-of-Year bonus).
The funny thing. I honestly believe I got a 2% raise last year. That is what everyone says the raises were. I was doing some record keeping this weekend and noticed that I actually got a 8.25% raise last year.
Sometimes perception and reality don't match.
I am still leaving though.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
People that have the attitude of entitlement, that someone must take care of them, that they deserve increases, tend to do worse in the long run over people who believe they are owed nothing and must earn every penny.
All my evidence is strictly anecdotal, so I won't bother detailing it. Feel free to discount this.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Nobody is talking about entitlements here, that is a typical right wing talking point without foothold in reality.
Over the past 6 years, we haven't even gotten cost of living raises, basically resulting in making LESS and LESS money each year.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Interesting)
If you do that, you'll not only better yourself, but the world as well.
Of course, 90%+ of people don't do tha
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
The causality of the situation will be debated until the end of time. Are people unsuccessful because they are lazy, or are people lazy because they are unsuccessful? I'll decline to share my view for fear of starting an offtopic flamewar. All the same, it is an interesting question.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
The horesh*t about not everyone having the same opportunities falls flat and exposed as such when you consider that every year people come here from nations where poverty isn't defined as being able to afford digital cable, a projection screen TV, leather couches, and a $30K SUV while living on welfare and foodstamps (I used to install said cable for said people while they sat on said leather couches screaming at each other over who spent the money that should have gone towards the baby's diapers; drugs? working under the table and collecting? who am I to even ask?). It's defined as "will there be any food tomorrow?".
They come here, work hard, sacrifice mightily, just as they did every day just to live where they came from, and such pays off here where it didn't there. How is it that people come here from places where fortunate isn't a tax payer run apartment building but a scrap metal roof instead of one made of rotten scrap boards, and make it so much better?
Does anyone think that these largely non-white people are getting a break and aren't the victims of racism and bigotry? Does anyone think "the man" is going easy on them? That they have special opportunities that people here four generations or more don't?
They point up what American families need to do to be fruitful: stick together, work hard for the common good of the family, put off what you want right now for what you need later, and think of each other over your self. If people think this should be a world where individuals can think only of themselves and be as wealthy as they want all by themselves, they need to realize that's not generally the rule no matter what Hollywood seems like. Long term stable success is a lot of long hard work usually. If you're not up to the cost, don't step up. Stay in the project eating macaroni and cheese and sitting on your front porch staring at the beat up Camaro that you haven't got the money to get on the road. Or scamming the system while crying it doesn't pay you enough money to afford the newest X-Box game.
I may scramble from job to job to keep my income paying a mortgage and ten dozen other bills, but I'd rather be doing this for my family than letting them sit around without hope living at the mercy of others.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Really? I'm dead broke since I'm in college, but I don't expect to be that way for the rest of my life. I consider myself to be quite liberal in the "new" sense and don't plan to change my beliefs any time soon. I believe in the idea of a welfare state, and will gladly give up a good share of my money in furtherance of that belief if I ever have the luck of being successful.
Your comment regarding immigrants is pretty spot-on. The reason this is, is because many immigrants look at a $5.15/hr job as a Godsend. They had it so bad in their previous country, anything here looks fit for a king. The chronically poor who have lived here for their entire lives don't see things that way, and subsequently believe that if they work a full time job, they deserve X and Y. Even then, many immigrants end up being just as broke as natives. Take a look at some of the working-class neighborhoods in Boston, decendants of Irish immigrants. They came, worked hard, and had nothing to show for. Its just that "broke" in the US sense is far and away better than "broke" in the foreign sense.
I may scramble from job to job to keep my income paying a mortgage and ten dozen other bills, but I'd rather be doing this for my family than letting them sit around without hope living at the mercy of others.
I applaud you for doing that.
Although there is a certain cost-benefit analysis some people use in this situation. If single-mom X can make $400/wk at work and have to pay for child care or she can live off public assistance until her child reaches school age, why should she work? She can make sure her child is getting the attention they need if she's home.
This, to me, is an inherent flaw in the system, the same way that 45,000,000 Americans don't have health insurance, but all of our prisioners do. In fact, my girlfriend is one of those $45,000,000, and I suggested to her that, in order to get some costly surgery done, the best way to go about it was to commit a crime so that she would be incarcerated. This way she would get the care she needed. I've read quite a few stories where seniors would pull a gun at a convenience store, wait for the manager to call the police, and then wait outside for the police to come. Once they were in jail, they'd get their heart medication and other health needs taken care of.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree with you that rich liberals tend to be snobby, Starbucks-sipping, SVU-driving, etc. These are the so-called "Limosuine Liberals" that the conservatives trot out as the face of the Democratic party in order to forment a perverse sort of backlash against some of the economic agenda of those Democrats (see "What's Wro
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I live in a very liberal city (Madison, WI). There's a lot of well-educated, wealthy people here, many of whom (based on local politics and recent elections) vote liberal. A lot of more rural areas (which tend to have less wealthy individuals), both in Wisconsin and nation-wide, vote conservative. At the same time, you have many conserva
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Interesting)
As for liberals wanting government programs - wrong. They want more middle class jobs. I guess that is further proof of "not wanting anyone else to get theirs". Neo cons support offshoring which takes away
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Insightful)
The same way I did. After high-school (which is free), attend JC (which is next to free). I'm not sure how other states operate, but ANYONE who completes a 2 year degree at a JC in California MUST be accepted to a cal-state university. Cal-states run about $4000-$5000 (including books) per year. Live cheap, rent a room, live in the dorms, walk, take buses AND
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
It is about the people who do not have above-average skills. In rich environments, they start out decent, and have (through connections, background and money) an easier time getting a decent job. If not, they still have something to fall back on. If something in their life goes wrong (with financial impact, which it often has) before they finish education, they have a far better chance of recovering.
In poor environments, the options are more limited. You plainly have to work a lot harder for food and shelter, and education. Once harder work has to be done to get succesful, fewer will succeed (doh!).
The idea that everyone is capable of everything is a myth. Let alone regardless of connections and money. This has little to do with mindset.
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Interesting)
1. I would never do that job, it is pure evil (Telemarketing).
2. I don't think I could handle that sort of stress (Insurance Customer Support).
3. I promised myself when I was a teenager never to work in food service. (Waiter/Waitress)
4. They would never hire me, I don't have experience. (Some Blue collar job)
5. I love
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
If there's no raise, there's no incentive to work harder. Unless of course you're easy to replace and your experience doesn't matter to the company...
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:3, Insightful)
No joke (Score:5, Funny)
"If money is all you love, then that's what you'll receive." Yes ma'am!
Re:No joke (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Way to be callous, man. A 2% raise... adjusted for cost of living, that's actually a pay cut.
Health care costs are up, gas costs twice as much as it did a year ago, houses are unaffordable - up 85% in the past year - in any location where there are jobs, but you can't live far away because you can't afford to commute, and yet you can't work for some small town company with no health benefits...
I didn't get a piece of the Dot-Com bubble, and now that we're on the downside of it, there are no jobs that pay a living wage, and lots of us are looking for other ways to make a living. It'll come back around, and salaries will become more consistant with cost of living... but in the mean time, I wonder about whether or not I should take my 1 year old to the hospital or if his cough is going to get better on its own with time and generic robitussin, because the emergency room doctors here don't participate with my independant keycare health plan and I really can't afford it.
Save your harsh words for the realtors, man. All I'm trying to do is scrape by and take care of my family.
Re:Cost of living isn't the same everywhere (Score:3, Interesting)
Norfolk, NE [norfolk.ne.us]. The air is clean, the people are nice, and crime is almost nonexistent. Sure, life in Small Town America isn't for everyone. If you're looking for a great quality of life, though, it may be something to consider.
There's no high-tech industry here to speak of, but there are plenty of high-tech jobs inside more traditional industries.
Hard Times (Score:5, Informative)
Took a 30% pay cut two years ago, as nothing was available but a job 40 miles from home. Only one pay increase in two years, 1.15% which has more than been eaten by the rise in petrol cost.
It's simple Supply-Demand (Keynesian economic theory), when workers with a particular skill set are not in demand or supply excedes demand, there's not much rationale to give workers higher pay. Of course some increase is a sign of goodwill and encourages workers, but tell the beancounters.
Oh, and the execs got about 6% pay increase this year. Can't have that lot starving, can we?
Re:Hard Times (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Hard Times (Score:3, Funny)
Do tell me, now that Web Design is a commodity skill, who still makes six figures designing web pages?
The last person I knew who was doing that is now living in his parent's house.
Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Informative)
Only 6%? That's not much... 2003 saw the average Fortune 500 CEO's salary up 22.18% [cnn.com].
In 1992 the average CEO made 82x the average employee's salary. By 2004 this ratio has climbed to 400x [stanford.edu].
Don't forget Gary Smith [msn.com] who was awarded $41.2 million for overseeing the elimination of 93% of Ciena's value in just 4 years.
Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Insightful)
I do not begrudge effective, honest and successful CEOs their salaries. If they earn it, they earn it.
Ovitz did not deserve $140 million. Ken Lay did not earn his $42 million in 1999. Ebbers did not deserve a guaranteed 1.5 million annual pay for life. Jure Sola did not earn his $20 million bonus for hitting targets one quarter out of 16 as the investors in the company saw shares fall 78%.
The complaint isn't how much CEOs make... it is how much BAD CEOs make. Could I perform as well as a CEO? Well, pay me $1,000,000/month and I'll see if I can drive the nation's largest retailer into the ground along with 57,000 jobs like Chuck Conaway did.
Why do companies exist? To generate profit. If the CEO can't do that then the CEO needs to be replaced. And if the CEO is engaged in any sort of corruption, fraud or outright stupidity then he has to go.
Are all CEO's inept, devoid of skill and undeserving of large salaries? Absolutely not. Only a silly extremist would make such a claim.
However. I find it inexcusable to tell the employees that there isn't enough money for raises (or even adequate equipment) then siphon off several times the profit for one overpaid and underworked twit who just isn't bringing any value to the organization.
Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Hard Times (Score:3, Interesting)
I used to
Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Interesting)
On another front, a friend of mine was also working at the university. After three or four years of never getting a pay raise he decided to find out what was going on. In his case, he wanted to look at the accounting books. It turned out that the accounting books were on the top floor of the library accesible only by stairs and no photography equipment was allowed on the top floor. Also, no pens, no paper, no pencils, nothing - except yourself. (Althought you could ask for a pencil and paper as you will see here in a sec.) It took several hours (and several days) of making requests for various accounting books, being told they were not available, being denied access to records, and the like to finally get hold of the books he wanted to look at. Turns out they were all done in pencil and several of them had areas that had been erased. Lucky for him, the sections he was looking for were still in good condition. After looking at the pages he asked for some paper and a pencil. The person would only give him one sheet of paper, one pencil, and stood over him while he copied the information from the book to ensure he didn't modify the books. Only one sheet of paper was allowed per person per visit. So it took him a while to get all of the facts. It turned out one person who had hired on with the department had funneled almost all of the funds to themselves. Something like a 30% pay increase each year for the past few years thereby doubling their salary in a very short amount of time. Since the "librarian" had stood over him and watched him copy everything he had the foresight to get the person's name as a witness to what he'd done so there could be no mistake about what he'd found out. He threatened to expose the whole affair if the offending person wasn't fired. They were and the money got distributed like it was supposed to be distributed to everyone. No charges were ever filed against the other person.
This is why I hate the "let's hide what everyone makes" mentality of most companies. As the saying goes "Evil can not stand the light of day but loves the darkness of the night." Which is to say that you can not do covert things unless you hide, misdirect, or mislead others in what you are doing. So remember that the next time raises are (or are not) handed out. Those people above you didn't take a "0%" pay raise. They took their cut out first and then went "Oops! There's nothing left for the rank and file. Oh well! Maybe next year!"
One last thing: Any time your boss gives you little or nothing as a raise; just remember this one thing - Every company has to file their income tax returns and those returns are open to public scrutiny. But more importantly, there is a company that already does this for you. They are Standards and Poor. Any major library in any major city will have the S&P books on hand for each year. All you have to do is to go to the library and look up the year you are told you are not going to get a raise (or even if they cut your pay). You can look up your company's information, see what the head of your company had to say about that year's profit and loss, see what dividends were paid to the stockholders, and even see how much money the company's owner made for that year (and you can compare it to the year before's amount to see what kind of a raise they got). Go and look at it. See how much of a pay decrease they took. I think you will be very surprised to find that even in the worse years they didn't take a pay cut or no raise at all but instead usually take about a 7-10% increase every year. Not to mention bonuses they may have taken on top of their pay increases.
Something to think about.
Sorry, I got a 10% raise... no doom or gloom in WA (Score:2, Funny)
Raises shouldn't be the norm (Score:5, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Raises shouldn't be the norm (Score:3, Insightful)
Most of us? Maybe some.... (Score:4, Interesting)
Best job I could find after that was a couple years of working in a guy's unheated garage scrapping together used computers for resale cheap to daycare centers and preschools - for less than half of my former, below-average salary. I'm *still* trying to find something that might at least pay close to what I made in '99-2000!
I agree that smart businesses are clued in more to things like "people skills" and "work ethics" nowdays, but from what I've been running into around here - the single most impotant thing you can have is an inside connection. Almost everyone I know in this market who has a good-paying job in I.T. got there because they had a friend in management. They need a decent resume too - but you're just another piece of paper in H.R.'s resume pile unless you have connections who get someone to "pull your resume" and seriously consider it....
Re:Raises shouldn't be the norm (Score:3, Insightful)
Salaries aren't about "earning it". The company figures out how much they value your labor, and then figure out how much less than that you will accept. If the later is lower than the former, they offer it to you, otherwise, they fire you.
Salaries are low because most people don't seem to understand that a company will generally attempt to pay you as little as it can without losing you.
What is this "raise" you speak of? (Score:4, Interesting)
The only way I can see increasing my pay is to leave this job for another. And this is NOT a good market now to do that.
Would LOVE a 2% or 3% raise once a year or so...
Re:What is this "raise" you speak of? (Score:3, Interesting)
I think that not giving employees a raise better than
0% raise is a pay cut (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:(Almost OT) Re:uhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut (Score:4, Informative)
I get much of my stuff from http://mwhodges.home.att.net/ [att.net] you may need to recalculate it for being percapita though.
The numbers I've seen are closer to 40K.
sounds like just the federal percapita.
I would guess that a disproportionate amount of that number is in morgages. Shouldn't morgage debt count separatley, as an investment, being secured by a tangible property which can be resold and which usually accrues value (unless there are too many speculators)?
I would be vary wary of that, real-estate lost 90% of it's value during the great depression, and to tell you the truth - we are more overleveraged now then we were then. IMHO, going into debt for a home today is not only not a secure investment, it is very dangerous.
The difference between that and credit card (or federal) debt is pretty significant.
Isn't a lot of that debt also to ourselves? I owe rent to the owner, my roommate owes rent to me, her company owes her salary to her, etc. A more realistic example would be a car company who owes money to it's creditors, but who also is owed money by the people who buy cars from it. Isn't that debt being counted twice?
Unfortunately most debt is foriegn owned nowdays, Japan alone has some 650bln of us bonds. The problem with debt isn't who it's owned to, it's that it pre-obligates money that would otherwise be spent in more productive ways. Plus, long "chains" of debtors are as strong as the weakest link, if someone in the middle defaults - everyone else still owes and must make it up somewhere or default too. That's why over debted societies usually have a cascading collapse.
I'm not convinced that zero debt is the overall goal. All investments are debt to someone.
I think debt for things other than investments that increase productivity are a bad idea. Also from what I understand, 90% of society are debtors and 10% creditors.
If I invest 1,000 dollars in a local company so that they can re-tool their factory, that's 1,000 dollars in debt that basically guarantees a return to society much larger than the expense.
There is a difference between investing and loaning, with a loan money is owed no matter how good or poorly it does. With investment in things like stock, that is not the case.
Corporate debt is how the buying power of money is shifted from institutions that have it, to upstarts that need it. Sure, Sony may go a half-billion dollars in debt to create a new fab plant for the Cell chip that powers the Playstation 3, but they'll make it back.
I agree, that is good debt. Millions of people re-financing their home and spending the extra on consumption is not.
If not all debts are necessarily bad, we have to figure what kinds are bad and what kinds aren't. Student Loans are as annoying as hell, but the benefit to society (and a single worker's earning potential) greatly outweighs the cost of being in debt. Credit card debts are always bad, and are basically the work of the devil. Sometimes you need to go into a little debt to buy a used car to get to work on time... That's much better than not working. But buying a 25k new SUV is a bad investment.
Sometimes credit card debt can be better because it's not secured. Anyhow, on no uncertain terms the US is overleveraged in debt, and the fed has loaned out way way way too much money. Even the fed said that the economy is super efficient because of new technology, but what they didn't say is that efficient economies make fluctuations to excessive monitary policies more extreme, not less extreme. The global economy is teetering on the edge of a cliff, I would peronally and strongly recommend having some precious metals on hand. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks this as gold is at an 18 year high now ( http://www.kitco.com/ [kitco.com])
Geographical breakdown?? (Score:3, Interesting)
But I guess 10% increase in those countries would still be a steal for the labour they are receiving in return.
IT=cost center (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:IT=cost center (Score:3, Insightful)
You don't need IT to run a company, just like you don't need oil to run a car!
Just don't expect it to run very well or for very long.
Re:IT=cost center (Score:3, Insightful)
"A companies IT infrastructure is like a highway. No one really notices it when everything is smooth. However, just add one pothole..."
As I said, he was a very intelligent man.
That is NOT intelligent (Score:3, Insightful)
If you market the IT department and prove its value to the company, raises are much easier to come
Re:IT=cost center (Score:3, Insightful)
You probably saved a dime by having 50% of your incoming calls handled by an automated information line vs having call center employees.
You probably saved a dime by having a teleconference over flying everyone to some location, renting a center and having a meeting.
I could go on.
Lets get off the 1990s mindsets (Score:3, Insightful)
Bonus / profit sharing and base salary. (Score:3, Interesting)
3-4% really is the norm (Score:5, Insightful)
What I do have a problem with is when I only get a 3-4% raise, yet, executives can give themselves 50% raises, 4 million dollar bonuses, etc. There is nothing a CEO can produce that warrants that level of compensation. PERIOD.
I say we find somebody crazy enough in congress to propose a salary cap for CEO's bill. Then tell everyone in the public about it, and see how many people really support something like that. Especially when the workers outnumber the C-level's probably 100 to 1.
Re:3-4% really is the norm (Score:3, Interesting)
Jeez... W raised over _100_ million dollars in the last campaign if memory serves right. Mayor Bloomberg is a _billionaire_. The _last_ people these politicians listen to are the working class. Sad as it may be.
Re:3-4% really is the norm (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course they can all also vote themselves the same outrageous pay raises..
A salary increase cap I doubt you could push through - you'd have to rule out the fringe cases where a guy DID earn $4m bonus a year (for instance, turning a company around from bankruptcy - I imagine a couple of airline bosses are hoping they can swing this)
What I suppose could happen is that salary raises and bonuses are capped based on percentages of profit margins and difference between previous years (if it's profits up, add a percent or two, if profits are down, reduce a percent or two), and written into company charters.
How much could Bill Gates grant himself per year if he had a 3% pay raise and a further 2% bonus on a good year? How about Steve Jobs?
It's probably no better than the current "corruption"
Re:3-4% really is the norm (Score:5, Interesting)
If I am not mistaken, Steve Jobs has an annual salary of $1.00. Considering how much stock he owns and how much money he made in the past I don't think he thinks very much about how much he is getting paid. I think the CEO of Cisco has the same deal.
Re:3-4% really is the norm (Score:3, Insightful)
Considering the obvious (look at the stock chart prices) effect of hiring SJ as CEO, Apple ought to be paying him loadsadosh. And no, I'm not Steve Jobs, I just think he's done a phenomenal job (didn't you hear ? Apple has been "dying" for years now...).
I don't see a problem paying CEO's who perform tha
Re:3-4% really is the norm (Score:3, Interesting)
But of course; Steve Jobs' stock options are now worth more than any paper salary he could ever have wished for. It's actually a way to get around tax and fiddle the SEC, IRS and stockmarket reports to show the company makes a ridiculous profit (i.e. $4bn profit instead of $4bn profit minus $800 million bonus to the boss).
I think Steve Jobs is worth it. One of the few in the limelight who can really say that he earned his deal. I can pick out a bunch of
Go for higher pay when you first negotiate (Score:4, Interesting)
Disorganized Labor (Score:5, Interesting)
I'll say once again:
Blue Collar = Organized Labor
White Collar = Disorganized Labor
Democracy is about working together to be treated fairly. Why should corporate profits leap by huge percentages while employee salaries do not?
Re:Disorganized Labor (Score:3, Insightful)
Because during the years when revenues drop, those same employees will fight like hell against taking a corresponding pay cut. Are you really sure you want to tie salaries directly to revenues?
Re:Disorganized Labor (Score:4, Insightful)
I lived through the 70s & 80s in the UK. Unions help nobdy but those elected to an office within the union.
I'd rather join the bloody masons than a union and I consider the masons scum.
Re:Disorganized Labor (Score:5, Interesting)
However, I don't want to be treated *fairly*. I want to be treated *well*. Maybe its the ./ Conceit, but I think I'm better/more employable than the guy in the next cubicle (figuratively speaking, considering the next cubicle is a printer) and don't want to have my ability to bargain *for me* compromised just so he gains immunity to firing. I also don't want to get X% of my pay jacked in an additional tax to support a bunch of layabout "leaders" who will spend the majority of their time spending my union dues on lavish offices and political causes which I don't support anyway.
I dunno...what kind of printer? (Score:5, Funny)
Be glad you are working (Score:3, Interesting)
Be glad you get a paycheck. After having to live thru 2 bankrupt companies, I am..
Hopefully (Score:5, Funny)
Outsourcing... (Score:3, Insightful)
Beggers can't be choosers.
Competition and bad economy (Score:2)
Compitition is a good thing.
And in other news.. (Score:5, Interesting)
As a small mobile software developer in India currently looking for fresh business and perhaps adding employees other than myself to the business, this news makes me have second thoughts!
The paradox (Score:5, Insightful)
So, I must pose the question, why is it perfectly fine for managers (especially those in the upper echelons) hand out massive raises to themselves and their cronies that are often the equivalent of several times the average salary of their subordinates? The typical CEO makes 450 times as much as the average person they employ. Even when business is bad, layoffs are rampant and wages stagnant, the raises for the managers continue - because according to them, poor performance is always the fault of the lower rungs, while good quarters are always thanks to their expert stewardship.
The auto parts company Delphi is asking for their non-management staff to accept 50-69% pay cuts, (these workers were described as being basically worthless in a speech the CEO gave two weeks ago) while the managers that have presided over the company sliding into bankruptcy are going to get massive raises.
Please explain who spending tons of money to compensate workers who are being asked to produce more per hour, work more hours and accept fewer fringe benefits like comprehensive healthcare coverage is some evil, evil thing that shall destroy every company and drive them into bankruptcy, while distributing the same amount of money to the higher ups is no problem whatsoever?
Loyalty is Stupid (Score:5, Interesting)
The whole principle of a free-market economy is fair exchange where both parties feel that they are getting back an equal or greater amount of value than what they put in. If you're not getting that out of an exchange, you shouldn't be participating in it.
Managers can do whatever the hell they want, a company run by morons is going to go bankrupt in short order, and it's the shareholders who will pay for their stupidity. That's one of the risks of investment, and it is also why many shareholders keep a close eye on what is happening with their investment. If you feel like your boss/the leadership of a company you've invested in is making stupid decisions, for god sake get out now or they'll take you down with them.
Re:Loyalty is Stupid (Score:5, Interesting)
Health insurance. It isn't the only reason, but it is decent sized. In particular pre-existing ailments. A lot of health insurance plans will not cover pre-existing conditions until you've paid 12 months worth of fees.
For anyone with a kid or spouse with a pre-existing condition, the thought of no coverage, especially if the condition could dramatically worsen, is enough to keep them from even considering switching employers.
Which, is why I believe employeer-provided health insurance is evil. I don't believe in state-provided insurance either for all the inefficiences that come with socialism. I do advocate for personal health insurance, where you are personally responsible for each dollar spent for fees and it has no ties to your employer or any other group that would use it to coerce you into acting against your own best interests.
Re:Loyalty is Stupid (Score:3, Informative)
I believe this is only if you have had a lapse in coverage of more than 3 months. If you transfer from one insurance plan directly to another, they should cover everything. I could be wrong, but this is the way the plans have been at every place I've worked. The idea is to prevent people from not signing up for insurance until after they come down with a major condition.
here's a good interview tip (Score:5, Insightful)
I always ask this question, and as a result, i've never had a raise less than 9%.
Programmers are not well paid in the U.S vs India (Score:3, Interesting)
The International Herald Tribune says that the average wage for an experienced programmer in India is $11,423 a year. The average wage for an experienced programmer in the U.S is $83,000 a year. However the average per capita income in India is $3,100 and in the U.S it is $40,100. Per capita income is a good indicator of the relative cost level for people living in a particular country.
So the programmer vs average salary ratio in India is 3.684 while in the U.S it is 2.069. To feel as rich as an experienced Indian programmer an American Programmer would have to make $147,728.
Origional article + links to references, etc over at my blog [blogspot.com]
Cry me a river (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Cry me a river (Score:3, Insightful)
Are you saying that the productivity of the CEO's is continuing to skyrocket, despite all this? This would explain why CEO's salaries rise like crazy and the gap between the rich and the poor keeps increasing. I didn't realize it was all the poor people's fault.
It's kinda like copyright infringement is on the increase, but the media industry is having another record breaking year, while laying off employees at the bottom level. A bit like that?
Re:Cry me a river (Score:3, Interesting)
Oh, wait, they don't add to the bottom line at all.
See, businesses function as an entire unit, and not every component of that unit is going to directly add to the 'bottom line'. It is important to recognize that, although many departments don't directly generate revenue, th
4% is more than cost of living (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:4% is more than cost of living (Score:3, Informative)
This image [wikipedia.org] shows the CPI over the last century. Note how the
Be prepared to quit (Score:5, Insightful)
Unfortunately, there's too many saps out there who complain about shit raises, but won't go out and do something about it. Don't like your raise? Get a new job, and then when you leave, tell them exactly why. If more people did that, raises would be higher for everyone.
Laughing was dumb (Score:3, Insightful)
Be reasonable: Tell them exactly how much it wil cost them to keep you.
If they are willing to pay it, then tell the new company you were going to go to
about it, and tell them how much it would cost to still hire you.
There is no point in throwing away perfectly good leverage.
I got 40% raise after just 6 months!! learn how... (Score:4, Interesting)
So after 6 months they wanted to keep me as I had done a good job and they valued my work, at which point I bypassed my boss all together and negotiated with the VP of IT for 2 days for a total of 5 hours, explaining why I was worth way more than what he was offering and debunking every reason he had to pay me like the other employees. And yes, I did plan a lot before that meeting - many hours! I did get the spcheal about how the company paid fairly and according to market research I was worth X amount of dollars, but I played it cool, mentioned that I had other prospects on the side (which was true) willing to offer me close to 60% more than what he offered me, I mentioned I had worked internationally and one of the jobs even offered me partial company ownership, but most importantly I said, hey, look I don't consider myself an average employee, so if you are interested in hiring average employees I understand that but if you read my resume (which I knew he didn't read it as I had been hired by another manager), you will know very well that I'm hardly an average employee and I take on work that very few people have the skills to take on.
Even though I didn't get the huge $ I was asking for (which was a 6 figure close to what he was making), I did get the highest tier of pay he was allowed to give me (he even got out all the pay charts and showed me what all the other employees made). 2 years later, I still make about 5% higher than my boss who has been working there for like 7 years!
So, hey... It was mental stress-hell for a week there getting ready to prepare to negotiate and getting through the negotiation itself, but 2 years later I could care less that I haven't been given even 1% raise as I am very happy with what I am earning and have no intentions of stressing myself over any raises for at least another 2 or 3 years.
Do your research, prepare like hell, know his negotiation abilities, strengthen yours and be VERY creative in your game. During negotiations, as he was saying no to my request, I said stuff like:
well fine then how about you re-hire me as a contractor, or
let me look at your Hierarchy and pay-scale to find me a job description I am capable of doing that meets my salary expectations (which he did show me),
I brought into the negotiations print outs from monster.com and other places that showed that people with my job title made way more than what he was offering (what I showed, was of course the extremes),
I suggested that the company was growing in a new direction and fast and that perhaps it was time to create a new job title that did not fit into the existing pay scales & descriptions,
I explained that in my last job I made 50% more than what he was paying me as a contractor, and that I took the job because I liked the company and the technology was very leading edge at the time (VoIP) but that now (2003) my skills are high in demand (and he knew that),
next I said, ok well what about stock options to make up the difference?
Or what about training commitments worth $X per year,
or forget the salary and if you are not convinced, let me work for you for free and you pay me 10% of what I save the company money on (I could have trippled my salary easily if he had said yes).
I threw the question/problem back into his lap saying... Ok so listen, you know that I am not your average employee and am worth more than your regular pay scales, so how do you sugge
organize, organize, organize! (Score:3, Insightful)
it is precisely circumstances like these that led to the development of labor unions (well, plus a few deaths-by-locked-door-in-a-fire)
it's alarming how many modern workers buy the company line about unions and how they're only in it for the dues. why is it ingrained in modern companies that teamwork is the solution to problems, but then teamwork is lambasted as a strategy to improve conditions?
i had a discussion with my sister once in which she railed against the organized workers at her job because they didn't have to work as much and got paid more. ? why is that bad? it's in the power of every worker! (except those working for the tsa, thanks to mr. bush.)
the communications workers [cwa-union.org] is the first place to look if you're looking to get started. you have nothing to lose but your lousy schedule and crappy raise percentages. and your chains, but that's more metaphorical.
Re:organize, organize, organize! (Score:3, Insightful)
Labor unions are an example of too much of a good thing. Unions started out to level the playing field between labor and management. Now, many unions are out to do no less than screw the company. It is no long about fair treatment. It is about
And Congress just approved more Visa workers (Score:4, Insightful)
If we don't collectively apply political pressure, they will do to our field what they have done to agricultural workers.
Whine, Moan, Bitch, Complain? (Score:5, Insightful)
Besides, hasn't anyone ever told you? You don't get rich working for someone else.
Holy crap you babies - how about 0% 3 yrs running? (Score:4, Interesting)
And if the noises we hear about the strategizing the paradigm and upselling the modality to shape the customer solutionality are any indication our reviews for 2006 will come out the same.
And this is a MAJOR IT corporation you see commercials for, every day on television.
And this is in one of the areas commonly touted as a hot area; commercial security.
So in real terms as our compensation FALLS at least 3%/year for 3-4 years I have to say your complaints of only getting 2.8% - 4% fall on deaf ears.
3-4% is not cost of living raise... (Score:3, Interesting)
We see gas prices spiking periodically (200-300% increase in last 10 years..anyone remember 98 cent gas? How about 78-87 cent gas?)
Health insurance rates have been increasing for most(in US) at double digit increments....anywhere from 15-35 percent!
They only thing that has suprisingly stayed low has been food costs.
3-4% is CRAP when you have these kinds of increases. Copst of licing in my book should have given me a 10-15% raise.
Another reason.... (Score:3, Insightful)
And another thing... (Score:3, Insightful)
Is the cost of the additional salary more or less than the cost of replacing the potential loss of personel?
What percentage of those who find other jobs can be lured back in with an offer for a bit more?
Is the product produced by the employee worth the money being paid?
Can an employee that costs less create the same quality of product in the same amount of time?
In the end, if you truely believe you're worth more than you make, and the company you work for seems unwilling to compensate you in this manner, everyone is better off if you find that job. In reality, your true market value is only what the highest bidder will pay. And, in our current job market, there are typically at least a dozen people willing to do what you do for the same or less... supply and demand at its best.
Re:Pay Raise? (Score:2, Funny)