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Spam The Internet

Man Arrested for 'Spam Rage' 547

Mirkon writes "We've all gotten frustrated at some point with spam. Perhaps we've even been motivated to send nasty, threatening messages back to the spammers, just to vent some frustration. Wired reports that 44-year-old computer programmer Charles Booker did just that, and 'now faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.'"
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Man Arrested for 'Spam Rage'

Comments Filter:
  • by corebreech ( 469871 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:06AM (#7536342) Journal
    So of course the guy goes nuts.

    Now I see that they are able to send you animations/videos that get past Mozilla's image-blocking feature. Saw the first one yesterday, trying to sell me a Sony VAIO. How long is it going to be before I get one featuring erotic acts with barnyard animals?

    The only thing that surprises me about this is that it wasn't a father who went nuts when seeing his little boy or girl subjected to some of this crap. Yeah, the penis ads are truly obnoxious... but to see your kids exposed to this some of this stuff? I could really sympathethize with someone going postal because of this.
    • by ekephart ( 256467 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:21AM (#7536432) Homepage
      Well I don't sympathize. Why can't some people block this stuff mentally? I get penis, hot love4u, debt consolidation, viagra, etc. spam all the time. Those emails I DO NOT OPEN. They go straight to the trash. Additionally, I keep the adware off my machine. I don't really have any problems.

      That said, advertising's worst enemy is indifference. Whether one is influenced to buy or influenced to get angry one is still influenced.

      Just ignore it.
      • I'm sorry ... were you saying something ... ?

        I wasn't paying attention...

      • by stephanruby ( 542433 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @01:31PM (#7537209)
        Well I don't sympathize. Why can't some people block this stuff mentally? I get penis, hot love4u, debt consolidation, viagra, etc. spam all the time. Those emails I DO NOT OPEN. They go straight to the trash. Additionally, I keep the adware off my machine. I don't really have any problems.

        Indifference to the death threats should also be the response of the spammer. Just consider it a cost of doing business. When you email a couple of million people and when you refuse to unsubscribe them, you're bound to upset a few deranged people.

        If the spammer wins, this is going to open the flowed gates for thousands of prosecutions. And as a taxpayer, I don't want to pay for this crap. Our government has better things to do.

        • If the spammer wins, he will publicly expose himself. He will effectively paint a giant target on his back.

          When someone is harrassing you, I believe it's fine to defend yourself with mild acts of violence. While I don't think killing a spammer is appropriate, a good ass-whooping may be exactly what he needs.

      • Fucking hell, I'm so tired of hearing this "ignore advertising" answer to spam complaints.

        Spam is not advertising. Spam is theft, assault, pandering, and fraud. To ignore that sort of bad behaviour removes the only real cost associated with basing a business on such activity.

    • by ONOIML8 ( 23262 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:50AM (#7536596) Homepage
      It is exactly for that reason that I am now pushing to have internet access removed from local classrooms. The spam and popups have gotten so bad that my second grader sees these messages come up on their classroom computer several times a day. The school has a good IT department, lots of filters, and policy with the best intentions but they just can't keep up with it.

      I used to be one of the most vocal about getting/keeping internet access in schools and public libraries. All that has changed now that the spammers have turned the net into the cesspool that it is.

      • by BJZQ8 ( 644168 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:02PM (#7536670) Homepage Journal
        Internet access in schools needs one thing...supervision. It is a remarkable tool for schools that don't have the resources or staff to do some of these things...the school district I work for is in a rural part of Illinois, and we don't have much access to the newest this and flashiest that...but with the internet, we are able to give kids access to more than we could ever hope to afford...I use a combination of filters that have reduced popups and crap on the internet to a manageable level on the supervision side. The biggest thing that I have found is not to use commercial solutions like Surfcontrol/Surfpatrol/Cyberpatrol/whateveryouwant tocallit...they are much more show than go. I use a product known as Dansguardian, which is a modified Squidguard. Block popups entirely, and block various vulgar words...while at the same time making exceptions for words like "cancer." Filter it to a negligible level...heck, just constrain your allowable domains to a few known research pages...but sheesh, don't get rid of it entirely! These kids are going into the century where they will be academically helpless without the ability to use a computer effectively to solve problems.
        • I agree that kids should have access to computers and I would never want to take that away from them. The problem is the connection to the outside world.

          You say to "filter it to a negligible level" but I'm thinking that's a relative term. For me, at no point is it acceptable for a class of children to see popups for penis enlargement, breast enhancement or pr0n. I'm talking about a tolerance of zero per school year.

          The problem with an internet connection in the classroom is that, at this point, the sup
    • by CaptBubba ( 696284 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:33PM (#7536837)
      I've posted about this before, but it is such a great tool it really needs to be included in everyone's regular mozilla/firebird setup along with mouse gestures.

      Flash Click-to-View [] helps get rid of those stupid blinking flash ads. These are the ones that get around most ad-blocking software. Combine this with adblock [] and you have a very effective combination that gets rid of almost every ad out there with minimal configuration (just add the offending domains or some keywords to adblock's list, like "*.doubleclick.*" "*.atdmt.*" "*.x10*" "*ads.*", you get the idea).

      • Buggy as hell (Score:3, Interesting)

        by devphil ( 51341 )

        The idea behind Flash Click-to-View is a really great one, but the installer is broken, there's no uninstaller, the assumptions made by the author about how one browses the web are just stupid (only works as root? please), and the worst part is that he's not fixing any of this. He's not even talking to the users asking for help.

        So, it's much like most of the other mozdev extensions I've tried. :-) It compiles/parses/looks pretty! Ship it and ignore it!

  • Why not? (Score:2, Funny)

    by sugapablo ( 600023 )
    Hell, I know I feel like "disabling" these spammers who refuse to take you off their lists.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:09AM (#7536354)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by 192939495969798999 ( 58312 ) <> on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:09AM (#7536361) Homepage Journal
    I must say, I am disppointed that no one is allowed to be legitimately pissed off without getting a lawsuit. Back in the late 1800's, people who were annoying were called out in the street and shot at. I'm not saying that shooting people is the answer, but we should be allowed to vent frustrations so long as they don't include actual, specific assault against someone. Email is not an assault, unless the person says they're gonna hurt you, and you have some reason to believe that they are not kidding around.
    • It's not like they guy sent the email to the FAA, threatening an airliner or something like that. He said, 'Take me off your spam list or else', only after asking nicely tons of times. Is that worth a quarter million dollar fine? NO! Just take the freakin' guy off the email spam list the first time, and it never would have escalated. This is a company that found out just how mad spam can make people... they should consider themselves lucky that he wasn't a REAL nutcase and didn't drive a truck full of
    • by secolactico ( 519805 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:19AM (#7536420) Journal
      Email is not an assault, unless the person says they're gonna hurt you, and you have some reason to believe that they are not kidding around.

      According to the article, that's exactly what happened here. There were threats about "disabling" employees with bullet, ice picks and anthrax. Talk about getting medieval.

      If the neighbor's dog craps in my lawn every day and no complain of mine gets the owner to react, that doesn't empowers me to make threatening phone calls to his house.

      • by t0qer ( 230538 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @04:07PM (#7537966) Homepage Journal
        If the neighbor's dog craps in my lawn every day and no complain of mine gets the owner to react, that doesn't empowers me to make threatening phone calls to his house

        I have a neighbor that purposefully lets his dog out to crap on the neighbors lawn. (he brags how the dog never shits in his own yard)

        First time, I let it slide. Next few times I turned the hose on the dog, and warned the neighbor. One day I walked out to see the neighbor standing in front of my house, his dog squatted over my lawn dumping a big steamy turd where he wasn't supposed too. I finally lost my cool.

        I walked up behind the dog, grabbed the turd before it even hit the ground and flung it across the street at the neighbors car. Before he even said a word I warned him I had pictures of his dog shitting on my lawn, without a leash, and dared him to call the cops on me. After an exchange of words he went back home to clean the shit off his winshield. Needless to say his dog has never been on my lawn since.

        I think there is a moral to be learned here. Spammers no matter how much you beg them to get off their "penis enlargement" lists just won't do it. Maybe the solution isn't blacklisting, perhaps the solution is to just hit reply and send the shit back to them.
    • "Back in the late 1800's, people who were annoying were called out in the street and shot at."

      Only in Hollywood, and that was in the 1960's.

    • Email is not an assault

      NOw, IANAL, but I do believe I know what assault means, and yes, this *was* assault. If someone feels threatened for their personal safety, that *is* assualt, by definition. Don't confuse "assault" with "assault and battery". Assault does not mean that anything physical actually took place. It is merely the threat of such an act.

  • Spam Rage? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Schmucky The Cat ( 687075 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:10AM (#7536363) Homepage
    A man goes nuts and threatens the people who are spamming him with weapons and bio-weapons Seriously, this guy needs help.

    What kind of help? I'll loan him a gun or two. Can any /.'er surreptitiously provide the anthrax spores?

  • Ain't it great to see that our government has nothing better to do than protect spammers, as in "Hello, we've been harassing this guy and now he's threatened to retaliate. Please arrest him for us."
  • There's more information (including the company name, which Wired withheld) here.
    • by delfstrom ( 205488 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:14AM (#7536393)
      There's more information (including the company name, which Wired withheld) here [].
      • My favorite line:

        "Mackay said such firms gave a bad name to the penis enhancement business."

        Gosh, I can't belive I've been mislead to think the whole industry was a farce by "such firms".

      • by way2trivial ( 601132 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:48AM (#7536586) Homepage Journal
        I'm choking, I'm spewing strawberry yogurt

        " Mackay said such firms gave a bad name to the penis enhancement business. "

      • by EinarH ( 583836 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:50AM (#7536594) Journal
        The persons and companies behind are noturious spammers. A couple of whois lookups and google searches reveal some Nassau, Bahamas registrered companies and a lot of angry people reciving spam from these folks.


        Leading Edge Marketing Inc.
        PO Box CR-56766
        Suite #1210
        Nassau, New Providence ---

        Domain Name: ALBIONMEDICAL.COM

        Administrative Contact:
        Leading Edge Marketing, Leading Edge Marketing
        PO Box CR-56766
        Suite #1210
        Nassau, New Providence ---

        Technical Contact:
        Leading Edge Marketing, Leading Edge Marketing
        PO Box CR-56766
        Suite #1210
        Nassau, New Providence ---

        Record last updated 06-20-2003 03:25:11 PM
        Record expires on 05-23-2008
        Record created on 05-23-2001

        And a pissed guy:

        Jesus fucking christ. I'm getting spam bounces again, this time from from some shit-heel pushing pheremones. (Mailing address on page) The company sending the actual messages is "Leading Edge Marketing", in the Bahamas, I assume, from their whois record:
        Leading Edge Marketing, Leading Edge Marketing
        PO Box CR-56766
        Suite #1210
        Nassau, New Providence ---

        I heartily encourage any and all civic-minded Internet users to track down and punish these motherless fucks in whatever manner seems appropriate. Not only are they wasting the bandwidth and time of who knows how many million email readers, but they're using my name to sign their poo-flings, causing me to deal with their bounces, and possibly getting my domain on a blacklist somewhere. Time to make these Joe Jobbing asshats pay.

        I swear to god, if I ever meet a spammer in person, the devil's gonna need a wig.

        The fact that these people do Joe Jobs also doesn't help.
    • Booker identified the object of his rage as Albion Medical, which claims to produce the "Only Reliable, Medically Approved Penis Enhancement."

      That's from the Wired article. It would appear they didn't do much withholding.
      • It would appear they didn't do much withholding.
        No, Albion Medical is the company that makes the spamvertized product. The "unnamed Canadian company" that Wired did not disclose is DM Contact Management, specifically president Douglas Mackay, who did the advertising.
  • This is for repeated threats over a period of two months. Consider that before judging this guy. (Unless, of course, you're one of those few who actually read the article.)
  • Oh sh*t... (Score:3, Funny)

    by pVoid ( 607584 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:12AM (#7536376)
    I hope CmdrTaco and CowboiNeal don't start suing, cause I'd owe more then $250k's worth for my slashdot rage.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:12AM (#7536381)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Overreaction (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ekephart ( 256467 )
    "Booker said the problem stemmed from a program he mistakenly downloaded from the Internet that brought a continuous stream of advertising to his computer."

    Um, remove the ad-ware.

    What's funny is the company Albion Medical "claims to produce the 'Only Reliable, Medically Approved Penis Enhancement.'"

    He definitely overreacted. There is no reason to ever threaten employees of a company with anthrax infection, torture by ice pick or power drill, and castration. Come on. Then again, what jury would convi
  • "Here's what happened: I go to their website and start complaining to them, would you please, please, please stop bothering me," he said. "It just sort of escalated ... and I sort of lost my cool at that point."

    Well if this company would have to actually listen to people when they opt-out instead of just confirming that email address exists and spamming it more, this wouldn't have been an issue. What the man did was wrong, but the company in question should also be liable for damages.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    This guy is a computer professional?

    Must work for the government, or something.
  • I'm sending a copy of the Wired article to President Bush and asking him him to pardon this guy as a demonstration of how we feel about spam. If that doesn't work maybe he could use the "Twinkie Defense".
  • by cluge ( 114877 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:18AM (#7536416) Homepage
    Booker threatened to send a "package full of Anthrax spores" to the company, to "disable" an employee with a bullet and torture him with a power drill and ice pick; and to hunt down and castrate the employees unless they removed him from their e-mail list, prosecutors said.

    Hmm, nothing wrong with that, lets look at it a little differently. The company in question -

    1. Insulted him repeatedly about his penis size. Thus making the internet a hostile and intimidating place.

    2. They made his computer unuseable causing a loss of income.

    3. They intruded into his home and refused to leave his personal property alone.

    And the government did nothing about it. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of these were infringed by the spammers. I think the defendant has his atitude wrong. He need NOT apologize, instead change his defense to "I was being harmed, pursued, harassed and the government refused to come to my aid. What options were left I was was to continue on with my life?".

    Now THAT would be interesting, instead, all that we see is another story about hwo bad spam is. It will drive you crazy.


    • They intruded into his home and refused to leave his personal property alone.

      Wow - the spammers actually entered his house, and refused to stop messing around with his stuff? No wonder he went a bit nuts on them...
  • by QEDog ( 610238 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:19AM (#7536424)
    now faces up to five years in prison

    Only Reliable, Medically Approved Penis Enhancement.

    poor guy if he finds one of those enlarged pennis in jail...

  • Double standard? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by carcosa30 ( 235579 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:21AM (#7536433)
    Oh, so a corporation making ridiculous claims and flouting numerous laws in doing so is just fine, but when someone replies with empty threats, the judicial system brings down the hammer.

    Yeah, this guy is obviously a total moron, but the case shows both how stupid the laws are with regards to spam, and how angry it makes people. It's like the kid on the schoolbus who gets poked and needled every day and nobody notices, but when he finally snaps and slugs one of his tormentors (or worse) it's a terrible thing.

    I've done this in the past. Threatened spammers, that is. Nothing so dire nor graphic as this fellow, but I was angry enough that I wanted to get back at them somehow. I know someone who's said that he wants to torture and kill all spammers, and he's a totally meek, mellow guy for the most part. The anger people express about spam is very surprising, even more than telemarketing. It's surprising also that the bastards can make any money at all on a practice so universally reviled.

    I used to care, back when I got maybe 20 spams a day. Now that I'm up above ~500, I don't care anymore.
  • by HarveyBirdman ( 627248 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:21AM (#7536439) Journal
    Then he'd only be facing about a year in jail.
  • apparently he got a stream of video from downloading a program from the internet. well, duh. don't download crap off the interent like that. the dude's a programmer? he MUST be a windows programmer. probably visual basic too.

    oh yeah, obligatory open source reccommendation too.
  • by reality-bytes ( 119275 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:29AM (#7536477) Homepage

    "I will hunt down and castrate your employees unless you take me off your e:mail list".

    Now can anyone tell me what on earth is so unreasonable about that?

    But seriously. The fact that the Canadian company failed to take him off their e:mail list the first time he complained / threatened could surely be seen a provocation. (At least in terms of lessening the guys sentence)
  • What ? (Score:5, Funny)

    by KoolDude ( 614134 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:35AM (#7536515)

    This guy should be nuts. I mean, come on, why would anyone even say NO to an offer of 30% of US$10,000,000 ( Ten Million US Dollars only ) and FREE Pills(TM) to improve Sex Life(TM) ?
  • OK, so before anyone says "the spammers have already won", here are some facts from the Wired article:

    Booker said the problem stemmed from a program he mistakenly downloaded from the Internet that brought a continuous stream of advertising to his computer.

    So, he downloaded spyware or adware. That there reduces the amount of sympathy I might have towards him.

    Booker threatened to send a "package full of Anthrax spores" to the company, to "disable" an employee with a bullet and torture him with a power

    • No. If we threw everyone who made death threats, even very specific ones, into Gitmo, then we'd have to conquer the rest of Cuba to make room for all of them.

      Of course, if a company forwards a threat it receives to the FBI, they have to take it seriously. However, I hope the judge or jury in this case will realize that that jail time is just too much for someone who blows off steam inappropriately in email.

      The media, including slashdot, is DEFINITELY doing the right thing here, though. Albion Medical

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I think we should alls end them many emails saying how we feel.

    and click on their website links

    a LOT
  • First, tell that people who like music are thieves and prosecute them.

    NOW...arrest and fine victins of bad internet usage.

    What is next?

    "land of freedom" yeah yeah yeah..I know.
  • by scrytch ( 9198 ) <> on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:41AM (#7536544)
    One word: discovery.

    If this guy has any brains (perhaps not a warranted assumption) then he's going to get a defense lawyer and let the subpoenas start flying. This company's criminal behavior is all going to get laid out in black and white as part of the discovery process. This is why Emarketers America dropped their suit against spamhaus and SPEWS -- you better believe this guy will have discovery under criminal proceedings.

    That said, it's really not nice to aim your death threats at secretaries and customer service people.
  • It's important to note that the offending company did not even have the slightest amount of decency to apologize, not that I'm surprised.

    So what happens to the company now? Do they just get off scott free having harassed this guy for a few months with advertisements for snake oil? Doesn't Canada have an equivalent of the Federal Trade Commission [] to investigate their deceptive advertising? I say give the guy who made the threats some community service time and some anger management classes, but then have th
  • Let me get this straight - one sham "penis enhancing business" is blaming *another penis enhancing business for actually joe-jobbing the spam? Let us consider the content of the two quotes below:

    "The object of the Californian's anger was Douglas Mackay, president of DM Contact Management, which works for Albion Medical, a firm advertising the "Only Reliable, Medically Approved Penis Enhancement."

    So, he touts *HIS* company as *the* penis enlarging business to go to. heh.

    He said his firm does not send spam
  • From the article []:

    "A Silicon Valley computer programmer has been arrested for threatening to torture and kill employees ... of an unnamed Canadian company. ... Booker, of Sunnyvale, California, now faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine"

    Is that five years in a Canadian or US prison? I mean the way the economy is in California a short stay in Canada (even in one of their prisons) might be preferred. Atleast you'll get three meals a day and some poutine if you're good.

    If the fine is in CAD

  • The goal (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Trolling4Dollars ( 627073 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @11:53AM (#7536616) Journal
    I'm sure we've all said it. We've had enough. Enough of the spam. Enough with the telemarketers. Enough with people interrupting OUR private time. We've also all fantasized about ways to "get back" at these hucksters. Some of us more vividly violent than the others. And sadly, as this case will illustrate, we seem to be powerless. There is little or thing that can be done about this heinous situation. It's the sad and eventual outcome of capitalism run amok. And the people with the dollars have every resource available to them.

    Recently I receievd multiple snail mail solicitations for refinancing my mortgage. These came shortly after I refinanced with a reputable lender. I noticed that quite a few of them had business return envelopes and was going to use one of my old 80s techniques to annoy the companies, which was to send it back empty or send it back with useless stuff in it (other mail soliciations from other companies, etc...). But then I realized, we're in a bind these days regarding the mail. Ever since the whole anthrax thing happened after the American World Trade Center bombings, the arrival of an empty envelope or even an envelope with innappropriate contents could bring about a huge investigation.

    A similar kind of situation exists with telemarketers. Ever since the world got more exposure to things like workers "going postal" and the Columbine high school fiasco, even the slightest implication of violent language is now cause for concern. In the past, I could have told a telemarketer, "Have you ever seen the movie Falling Down? Well, if you keep calling you're going to get a visit from someone very much like the Michael Douglas character." and gotten away with it. Now if I say that, there's a pretty good chance that within hours I might get a visit from the police or within days or weeks get arrested. (Witness this story)

    So... the question... what to do about this situation? I think the first part of answering this is trying to find out what the goal actually is. I would suggest that the goal is to take back our personal time without having to PAY for it. No... caller ID and Privacy Managers aren't the optimum solution. The Do Not Call list was a nice idea, but who knows when and if it will ever actually be permanently implemented. Talking to these jackholes directly does no good and can only make matters worse. Since most of these assholes are driven to do this kind of thing to profit, I suggest that we do everything we can to damage their profitability. For every call that you recieve or every e-mail or snail mail that you get that has a parent company of address, you lodge a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Or perhaps, you just waste the telemarketer's time. Feign ignorance and get them to repeat their pitch multiple times. Keep them on the phone as long as possible. For every snail mail you get that has a business return envelope, send them your own form letter that tells them why you will never use their services or buy their products. (Make sure it's well worded and contains no threats no matter how much you may be tempted). On last ditch effort for those of you like me who like a good prank, is to take advantage of the fact that they called you and you can use them as the target of what would have previously been obscene or parnk phone calls. If the person is of the opposite sex, ask them if they are single. Or maybe you can ask them if their refrigerator is running, or if they have pig's feet or bowling balls... you get the idea. Think of it is phone trolling.

    Whatever the case, please go to my hournal and post any ideas you might have in my latest JE.

    Your Loyal Friend,
  • The main reason vigilante actions are "wrong" is because individuals and mobs are more likely to make mistakes in judgment and thus dispense inferior justice. You might be lynching someone who just looks like the guy who mugged your wife.

    Spam however, because it's carried out in the digital realm, can often be traced with certainty back to its perpetrator. Yes, you might just find a hijacked machine, but even then good detective work might track who hijacked it. And when the spam directs you to a Website s
  • Preferably choked full of normal people who have access to computers and e-mail, Please? ;)
  • This is silly. 5 years in prison and $250k fines? Isn't that a bit harsh? It's not like he actually did anything. People can get really creative when they receive spam. The magnitude of punishment he got for the threats is about the same as the spammers would have gotten if the guy actually did what he thretened to do. And then again, it was the spammers who started everything.

    Hmm, what I'd really like to see is news about someone really doing what he thretened to do to a spammer.
  • by Overzeetop ( 214511 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:02PM (#7536667) Journal learned from Corporate Mechanics: ht ml

    Looks like they (DM Contact Management, aka the spammer) took CM's advice and liked it:

    "Corporate Mechanics has been a key member of the set up team for our business. Corporate Mechanics and the guerilla management methods they have developed have streamlined our operation, technology, staff training, and development. Their assistance has cut our growth curve by a large margin and provided us a strong management and business platform to both operate and grow our firm effectively. The savings of effort and resources has been instrumental in our growth and profitability. The level of diverse experience coupled with the cutting edge solutions have served our company extremely well as they would any business. They get the job done period!

    If you are looking for business effectiveness specialists Corporate Mechanics is the real article without question!"

    Andrew MacKay, General Manager, DM Contact Management
    Customer and Support Services Provider to Internet Marketers
    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

    So I suppose we should add Brian R Bowman (CEO of Corporate Mechanics) to the s#!t list of bad people who support such badgering of "clients". Maybe even drop him an email at or give him a call (1-888-980-7520) to let him know what you think of the tactics which make otherwise sane people become email murderers.

    Yeah, it's illegal to send threats, but I think this guy should get off just on the principal of it. Kind of like sending email threats fo Osama bin Laden or Saddam - kind of chicken soup for the soul.

    Of course, being CA, maybe this will spark a 3 day waiting period on ice picks and power tools.

  • California Law (Score:3, Informative)

    by Prince Vegeta SSJ4 ( 718736 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:09PM (#7536697)
    I posted this earlier, but it was as a reply to my own post, I thought it might be more useful here, with this heading.

    Here is a california law about WMD's and electronic threats (Anthrax is a Biological agent, so I beleieve it's covered here)

    California Penal Code 11418.5 Threat to use weapon of mass destruction

    11418.5. (a) Any person who knowingly threatens to use a weapon of mass destruction, with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or by means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so unequivocal, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety, or for his or her immediate family's safety, which results in an isolation, quarantine, or decontamination effort, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year or in the state prison for 3, 4, or 6 years, or by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.

    (b) For the purposes of this section, "sustained fear" can be established by, but is not limited to, conduct such as evacuation of any building by any occupant, evacuation of any school by any employee or student, evacuation of any home by any resident or occupant, or any other action taken in direct response to the threat to use a weapon of mass destruction.

    (c) The fact that the person who allegedly violated this section did not actually possess a biological agent, toxin, or chemical weapon does not constitute a defense to the crime specified in this section.

    (d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent punishment instead pursuant to any other provision of law that imposes a greater or more severe punishment.

  • My question is... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by cbiltcliffe ( 186293 )
    If the guy was a computer programmer, as the article claims, why the heck didn't he have the knowledge to remove the offending program, rather than putting up with a system that "had been rendered almost unusable for about two months by a barrage of pop-up advertising and e-mail."

    Even if it doesn't uninstall through the control panel applet, he should have known how to use msconfig, or a registry hack to stop it from running. (I'm assuming this is a Windows system, since no spammers that I know of have w
  • Mistake? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ptaff ( 165113 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:12PM (#7536717) Homepage
    Booker said the problem stemmed from a program he mistakenly downloaded from the Internet that brought a continuous stream of advertising to his computer.

    a Silicon Valley computer programmer (!!!)

    So, I see. Installs stuff "mistakenly". And what about other stuff he didn't notice? not all spyware stuff spawn pop-ups.

    I guess his machine is infected with crap; now this guy writes code - probably distributes binaries. It seems to me that he is clueless about what is running on his machine - didn't even install a spam filter. He's a programmer, not aunt Sally, that's frightening.

    What was the name of the company he was working for, again?

  • So what's the problem with what he did? =]

    VICTIM #3: I mean, I killed fifteen of those buggers, sir. Now, at home, they'd hang me! Here, they'll give me a fucking medal, sir!

  • by Jesrad ( 716567 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:14PM (#7536728) Journal
    This guy should have formulated his threats in a Official-sounding, Religious kind of way. Like:

    I, Jesrad, Pope of the DIscordian Church of Kalliste, Hereby demand that your company removes Me from whatever email lists it maintains. Failure to comply will result in [enter list of gruesome curses and obscene tortures in a ritual kind of procedure].

    In the name of our Lady of Confusion, [dated, signed]

    This way your threats can pass off as protected religious practices. Goddess knows my religious practices often pass off as threatening, so the opposite shouldn't be that hard.
  • by Jerry ( 6400 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:16PM (#7536746)
    Charles Booher, the man who became frustrated with penis ads popping up on his computer, received no satisfaction when he used civility in his attempts to pursuade whom he thought was the source of the email and popups to quit sending them to his PC. Their rejection of his requests moved him to higher levels of insistance, and finally to threats, even though he obviously had no means to carry them out.

    He was merely venting his anger at the helplessness of his situation. Being powerless does that to people. People in power don't seem to understand this basic fact or, in their arrogance, they have forgotten it.

    Congress may finally inact legislation that outlaws spam, giving Mr. Booher, and millions of others, relief from that plague. But, there is something you can do to relieve a plague of another kind: an overly agressive prosecutor who lack common sense or is looking for stepping stone in his/her political career. As a criminal forensic investigator for 15 years, I understand the directive to 'ferret out crime', but I know that prosecutors have their own counsel on whom they choose to prosecute, and why. Work loads, budget limitations, friendships, influence from above, and many other reasons affect whom prosecutors finally choose to prosecute. Many times the choice is arbitrary. Mr Booher probably can't afford a high profile attorney, so he is easy pickings. If the prosecutor in this case would only step back a moment and see how ridiculus this action makes him/her and the department look, perhaps they would reconsider. Considering the circumstances this assult could be dismissed with a 'warning', which I think Mr. Boohers' has already become fully aware.

    I can understand his rage. At work, where I am a professional programmer, we have trained IT staff that maintain the interface between my PC and the Internet, and filter out 100's of viruses, trojans, and spam email daily, and their effects on my work PC are greatly reduced. Also, Microsoft Windows environments are extremely susceptible, as you are proabably aware, to such malware and Mr. Boohers' is not the only one making threats to spammers. You can Google the internet and see millions of messages venting the same rage, many of them probably from SF itself. In the age of Radical Extremeists blowing up buildings and murdering thousands of innocent people, prosecuting Mr. Boohers' is like an elementry school principle expelling a first grader for 'possession of a weapon' because he brought fingernail clippers to school, or a girl for 'drug possession' because she has a bottle of asprin in her purse.

    If Mr. Boohers' has committed a crime it was that he is using the wrong Operating System. You should advise him to switch to a fine Linux Operating System, like Mandrake 9.2 or SUSE 9.0, and send him out the door. He won't be plagued with any malware ever again, because Linux IS secure. It is also free. That should calm him down even more!

    Thanks for your time.
    jerry Kreps
    Lincoln, NE.

    PS. Isn't the current "Politically Correct" environment making you ill? If mind reading hardware were available I do believe that we'd see prosecutions for what we think, too. Truely, the Bill of Rights seems to be a dead
  • Here's what I don't get... This guy is a programmer and he not only can't block spam emails effectively, but look at this quote from the article (yep I'm one who actually reads them ;):

    Booker said the problem stemmed from a program he mistakenly downloaded from the Internet that brought a continuous stream of advertising to his computer.

    So this is a guy who clicks 'Yes' to popups that say Do you want to install HorsePornSpamSender.exe?! And furthermore, doesn't know how to download and run AdAware or Sp
  • will convict this guy. He just needs to make sure he has a good lawyer and that they do lots of discovery to document the behavior of the comany.
  • Now that these stupid fucks have exposed who they are, is the RCMP going to arrest them and shut down their scam company?
  • by mgoodman ( 250332 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:26PM (#7536803)
    Leading Edge Marketing Inc.
    PO Box CR-56766
    Suite #1210
    Nassau, New Providence ---


    Administrative Contact:
    Leading Edge Marketing, Leading Edge Marketing
    PO Box CR-56766
    Suite #1210
    Nassau, New Providence ---

    Technical Contact:
    Leading Edge Marketing, Leading Edge Marketing
    PO Box CR-56766
    Suite #1210
    Nassau, New Providence ---

    Record last updated 06-20-2003 03:25:11 PM
    Record expires on 05-23-2008
    Record created on 05-23-2001

    Domain servers in listed order:

    Gee...that was tough.

    And what kind of retarded programmer is this that he doesn't even know how the internet works in this day and age? You don't reply to spam. Of course it's going to get worse. You simply launch a ddos attack on their mail servers while talking to their ISP and forcing them to stop hosting the wankers. And if they don't, then ddos them and talk to their ISP. Etc.

    Here's a start...
    Starting nmap 3.48 ( ) at 2003-11-22 12:23 Ea
    Interesting ports on
    (The 1650 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    22/tcp open ssh
    25/tcp open smtp
    80/tcp open http
    443/tcp open https
    587/tcp open submission
    801/tcp open device
    873/tcp open rsync
    Device type: general purpose
    Running: FreeBSD 4.X
    OS details: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
    Uptime 123.792 days (since Mon Jul 21 18:24:33 2003)

    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 20.954 seconds

    FreeBSD. Good. More of a challenge =)
  • by mackman ( 19286 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @12:28PM (#7536814)
    Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:43:42 -0700 (PDT)
    From: ...
    To: Haji Lota <>
    Subject: Re: Don't wait to find out...

    I have already purchased 8 of these. My penis is now over 30 inches long.
    I really don't have room in my pants for any more. Would you please stop
    sending me these messages.


    On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Haji Lota wrote:

    > Gain 1-4 inches
    > 100% All Natural Penis Enlargement Pills
    > Add 2+ inches to your Penis!
    > please visit our web site click here
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @01:11PM (#7537054) Homepage
    He was in California. If Congress hadn't legalized spam at 6 AM this morning, he could have sued the crap out of them after January 1. He could have sued them anyway, and tried out the "long arm" feature of California's old anti-spam law, even though the penalties were small.

    Here's what's going to happen after February 21:

    • You're going to get tons of spam, and from major companies. This becomes legal, even in states where it used to be illegal.
    • The headers will be correct. There are penalties for forging headers.
    • The spam won't necessarily have the company name, just some unsubscribe URL and a P.O. box for written "opt-out" requests.
    • You can go through the motions of "opting out", but it won't do much. "Opt-out" is interpreted narrowly, on a "per sender" basis. "Sender" is defined narrowly - "The term `sender', when used with respect to a commercial electronic mail message, means a person who initiates such a message and whose product, service, or Internet web site is advertised or promoted by the message." (from S.877) Note the "and"; it's not there by accident. Each combination of spammer and advertiser may be considered a different "sender". That clause could even be interpreted to completely let third-party spammers off the hook. So advertisers get to throw away the opt-out list every time they change spamhauses. There's even a "separate line of business" exception to make this explicit - spammers with both "Viagra" and "refinancing" spams don't have to use the opt-out list from one with the other.
    • You can't sue. Only the FTC and the U.S. Justice Department can sue.
    This was all carefully crafted by lobbyists for the Direct Marketing Organization, who will be celebrating as soon as they get some sleep, having been up all night getting this through the House.
  • by WildBeast ( 189336 ) on Saturday November 22, 2003 @02:25PM (#7537462) Journal
    $250k and 5 years in prison for making fictious threats? Jesus we can't allow ourselves a moment of rage nowadays.

Your password is pitifully obvious.
