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Yahoo, Apache, Ebay, Amazon, Netscape Celebrate 10 Year Anniversaries 222

tagish writes "Roy Fielding writes on the Apache dev mailing list: 10 years ago today, the Apache Group decloaked with the creation of the new-httpd archive and initial accounts on I had the lucky timing of having the first message archived on the list, though we had actually been talking about what to do for at least a week before that (sadly, without any archives)." At the same time, Mike Porter simply writes "Yahoo celebrates its tenth anniversary on March 2nd." News about some other anniversaries available via an MSNBC article.
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Yahoo, Apache, Ebay, Amazon, Netscape Celebrate 10 Year Anniversaries

Comments Filter:
  • by grennis ( 344262 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @10:58PM (#11799644)
    10th year of "Year of Linux"
    • Except since Linux was founded in 1991, it's more like the 14th year..

    • fp? (Score:4, Funny)

      by hugesmile ( 587771 ) on Monday February 28, 2005 @03:29AM (#11800904)
      10 years ago today, the Apache Group decloaked with the creation of the new-httpd archive and initial accounts on I had the lucky timing of having the first message archived on the list,

      ok, so now the first post guy is celebrating his tenth anniversary, and bragging about it? ("hey, I got first post ten years ago! nah-nah-nah-nah boo-boo")

      First five messages on the "new-httpd" archive:

      1) fp??
      2) First p0st!!!!
      3) pirst fost
      4) In Soviet Russia, Daemon posts you
      5) ... profit...

    • Re:Linux celebrates (Score:3, Interesting)

      by stor ( 146442 ) *
      10th year of "Year of Linux"
      - 9th year of "Linux in the server room"
      - 8th year of "Linux in the enterprise"
      - 7th year of "Linux in a cluster"
      - 6th year of "Linux on the Desktop"
      - 5th year of "Random WTF Linux (e.g. pen, Dreamcast)"
      - 4th year of "We need some standards in Linux"
      - 3rd year of "Company X Aligning with Linux"
      - 2nd year of "Linux means Communism(tm)"
      - 1st year of "Linux means Litigation(tm)"

    • by mboverload ( 657893 ) on Monday February 28, 2005 @05:56AM (#11801230) Journal
      Apache is what brought Linux into the mainstream. Linux owes everything to the Apache project.
      • by segmond ( 34052 )

        I found Linux in 94/95 because I wanted a free Unix system. I was in high school then and had access to a shared BSD system. The idea of running my own Unix system, having telnet, telenet, gopher, ftp, archie, irc servers and my own root account that wouldn't get me in trouble got me into Linux. If Apache wasn't there, we would have used another web server, if Linux wasn't there, there was BSD/386, BSDI, FreeBSD. Linux owes nothing to everything, and if we really want to get down to what it o
  • by Virtual Karma ( 862416 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @10:59PM (#11799651) Homepage
    After the celebrations are you considering giving us a clean home page? Please YAHOO... its been long due
    • by everdred ( 827792 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:14PM (#11799776)
      It's not in their business model.

      From the thus far print-only Wired article (available on on March 1), the average Yahoo! user spends 4.8 hours per month on their site. And Google users spend an average of 6/10ths of an hour on Google. And that's the way they both want it.

      Their approaches and goals are different. Google keeps their users coming back by getting them what they need as quickly as possible. Yahoo! seems to keep users coming back for Games! and Music! and Shopping! Oh my!

    • I got an email from Yahoo that said that there would be something "special" on the homepage on March 2nd. Given the sucsess of Google, maybe they are going to do just that, give a simple homepage, with a new navigation system to all their differnet areas. The page is WAY too complicated to be useful to anyone as it is.
    • by everdred ( 827792 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:31PM (#11799899)
      By the way, if it's a clean, Google-like (search-centric) interface you'd like to see on Yahoo!, try [].
      • "Google-like (search-centric) interface you'd like to see on Yahoo!, try"

        Still Yahoo-like in the amount of ads. At least google keeps their ads on the left side of the page. Joe 6 pack doesn't know the difference, but it's still sleazy...
  • Yahoo, Apache, Ebay, Amazon, Netscape

    One of these things is not the same kind.
  • Twirl (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:02PM (#11799687)
    Well hooray for a bunch of people who got to ride the .com bubble and get far richer than I'll ever be.
    • Re:Twirl (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I was going to call your bluff and write you a fat check, but unfortunately, you're anonymous.
      • Re:Twirl (Score:2, Funny)

        by sampowers ( 54424 )
        Oops, I forgot to log in when I posted that! No, really, it was me! You can send the check to the address in my profile!
        • Re:Twirl (Score:2, Funny)

          by stor ( 146442 ) *
          Oops, I forgot to log in when I posted that! No, really, it was me! You can send the check to the address in my profile!

          I'm the original "Twirl" poster!!

          No, I'm the original "Twirl" poster!!

          I'm the original "Twirl" poster and so is my wife!!


          p.s. Monty Python, Life of Brian
    • *cry* (Score:2, Funny)

      by MikeFM ( 12491 )
      If it helps, I've been on the Internet more than ten years and I didn't get rich from the dot com bubble. Damn, I made the mistake of buying into the geeky net culture of making information and software available for free. Damn me for falling in with the wrong crowd. Why didn't I try some yuppie greed?!

      Actually, from the first point I started recording my Internet experience (I was online maybe a year before that.), I've spent 10 years, 11 months, and 17 days on the Internet so far. Give or take a few hour
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:02PM (#11799689)
    Yahoo, Apache, Ebay, Amazon, Netscape Celebrate 10 Year Anniversaries

    um, did we not mention
  • Wow. (Score:4, Funny)

    by GregoryD ( 646395 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:03PM (#11799696)
    This also means I have been online 10 years. Wow. Where does the time go?

    Oh yeah, multiplayer internet games!
  • Happy BD (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ATAMAH ( 578546 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:03PM (#11799698)
    Happy BD, to the lot of them. Interesting to see how some of them have grown into being huge companies (amazon), and continue to develop, others being manhandled by opposition (Netscape)illegaly, and yet others outdone by fair competition and still being in business (yahoo).
    • Re:Happy BD (Score:2, Troll)

      by Anubis350 ( 772791 )
      interestingly, in reference to yahoo, while they have been outdone in the search market by google and email by hotmail (and prolly gmail), I still use them for weather and driving directions all the time and I know many who do.
      • If weather and driving directions are all they have in there bag of goodies then they do NOT have much longer to live.

        I point you to Google Maps.
    • Happy Bondage/Discipline??
  • Does Netscape even really count anymore? They're no longer independent, nor are they even influential, for crying out loud.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      But they're going head to head with Netzero!
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 28, 2005 @12:13AM (#11800172)
      What shallow person modded you insightful? The WWW would not be anything near what we have today, had it not been for Netscape in the 90s. One can argue that Mosaic had brought graphics to the WWW, but Netscape added Java, Javascript, plugins, and many other rich multimedia extensions just a click away.

      And don't forget, we would NOT have Firefox today, had it not been for Netscape.

      • No one discounts Netscape's contributions, but when was the last time you celebrated the birthday of a dead person? Or more accurately, when was the last time you celebrated the birthday of a person who was purchased and assimilated into someone else? I'm guessing never, but I could be wrong...
        • Martin Luther King Jr. day.

          He was purchased and assimilated by Gandhi during the great French Borg wars, and later Gandhi Luther King Jr. was bought out by Microsoft in 1812 for their revolutionary new version of Windows due out sometime in 2015.

          Sheesh. Don't they teach history in schools anymore?
        • Last Monday, February 21 (Presidents Day). My dad used to actually get both Washington and Lincoln's birthdays off but eventually that was changed to President's Day too.

          Before that was Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrated through much of the USA.

          Of course, there's always Christmas (for some), and I'm sure other countries have kings or queens or saints or other people they like to have a good cheer about.

          all in all I'd say a lot of people celebrate the birthdays of dead people worldwide. Unless they w
    • Does Netscape even really count anymore?

      Even the dead have birthdays.
  • "It's immensely more challenging to get to $10 billion in revenue than it was to get to $10 million in revenue," Filo said. "That's why we are still here today.

    Sounds like tough work. How will they ever make enough to see ends meet.
  • by nolife ( 233813 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:10PM (#11799746) Homepage Journal
    From Thu Nov 23 21:03:25 1995
    Return-Path: <>
    Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/SMI-4.1) with ESMTP id VAA00599 for <>; Thu, 23 Nov 1995 21:03:24 -1000
    Received: (from http@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.9) id XAA21476; Thu, 23 Nov 1995 23:03:25 -0800
    Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 23:03:25 -0800
    Message-Id: <>
    Subject: Your Yahoo ID
    Mime-Version: 1.0

    Thank you for registering. Your Yahoo ID is


    Please make a note of it for future Yahoo promotions. By using
    this ID you can avoid filling out the personal information that
    you just submitted to us. We know that filling out these forms
    is a pain, so we'd like to make it as easy as possible. Address
    questions about this to

    Thanks again for registering..

    Bunch of Yahoos
  • Not Quite. (Score:4, Informative)

    by cacepi ( 100373 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:12PM (#11799758)
    Sorry, but Yahoo has been around since January 1994. []
    • Re:Not Quite. (Score:5, Informative)

      by DarkMantle ( 784415 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:16PM (#11799786) Homepage
      They seem to be celebrating the incorperation date, which according to the link you posted was March 1995.

      I hope you don't get marked insightful for not reading your own link and being able to think by yourself.
      • I hope you don't get marked insightful for not reading your own link and being able to think by yourself.

        But it would be hypocracy if he was modded down for that : )
    • They're referring to the date it was incorporated, March 2.
    • Re:Not Quite. (Score:3, Interesting)

      I remember the spring semester of my final year at college (1994) when they added the www and mosaic browsers to the existing internet services.

      I'm pretty sure the first time I saw yahoo it was a single page -- Originally it was a list of a hundred or so links on a single page. :-)

      In the first few months there the "list of links" was a common feature on a lot of sites. It was related to the best feature of gopher -- here's all the places to go from here.
  • Worth Noting... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Yahoo was building and running a site with free software (perl,bsd,etc...apache came later) when people were saying "you can't do that!!".

    I personally credit Filo with making open source accepted...when the market cap topped $150 billion (for a short time) it was hard to argue you could not make money with open source.

  • life before apache (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    does anybody know what the most popular web-server was before apache?
  • I really want to know how exactly a site like Yahoo! makes money. Are click-thru ads really that profitable?

    Someone explain this, I'm in the dark.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Read their filings [].

      Looks like a mix of banner ads, paid services (personals and so on), and sponsored search. Maybe a few other things, but I'm not a lawyer.

      Remember, they bought Overture, they company that Google borrowed sponsored search from. (I think Yahoo used Google when this happen, which is probably why it was okay with them.)
    • Yahoo! is a portal, and search is a loss-leader.

      They make money on premium services - email accounts, personal ads, auctions, fees on Yahoo merchants, etc. Having the search makes it easier for you to direct traffic to your premium services.
    • how does TV station make money? do you pick up the phone and order something or run out to buy something everytime you see an ad? So why must you "click-through" an online ad? Ad is suppose to be about image branding.
  • by Sundroid ( 777083 ) on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:44PM (#11799998) Homepage
    From the MSNBC article: "Relative youngster Google has been lauded for reaching $1 billion in sales in just six years. Well, Amazon did it in four, Yahoo in five and eBay achieved it in seven. Compare those companies with Wal-Mart, which aged to 18 before it could slap the phrase, 'the billion dollar company' on its annual report; and McDonald's took 24 years to hit the benchmark."

    Page and Brin of Google, Filo and Yang of Yahoo were in Stanford Ph. D. program; Jeff Bezos of Amazon graduated from Princeton (EE and CS); Pierre Omidyar, Ebay founder, went to Tufts (CS); Meg Whitman, CEO of Ebay, went to Princeton and Harvard. What's the lesson here? Hitting the books pays. I guess.
    • All thouse people had good access to inital capital because of the schools they went to and the connections they made there.
    • by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Monday February 28, 2005 @12:37AM (#11800282) Homepage
      From the MSNBC article: "Relative youngster Google has been lauded for reaching $1 billion in sales in just six years. Well, Amazon did it in four, Yahoo in five and eBay achieved it in seven. Compare those companies with Wal-Mart, which aged to 18 before it could slap the phrase, 'the billion dollar company' on its annual report; and McDonald's took 24 years to hit the benchmark."

      Yeah and IBM probably took something like eighty years since it began in 1885 and revenues probably didn't reach the billion mark till the mid 60s. The measurements are not in constant dollars. A much better measure would be looking at how long it took the companies to reach a certain fraction of GDP. AT&T probably looks similar. Its a meaningless comparison except in constant dollars.

      McDonalds operated as a single diner for many years before Ray Krok drove up to sell them a mixer and ended up inventing franchising and it was another ten years before they went public. If Krok had had access to the amount of capital Amazon and EBay did they could have become a billion dollar company much faster.

      A better measure would be the point at which a company had earned a billion dollars in profits (inflation adjusted).

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 28, 2005 @12:42AM (#11800310)
      No it shows that people who are smart gravitate to big-name universities. People with degrees from those universities are not always "smarter", but often they are smart enough to realise the value of the big name for networking and venture capital. That is a form of intelligence also, to navigate social structures to your best advantage.

      I wouldn't say that someone is good just because they have gone to a certain institution. The reason Trinity college in Cambridge has more Nobel prizes than the whole of France is not just the quality of the teaching... It's about who are the people who seek to go to these places, and what are the entrance requirements.

      So it really does become more about who sets up shop first, as they will always have the smarter people *come* to them rather than actually *producing* them.

      So yes, for all the anti-university sentiment from some quarters of the slashdot crowd you can say something about someone from a prestige university. But that's not to say you should discount someone from another university, or a person who did not go to a uni.

      The recent article on John Gilmore is awesome, he's twice the man any google-do-no-evil-but-fire-the-bloggers-hand-over- details-to-feds-without-a-fight-and-censor-in-chin a-france-and-germany founder can claim to be.

      Same with Stallman or any of the BSD guys. All of them are massively more important in my eyes (university or no). But that doesn't say that a degree is meaningless either.

      Anyway, to return to your phrase "hitting the books", I don't think universities have a monopoly on "hitting the books".
  • by Meetch ( 756616 )
    I remember, about 10 years ago (give or take - 12 maybe?), evaluating FOSS proxy caches for a company as part of a short-term contract. One was Squid, another - bit of an upstart - was Apache in proxy mode. I was not very impressed with Apache at the time. I thought its storage methods were silly, and it had a lot of optimisation to do before it could even think of going anywhere.

    I guess we're here now, and we probably have been for some time - but that appears to have quietly slipped in while I wasn't

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 27, 2005 @11:51PM (#11800044)

    Here's my experience with Apache about (almost) ten years ago. I was working at a place where we were running NCSA httpd 1.3 on SunOS 4.1. Our web site had become more popular due to a news article or something. Performance was bad because NCSA httpd waited to receive a new TCP connection, and then forked a child to service that connection. The child served the request, then immediately exited. Not a horrible model when the web was some guy's fun little research project, but not optimal either.

    So, we needed something better. I had heard about this new httpd called Apache, which had started off life as a series of patches to NCSA httpd. Hence the name: it was a-patchy-server. I thought the pun was mildly lame, but when I read the info on how it worked, I was impressed: here was an httpd that forked off N different httpd server children in advance and then communicated with them to assign tasks as TCP connections came in. It would start out with N of them, and if all N were busy at the time a new connection came in, it would create child N+1, and so on. Performance was supposed to be something like an order of magnitude better, and since it was a branch of NCSA httpd, it could read all our config files (although we'd want to tweak them a little to get good performance).

    NCSA httpd 1.3 had been released, but no new changes had come from NCSA in a while, and these Apache people seemed to have gotten a lot accomplished in a short time, so I had a good feeling about them. So, I talked to my boss and suggested that this new Apache thingamabob might be the solution to all our problems.

    He thought about it and decided he wasn't sure some obscure bunch of hotshot developers creating their own rogue branch from the well-respected NCSA code were the type of people we should expect to be around for long. He thought it'd be much safer to just wait for NCSA httpd 1.4, which was supposed to have its own pre-forking implementation. So we did.

    A few years later, I had to look back and laugh that my boss was skeptical that this weird new Apache thing could ever catch on. But all in all, there was nothing wrong with his decision. He may've been a little too conservative, but a good system administrator makes decisions that will make the system work, and doesn't let the coolness factor of this or that technology sway him.

    On the other hand, I get some satisfaction from looking back and knowing that my gut instinct was right on target.

    On the other other hand, I get even more satisfaction from looking back and realizing I'm not a systems administrator anymore, and I've actually manage to escape to a different part of the technical universe (knock on wood). :-)

  • ...program. I remember making my page with that A-River logo, and putting up books for sale. If I'd have stuck with it, who knows how much I'd have in terms of money and experience!

    Ah, to go back in time and tell myself then what I know now. ;)

  • OpenBSD (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 28, 2005 @12:55AM (#11800365)
    And let's not forget OpenBSD!

    Like their website says: "Free, Functional & Secure - since 1995".
  • woot ! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Tsiangkun ( 746511 )
    14 years of gopher !
    no pop ups/downs/arounds/unders
    no ads
    no pictures
    but it did have a clickable interface, and it might have been the beginning of the "everything I can see is the filesystem" revolution leading to the web browser/filesystem browser integration.
  • by NicksMyName ( 731714 ) on Monday February 28, 2005 @01:06AM (#11800417)
    Just looked for the charactertics of a ten year old and found a good list here [] Ones that seem to apply to Apache as a ten year old:

    "Care of clothes/room at dismal low"

    "Responsive to anger often violent and immediate"

    "Will accept bathing schedule if it doesn't interfere with activities"

    "Fears at a low ebb"

    "Not yet aware of when they are tired and need to go to bed"

    "Humor is corny, sometimes smutty"

    "Interest span still somewhat short"

    "Needs certain amount of liberty to move around"

    "Concerned about fairness"

    "Greatest difficulties in relation to siblings "

    "Responsive to anger often violent and immediate"

    Ones that may not apply:

    "Still exhibits admiration for adults, teachers"

    "Still needs considerable amount of supervision to get things done, needs clues to organization"

    "Enjoys outdoor play activities, sports, collections, Cub Scouts, T.V., and video games" (well, except for the TV and Video Games)

    "Enjoys listening to stories"

    "Not necessarily a worker"

    "Have sudden bursts of affection"

    "Last age (for a while) when child goes happily on family outings"

  • PNG (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Glenn R-P ( 83561 ) <> on Monday February 28, 2005 @02:30AM (#11800750) Journal
    March 7, 1995, birth of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format.
  • anniversary = years (Score:2, Informative)

    by 1u3hr ( 530656 )
    "10 Year Anniversaries"?? what semi-literate made that phrase up? As TFA says, it's "10th anniversaries".

    anniversary: The yearly return of a noteworthy date. (Oxford English Dictionary)

    (Please don't regale me with "one month anniversaries of your first date" you celebrated in high school.) This is worse than "very unique".

  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Step back in time.. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Dynamoo ( 527749 ) on Monday February 28, 2005 @06:49AM (#11801334) Homepage
    Funny that nobody mentioned the Wayback Machine [] where you can see somewhat broken examples of these sites from early in their histories.. for example - Yahoo in October 1996 []. It's still quite usable, but alas not all the early archives are.

    And Google Groups is always a lot of fun.. you can see Jeff Bezos asking some questions about marketing Amazon here [], and even searching for developers here []

    I know somewhere the very first attempt at a bookstore by Jeff Bezos is still archived, but I can't remember where..

    • Haha, gotta love this reply [] to Bezos' post about developers.


      My name is Jonathan. I think that commerce on the Internet will never
      work, because people prefer to buy things in stores. Just my two
      cents, I don't want to see you wasting effort on a company that is
      going to bankrupt you very quickly. If you want to hear a much better
      outlet for capital funding, my start-up company is involved in
      something called the XFL, which is sure to be the most successful
      enterprise of the decade. Just my two cents.

  • Not a coincidence that it is also the year of Windows 95. While Win95 has been dwarfed by today's stability and functionality it is the way the vast majority of users first accessed the internet and I don't think Yahoo or Apache or the eventual Google would be around without it.
    • Nah. Between the CompuServer/GEnie years (with GEnie's text "internet portal") and, in my case, OS/2 (which handled the internet just fine for several years), I actually ran the IBM Internet Connection Kit for Windows 3.1. It didn't lock up _very_ often.

      I guess I wasn't paying attention to internet tech at the time, but if Netscape is only 10, that explains why the Connection Kit came with its own profoundly minimalist browser by today's standards.

      • In 95, I was accessing the internet with a Mac. If Apple had won it's lawsuit in 96 we probably would have had streaming media and iTunes Music Store, possibly even faster broadband adoption YEARS before.

        There's a possibility we may not even be discussing a security hole every day in the prevalent OS on Slashdot.
  • Yahoo was around longer than 10 years. may have started in 1995, but it was going strong in 1994 as a non-dommercial directory at Stanford University. The URL, IIRC, was

    Google started similarly a few years later. It also was initially hosted at Stanford. It's address stared out as (neither link is still live).

"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb." -- Spaceballs
