Calculating the True Worth of Software 204
chromatic writes "Many people recognize that the cost to duplicate a piece of software is a fraction of the number on its price tag. Many people also understand that software without support and maintenance loses much of its value. Is there a way to put a price on the software, support, maintenance, and the option for future upgrades itself? Robert Lefkowitz recently applied an options pricing model to software in ONLamp.com's Calculating the True Price of Software. Don't let the description fool you; it's both a readable and serious apologia of the common free software business model."
The actual price of SW. (Score:5, Insightful)
Easy, these prices are proportional to the penetration indice of your previous software : a monopoly charge high fees, an outsider small ones.
Re:The actual price of SW. (Score:2)
Or, in simpler terms, Supply & Demand.
Re:The actual price of SW. (Score:2)
In French there are both index (unvarying) and indice (plural indices), hence the misspelling.
Koders does something like this... (Score:5, Interesting)
Worth or cost? (Score:4, Insightful)
For example, I run a one-man contracting business. The worth to me of my accounts package is vast, the cost of it miniscule in comparison. And that cost is...one copy of Virtual PC for around £100 I think (I run OS X), one copy of XP for around £170 (retail, used it on a physical PC I no longer have and now it's on the emulator), then around £50 for Quicken UK. I can feel the Free people ganging up on me - I must be mad! That adds up to £230, that's nearly the price of a low-end machine! Well, to me that software is worth the amount, and the price is an utterly negligible amount of the cost of running my business.
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:2)
But my question for you is... isn't there a Mac version of Quicken that would suit your purposes? I run the Mac version on my PowerBook, but I don't know if you mean something like QuickBooks that is for small business. There is a Mac version, I just don't know how it compares to the higher end offerings.
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:2)
There's a Mac version of Quicken, but not Quicken UK. There are different tax rules in the UK which a US version wouldn't handle.
In addition, the Mac version is quite a way behind its Windows counterpart. I find this quite surprising - surely the actual financial codebase would all be platform independent, with the GUI being the only platform-specific code required? But no - it's not. The Mac version isn
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:2)
I'm sure Quicken will be updated eventually. Maybe the next version. Too bad MS Money isn't available on the Mac t
Re:Good point (Score:2)
People should also realize that software provides them the means to accomplish tasks they would not be able to accomplish otherwise. Herein lies the value of one's time, and whether it's more economical to allocate funds to the purchase of software that can do a job faster and better, or stick with something manual. The actual physical cost of reproducing the software itself is miniscule...the value it provides, however, can be quite substantial.
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, consider your alternative:
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:2)
Copyright law drives the high margins on software. Whether this is good or bad seems to depend a great deal on whether you're an american or not. I suspect an even stronger indicator would be whether you own stock in MS or Oracle or IBM or not.
Very insightful.
Re:Worth or cost? (Score:2)
To me.. (Score:4, Insightful)
If I were a doctor, a full medial records + billing application would be worth many thousands (or equivalent of support services for free software). If I am running a bakery, then inventory software is worth far less.
As a hobbyist, software related to my hobby would be worth more than some random game to play with once in a while - if I'm a gamer, that game is worth a lot more than the same hobbyist values it.
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
I fool around with Adobe Premiere Pro sometimes (To be honest here--I did not buy it). I use it to produce fan videos for EVE Online, but thats about it. To me, it isn't worth much, nowhere near the 800 dollar price tag.
Now bring it to a professional who makes his living with it. To him, its worth thousands of dollars, far more than the price tag.
Re:To me.. (Score:3, Insightful)
What a strange way of thinking. It's like saying "hey, I drive a Ferrari from time to time, but I really don't use it all that much, therefore it's not worth X million dollars, so I stole it".
Tell you what: in a normal world, if Adobe Premiere Pro isn't worth 800 to you, you don't buy it,
Re:To me.. (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm disappointed at how many people here go along with the BSA/**AA line. Duplication is not theft. It may be illegal, and it may be wrong, but there is a clear difference.
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
So what? Pinacle and ulead have $99 and under software that does video editing, but you choose not to pay for them either. There's also shareware stuff that costs less, and should be suitable since, as you yourself point out, you're not a professional.
But you don't support them either. Why is it that I think if there WAS a FOSS video editor... wait... let's do a search... yep, lot's of OSS solutions. Face it. You have alternatives, but prefer to st
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
Re:To me.. (Score:2)
Interestingly enough, such applications go for thousands. The problem is that people just starting out, medical students, etc., can't afford that. There's a massive disparity between the free and low cost software out there, and the $10,000 packages. That isn't surprising.
What is surpris
Re:To me.. (Score:3, Interesting)
This raises an excellent point, which I had hoped (considering the title) would be explored in TFA. How much should one charge for software, especially for mission-critical applications? Is it equitable for a developer to charge a portion of the potential benefits? Should the developer set the price of sales based on the cost of initial development (and hence replacement)? Let's explore the issue.
Say I'm contracting for a company (with an option to resell the software later to other companies) who need
Re:To me.. (Score:4, Insightful)
The other way to do it is to work out how much value this widget creates for the customer. You ask yourself the question: "how much will this widget do one of: lower operational cost, increase productivity, enable new opportunities or reduce risk?". If the numbers are substantial, you charge a proportion of that value as your price (you better be able to demonstrate that, otherwise noone will buy it). In my experience, value based pricing is higher than cost-plus.
Which way you go depends on how much of a commodity your product is. For stuff that anyone can make, you have little chance of using the value based model, given a high rate of competition. For highly specialised areas, the opportunity is greater. However, most widgets become commodities in the end. Engineering practices become more efficient and the market widens for all but the most specialised of products (thereby increasing the volume but often lowering the price). You also have other players moving into the market and spotting an inefficiency they can exploit by being more efficient etc (Dell are the classic example of this).
The firm I work for wrestles with this choice daily. Our tools are very specialised and often create enormous value for the customer (last week, one tool saved the customer over USD 1M, but we charged a fraction of that and still made excellent money). At the same time, the market is competitve, preventing massive price hikes.
In terms of your question: I don't think there is an ethical paradox here. You simply decide which of the models you can use and charge accordingly. Assuming you are not in a monopoly situation, the free market will tell you if you are right or wrong with the pricing. I do, however, think that in a monopoly situation, the potential for market distortion and underhand dealings by suppliers becomes almost a certainty.
Price of Tetris (Score:4, Funny)
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
getting the high score: priceless
(or so I thought at the time)
Re:Price of Tetris (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Price of Tetris (Score:2)
Re:Price of Tetris (Score:2)
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
There's also the scene most clever teens played out 20 years ago:
another game: 25 cents
another game: 25 cents
another game: *zap*
another game: *zap*
another game: *zap*
I keep hearing it... (Score:3)
If I buy Photoshop today, it'll still be a kick-ass graphics tool in 5 years or 10 years. As long as the OS can keep up with hardware support (cameras and printers), is there any reason why I would need support and maintenance? Beyond public forums, that is? Now the "free upgrades" of most OSS apps are pleasant, but by no means necessary. There's simply not much point in sticking with an older version, but you could certainly do it.
I know things are very different in the corporate market, where a stoppage means major $$$ down the drain. But as far as I'm concerned, it's mostly a "I would pay if I had to, but support contracts I don't have to, so I don't" attitude to software. I think that's fairly common.
Re:I keep hearing it... (Score:2, Insightful)
Many people have also found out the hard way that
meaningful support is non-existent.
I have never, not even once, gotten the correct
solution to a problem with commercial s/w.
Generally, after some sweat, I've been able to create a work-around or discover the solution on
my own.
So, here's one place I can't say you get what you
pay for.
Just get rid of it altogether (Score:2)
You are often fine and dandy with the way everything works, then you get some new application, such as a new tax program, that requires you to upgrade a component in your OS, that requires you to upgrade your full OS, that requires you to upgrade your hardware, and toss the old stuff
Re:I keep hearing it... (Score:2, Interesting)
Sure there is... (Score:4, Funny)
Cost vs value (Score:3, Insightful)
Many people recognize that the cost to duplicate a piece of software is a fraction of the number on its price tag. Many people also understand that software without support and maintenance loses much of its value. Is there a way to put a price on the software, support, maintenance, and the option for future upgrades itself?
Of course there is. Cost and value are two different concepts. Something can cost nothing, yet be very valuable (e.g. Apache).
Pricing things like support is merely the exercise of coming up with a price that is low enough to find people who value it more than the price, while still being higher than the cost to provide it.
The cost to provide support includes things like employing people who know all about the software.
The value to the customers is that they can rely on the software and get problems sorted more quickly without having to employ their own experts.
Neither of these bears any relation to the cost of the software itself. It can be free, or it can cost thousands, the principle is the same.
There is a difference between Free Software and proprietary software though; with Free Software, you can get support from a number of competing firms, and with proprietary software, you are limited to the original vendor. Free Software support has the advantages and disadvantages of capitalism, proprietary software support does not.
this just in: (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:this just in: (Score:2)
For example, buying quark XPress, for my small business, along with Adobe Acrobat:
Contracts fulfilled: Approximately $75999. Employee time se job:$15,000. Software cost: $1k. Value:$59k.
MS Word: Cost $400, Contracts fulfilled: $35k. Corruption bug repaurs: $7000, Corruption bug preventative action:$5000. Lost contracts, due to time wasted on corruption bug, and lost customer confidence:$21k. Total Value:$1600.
A Financial Analysis of Things We Already Know (Score:3, Informative)
Re:A Financial Analysis of Things We Already Know (Score:2)
That is a cute idea, but what does that blame net the company? So they can blame Microsoft or Sun or whatever, but they will never, ever, get their money back when the software proves to be defective.
Worth of software... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Worth of software... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Worth of software... (Score:3, Interesting)
The manager of this new municipal arena was at first, absolutely bent on buying a fancy computerized point-of-sale and inventory management system for all the concession stands. He thought it would cost about $20K, when the bids came in, the average price was more like around $70-90K for this system to be installed into all the conce
Opportunity cost (Score:2)
That's called "opportunity cost" and *is* included (or it's supposed to be included anyway) in the cost analysis you'd perform before sinking a bunch of money into some technology/automation solution.
Everyone who stayed awake thru their undergrad "Economics 101" class should remember to include the intangible opportunity costs when figuring costs for conducting a busine
Harder to say (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Harder to say (Score:2)
Joel on Software on the same topic (Score:5, Interesting)
You've just released your latest photo-organizing software. Through some mechanism which will be left as an exercise to the reader, you've managed to actually let people know about it. Maybe you have a popular blog or something. Maybe Walt Mossberg wrote a rave review in the Wall Street Journal.
One of the biggest questions you're going to be asking now is, "How much should I charge for my software?" When you ask the experts they don't seem to know. Pricing is a deep, dark mystery, they tell you. The biggest mistake software companies make is charging too little, so they don't get enough income, and they have to go out of business. An even bigger mistake, yes, even bigger than the biggest mistake, is
Re:Joel on Software on the same topic (Score:4, Insightful)
People fall into three groups by and large. Here is what each will pay and why.
All that said I agree that pricing is a major mystery. Just a little too high and no one would touch it. A little too low and people will buy it, but as the blurb in the parent post states, you could have made much more money.
And then there are other cases. Like when I went from a PC to a Mac I purchased a little program for about $20 to turn my Outlook e-mail into something Mail.app could import. I HATED paying $20 for it, and I avoided it as long as I could. But after two days of fighting every free way I could, I bought the program and was glad I did (and wished I would have done it sooner). Had it cost less, I would have bought it sooner, but then they wouldn't have gotten much money ($5 probably would have done it). You also get things like TiVo. People balk at that (Why should I pay $12 a month for what I can get for free with my VCR?), but as a TiVo user I would gladly pay double that if they were going under at the current price. But how much trouble would they have selling them with a $25 per month subscription?
The only people who have it right are MS. They charge a ton, get a ton of money, and everyone is locked into (or at least thinks they are locked into) their software so they pay it. Everyone hates it, but most people don't do anything about it.
Re:Joel on Software on the same topic (Score:2)
My summary of TFA (Score:2)
YES!.. (Score:2, Funny)
time spent on making it
X 2 X (minimum wage in your area)
length of projected lifetime before next charged upgrade (as in the next time you plan to ask for the bling) X 2 X (minimum wage in your area)
Re:YES!.. (Score:2)
True Worth To Me... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:True Worth To Me... (Score:2)
Try "Go Elsewhere".
Re:True Worth To Me... (Score:2)
I don't believe you. Name where you'd earn 140K as a lead tester. Not anywhere I've heard.
Re:True Worth To Me... (Score:2)
One of the great things about software (Score:3, Insightful)
If companies like Microsoft really want to rake in the cash on support and upgrades, they need to make them cheap and exploit economies of scale. It'd be a lot easier to convince many companies to buy a support contract that costs $5-10/machine/month for support and upgrades than make them pay $250 for an upgrade every two years. With that monthly fee, the company gets seemless upgrades and Microsoft gets a guaranteed revenue stream from them.
What the competition is charging ? (Score:5, Interesting)
Think about the price of a browser, media player and well, a operating system.
Think Netscape vs IE circa 2000 AD. Now, only a free product could defeat IE.
This sig is up for free.
Re:What the competition is charging ? (Score:5, Interesting)
Netscape was dead by 2000.
Think Google Earth, Picasa, and Gmail. But hey, Google buying up companies and offering the software for free to kill the competition is a honorable thing right? Not evil like when Microsoft did it.
Re:What the competition is charging ? (Score:3, Informative)
I think now that Google is a public company it is inevitable that it will follow its motivation. The examples you cite, however do seem to be different. I don't see that any of these products are tied (pdf) [usdoj.gov] to an existing offering, responsible for breaking [theregister.co.uk] a competitor's product or obtained through outright [vaxxine.com] theft [infoworld.com]
Re:What the competition is charging ? (Score:2)
Re:What the competition is charging ? (Score:3, Insightful)
What we learn from this is that utility, or operating, components are not so valuable in themselves. We buy a complete car, not a ch
Re:What the competition is charging ? (Score:3, Informative)
This is not the type of pricing formula the article is discusing. It is much more interesting than that.
What the author is basicaly saying is that Free software and proprietary software cost about the same once you figure out what you are actually paying for (by breaking out all the hidden elements and assigning them a value).
His conclusion is that, at le
free and paid sw- they don't cost "about the same" (Score:2)
With free software, you don't have to pay for the option to have support, although you have the option to do so if you wish to be professional.
This means the art
Value is subjective. (Score:2)
http://www.mises.org/humanaction/chap12sec3.asp [mises.org]
"The Sphere of Economic Calculation"
"Value" is utterly subjective. What is worth nothing to me is of tremendous value to someone else. One loaf of bread to a starving man is va
Software is worth what people are willing to pay. (Score:2)
If you think there are no alternatives to your product, or you have a monopoly for some other reason, you might be able to set a ridiculous price for it (as Microsoft tries to do -- 200 bucks for Windows XP? Hmmph). But this will cause everyone to pursue superior, cheaper alternatives and sooner or later, you'll be forced to drop the price significantly. Never underestimate the
Re:Software is worth what people are willing to pa (Score:2)
That's only partly true. I read an interesting article in Wired some time back which examined the phenomenon that, although CDs are cheaper to produce than vinyl, they are significantly more expensive than vinyl was in its heyday, and that CDs sales growth (after the initial adopter curve) have far outpaced LPs (again, in their heyday).
The reason they gave, and I'll buy it,
c orrections to some bad economics (Score:2)
Microsoft does not go off setting a ridiculously high price just because it is a monopoly(which it isn't a pure monopoly, it is actually the main actor in an oligopoly). They set the profit maximizing price and it happens to be that with market power, that price is highe
Re:Software is worth what people are willing to pa (Score:2)
Furthermore, you dont exactly arbitrarily choose your price. Some markets just don't exist because they aren't profitable to be in. If your software costs 350 and the market does not
An example (Score:2, Informative)
There's this bulletin board software that I use.
It's open source, it's popular, it's free, but it is an unsecure piece of shit. There's a security fix for it every fucking month and once I got hacked because I didn't have time to update it for like 3 days (luckily the hackers - nice of them - only defaced the home page and left the mySQL DB untouched)
So this morning I concluded it SHOULD be free because I really wouldn't wanna pay or donate a single cen
Re:An example (Score:2)
It has saved me a lot of time in the past.
Interesting Maintenance analogy in TFA (Score:2)
True Cost of Software (Score:3, Informative)
I am a software engineer. the piece of software I work on has 18 people working on it full-time to write it. THAT is the major cost. Duplicating it is a trivial expense. The cost of the people has to be amortized over all of the copies generated.
I contribute to open-source projects as well; I do that for a different motive than putting a roof over my head. Congratulations to those who can do that entirely with open source; for me, open source is like pro-bono work for a lawyer; I want to give back.
All that aside, you NEVER pay for the true COST of something, you pay for its true WORTH. The soft drink you are drinking right now has about $.06 worth of sugar water in it. I bet the can, transportation, and refrigeration cost more than the contents. I won't even try to calculate the cost for a $5 cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Economics 101... (Score:2)
Riiiiight... (Score:2)
I wonder, what would he conclude if he sold the support without the software? That the software is worthless?
I called Microsoft once for support (Score:2)
Interesting, but major flaw (Score:2)
The underlying price--the price you'd have to pay if you didn't have an option--we'll leave at $100. The next version will be priced the same as this one. Because you're upgrading, you have an option with a strike price of, let's say, $50. That is, you'll be able to upgrade to the new version for only $50. A five-year option for a $100 underlying price with a strike price of $50 and a volatility of 30 percent (with a 5 per
I admit that some of this was over my head (Score:2)
But my point is t
He's wrong... (Score:2)
If the bare licence would cost $0, then so would the upgrade.
Re:software is worth.. (Score:3, Informative)
*Shameless Self-Promotion
Re:software is worth.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Remember, that basic laws of free market (like the one in parent post) apply to market with equal (or almost equal) products.
If you are an architect and the only really viable piece of soft for you is Autocad, you can't speak of free market here.
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2)
How about the commodity of a person's time over the course of years - dozens of projects, each producing a deliverable? Now, to make this more complicated, think about the effect if all these deliverables were themselves free (GPL, BSD) software.
Suddenly open source software can be worth more than a single buyer can appreciate. New buyers and sellers (as it were) enter the market, each contributing the net
Re:software is worth.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2)
Someone hear hasn't heard of Microsoft [microsoft.com]
Re:software is worth.. (Score:3)
Do you really think Windows is worth what Microsoft wants for it?
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Isn't that a decision for each Microsoft customer to make? I take it from the tone of your comment that you're not one of said customers.
The previous sentence, BTW, demonstrates that Microsoft is not within a monpolistic market. (and the fact that I'm entering this on a Dell machine with NO Microsoft software on it reinforces that)
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2)
Okay, so I might be "willing" to pay $299 for a copy of Windows XP Professional. But I'm sure that Windows XP is worth a lot more to Microsoft than $299 (probably more like many billions). So, whatever someone is willing to pay isn't really accurate in this case.
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2, Insightful)
With the difference that you can usually steal software without getting cought if you think it's too expensive. I wonder wether cheaper software would lower copying and/or increase profit?
E.g. at euro 50,- would enough people buy office instead of copying that revenue would increase?
Re:software is worth.. (Score:2)
Writing it Yourself (Score:3, Insightful)
With a good OSS layer available, the cost of "writing software" should be going down...which might be why big software companies nervous.
Re:Writing it Yourself (Score:2)
Re:"Financial engineers??" (Score:2, Funny)
So that's where hookers come from!
Re:"Financial engineers??" (Score:2)
"Money's something you shove around, like electricity."
"Like electricity?"
"Like large power-grids, and transformers, and that sort of thing. The diffusion of electricity is an extremely important kind of engineering. You decide where to put the energy, and how to get it there, according to the result you
Re:"Financial engineers??" (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot and SW (Score:5, Interesting)
And this is an interesting point. I've always been amazed at the dollar figures the BSA gives out for the "value" of "pirated" software, avoiding the fact that a large percentage of these people would not have bought the legitimate copy anyway.
Re:Slashdot and SW (Score:2)
Are you really? They are an organization with a specific purpose, and they're willing to exaggerate, manipulate and probably even outright lie to get what they want. Nevermind the good of society, as long as they have theirs.
This kind of corruption would stick out like a sore thumb, except there are so many other organizations that do it, the BSA fits right in. It's sad, but that's how the world i
Re:Slashdot and SW (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot and SW (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes, but there's a big difference between that legitimate copy and a legitimate copy. Would someone who pirates Adobe Photoshop with all bells and whistles buy it? Very unlikely. And they do, because if you're going to pirate it anyway, why go for anything but the most powerful and expensive program? But if he could not pirate any graphics program at all, he'd likely buy something. Maybe a lighter Adobe product, Paint Shop Pro, maybe he'd find GIMP or any number of possibilities. But it's not likely he'd stick with MS Paint.
So it is equally wrong to pretend that none of the piracy leads to lost sales. But finding the exact factor would involve some handwaving and a magic number between 0 and 1. Piracy apologists often claims it is 0. BSA claims it is 1. Both are wrong and they know it, but it fits their agenda and it is difficult to say what the factor *really* should be. Good luck in trying.
Piracy hurts OSS. (Score:3, Insightful)
Besides piracy also leads to market dilution, and various image problems. e.g A pirate copy of Adobe Photoshop could have spyware. Potentially ruining Adobe's reputation in the market.
Bad examples... (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot and SW (Score:2)
For instance, in your example, perhaps someone who wants to do some graphics work pirates Photoshop versus learning the GIMP. One could argue that it's better for Adobe's sake if they pirate Photoshop -- it serves as advertising and they are likely to buy a copy later on if they do professional work.
This is why it was dumb in the first pla
Re:I wonder if (Score:3)
I found nothing to do with software piracy whatsoever. If it's really that important, stuff your blog into a signature.
Re:Senerio (Score:2)
The base windows server is about $1200 plus CALS.. the red hat is abut $1300 but there's no cals... Using the article's numbers the base price of the software is about $30 each... the rest is "options" that you're paying the company to stay around providing updates and support. IF you look at MS OEM pricing for places like dell that would seem to confirm this effect.. the cost to Dell is only about $60 for a license.. b