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Programming IT Technology

Community Mesh Networking OSS 5

Esme Vos writes "The Champaign-Urbana Community Wireless Network (CUWiN) has announced that its free open source wireless networking software is available for download. The idea behind this project is to provide a free wireless networking system that any municipality, company, or group of neighbors could easily set up themselves. To download, go to:"
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Community Mesh Networking OSS

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  • I, quite frankly, don't see how this will mesh with existing topologies.
  • Almost everyone I know has moved from having a dedicated box to an off-the-shelf AP these days.. so what about them?

    The way it works here with me as an example is I allow anyone access in my building if they ask, and make my presence known by setting my essid to "Flat 2, ask if you wish to use". Works..
  • I live in urbana myself (an EE undergrad at uiuc), and a massive wireless network already covers most of the campus. It's called UIUCnet, and once connected you don't get internet, but are 'quarantined' in a subnet with only access to a VPN server. Just connect using the Cisco VPN client(our school has a site license, students get it free) and authenticate with your student information. As an aside, UIUCnet has 11mbit/s 802.11b, and 54 mbit/s 802.11a. Anyone know why they don't just use 802.11g? Almost no
  • Wouldn't boot on some systems: a generic P120 and a Thinkpad i1452.

    MIT's Roofnet seems to have a lot of work going on with it, and it does work really well. I don't see what advantage that this new software has over roofnet.

If you didn't have to work so hard, you'd have more time to be depressed.
