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The World's Safest Operating System 1014

fredrikr writes "UK-based security firm mi2g has analyzed 17,074 successful digital attacks against servers and networks. The results are a bit surprising. The BSD OSes (including FreeBSD and Mac OS X) proved to be the systems least likely to be successfully cracked, while Linux servers were the most vulnerable. Linux machines suffered 13,654 successful attacks, or 80 percent of the survey total. Windows based servers enjoyed a sharp decline in successful breaches, with only 2,005 attacks."
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The World's Safest Operating System

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  • by erick99 ( 743982 ) * <homerun@gmail.com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:21PM (#8349662)
    From the article: "The group discounted the recent wave of worms, viruses and other attacks that have affected Windows systems worldwide. It confined the study to overt digital attacks by hackers."

    This is not the best way to conduct research. When I was doing research at NIH we would say of this sort of thing, "After discarding all data to the contrary, the hypothesis was proven."

    While this research may show that Linux servers are over-represented in overt acts of hacking, this does not statistically make the Linux OS the least secure. Attacking a particular system simply makes it popular for attack. In order to characterize Linux, or any other OS, as the least secure, there would need to be evidence that an equal amount of other OS's were unsuccessfully attacked or the success rate was lower. Other variables that would required controls would be the hacker, level of sophistication of attack, etc. etc.

    To say that "...while Linux servers were the most vulnerable,,," only means that they may have been the most targeted. I am not saying that the conclusions of this research are incorrect, I am saying that from what I have read, they cannot come to those conclusions.

    Keep Smiling!


    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:25PM (#8349701)
      I agree with this comment whole-heartedly. It seems like what they have proven is that hacking Linux actually requires human intervention while Windows can by hacked automatically. I guess that shows why Windows is the easiest to use :) Can anybody else envision a world where clippy offers to crack a box for you when you have "forgotten" your password?
      • Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Insightful)

        by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:20PM (#8350162) Homepage
        Don't forget, they're also only counting Overt attacks, I.E. Verified ones... ones that leave a trace. It could very well be that all of those windows or OSX boxes were at some point Owned, but that the attack was so successful as to not leave a trace. It also requires "modification to any of its publicly visible components whilst executing...data attacks... [or] command and control attacks."

        They also don't list their methodology, which I find disturbing. Out of 17k successful, caught, non-automatic hacks, x were against these systems. However, they don't say where those 17k come from, and don't put it in the perspective of the percentage of those systems in use. If you go to their homepage, they list something called a SIPS (Security Intelligence Products and Systems) System. This data comes from "Personal Relationships at CEO, CFO, CIO, CISO level within the banking, insurance, and reinsurance industry... monitoring hacker bulletin boards... and anonymous communication channels." That's a pretty unscientific pool to be pulling data from. Essentially, you're talking about hacks that were either reported by friends in high places, friends in low places, or bragged about by hackers on publicly accessible bbses.

        So if you want to take the survey methodology seriously, then the survey proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Linux has more non-automated attacks involving changing publicly accessible interfaces that were caught and reported by friends to mi2g.

        • by canajin56 ( 660655 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:34PM (#8350263)

          Hmmm, lets do some in-depth research of our own, then: Slashdot poll!

          The last thing I hacked was:

          • *BSD
          • Linux
          • OSX
          • Windows
          • Unix
          • Teh Gibson!

          I'm sure it would be at least as accurate ;)

        • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Insightful)

          by GlassHeart ( 579618 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:06PM (#8350453) Journal
          Don't forget, they're also only counting Overt attacks, I.E. Verified ones... ones that leave a trace. It could very well be that all of those windows or OSX boxes were at some point Owned, but that the attack was so successful as to not leave a trace.

          Exactly how would you discover an attack that was so successful as to not leave a trace? By definition such an attack cannot or has not yet been discovered or traced. Leaving them out is both inevitable and fair, because there are attacks against Linux that are similarly undiscovered.

          So if you want to take the survey methodology seriously, then the survey proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Linux has more non-automated attacks involving changing publicly accessible interfaces that were caught and reported by friends to mi2g.

          I understand that anytime somebody publishes a Top N List the urge to compete externally is great, but why not ignore the others and simply use this as a data point to improve oneself?

          • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Informative)

            by GlassHeart ( 579618 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:47PM (#8350786) Journal
            Wow, "flamebait" and "overrated" within minutes.

            The original post reminded us not to forget that Windows or OS X boxes could have undiscovered exploits. I'm reminding that Linux can also have undiscovered exploits. By definition, we cannot know how many undiscovered exploits there are in each OS, so we cannot quantify and compare them. Therefore, we must ignore them and talk about the known exploits. Flamebait?

            If anything will destroy Linux, it's fanboy groupthink that the OS is invulnerable. Every choice has a downside. Deciding to leave a service off by default probably makes it more secure, though less convenient. When there are numbers like these presented, it's exactly the time to review such choices to see if they are the right choices to make for your users. Flamebait?

            • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Interesting)

              by megaduck ( 250895 ) <dvarvel.hotmail@com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @04:50PM (#8351581) Journal

              Totally agreed. Linux's worst enemy is the Linux boosters who think it's perfect. I'm exhausted, but I'll try and share an anecdote.

              I was up all night last night securing a Debian webserver. Maybe I pushed the wrong buttons, but when that box first booted up a port scan lit it up like a christmas tree. SSH was open, but so was RPC, Finger, FTP, time, LPD, SMTP, and Telnet. Frickin' TELNET! OS X doesn't even come with a telnet server!

              This was my first Debian box, so it took quite a while to learn the ropes so that I could hunt down and properly squash all of these open ports and set up some firewall rules. Sure, a knowledgeable Linux guy could have done this a lot faster. I came from the OS X world, though, so I had a lot of catching up to do.

              The BSDs don't let newbies make those kind of mistakes. Set up a Mac with all of the defaults, and it's secure. OpenBSD and FreeBSD don't have squat enabled by default. Linux is great, but it still contains a LOT of pitfalls for new admins and users. These security issues are going to get worse as Linux becomes more popular.

              • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Informative)

                by Just Some Guy ( 3352 ) <kirk+slashdot@strauser.com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @05:45PM (#8351911) Homepage Journal
                Be sure to LART the person who installed it for you. telnetd is not part of Debian's base installation, so it had to have been manually added later.
                • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Interesting)

                  by Burning1 ( 204959 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @07:11PM (#8352500) Homepage
                  Speaking as someone who has installed a lot of linux systems for other people: "Oooh! Shiny thing" syndrom is a major problem.

                  Lots of people will see services such as FTP, MAIL, NFS, SSH, WEB and think "That might be useful," or "That might be fun." They enable a small shitload of services, then never bother to update or use them.

                  By forcing a person to pay special attention before making a service available to the world (For instance, sendmail will only listen on by default on RedHat) you force them to learn a little somthing about that service. You also make it undesireable for them to enable a lot of things that they have no hope of using.

                  IMO, "Install Everything" is far too tempting for many people, and far too insecure. The number of linux breakins would go down considerably if distributers would simply force people to enable a service after they install it.

                  I personally think that the Linux distrobutions avoid it to make things easier, and to improve people's linux experience. "Hey! I have a webserver running after 5 minutes! Neat! This linux stuff is easy." (I sure was that way when I got into Linux.) : \
              • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Informative)

                by ImpTech ( 549794 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @06:08PM (#8352052)
                Debian default install puts in pretty much nothing, if I recall. To have all those things enabled, somebody had to install them. To be fair, that's pretty easy to do, since like I said, you get *nothing* to begin with, so the tendency is to start blindly installing things from dselect.
              • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Informative)

                by Dahan ( 130247 ) <khym@azeotrope.org> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @06:45PM (#8352339)
                Frickin' TELNET! OS X doesn't even come with a telnet server!

                Sure it does... It's not enabled by default, and as far as I know, there's no GUI to enable it, but it certainly comes with telnetd preinstalled:

                greyfox ~% uname -a
                Darwin greyfox.azeotrope.org 6.8 Darwin Kernel Version 6.8: Wed Sep 10 15:20:55PDT 2003; root:xnu/xnu-344.49.obj~2/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
                greyfox ~% ls -l /usr/libexec/telnetd
                -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 50012 Jan 18 02:05 /usr/libexec/telnetd*
                greyfox ~% grep telnet /etc/inetd.conf
                #telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd telnetd

        • Re:Overt vs Covert (Score:5, Informative)

          by Spoing ( 152917 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @04:16PM (#8351345) Homepage
          1. Don't forget, they're also only counting Overt attacks, I.E. Verified ones... ones that leave a trace. It could very well be that all of those windows or OSX boxes were at some point Owned, but that the attack was so successful as to not leave a trace.

          That's one thing that really bugs me about information available to monitor Windows (from log files to dynamic data).

          What I can find in depth, by default, and easily on Linux is a real chore to locate or (in the case of the standard log files) typically useless.

          It must take an excessive amount of effort and forsight for serious monitoring of a Windows system and even then is it trustworthy? The defaults just don't record/show enough.

    • by Frambooz ( 555784 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:27PM (#8349731) Homepage
      To say that "...while Linux servers were the most vulnerable,,," only means that they may have been the most targeted.

      We all know the average Linux user is more likely to tamper with his setup and run non-model-user applications, like their very own webserver. They are likely to know few things about proper server security, and therefore their servers are more vulnerable.

      Windows users are less likely to run a webserver, simply because they're not as eager to play with their system as Linux users. Therefore there will be less insecure Windows servers. The same goes for Mac-OS users.

      What I want to know is the percentage of professionally installed and maintained servers that was actually vulnerable.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:37PM (#8349831)
        It also characterizes linux as one big O.S. instead of a kernel...for all we know it could be counting people who install distributions that leave remote shell escapes wide open.
      • by Mad Marlin ( 96929 ) <cgore@cgore.com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:55PM (#8349969) Homepage

        First off, as a FreeBSD user, I must quote the venerable Nelson: "Ha, haaa!"

        What I want to know is the percentage of professionally installed and maintained servers that was actually vulnerable.

        Now, on a more serious note, my belief as to why Linux fared worse than your average BSD is this: Linux is often the first foray into the world of Unix for people these days, including a lot of people not particularly qualified to run a server. BSD is generally viewed as less friendly to new users (a not entirely incorrect view) and therefore sees a lot less MCSE's looking to pad their resume. Given a good administrator, there should be no real difference between a Linux and a BSD server, since most of the stuff past the kernel level is exactly the same anyway.

      • Wake up call (Score:5, Interesting)

        by niittyniemi ( 740307 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:50PM (#8350361) Homepage

        > Windows users are less likely to run a webserver,
        > simply because they're not as eager to play with
        > their system as Linux users. Therefore there
        > will be less insecure Windows servers. The same
        > goes for Mac-OS users.

        The study was talking about servers. So your comment about Windows users being less likely to run a webserver makes no sense whatsoever. In terms of the study, they are every bit as likely to be running a webserver.

        Linux users have to face the facts when addressing this matter and not bury their heads in the sand. There are any number of Linux users who don't even know what inetd and tcpwrappers are let alone bugtraq and cert [cert.org] or how to upgrade their systems and keep them secure or how to write PHP scripts with bounds checking.

        Until that changes Linux boxes are going to continue to be broken into wholesale.

        The reaction to this story on here reminds me of when Apache and IIS were put head to head in some study and there was wholesale denial that IIS could outperform Apache. The Apache team recognised there was a problem though and set about improving their software. This is what Linux users have to do now.

        Whilst the study may be flawed and the company that did it may have an agenda, 13000+ Linux break-ins in a year should be serious cause for concern.

        Folks, please face the facts even if they are unpleasant and improve the software and more importantly improve the education of the user base.

    • by mojowantshappy ( 605815 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:32PM (#8349789)
      To say that "...while Linux servers were the most vulnerable,,," only means that they may have been the most targeted. I am not saying that the conclusions of this research are incorrect, I am saying that from what I have read, they cannot come to those conclusions.

      Then again, what this also means is that linux machines are the most likely to be overtly hacked into.

    • by gbjbaanb ( 229885 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:33PM (#8349802)
      So they discounted the viruses and email crap that require some user to click the attachment called 'Im a virus, click me now'.

      That actually sounds like a fair attack vector to ignore in compiling these, otherwise you couldn't derive any meaningful stats - eg. if I posted my password on to my monitor, and someone hacked my workstation (by using that password), would you be able to say 'that workstation OS is inherently insecure'? If you couldn't, then you can't allow similar user stupidity to feature in these statistics.

      I don't think that runnign updates fall into this 'stupid user' catageory, especially as Windows boxes are more likely not to be admin-ed by clued up admins.
      • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:17PM (#8350141)
        So they discounted the viruses and email crap that require some user to click the attachment called 'Im a virus, click me now'.
        They didn't ignore JUST that. It sounds like they ignored every virus and worm that spread themselves automatically, even if due to an rpc bug or what have you.

        You, know, those hundreds of default.ida and scripts/..%252f.. requests you get every day? According to these guys the cracked machines behind those requests don't exist, or at least don't count.

        Nevertheless I'm going to take a closer look and see how I can secure my linux boxes better. I'm surprised linux fared so badly, because many of the services running on linux (apache, sshd, ntp) are the very same ones running on the bsd boxes which did better.

    • by miu ( 626917 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:44PM (#8349889) Homepage Journal
      While this research may show that Linux servers are over-represented in overt acts of hacking, this does not statistically make the Linux OS the least secure.

      Linux is over-represented as a target of hacking because there is so much low hanging fruit out there, same reason that Windows is over-represented in the malware depart.

      The study chose to not consider malware because that is really a UI and social engineering problem, this study was about attacking servers without an inside patsy and Linux came up short. It is dishonest and dangerous to ignore these sorts of results.

      • by Analysis Paralysis ( 175834 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:53PM (#8350377)
        The study chose to disregard "automated" attacks. A standard Windows system can be compromised within minutes of being connected to the Internet by such attacks so ignoring them means that only secured Windows systems are included. This makes the research unbalanced since it fails to apply a similar filter to Linux systems. Malware is not simply a UI/social problem - the Blaster worm and its variants needed no inside assistance.

        In addition the study only covered successful attacks. How many unsuccessful ones were there? The measure of vulnerability should surely be the ratio of successful/failed attacks, not just a raw number.

        Finally how were these attack figures reached? Where these based on government/company IT figures? (in which case factor in maturity of systems/staff and how much easier breaches can be discovered in Linux using free tools like Tripwire [tripwire.org]) Or packet sniffing of certain domains? (Linux is used by more domains, some of which are set up deliberately to be hacked [honeynet.org]).

        The only conclusion that can be safely drawn is that Linux appears to be a more popular target for manual attack - whether by necessity (automated attacks being far harder), desire (more of a challenge) or familiarity (easier to learn the internals of a free system, especially if you lack the money/connections needed for commercial counterparts). And security is hardly ignored on Linux either - with tools like ipfilters, tcpwrappers and Bastille [bastille-linux.org], admins have little excuse for running a non-secure system.

    • by Oriumpor ( 446718 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:59PM (#8350003) Homepage Journal
      Well, I wouldn't say that, there isn't enough data there for a professional security expert to determine anything worthwhile out of the study....

      What were the majority of attacks? How many were exploits that took advantage of underruns? How many were due to running apache? Did they do any analysis of UML based systems which are built around the eventual breach of security?

      I'm at a loss. Whether or not the Linux servers or hell even the Windows servers followed a good security model (rings, single ring, regular auditing etc.) You can secure an operating system only so far, which is why you only portfw certain ports through the firewall.. Did they attack things like NFS and portmapper which shouldn't be on the outside world anyways?

      A step by step analysis of THEIR analysis is needed to understand what they did to come to these results.

      IMO FUD.
    • by sterno ( 16320 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:15PM (#8350116) Homepage
      You know why there's more overt hacking of Linux boxes than BSD boxes. Because there are far less BSD boxes out there to be hacked.

      You know why there's far more Linux boxes that are being overtly hacked than windows? Because if you are a hacker, what the hell are you going to do with a Windows box? It's just not as interesting or powerful to remotely control a windows box.

      I'm not a hacker, but if I was one, I would not waste my time on trying to 0wn windows boxes. I'd go after Linux boxes. Not because they are easier to breach, but because they are more fun to play with when you do.
  • Overexaggerated (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) * <mark@@@seventhcycle...net> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:22PM (#8349665) Homepage
    I tend to think that Linux machines are more vulnerable simply because there are lots of people who pretty much have the system installed, and fail to do anything in order to make sure the system is updated.

    For all the servers out there, I wonder how many people actually run up2date or apt from time to time. I imagine more people run windows run windows update than any linux equivalent.

    Let's face it. Linux isn't for just the uber-geek anymore. So logically, more systems are going to be hacked into when people with no security sense are managing systems.

    Don't blame the operating system. Blame everyone who thinks they're a competent sysadmin, but really aren't.

    Not to mention that this article doesn't weigh in percentages. There are a *LOT* more linux servers out there than there are BSD, Windows and Mac OS X servers. When one factors in percentages, Linux really isn't *that* bad.

    • Re:Overexaggerated (Score:5, Insightful)

      by gbjbaanb ( 229885 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:26PM (#8349710)
      isn't this the exact same argument people have been saying (on /. too) why Windows appears less secure than Linux?

      Seems all those old posts were just flamebait, either that or all the Windows security patches really have made a difference.
      • Re:Overexaggerated (Score:5, Insightful)

        by chill ( 34294 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:37PM (#8349832) Journal
        Because the majority of problems with Windows stemmed from system-level vulnerabilities and problems. Linux, however, seems to suffer more from application level vulns (SQL injection, misconfigured or sloppy PHP.

        In short, with Linux, most vulns are due to misconfiguration of apps and NOT an inherent flaw in the system.

        Windows has, so far, had a bad track record of SYSTEM LEVEL flaws and not necessarily inherent flaws.

      • Re:Overexaggerated (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:39PM (#8349849)
        While I tend to agree that some statements made about Linux security are overblown the fact reamins that when a Linux box is properly configured it *is* more secure than a Windows box. Discounting "the recent wave of trojans, virues", etc. does seem to me to skew the data. I think most Linux advocates are basically trying to say that Linux is resistent to these tyes of attacks therefore making it slightly safer than Windows out of the box, but the ability to lock it down yourself and keep it up to date are the important part. I've hardened both Linux boxes and Windows boxes and felt pretty comfortable about their security. But I have to say that Linux made me feel a bit better because I really do beleive that if you have the knowledge, time and ability to "see what's under the hood" then you are in for a more secure environment. I just can't get that kind of warm fuzzy with Windows. As a final word; to me the various OS are like hammers and screw drivers. They all have advantages and disadvatages depending on the job you need it for.
        • Re:Overexaggerated (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Curien ( 267780 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:54PM (#8349955)
          Bullshit. A secured box is a secured box. If you turn off all non-essential services in Windows and do the same in Linux, keep your users with low privileges etc on both, and keep both systems up-to-date with patches, they're equally secure.

          There are only three variables: how secure is the box /by default/, how easy is it to make the box secure, and how easy is it to apply updates.
    • by leerpm ( 570963 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:36PM (#8349825)
      We should not be concentrating on which operating is more secure than another. This just promotes the myth that people can 'choose' the most secure operating system and then they are secure. No operating is secure, if you do not keep it up to date and patched.

      Everytime I see an article like this, I wonder how many users and administrators will get the false impression that if they just switch to another platform they will have done their job.

      Security is a process. It is not all about the technology, and it requires educating users and managers to be effective.
    • Re:Overexaggerated (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Ogerman ( 136333 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:38PM (#8349843)
      Let's face it. Linux isn't for just the uber-geek anymore. So logically, more systems are going to be hacked into when people with no security sense are managing systems. .. Don't blame the operating system. Blame everyone who thinks they're a competent sysadmin, but really aren't.

      It's true, Linux is not just for geeks anymore. But because of that, we need pre-hardened distros (including ACLs, IDS, and stack protection) and automated security updates for systems run by idiots. The ultimate answer (educating people) is unfortunately not feasible. As much as possible, security needs to be idiot-friendly on every OS.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:40PM (#8349859)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Of course (Score:4, Funny)

    by damiam ( 409504 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:22PM (#8349668)
    Why would anyone want to crack a Windows box? It'd be completely useless to you.
  • by Great_Jehovah ( 3984 ) * on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:23PM (#8349669)
    Different distributions vary greatly in how secure they are out of the box and in how easy it is to apply security updates once they are deployed. Also, talking about absolute numbers of breakins is completely uninformative without knowing the number of systems deployed for each.

  • by ABaumann ( 748617 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:23PM (#8349674)
    MACWORLD says that MACS are the most secure. Hmm... Interesting.
  • by 26199 ( 577806 ) * on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:23PM (#8349680) Homepage

    To be news, they need to say what proportion of computers use each OS, and what apps were hacked. It even says third party software accounts for a lot of the Linux hacks.

    Nothing to see here except some meaningless statistics. Yawn.

  • by LostCluster ( 625375 ) * on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:25PM (#8349693)
    Somebody needs to take some basic statistics. The fact that Linux is most often the operating system involved in server compromises is not surprising since Linix is the is most often the operating system involved in servers in the first place. If you normalize out for server market share, you'll find things are more or less even.

    When it comes to servers, selecting a bad choice of a password or forgetting to properly set file permissions is still the easiest way to get hacked, and that will always be operating system independent. And, that accounts for the majority of security weaknesses. Worms and viri are a client-side issue, servers don't often get hit with those.

    So, good work OSX fans. You finally found a metric by which having the fewest number of servers in actual use makes you look good...
    • by Cereal Box ( 4286 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:41PM (#8349870)
      The fact that Linux is most often the operating system involved in server compromises is not surprising since Linix is the is most often the operating system involved in servers in the first place.

      So how come every time there's an article/rant about how insecure Windows is and someone says the exact same thing about Windows (i.e., "Windows has more viruses/attacks because it is the most widely used desktop operating system"), it's considered nonsense or a copout by so many Slashdotters?
  • it makes sense (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:26PM (#8349713)
    ::puts on flame-proof suit::

    Linux is made up of _many_ distributions, who hack together systems out of many disparate apps. Each is slightly different. This diversity means none can Q.A. their systems as well as a unified project like FreeBSD does. I've seen some unbelievable bugs in a very well-known Linux distro, there for no reason there than their resources are stretched too thin.

    Linux is also a Unix. People who put up *BSD servers are Unix hacks. People who put up Linux servers are oftentimes ordinary people who are trying to cut costs from not going with Windows. Unix is powerful, if you don't know how to handle that power, you put your systems at real risk.
  • by }InFuZeD{ ( 52430 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:26PM (#8349714) Homepage
    Looks like mi2g doesn't have the best reputation:

    "And yes, every time an mi2g story has come up, an ugly flamewar has started. The funny thing is, it's the security equivalent of an Adequacy troll.

    Some links:

    http://www.attrition.org/errata/charlatan/mi2g-h is tory.html

    http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/28233.ht ml

    http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2002/1107msfoul.htm l"
  • by Space cowboy ( 13680 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:26PM (#8349716) Journal
    How many linux servers are there in the wild, how many bsd ones, and how many windows ones. I'd be tempted to guess that the geeks favourite OS is by far the most popular server OS...

    In other words, it's the same story as Windows on the desktop - there are more attacks because there are more servers. Since they don't give us percentages of installed vs breached, the data is essentially useless. Rule #1: Normalise your data before comparison....

    • by Billly Gates ( 198444 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:02PM (#8350030) Journal
      Out of the box BSD is more secure.

      Thats what I love about open and FreeBSD.

      All the file permissions are set to maximize security while most Linux distros are setup to maximize usability.

      Remember guys we are talking about 2 different unixes. We can make Linux just as secure.

      Its just that BSD is more minimalist by default and super secure before its given the go ahead to declare the distribution stable. Linux by default has more services running. The ports tend to install the most secure options when installing things like apache.

      What this means is that Linux distro's and users need to make things more minimal and secure by default. Many admins are too lazy or incompetant to properly lock down a Linux box. Unix is hard and a pain to setup which is part of the problem.

      I think having more linux servers is part but NOT THE WHOLE reason for this.
  • Not to surprising (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mork29 ( 682855 ) <.keith.yelnick. .at. .us.army.mil.> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:26PM (#8349720) Journal
    Linux is secure... out of the box. However without a skilled administrator, it's very easy to open up LOTS of holes. I think that linux is a great operating system for power users, but lets face it, the average desktop user or the new sys admin, doesn't belong on a powerful distro right now. Perhaps lindows, but not Red Hat Enterprise. One thing I found interesting was this:

    "For the first time, the number of recorded breaches against government servers running BSD or Mac OS X worldwide fell to zero in January 2004," the analyst said.

    I'm in the army in Europe and we're not allowed to run BSD or OS X. Only non-windows I'm authorized is AIX or um... (I'm really sorry to admit this) SCO. So I'm sure alot of other government agencies (besides DoD), don't allow BSD and OSX.
  • by drcagn ( 715012 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:27PM (#8349726) Homepage
    The system admins usually don't know what they're doing, and the system gets broken into--it has nothing to do with the system itself. The admins should know how to configure the system - instead of leaving the defaults on. The defaults for other systems are most probably simply safer than the defaults in Linux.
  • by ashot ( 599110 ) <ashot AT molsoft DOT com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:28PM (#8349740) Homepage
    they forgot a very important piece of information: the percentage of total servers accounted for by these systems.

    armed with this statistic and the age old mathematical operation of *division* one could make these results meaningful.

    in other news, a new study finds that red heads are much less likely to commit violent crimes. Data for left-handed people is also encouraging.
  • Do you google? (Score:5, Informative)

    by PerpetualMotion ( 550623 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:28PM (#8349741)
    Mi2g [google.com]
    Second link leads to this page [attrition.org] which shows what a crock this (company/report) is.
  • by UVABlows ( 183953 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:28PM (#8349744)
    The group discounted the recent wave of worms, viruses and other attacks that have affected Windows systems worldwide.

    "When we ignore most of the break-ins that windows had, it had less than linux!"

    followed by BSD and Mac OS X with 555 breaches

    This completely ignores the proportion of these OS's that got hacked. If there are only 556 of them deployed, then this is a terrible break-in rate. Obviously there are more than 556, but there are fewer BSD servers than linux servers.
  • by The Irish Jew ( 690798 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:29PM (#8349747)
    The first red flag I noticed was that they want you to pay for the results.
    Thats not how it works. There are also many [attrition.org] other [theregister.co.uk] reasons [nwfusion.com] not to believe them. Boy, it must be nice to be able to make a living just making up statistics.
  • by redmond ( 611823 ) <marshal.graham@g ... l.com minus city> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:29PM (#8349755)
    Microsoft announces acquition of the UK-based security firm mi2g.
  • by rjamestaylor ( 117847 ) <rjamestaylor@gmail.com> on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:29PM (#8349760) Journal
    Suffocate this crock of a "security company" once and for all!

    Read Why is mi2g so unpopular? [theregister.co.uk]

    Then read this complete debunking [vmyths.com] of the scam^Wfirm.

    Slashdot is trolling us -- did I wake up in Soviet Russia??

  • mi2g love to FUD (Score:5, Informative)

    by dan dan the dna man ( 461768 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:33PM (#8349795) Homepage Journal
    as seen here last year [slashdot.org]
  • Automatic Update (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Mr. Darl McBride ( 704524 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:33PM (#8349796)
    Mac OS X has a dumb little icon that leaps and jumps and bounces and begs for attention any time an update is ready. It's impossible to ignore. When the update applies itself and wants a reboot, your only options are "shutdown" and "restart." There's no "cancel" option.

    While I'll admit that I find these behaviors pretty annoying, you can bet that Linux would enjoy a somewhat better security record if it were that hard to forget updates. It's a shame more Linuxes don't ship with at least the option of turning this on for desktop and small server folks.

    At SCO, we offer increased security by running our website with Linux and only connecting the SCO machines to McDonald's cash registers and machines too old and slow to run root toolkits.

    • Re:Automatic Update (Score:5, Interesting)

      by gordguide ( 307383 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:13PM (#8350099)
      " ,,, Mac OS X has a dumb little icon that leaps and jumps and bounces and begs for attention any time an update is ready. ..."

      Doesn't do that on mine. Turn off automatic updating.

      " ... When the update applies itself and wants a reboot, your only options are "shutdown" and "restart." There's no "cancel" option. ..."

      There's no "cancel" option because it's unnecessary. Just keep working. You can "re" boot tomorrow, like I do. (most updates dont' require a reboot at all, by the way. But if they do, fuggetaboutit. Get some work done).

      I suppose you could sit there and watch the update progress. I don't; I launch all my apps first thing; one of them is software update. If one is available, I click to install, enter my password, and then do something else (there's one installing right now. Or maybe it's done. Who knows? Who cares? Use the damn computer, SW Update doesn't need any attention from you).

      A check for security-relevant update should probably be part of a Linux admin's daily routine. Kernel updates can be ignored; there's no need to update a perfectly good Linux install just because you can. Rookie error.

      As for Windows update, I did a clean install of Win98SE about 2 weeks ago. 61 updates required, though mercifully only about 24 were "critical". And yes, you do need to stop everything and reboot every time with that OS.

      I use Linux, Windows 98 & XP and OSX every day. It gives you a little perspective.
  • by starseeker ( 141897 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:33PM (#8349804) Homepage
    Absolute numbers are fine, but what about normalizing it for the total number of BSD, Linux, and Windows servers in use in this study? That's the more meaningful number. Then, what constitutes a successful attack?

    Also, a useful study would look at how machines are maintained, password policies, etc.

    Now before I come off sounding like a Linux apologist, it is quite possible there are some serious weaknesses that need to be addressed. If so, I hope they give us full info on the attacks so we can fix the problems. But these numbers as they stand don't tell us a darn thing.

    If a dedicated admin configures Selinux and heavy duty firewalls, and puts Klingon password policies in place, I'd personally still be confident to match that system against anything out there. Default Redhat installs, on the other hand, are something else again. So again we need more info. It's all in how things are set up and maintained. The question actually being asked here - which OS is strongest, all other things being equal - is a really really tough one to answer. There are many other issues that must be addressed first.

    So, as far as any useful information is concerned, this article doesn't appear to have any. What if the Linux machines simply had the best intrusion detection in place? (I'm not saying they did, but it's a fair question.) Need More Information!
  • Wrong conclusion (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ljavelin ( 41345 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:34PM (#8349816)
    mi2g analysed 17.074 successful digital attacks against servers and networks. It states: "With Linux accounting for 13,654 breaches, Windows for 2,005 breaches followed by BSD and Mac OS X with 555 breaches worldwide in January 2004."

    They say how many attacks they analyzed, but they didn't mention the pool of hosts that these attacks were taken from.

    Were there 1000000 linux hosts, 200 Windows hosts, and 6 Mac OS hosts? If so, that would radically change the conclusion that is implied.

    Also, it's interesting to note that they did NOT count automated attacks by viruses, etc.

    I'm sure there are interesting conclusions in their study of attacks, but given the lack of data, this study doesn't provide enough data to conclude that one OS is safer than other.
  • Oh, not again (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Cally ( 10873 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:35PM (#8349821) Homepage
    For god's sake, how many more times will Slashdot fall for crap from this bunch of cowboys? mi2g are the archetypal media whores, they have no clue, no idea what they're talking about but they have the uncanny ability to tune a press release for maximum meaningless security. These 'surveys' they put out every do often are utterly meaningless, based on nothing. They're nothing more than a bunch of bullshitters who should be ignored. Five minutes with Google will turn up all the proof you need, failing that go search www.ntk.net.
  • Missing (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Aneirin ( 701613 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:38PM (#8349846)
    Although it has been pointed out that worms, viruses, and other type attacks were completely ignored, there were other significant pieces of information left out as well.

    What percentage of servers over all use what operating system? If only.1% use Mac then actually it would show that Macs are MORE vulnerable because they account for more than .1% of reported cases.

    How did they get these statistics? For them to record a breach two things have to happen. You have to notice the breach and you have to report it. Is there a higher percentage of Windows users who don't notice the breach? Is there a higher percentage that don't report a breach? Linux users would tend to be more open to sharing the information imho since they are already users of open source which by nature is a choice to share information.

    Although there are other things too the most relevant seems to be their sampling. What portion of their sample was running Linux? They definately did not use an equal sample size of each OS. Taking result numbers alone is not good enough to make a conclusion.
  • by rxed ( 634882 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:39PM (#8349851)
    I don't know about the results but this 'security company' has been in the news before and as far as I know it was labeled as bunch of charlatans by real security experts at security focus. Read more about mig2 at: http://www.attrition.org/errata/charlatan/mi2g-his tory.html
  • by plcurechax ( 247883 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:47PM (#8349899) Homepage
    With no reported vulnrenabilities according to mi2g, these OSes are far more secure than that run of mill *BSD stuff.
  • by 0x0d0a ( 568518 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:49PM (#8349918) Journal
    This probably isn't an issue for the vanilla BSDs, but OS X and Windows are both much more likely than Linux to simply be a workstation rather than a server, given the fact that the overwhelming number of Linux boxes are in use as servers.

    It's generally not too bad to secure a workstation against remove attacks-- you can just rip out anything listening. On a server, you *have* to be running some sort of server software, and if that has holes, you are open to attack.
  • by Bull999999 ( 652264 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:49PM (#8349921) Journal
    My Play Station 2 has never been hacked so it makes PS2 the most secure O/S.
  • What's in an OS? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by cpghost ( 719344 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:58PM (#8349988) Homepage

    A lot of software is shared between BSD and Linux installations. Stuff like sendmail (qmail, postfix, ...), apache, bind, etc... is exactly the same on both OSes. Most security breaches involve a buffer overrun in one of these server programs. So obviously, Linux and BSD systems should be equally vulnerable (or safe) w.r.t. remote exploits...

    As many have pointed out in other threads, the ratio of competent/incompetent Linux admins is higher than the competent/incompetent BSD admins ratio. This is sad, but true. It is not because Linux is bad or hard to manage, it's simply because Linux is much more popular than BSD. Newbie admins will seldom start with BSD, so they make their mistakes on Linux boxes first. Some of them may grow up tried of all the different idiosyncraties of Linux distros, and try BSD. A few may even like it and stick to it. But the point here is that your average BSD admin is already experienced with Linux systems, whereas the bulk of Linux admins won't.

    Linux or BSD are both great systems, but they can be really dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm a senior FreeBSD sysadmin since 2.0, but I'm also managing a farm of misc. Linux variants since kernel 0.99 in high risk secure environments. I like both systems very much, so I tend to dislike stupid over-generalizations a la BSD is more secure than Linux (even if it is true, for the reasons explained above).

  • I say this (Score:5, Informative)

    by ducomputergeek ( 595742 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @12:59PM (#8350004)
    As I finish setting up out newest FreeBSD server retiring our last Linux box from operations. We run now 100% off some kind of BSD in our company. Some are OpenBSD servers, other FreeBSD, and we have one NetBSD running on an old 486DX with no real purpose other than we wanted to play with NetBSD.

    We are 100% Macintosh on the desktop because I can then spend time on billable hour projects, not internal stuff. But generally speaking, I really just like how BSD, especially the ports system, is organized and managed. Linux has always been scattered brained with more distros that you can count, where as I like the core development teams in both Free & Open BSD.

    When I used to run an online browser-based game system, we often had more people trying to beat the system than the game. Led to problems under Linux and since it was a hobby site that I maintianed on my spare time, I didn't have time to mess with keeping everything 100% uptodate. So I reset up the game on an OpenBSD platform. Sure it didn't scale as well, but had no sucessful breaches from the script kiddies.

    Now that I work as a consultant with small and medium sized companies in this area, security has become a staple of my business. Most of my work is in Policy advising because we still see a lot of network breachs, a vast majority, having some kind of internal proceedure issue. Aka, someone calls saying they are from branch y and forgot a password and someone gives it to them or a disgruntled employee sells information to a competitor. Or worse yet, employee fired/let go and no one removes accesss to the system until after they're gone if at all. I have seen some companies that still have user accounts for people that haven't worked there in over 3 years.

    Still these are mainly small businesses with less than 10 people that are in real estate or some service business where they might have a website, POS, Email, MS Office, and Quickbooks more than larger companies that have an actual IT guy or department (even then...I am amazed at the total lack of intelligence of some of the people with MSCE at the end of their business cards)

    Still, the biggest threats are comming not on the server side, but client side with viruses and trojans galore. Its the average joe blow that opens every attachment they are sent that causes the bulk of problems from my perpective.

  • Linux != single OS (Score:5, Insightful)

    by IntergalacticWalrus ( 720648 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:04PM (#8350039)
    Great, yet another brain-damaged research that considers Linux an OS, and talks as if all Linux distributions were identical in terms of out-of-the-box security and ease of applying security updates. Hell, if we ever asked those morons what Linux distro they used to compute their Linux results, I bet they would say "uh... Linux 9.0 ?"
  • Conclusion (Score:5, Insightful)

    by pasv ( 755179 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:10PM (#8350083) Homepage
    You are as safe as you make your server/system to be. If you don't patch you will get hacked and will not be safe. Same goes with windows, linux, Anything. Unless you have you're own OS that doesn't have patches :P. Can't stress how stupid it is NOT to put up a firewall blocking ports you really dont need open. Anything out of the box and kept that evil "default" setting Is bound to get h4x0r'd (hehe)
  • by rmpotter ( 177221 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:11PM (#8350085) Homepage
    Here I go burning Karma again... Since we can't know the full details of this report unless one of us actually buys it, it is probably pointless to speculate on their methods. However... if you assume they didn't try to stack and that the following is more or less true:

    * that most of these 17,074 were web servers
    * that all or most of these servers were production boxes (worthy of being investigated after a break-in)
    * that at least 20% of these were running Winodws/IIS (Netcraft

    then all things being equal, there SHOULD have been at least 3400 Windows break-ins. Since there were about 2005 successful Windows attacks, MS and Windows admins must be doing something right. Many Windows admin ensure their boxes are patched. They follow NTBugTraq. They run lockdown tools or subscribe to security monitoring services. They are aware of potential breaches and most importantly THEY ARE NOT AS AROGANT AND SMUG as some of their Linux counterparts.

    Mmmm -- nothing like the sweet smell of Karma burning on a cold February afternoon!
  • Mi2g (Score:5, Interesting)

    by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:18PM (#8350149) Journal
    The truely funny thing here is that Mi2g is a security firm that runs Linux and sells services for Linux, but reports that Linux is the worse of the bunch. Hummmmmmm.

    I suspect that shortly they will be reporting that Linux is more loaded with Viruses that Windows, to be followed with their new anti-viral software.
  • by BobandMax ( 95054 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @01:32PM (#8350246)
    1. They failed to mention that these are >REPORTED breaches. Most organizations do not report breaches.
    2. They did not normalize against the sample population for each OS, but simply reported raw numbers. Statistical crap.
    3. No categorization of breach types. (root, user, etc.)
    4. From what sources were their data derived?

    In short, this "report" is bullshit and tells nothing of interest.
  • by pcause ( 209643 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:00PM (#8350416)
    It is time to stop the religuous falme wars about "my OS is more secure than your OS".

    We all know Windows has bugs, becuase people revel in revealing Microsoft's weaknesses. Hackers love to attack Windows because it is ubiquitous and so it is also the most attacked.

    What this report points out, with all its flaws, is the the Linux system has problems too. Linux supporters have turned a blind eye to this and have loudly trumpted Linux as secure, while Windows is not. This simply wasn't true, but made Linux supporters feel goos about themselves. And even if it is a bit better, that isn't the point.

    There will be bugs in Linux and Windows and other OS'es as long as new development continues. Further, as long as humans adminster the boxes, admins will do silly things and create vulnerabilities.
  • by abbamouse ( 469716 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:08PM (#8350472) Homepage
    This study committed the worst type of selection error: selection on the dependent variable. In this study (or at least in the article's description) the dependent variable is successful penetration. The value of this variable is 1 (ie yes) in every case. Therefore, the dependent variable doesn't vary. Now the independent variable (type of OS on target system) does vary, but unless the dataset includes unsuccessful penetrations (or transforms the dependent variable into a comparative measure based on average penetrations per OS/server) absolutely nothing of value can be learned. This is research design 101, folks: variables need to vary.
  • Not surprising (Score:5, Interesting)

    by KalvinB ( 205500 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:14PM (#8350511) Homepage
    Linux is touted as being secure "out of the box."

    So what do people do? They install it, throw it directly on the line and assume it's secure "out of the box." So they don't worry about it.

    I know Windows isn't secure. There's no way in hell I'm putting ANY OS directly on the line. I run a hardware firewall between every computer and the outside. Very few ports are open and I know exactly what's running on each of those ports.

    For my IcarusIndie.com server it's logged in as an Administrator 24/7 365 days a year. Guess how many times it's been hacked?

    Once someone erased all the usernames and passwords out of MySQL. They did it through a PHP page that uses MySQL. Nothing was actually damaged because they couldn't get anywhere. There is no way to remotely connect to MySQL. It's pretty lame that a semicolon can allow arbitrary commands to be issued to MySQL. And yes I'm running the latest version.

    Another time someone I know decided to demonstrate a nearly server crashing bug GuildFTPd has. I updated to the latest version that claimed to have fixed the problem (ignoring your settings for not allowing more than X connections from a single IP) and it wasn't actually fixed. I now run BulletProof FTP server and it isn't affected by that DoS bug and has no known remote exploits.

    I also run WinVNC. Except it's modified to use a whitelist. Only when you connect with given IPs do you even get the password prompt. And there's no way to remotely change the IP list unless you already have a whitelisted IP. So when my Cox IP changes I have to go down to the ISP to get physical access to update the whitelist.

    No one has ever managed to hack Windows. Even though I'm running as "root." Only some very flaky software handling the above mentioned hacked services. But they've never managed to cause any real damage.

    My web-site has been running logged in as Admin for going on 4 years. That's a very stellar record. And not hard to achieve if you're not blinded by propoganda. I even ran my server on WinME to start with and never got hacked.

    It's an attitude problem. Not a hardware or software problem if your systems are being hacked into.

  • by ewg ( 158266 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:28PM (#8350631)

    The usage patterns and target market/audience for these operating systems are very different.

    There are huge variations in security between

    • a Linux box set up by a novice student
    • a Solaris system participating in a cluster serving a major consumer website
    • a Mac OS X Server machine running stock network services for a graphic design firm
    I'd like to hear more about how they accounted for these differences before I make up my mind.
  • by Rui del-Negro ( 531098 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @02:41PM (#8350736) Homepage
    Note that the results shown in the MacWorld article are not normalised. In other words, they are the total number of attacks, not the number of attacks relative to the presence of each OS. Naturally, operating systems that power millions of web servers are more liklely to suffer attacks than operating systems that power only a few thousand (or even hundreds).

    It sounds very impressive that "the number of recorded breaches against government servers running BSD or Mac OS X worldwide fell to zero in January 2004", but then you look at the number of government servers actually running OS X, and it becomes pretty clear why they weren't attacked. There are simply very few government servers running OS X (less than 3%).

    So this "study" is a joke. I only wonder who comissioned it, Apple or Microsoft...?

  • by severoon ( 536737 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @03:47PM (#8351164) Journal

    I like how the very first post discounts the point of this article right off by saying, sure, maybe linux got attacked successfully a lot, but what about all the other attacks that would've succeeded on Windows?

    Come on, people. The fact is, the linux boxes got attacked successfully. That's a Bad Thing, regardless of what happened to Windows. It's an embarrassing thing for us linux people. Here's the real rub...

    I've read studies over several years saying that linux boxes are nearly as secure as FreeBSD installations if the administrator sets up the environment properly . The results of the slashdotted study here is the result of the RTFM culture...hard to operate and administer, very little respect for the user in the design of the OS as a whole. I mean "respect" in the sense of "let's make this trivially easy to use because it's possible and respect the user's time" rather than "let's respect the user's intellect by reasoning they'll figure out how to work this thing no matter how ridiculously complicated we make it."

    This study ought to convince all the people out there that don't worry about linux being too hard to use...it's affecting everyone, not just newbies. Not just dummies. Even admins can't set up a secure box. We have to keep working on usability folks. Fact is linux is more potentially secure than Windows--but not in practice because no one can figure out how to lock it down.


  • by usrerco ( 576913 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @04:03PM (#8351265)
    The reason OSX (workstations) are so secure is all services are turned off by default. Definitely a good security strategy. And it's hard to turn the stuff on (no prominent shiny, candy-like buttons to enable them)

    But even if those potentially dangerous services are enabled (DNS, sendmail), they're less likely to be cracked because most cracks use buffer overruns that are intel specific code injections.

    Intel has been around for 20 years, which means 20 years of people learning assembly, and mature, asswiping documentation on every detail of the processor. And also, long evolved cracking documents/tools.

    Where as OSX has only been around a few years. And at the time it came out, many tools (DNS, sendmail) had already become security aware. Viruses had already been running rampant, so Apple was able to start at a point where security issues could be worked into the design. Also, when OSX came out, few people cared about assembly anymore. In the 80's it was necessary, but now, it is less so.

    At this particular point in time, if an OSX box and linux box are each running the same buggy version of DNS (the one that had the buffer overrun loophole), surely only the linux box will get rooted, because the rootkits are mostly intel specific. The initial rooting of a machine usually involves an assembly level attack with a buffer overrun.

    So it's not even an open source issue; DNS is open source. It's the same code on both platforms. But because Mac's OSX platform hasn't been around for long, is one reason there aren't popular rootkits for it. But if there is one, then it's just a matter of time and desire on the part of crackers.

    One thing Mac also has going for it is OSX (workstation) the day it was released, by default had all services disabled. So it's a pretty tough box to crack from day one; even if grandma turns on her new OSX box for the first time, it will likely be more secure than a linux box configured by a seasoned admin setting up linux for the first time. (weeks later: "What, sendmail and portmapper are running? I didn't turn those on!")

    So there is less desire to even try to crack a platform that has no services to crack to begin with.

    However, with OSX *server* being a bit more recent, eventually cracks may become more desirable because that will have attackable services. But someone will have to learn assembly for the Mac to implement the buffer overrun attacks. And it may take a few years before that becomes as popular as linux rootkits.

    It would be good if the Linux distros made it harder for first time users setting up webservers to accidentally leave on useless services like NFS, portmapper, and all those daemons internet servers don't need (lpd, yp, linuxconf, auto-updaters).

    Hmm, I wonder what services were enabled on the article's test machines. I guess it wouldn't matter, because an intel buffer overrun injection on a Mac just won't fly.
  • Failed Paradigm? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by aaron_ds ( 711489 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @04:13PM (#8351320)
    I'm going to say this just be cause no one else will. Suppose Linux simply is less secure than Windows. I have been hearing the opposite from the slashdot crowd with no information to back themselves up. They simply state that because it's open source, it must be more secure.

    Then when information proves otherwise, they say things like, I'm going to say this just be cause no one else will. Suppose Linux simply is less secure than windows. I have been hearing the opposite from the slashdot crowd with no information to back themselves up. They simply state that because it's open source, it must be more secure.

    Then when information proves otherwise, they say things like, they may have been the most targeted or Linux is over-represented as a target of hacking because there is so much low hanging fruit out there

    Modding this as Flamebait only proves how Linux-centric Slashdot is.
  • Linux Security (Score:5, Insightful)

    by RAMMS+EIN ( 578166 ) on Saturday February 21, 2004 @04:51PM (#8351593) Homepage Journal
    Whereas I have strong doubts about the validity of this study, I also have strong doubts about the security of GNU/Linux. It may build on UNIX principles that have been tested through time, and Linus certainly emphasises code quality, but the system as a whole is pretty new and therefore untested, and not all contributors can reasonably be expected to be aware of all possible security issues. Also, the C library is full of unsafe functions (fgets, scanf, ...), and the privilige system is quite coarse, often requiring that processes have powers that far exceed what they need to have (e.g. to install a program in the /usr/local filesystem, virtually anyone runs it with root priviliges - which also allows the process to overwrite files elsewhere in the system.

    A lot of vulnerabilities are found in programs that are part of typical GNU/Linux installations. Although patches are typically made available swiftly, it's still the admins' responsibility to apply them. A system is only as secure as you keep it, and with all the wannabees running Linux c0z 1tz 1337, I don't have very high expectations. Also, keep in mind that Linux has been a small target, which makes it less popular with crackers, and that attacks against it don't affect J. Windows Luser's system, so the chances that you'll here about them are significantly reduced.

    I run Debian GNU/Linux [debian.org] myself and I am completely in love with it, because it provides a system that Just Works and that I can understand the workings of. Debian puts a lot of effort in quality and security, however, I won't make any claims about how secure it is until I have trustworthy data about it.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
