Exploitable Buffer Overflow in OpenOffice.org 64
Memorize writes "It turns out that OpenOffice.org can't read MS Office documents safely, either. A buffer overflow in OpenOffice.org has been confirmed and would allow an attacker to write a specially-constructed .doc file that will take control over an OpenOffice.org user's machine. This vulnerability is exploitable and it exists on every computer with OpenOffice 1.14 or 2.0b installed. OpenOffice.org will have a fix ready within days, but how quickly will Linux users patch? This paves the way for Linux users to be vulnerable to a virus that spreads by sending itself as email attachments which unsuspecting users then open. Could the first real Linux virus be drawing near?" Not from the sound of it: the article says that users would still have to be convinced "to open a malicious document with an unpatched application."
Virus? (Score:2)
While running openoffice as root...
Not to mention that you don't need openoffice for this at all. If you can convince somebody to open a rogue document, you probably can convince them to run some application or script. Either way... Not root? Not a problem.
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
If you don't value your personnal data, maybe... In a personnal system, the only really important thing for 99% of users is there home directory. (yes i pulled that number from my ass but you get the point
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
I wouldn't worry about flouting numerical integrity - you're well within tolerance for the 78.26% of statistics that are made up on the spot.
Re:Virus? (Score:3, Insightful)
Ya, and if I can convince anyone to open a HTML file or look at a JPeG, the silly fool deserves what they get, right? It's a fucking DOC file. If you can get malicious code run from opening a non-executable file it is a big fucking problem.
Re:Virus? (Score:1)
If they know that much about my penis, then surely they know what's good for my computer, too.
Sounds safe to me!
Re:Virus? (Score:1)
I agree and I disagree. One, HTML files can contain javascript. By design such are on web pages and should be immune from malicious actions as the opener is most often not the original person. Two, JPG files are images. They do not contain any scripting/macro langua
Re:Virus? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Virus? (Score:5, Insightful)
The fact that Linux separates users from root won't prevent this hypothetical virus from acting just like a lot of Outlook viruses.
Also, getting someone to open a script is quite different from getting someone to open an OOo document. Most mail readers will present one or more dialog boxes asking "are you sure you want to do this" before they run a script or application, and they will probably have you choose an application to use to open it, whereas most are configured to open up .doc documents without asking anything. It all comes down to MIME types. There is a MIME type that lets Kmail (etc) easily open MS Word documents but there is no MIME type that associates a shell script with the application "/bin/sh", for example. I'm sure some thought was given to security when putting together the MIME types, and no one assumed that OOo would be exploitable like this.
As a side note, this really shows the value of XML-based document formats vs. weird proprietary binary formats (ie, MS Word). You can't exploit software that's based on XML because all such software uses off-the-shelf, open source XML parsers which have been so thoroughly tested, debugged, scrutinized and hammered on that the chances of an overflow are very very low. Also the format is saner and it's easier for a human to write code to parse it.
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
I could think of worse things.. Like harvesting my IM passwords, which Gaim stores unencrypted because I'm lazy and checked 'save password'. Or sending itself to everyone on my buddy list. Or installing malicious plugins/extensions into my Firefox profile. Or proxying traffic for botnets or DDoS attacks. Or just sitting there silently waiting for me to type my root
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
Besides application/x-sh [www.ltsw.se]you mean. I'm fairly certain 'security' wasn't a concern when developing MIME types. They're simply types that roughly describe a chunk of data. They're not the attachme
Re:Virus? (Score:1)
It could even be posited that Malware can do MORE damage without root privledges. Malware that does big nasty drastic things to the host system is self-extinguishing. The nastier Malware is the kind that is more incidious and less easily detected.
And, as people have said here repeatedly, it's what is in the user's home directory, i.e. the stuff s/he DOES have write access to, that is usually the most valuable data on the kind of system a
Re:Virus? (Score:5, Insightful)
I get really sick of this kind of thinking. Whether I run as root or not, an exploit in a desktop application can affect anything in my user's space - it can delete all my files (or worse, slightly modify them all so I won't notice for a while). It can read and sniff all my email. It can install and run sniffer applications, so long as they run in my context. Given that most people do 99% of their work in their user context, it has the capacity to affect 99% of their work.
Personally, between having my box turned into a zombie machine spamming the rest of the free world, and having someone intelligently attack my mailbox and web history and potentially discovering one or more of my accounts someplace, I'd take the zombie machine - that's alot easier to fix than someone cracking open my bank account.
That's not to say that running as root is a good idea - its horrible. You can screw around with someone alot more with admin privledges on a box than you can without. All of the attacks capable running as a lesser user are still available (and easier most of the time) running as root plus a couple thousand more, and its much harder for normal users to determine that they have been penetrated when the attack is at an admin level. But an exploit at ANY level is dangerous, and pretending that's not the case is not helpful.
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
Obviously you are not running a machine with 100s of users. If you were you would know the difference, a single user that is exploited costs much less than a root exploit. The root exploit costs everyone, which can amount to millions of dollars in downtime. The local exploit costs one person, less time because you just restore from backups. (You do have backups, right?)
Yes a local non-root exploit is bad. However it is nowhere near as serious as a root exploit.
Re:Virus? (Score:1)
I doubt if many machines that are being used as big timesharing systems also run OpenOffice.
Really, I doubt it very much.
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
Or how about Windows 2000 Terminal Services? [microsoft.com]
Or maybe Citrix? [citrix.com]
Re:Virus? (Score:1)
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
Actually (Score:2)
Re:Virus? (Score:2)
Yes. Because they can't do any damage running as a normal user.
Except for running spyware and deleting all your files.
"Take over the machine"? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:"Take over the machine"? (Score:2)
So, they could:
1) Set up a file sharing hub
2) Setup a spam zombie
3) Setup a ddos zombie
4) Spread the virus further (using your address book)
5) Phone home for an escalation exploit.
The only thing they can't really do without root access is mod
No real security advisor? (Score:2)
Re:No real security advisor? (Score:1, Funny)
And opening a malicious document is different how? (Score:5, Insightful)
Certainly, not all Linux users are power users, and even then they may or may not be aware of whether or not their application needs to be patched, or could be duped into opening an email.
Re:And opening a malicious document is different h (Score:2)
For that matter, isn't that the very definition of a virus, as opposed to a worm?
Re:And opening a malicious document is different h (Score:1)
Malware which erupts when the user 'opens a malicious document' is a trojan.
Re:And opening a malicious document is different h (Score:1)
For example, there was a privi
Secure by design is never guaranteed. (Score:2)
If "design[ing] from the ground up to be more secure" is actually a point of the open source movement it is a mistake. After a certain amount of complexity, people are sure to inadvertantly write buggy programs. There's nothing wrong with trying to design secure programs from the start, but inevitably bugs will be found. Therefore to promise secure design from the start is a lie.
The free software movement, by contrast, avoids that lie because it offers a different message. The free software movement's
Re:And opening a malicious document is different h (Score:2)
A possible software exploit that could possibly be exploited on a linux system (or windows
If someone finds a virus/worm/trojan on the windows platform that has definantly comprimised thousands of systems and all you get is a little alert to say please update your virus definitions
This Should say more about linuxs reputation and record for security for security than anything.This will already be patched i imagine
Re:And opening a malicious document is different h (Score:1)
Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to ascertain whether or not a document is legit or a forgery. Granted, for many readers that is a rare case, but others may view their mail in a much more haphazard fashion.
As more and more people start using Linux, more a
Well, this proves it! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Well, this proves it! (Score:1)
In any case, I think rather than proving the incapabilities of OpenOffice.org developers, it shows how far along their reverse engineering skills have come.
A security hole by any other name... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:A security hole by any other name... (Score:5, Interesting)
I would guess that generally speaking though, Linux users are a tad more tech-savvy than the Windows users, at least at this point. Not because of any bias, but simply because the majority of Linux users currently are the tech-oriented, as they are always amongst the first adopters of new technology.
Re:A security hole by any other name... (Score:2)
Maybe. However most linux mailers default to not running programs (javascript in HTML, or just binaries) received via email. Most linux users are not running as root, which limits a virus somewhat. (particularly on a multi-user system)
Most Microsoft Windows users have a mailer that runs programs by default. (though I understand this has gotten a lot better in the last few years) Most Microsoft Windows users are running as administrator, so anything that breaks in gets full power over the system with
Re:A security hole by any other name... (Score:1)
I've seen seasoned Mac users who hate typing passwords for messing with protected files and folders, effectively putting them in the same class as Windows users who run as Administrator. Although they understand the security implications of this, they just wish it wasn't so annoying.
Even though Linux applications generally tend to stay simple, and thus don't add features like running Java
Re:A security hole by any other name... (Score:2)
But you don't need a PhD to understand the virus problem. A little common sense can tell you not to open every attachment you get.
It's a lot like practicing safe sex: You don't need a PhD in virology to
Re:A security hole by any other name... (Score:2)
Really viruses are beside the point have little to do with buffer overflows which are common vulnerabilities in regards to software development no matter what platform you are using.
Hmmm, so, Linux is secure because its users are more intelligent than windows users?...
No, the person who posted the article is missing the point. The security of Linux against viruses lies in user/group/ACLs applied to the filesystem to keep malicious programs from sprea
If only OO was completely written in JAVA (Score:1)
See http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/
Re:If only OO was completely written in JAVA (Score:1)
The title of this slashdot story is "Exploitable Buffer Overflow in OpenOffice.org". Of course I didn't read the article because this shit is boring.
This will be fixed before 2.0 official. (Score:2)
In which case, this is really a reason why there will be at least one less vulnerability.
Vulnerability? (Score:2)
My concern is primarily that so many Linux users have had a false sense of security instilled by the repetition of "Linux isn't vulnerable to virus infection". This makes them *more* vulnerable when a vulnerability pops up, and there's no way to be sure how MUCH more vulnerable. The human element is always the w
Re:Vulnerability? (Score:2)
You're right about the human element, though.
apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade (Score:1)
Already fixed in openoffice-ximian for Gentoo (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, I'm a fanboy.
Re:Already fixed in openoffice-ximian for Gentoo (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, I'm a fanboy too.
Redundent... (Score:2)
oh noes! (Score:2)
Here is the patch (Score:3, Informative)
Here is the issue:
And the BugTraq report:
Re:Here is the patch (Score:2)
We should start The Cult of the Palindromic Slashbots or something.
I'm 87F78, pleased to meet you 8E6E8. You can just call me 10000111111101111000 for short.
How long? (Score:2, Funny)
However long it takes emerge to finish. Duh.
Yay for binary formats! (Score:2)
No (Score:2)
This paves the way for Linux users to be vulnerable to a virus that spreads by sending itself as email attachments which unsuspecting users then open. Could the first real Linux virus be drawing near?
No. Not unless you are for some ungodly reason running your OpenOffice as root and reading your email with it. The virus could not replicate to the operating system, so it's impact is minimal . Yes, it *could* delete the contents of your ~/. But you have that backed up, right? Right.
viruses and root (Score:2)
A virus, worm, or trojan would not need to run as root to be effective. You don't need root to save programs to my home directory and execute them, or to send email. You don't need root to read almost every file in the file system (on most default setups). You don't need root to listen on high ports.
The real reasons why Linux has fewer viruses:
Executable flag:
If a file is saved to the dis
Simpson quote (Score:1)