Microsoft Ponders Shared-Sourcing SQL Server 194
i_frame writes "C|net is reporting in an interview with Tom Rizo, director of product management in Microsoft's SQL server unit, that 'the company is thinking about including the forthcoming SQL Server 2005 in Microsoft's shared-source program for disclosing product source to customers'.
Is Microsoft reinventing themselves, and are they ready to learn the benefits of open source?" From the article: "It's not finalized. It's not anything there, but if a lot of customers demand it, we'll definitely look at doing shared source with SQL Server..."
Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:1)
Bloody whiners.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Insightful)
Being able to look at select chunks of code but not being able to modify anything or recompile is of nominal value. I'm really not sure why anyone would want to do that. It sounds more like a PR initiative, so that MS can technically say that they've embraced "open source".
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Insightful)
There are plenty of SHARED SOURCE licenses out there like HydraIRC, do you bitch and moan about that, NO?
How often do you MODIFY code? I am a software design engineer and I rarely modify the code on projects available on Sourceforge.net
Alot of the time the amount of effort required to maintain it is a bitch unless you are over 80% confident in the code otherwise you are just plain and simply hacking and poking and proding the product hoping the fix
Frequency of modification (Score:3, Insightful)
I usually do so unhappily, bitching and moaning the whole time, as I'd prefer not to have to - but if I need a cusomisation for my site that's not configurable, I'll still modify the product if necessary.
I also fix the odd problematic bug and provide a patch with my bug report. As somone who does OSS development work, I *know* how happy that makes the developers.
That said, I'm working under different constraints than apply to a company buying MS softwar
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:1, Informative)
WTL [sourceforge.net]
They donated this to sourceforge.
Quit yer whining. zealot.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Interesting)
To make it easier for them to find security exploits?
No, I'm serious, and I'm talking about security-conscious users as well as people attempting to break into computers. If you can't modify or reuse the code, isn't security auditing the only other reason to want to look at it?
Perhaps that's why Microsoft only wants to release code a ch
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Informative)
You do not get a complete copy of the source. You get large chunks... enough to examine the code, but not enough to compile a working product.
Modification is a no-no. Even sending code modifications to Microsoft is against the license. You may NOT modify code or write patches against the code.
You absolutely may NOT incorporated shared code into anything. If you've seen MS source code, you must wash your eyes and cleanse your brain as not to inadvertantly introduce MS code into other projects. Some would say it goes as far as not participating in GPL projects.
Shared source is to appease the customer who wants the ability to evaluate the code and audit its safety. It goes something like "purchase XXX licenses, and we'll show you the source code. Of course, if you don't like the poor quality of the code, you don't get a refund, just that sinking feeling that you're screwed.".
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:1, Insightful)
Shared source is to appease the customer who wants the ability to evaluate the code and audit its safety.
Why do customers think this works? If you have a partial source tree and you cannot compile it to the binaries that you run on your servers, then no matter how much source the company gives you it is still not the binaries you are running.
Is this trustwor
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Insightful)
You've got it. That's Trusted Computing in a nutshell. Trusted isn't about a warm fuzzy feeling, it's a statement of what you've done. You run the stuff, you're trusting Microsoft.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Interesting)
It can't be for the curious either, as many curious hackers would then be 'tainted' as people have said, and unable to continue with their own projects in case they get sued for copying Microsoft's code.
'Shared Source' must be doing something correct, otherwise it wouldn't still be here. What is it doing right?
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:4, Interesting)
Govt OSS Advocate says "But OSS software is better because everyone can see and review the source code".
MS says: "You can see ours as well".
Its certainly answering some of the critisms against closed source, but its still 100% missing the point of OSS.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:4, Insightful)
The Govt OSS Advocate should have said "But OSS software is better because everyone can see and adapt the source code". MS just says "You can see ours as well, but don't you dare try to accomplish anything with it."
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2, Interesting)
"Shared Source" has value in and of itself. Just because it is not the same value as open source is no reason to dismiss it. If you don't want it, don't use it.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:4, Insightful)
You already answered it:
You cannot put bits of it into your own projects...and if you do, Microsoft will move to shut you down. Such a threat is real enough for the Samba team:
In order to avoid any potential licensing issues we also ask that anyone who has signed the Microsoft CIFS Royalty Free Agreement not submit patches to Samba, nor base patches on the referenced specification.
The conspiracy theorist in me says Microsoft hopes (L)GPL projects will be contaminated by exposure to their code. The more cross-pollenation, the more Open Source they can shut down and bully.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Interesting)
I mean um... tehrs no point, M$ is eevil OMFG!
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Insightful)
Shared Source has a purpose that is not yet fully revealed. Until then, we won't really know if it is doing something right or not.
The purpose of Shared Source is to poison open source projects. It is hoped that one day, some non-trivial bit of Shared Source will "somehow" find its way into a major open source project. Then the lawsuits and injunctions can begin.
Despite how badly the fiaSCO is going, the fiaSCO has demonstrated two things very clearfully.
You do understand how this works don't you?
Traditionally, developers treat source with great secrecy. You don't want your competitors to gain advantage by studying your work. The above two scenarios are the ONLY reason that the "gain unfair advantage" would not be a consideration. Microsoft would have to be hoping for this to happen. At the same time, Microsoft has no real commercial competitors who could secretly make use of shared source. It is only against Open Source that Microsoft could consider Shared Source to be a weapon -- because they can study our source.
What would traditionally be a drawback of letting your competitors see your secrets becomes an advantage to Microsoft because: (1) they have no real commercial competitors, and (2) when some real or alleged infringement takes place, they can prove it, unlike with a closed source competitor.
Ergo, Shared Source is only a weapon against open source. It has never been about any other purpose. Microsoft is not in the business of "sharing", they are out to make money. They expect the "sharing" to have an eventual return -- and a huge one. The "risk" that Microsoft is taking is something that they want us to perceive to be real.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
How much useful stuff goes undone as a result?
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Ultimately I think I agree with many others here, in that the main point is probably political -- so that Microsoft can look as if it's doing something good without it really being very useful.
That said, I think it is still slightly better than having no source at all. For one thing, it's possible to examine the API's more closely and get a better idea of what's going on behind them. Sometimes this can be very useful, especially if the documentation's missing something im
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Interesting)
(Hold on while I get my tin-foil hat on)
Since the money they put into SCO is fizzling, maybe this is their next attempt. Release code into the open (not "open source" open, just that some non-MS people have access to it), wait a few years
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
1. Your computer (CPU, RAM, etc...) is the wood, nails and screws
2. The GNU tool chain (gcc, ld, make, etc...) are the hammer, saw and screwdrivers
3. YOUR OWN IDEAS and the resultant code are the blueprints
I don't see anyone hauling off DIY folks to cou
You forgot (Score:4, Insightful)
Because you can't compile the code, you have no way to verify that it is even the right source code.
The only thing you will get is [i]some[/i] source code. It might be from a 5-year old version of the product, it might even be from another product.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Interesting)
I used to have a really good contact with Microsoft, we were running FreeBSD at the time (Linux nowadays) and were quite happy, they suggested we port our stuff to NT so we could 'evaluate' the whole windows thing, they'd pay our way.
So, free NT licenses and MSDN subscriptions and all the other goodies we're slaving away to make this thing work, just to give them the benefit of the doubt (I'm all for looking at the evidence) and guess what ? YOU CAN'T DO IT
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Insightful)
"I just want the best environment for my application to be built on"
The build environment is not the same as the deployment environment.
If your Web application is so tied to one Unix environment that it is impossible to move then I suggest you have pro
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:4, Insightful)
transplanting from PHP to ASP is more then a little bit of work, Apache leaves IIS in the dust, so you need more hardware.
If I can't even get decent performance in the 'lab', and the tools don't let me tune the server to perform at least as good under BSD (or linux for that matter) then why bother throwing it in front of the lions ?
What happens in the open source world is something like this: Developer X is working on some project, needs a feature (say server-status in apache), adds it to the source, compiles and tests it until it works for him, submits the DIFF to the apache crew so he won't need to do it again next time he rebuilds the latest souces, it gets accepted, he feels good, they feel good, the product just got better. You try to get MS to include one of your 'improvements' or even a suggestion of one into IIS. Good luck
If you throw enough hardware at the problem it will eventually go away, I don't doubt that (and besides Ebay there are quite a few other large companies that can 'afford' to run windows as their server platform).
It's just that *I* can't afford that strategy and for a small operation like the one we are running (but with a significant web presence) windows is simply not an option due to the above concerns.
Big companies have less of a problem with wasting some money, some are actually quite good at it !
And I really gave it a good try, came away quite disappointed.
FWIW I'm handling some 2000 database driven hits on pages per SECOND.
I'm sure EBAY does a lot more than that but not on a puny little farm like mine.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Their dynamic content is mostly through a non-MSFT application server.
First, they can go away any day with minimum effort.
Second, they can use higher level abstractions compared to ASP/PHP as a result of that. This is the other approach to the problem which is more typical of people with the size of eBay. Once your business is that big you are working from a different set of premises:
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:5, Interesting)
If Microsoft are serious here, they've got a couple of different options:-
1) Use a license like the APSL or Mozilla License, which from memory does have a few commercial stipulations.
2) Come up with their own version of something like the LGPL, in the sense that there are terms with regards to specifically where the source can and can't be used.
3) Use the loss leader approach. Find something they don't really care about losing too much, (most likely something in their dev department, since that's not their primary bread and butter) and put it under the BSD license. Bill has already been quoted at one of his keynotes as saying that he likes the BSD license, or at least prefers it to the GPL, and he could earn himself some major PR points if he decides to prove it in practical terms...and good PR is something that Microsoft needs as much of as it can get these days. This would also help a few other people. It could score some free PR for FreeBSD, and if Bill was really smart he could even ally with the FreeBSD Foundation and Apple with the goal of driving back the GPL somewhat...Something which I for one wouldn't necessarily see as a bad thing. Stallman gives himself far too much credit for FOSS in general...the man is in dire need of being put squarely back in his box, in my opinion. More promotion of the BSD and other licenses could go a long way towards demonstrating to him that the world does not in fact need him anywhere near as much as he likes to think. I'm aware the GPL zealots will now materialise howling out of the woodwork and mod me a troll, as they generally do when I express this kind of opinion...but they are welcome to mod me a troll as much as they like...it won't silence me.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Interesting)
If they tried that with the Linux IP stack, they would have to put the rest of the nT kernel under GPL - that's what's wrong with GPL, he can't make money off other people's work without giving something back in return.
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
A few of the minor userland Windows tools were also BSD tools. And as an aside, a large portion of the Services for Unix tools are actually GNU tools - not just BSD (I've been told the percen
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:3, Informative)
That's what patents are for, and MS has been known file quite some lately. Also, they have the option of isolating what they consider their 'most innovative' pieces in libraries still hidden from view. Finally, if you are good enough to get ideas from them without incurring in copyright infringement by inadvertently doing derivative work by inconscient memory afterwards, you are probably worth your weight i
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
>their supporters against each other for no good
Er...I think that fight's already been started [gnu.org]...and not by me. Stallman thinks everyone is entitled to his opinion, and his opinion only. That to me, by definition, is not freedom.
This [] might interest you as well...it talks about some of the other, more practical problems associated with the GPL...Stallman's megalomaniacal egotism notwithstanding.
Before you also accuse me of doing exactly the
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:1)
Re:Share Source is not shared (Score:2)
Open source, but not free to use... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Open source, but not free to use... (Score:1)
Avoid shared source (Score:1, Interesting)
Still Interesting to see how Linux/Apache/Mysql/PostgresSQL is shadowing microsoft - They are giving IIS away free, they have to sell WS 2003 web edition cheaper xp home, and now they have to give sql server for free... Ms users should be happy about the competition.
But Shared source is a hideous "Have a look, don't touch, and definetly don't touch any competing product after looking at this". Nice if you are a researcher, but it escapes me why do r
Re:Open source, but not free to use... (Score:2)
It is my guess that they'll open source the whole of windows long before they'll 'shared source' the office file formats. The lock in of the market is based on this file compatibility and you'll never have 100% as long as those formats are not public.
Myself, I'm for forced legislation that states that as soon as a certain file format gains
Whatever (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Whatever (Score:5, Funny)
Geez, you anti-american zealots...
Re:Whatever (Score:5, Interesting)
On the other hand, if Microsoft "embraced" enough of the open-source philosophy that it placated corporate customers, won't that be a significant blow to the rise of linux?
I doubt those corporate customers are interested in all the feel-good benefits of open source. The feel-good benefits are probably the most difficult for Microsoft to adopt. If I had to guess on what "shared-source" really means, I would guess "Beating linux and open source at its own game in order to solidify the corporate market."
Microsoft are not pondering anything (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Microsoft are not pondering anything (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft are not pondering anything (Score:5, Funny)
You can consider this a request.
Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:5, Funny)
As part of our Shared-Source[tm] initiative, you have requested to see the main SQL server[tm] source code.
We at Microsoft[tm] strive to meet customer demands. As part of the Shared-Source[tm] initiative, we are happy to disclose parts of our source code, in stages, after approval of our Customer's requests.
Your request has been approved. Please find attached to this email the main SQL server[tm] source code.
We hope this source code disclosure meets your requirements. The next scheduled disclosure will happen in 450 days.
Joe Blow, Customers Satisfaction Manager, Microsoft Corp.
FILE: main.c
#include <common.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
Re:Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:1)
Re:Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:1)
int wmain(int argc,wchar_t **argv)
UTF-16 is Windows native, UTF-8/ANSI is slower.
Re:Dear valued Microsoft customer (Score:2)
shared source (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:shared source (Score:1)
Anything else I can help you with?
sybase (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:sybase (Score:3, Funny)
Underpant gnome problem solved (Score:5, Insightful)
2) Let customers spot and fix all bugs, but don't give them the right to use the code they write.
3) Charge same customers again for new and improved product.
4) Profit!
At least until they find out what Free software is really all about... at which point the game is up.
Re:Underpant gnome problem solved (Score:1)
Re:Underpant gnome problem solved (Score:2)
I can't argue with that.
Re:Do you know MS SQL server at all? (Score:2)
is it one time look (Score:2, Interesting)
Dont hold your breath. (Score:3, Informative)
Too much risk for them. Just imagine the next 'slammer worm'...
Honestly Great News (Score:5, Insightful)
This means that open source is really and truly getting a serious chunk of the market.
Personally, I've been using PostgreSQL in situations where I'd otherwise be using SQL Server if PostgreSQL did not exist. PostgreSQL is phenomenally powerful and robust. And, for those who want to go the Windows route, its new Windows installer is so user-friendly that it approaches SQL Server in that department.
Gift of polution (Score:4, Informative)
But the bigger concern is that by opening their source code, every open source database is now subject to a lawsuit from MS, claiming that it misappropriated some for-loop or comment line that appeared in SQL Server.
IMHO, the open-source DBs are catching up to SQL Server just fine, and would be far better off without the lawsuit risks associated with MS exposing its source code.
Re:Gift of polution (Score:2)
Is this useful? (Score:2)
When they did this to ATL 7, that seemed useful since that is a lightweight library that developers commonly call into. A C++ developer could trace into it and it would help them figure out a crash in their app, or contribute bug fixes/improvements to ATL7.
I want access to the source for libraries that I call into directly such as MFC. That would me debug MFC applications better. Shared source of IE would help me figure out why
Re:Is this useful? (Score:2)
that would be against the license of shared source, you can't really do anything with the source.
the real purpose of it is just another checkmark on the evaluation paper when considering them against an open source rival.
Re:Is this useful? (Score:2)
You do know that the MFC source is availible, right? Comes with the compiler. Back when I worked a straight job a co-worker of mine actually found a nasty bug in it that was causing us all sorts of problems. He ended up building a patched version and we shipped that with the product until MS fixed it (he reported the bug, supplied the fix).
NO (Score:2)
NO. Messages like the above only serve to confuse and distract. Microsoft's shared-source scheme is nothing like open-source.
PostgreSQL 8.0 for Win32 (Score:1)
Another step in the right direction!! (Score:2)
shared source is a trap (Score:5, Informative)
The only way to guard against those claims is not to look at other people's source code unless the license not only permits you to look but explicitly permits you to reuse. Open source licenses do that, shared source licenses don't.
Shared source isn't new. AT&T UNIX and DEC VMS were "shared source", for example. Companies hand out shared source licenses because they are too cheap to fix their own bugs and want to get bug reports with fixes from customers, because they want customers to be tied more closely to their product (making it harder to switch), because they want others to do their porting work for them, and/or because they actually want to lay traps for open source developers.
If you have looked at any shared source source code under a non-open source license, do not work on any related open source or proprietary project; you would be putting those projects in jeopardy. Do not be fooled by "shared source" that's downloadable with a click-through: it may look like open source at first glance, but whether it's downloadable or whether you have to go into a room with five lawyers and sign an elaborate agreement may make some difference if it came to a court case, but it doesn't change the principle. Furthermore, most of those cases won't get to court: your future employer or open source project will probably unceremoniously dump you if there is even a hint that you have looked at shared source.
In other words, before you look at some company's proprietary source code, think carefully whether you want that company to own a piece of your brain for the rest of your life, because that's what it comes down to.
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:1)
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:3, Insightful)
Many other open source projects and many companies have similar rules. If the issue arises in a company, they may try to find another internal position where your previous exposure to such source code doesn't create a legal liability for them; of course, that position may be less interesting and
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:2)
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:2)
Not legally; the open source licenses are pretty clear on that point, and open source is, by its very nature, not trade secret. The legal problems that can result from looking at non-open source code are real.
I imagine MS wouldn't hire any Linux kernel developers.
MS hired some of the people who developed the original (open source) Mach kernel. Microsoft has also hired other open source developers (e.g. the develop
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:2)
There's nothing unique to proprietary source about that, though. I could just as easily release some code under the GPL, wait, then go after anyone releasing code that does something similar too.
True, most lone coders and independent projects wouldn't have the money to sue, but what of larger companies, such as IBM or Apple? Just because they're playing nice now doesn't mean th
Re:shared source is a trap (Score:2)
No, the two situations differ.
Open source licenses satisfy explicit requirements (see www.opensource.org) that protect you from such claims; the nature and aims of open source software almost make that necessary.
Shared source licenses, on the other hand, usually impose restrictions that cause legal problems if y
What about Timeline? (Score:2)
transparency, not openness. (Score:3, Insightful)
Open Source is in contrast, a democratic government, run by the people. Open source isn't about "opening" your source. Open source projects are community driven, designed for and by the people.
If Microsoft wants to share its SQL server source, they must ensure:
a) That the whole thing is released so people can compile it at home,
b) Support the community requests to change this or that part of the code
and most important, c),
NOT use this as a weapon to end the competition. How do we know that they'll sue open source projects because one of their developers has even glimpsed at Microsoft code?
Call it FUD if you like, but As much as Bill says GPL can infect projects, I fear that the "microsoft share code" will "infect" open source projects so that Bill can sue them all and vanquish the competition.
If you view "shared" source you're forever tainted (Score:2, Informative)
Have a nice career - my company won't even interview anyone who's signed one of those "agreements" that allow folks to see M$ code. You have to sign an affadavit that you've never done such a thing to work with us.
Lets just look at why they are doing it: (Score:3, Interesting)
2) Open source is a big buzz word, something each IT manager is worrying his job over.
3) Open source is seen as growing competition against M$, they want to remove any unique selling points
4) pressure from gov's looking to switch to open source
IBM have opensourced a DB, sun have/are about to.
So Microsoft invent shared source... I thin they were forced to do this... so they went along... it is pathetic at least.
Now they are trying to us thier 'shared source' to confuse the unwashed masses that microsoft has the benefits of open source... the best of both worlds... pathetic shit like that.
still, doesn't work on me.
Re:Lets just look at why they are doing it: (Score:2)
In summary: when IBM and Sun open source something, they do it for real, and when Microsoft does it, they would just as well have not done it.
It took Sun years to produce OpenSolaris. They had their team of lawyers on it, studied the problem, went with the CDDL for many reasons, and, finally, after five years, will release a full open source operating system. And the fruit of their efforts is an OS that should basically be immune from patent lawsuits--this is a good thing.
IBM most definitely went throug
Re:Lets just look at why they are doing it: (Score:2)
And, if you read later in groklaw, they actually
Cold War Victory (Score:2)
It's going to be hard for Microsoft to talk out of both sides of its propaganda mouth on "Shared Source". They've got 3 points they hammer Open Source on:
1> No corporate accountability
But there are big, sueable companies which specialize in open source support contracts: IBM, Novell, RedHat. Their bizmodel is exactly consistent with Microsoft's whining that SW TCO comes from the support costs, not the purchase. While Microsoft's model treats support as
The real reasons? (Score:2)
Many above have mentioned that Shared Source is a one way system. It only benefits the owner (Microsoft), by having lots of eyes (and brains) on their code.
Ingres source was also opened recently. It did not do them much good. Hope that Microsoft learns the lesson there.
This is mainly a PR ploy: they want to say that they are "open" too, and they are putting out the source like others do, so they are like Linux et. al.
You know..... (Score:2)
SQL server is the only product to my knowledge that preforms reasonably well, is incredibly stable and is probably the least affected by malicious attacks. (yes I know that's still a lot of attacks, just less than windows/iis/ie)
It's so touchy opening a product up that's in use already in the market. At least in opensource, there's a public alpha and beta and people have a chance to work out some of the bugs/exploits
Microsoft showing crackers its code... (Score:2)
A: Of course not.
Yet this is what Open Source software has been doing for years.
The Shared Source way of allowing select users to check code for flaws is fine; but, surely one of the greatest benefits of Open Source is that anybody can see it?
Secure coding is mandatory for popular Open Source software - it's a prime target!
Open Source software can stand up to being thrown to the masses, yet Microsoft prefers security through obscurity [wikipedia.org].
ohhhh (Score:2)
It's already shared source - with Sybase (Score:2)
Re:It's already shared source - with Sybase (Score:2)
Since the vast majority of the SQL Server codebase was straight from Sybase...
Version 4.2 of SQL Server, which ran orignally on OS/2 was a joint Sybase/MS product. MS then made the decision that OS/2 was not the platform of the future and ported 4.2 to NT (this is in 1992). Indeed ported might not be the best way to describe it, because it involved a huge amount of re-writing of code, including the kernel. O
Don't bother! (Score:2)
There is an argument for security by obscurity. I am completely unconvinced by it, but it's there. So now you take a product that is highly dependent upon obscurity for its security and you let (world - dog) check it out. Now the set of people who can audit for vulnerabilities is larger. Oooh - I'm sure there's no economic espionage coming from China! I'm sure there's no maladjusted contract programmer at THIS Fortune 1000 company going to share the shared source on IRC. But
Shared Source - The Microsoft Definition... (Score:2)
and what's yours is ours too...
Implications of Shared Source MSSQL (Score:2)
Re:Implications of Shared Source MSSQL (Score:2)
What would happen i MS really did embrace FLOSS? (Score:2)
Of course they wouldn't make everything open source. What impacts would a REAL change in strategy mean for the community?
Shared Source has *NOTHING* to do with Open Source (Score:2, Informative)
Postgres (Score:2)
Microsoft is just finally doing something to fight against postgresql, which finally has a fast and easy install for windows machines.