Command-Line Crypto From Phil Zimmermann, Again 165
They aren't paying for a pretty logo.
The real reason is that the GUI version of PGP (along with other graphical encryption software, like the GNU Privacy Guard) aren't even in the same market.Casual computer users have never laid out much money for encryption. The widespread use of PGP in its original incarnation (during the era of Zimmermann's prosecution for allowing it to be exported) can be attributed as much to its zero-dollars price as to a generalized interest in privacy. Home and hobby users are not cut out from buying Veridis's software -- for about a hundred dollars, you can buy a personal use version of the command-line version. The real money isn't in individuals keeping their tax records private, though -- Zimmermann and Veridis, like NAI (whose PGP-based product is called E-Business Server) are really aiming at commercial and governmental datacenters, and for customers willing to accept a much higher pricetag.
Insurance companies, banks, credit card processing centers, state records -- anywhere financial or otherwise confidential records are exchanged or stored en masse -- these all need encryption which works at the command-line. More precisely, they need crypto software which can work without direct human intervention at all. Instead, massive data centers need tools which can be called by scripts and other programs, so servers, or server farms, can spend their time crunching numbers rather than drawing pictures.
The name is familiar ...
The commercial competition FileCrypt faces is familial -- it's the same product from NAI (sold from their McAffee division) that prevents Zimmermann and Veridis from calling their software PGP, even though NAI now labels their product E-Business Server. And though many companies have homegrown cryptographic solutions, Zimmermann says he knows of no other packaged software offering the high-volume encryption that the products from NAI or Veridis do.And, he emphasizes, what they do is very similar. He says of the Veridis command-line product compared to NAI's, "It's drop-in compatible, identical in operation ... you could run the same perl scripts, the same command-line arguments."
If you want to buy Veridis' encryption software licensed for electronic commerce (not one-person use), hold onto your wallet: the price jumps about 50 times, to a shade under $5000, which Zimmermann describes as a bargain -- at least compared to the competition.
(Prices on the McAfee website show a one-year subscription-based license for E-Business Server starting at $6,875; $14,375 buys a perpetual license, with no included support.)
Both sides of that fence.
And of competing in this case with a product that originated from his own crypto software (and his own company, PGP Inc.), Zimmermann says "I just don't really think of that as my product any more. It's in the hands of NAI, all the engineers have been fired. I just don't feel psychologically connected to that product."To look and not to sell.
Especially when it comes to cryptographic software, code openness is considered not just a virtue but a near necessity. Peer-review and independent auditing, after all, are about the only ways you can tell that software isn't shuttling credit card numbers to the wrong person.The business model of selling high-priced crypto software at thousands of dollars per processor doesn't mesh well with gratis software, though. To that end, Zimmermann says the FileCrypt code will be soon be available for download and inspection under terms which he says will be similar to those under which users can download the code for PGP Corporation's version of the PGP-based desktop software. (PGP Corporation's terms are available though their source code page).
Automated jobs (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Of course it's easier to automate a command line tool. They're designed that way.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Windows command line utilities (Score:2)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
For instance, it was nigh impossible to easily schedule disk defrags under 2000 using task manager because there was no way to kick off the defrag automatically. In XP this was resolved with the command line tool "defrag".
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
There are many things I automate, like you indicate like cron jobs, that automatically perform a given set of operations related to some event.
GUI is for human operators, where scripts are optimal for the machine usage.
It seems like I remember somewhere there was a precursor to PGP what *was* command-line.. is it something like gpg or something? I am rusty here.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
When I reloaded, I see you posted too, with some nice info on the gpg.
I never got that involved with encryption, but it sure seems I remembered some command line version. I have always insisted that sets of critical maintainance tools be both GUI and Command-Line based for the exact reasons stated in many posts here - GUI for me, Scripts for things I set in place and run until I change them. (automation)
It does look like a re-release of something we have had for some time now... but under a different name now. And a much higher price...
That's the beauty of this forum.. it sure cuts through all the bs.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:5, Informative)
No, he means the commands called by 'at'. Some Windows functions have no commandline equivalents.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:4, Interesting)
Right click on "My Computer", then choose
Now select the source account and click the "Copy To" button, which opens the "Copy To" dialog box.
Now complete the "Copy Profile To" field, by either clicking on the "Browse" button and navigating the resultant dialog box, or by simply entering the path into the edit box.
Now click the "Change" button in the lower frame. Depending on your security setup, do another series of steps to select the target user account. Now click the "Ok" button in the "Copy To" Dialog.
Now you might wish to click on the "Change Type" button, and select the appropriate type from the resultant radio button group, depending on whether or not you're doing roaming profiles.
Are you catching the drift?
Ive never seen it more easily done than the loose equivalent of these commands:
But really, all kidding aside, I'd love to see how one is supposed to do what I described in the first portion of my comment from a command line or cron script in Windows.
If that's doable through WSH or some other new tools, then well, that's great! But howcome nobody knows about the interfaces? Because they don't exist? I'm inclined to think so; or perhaps not until the recent past at best. At any rate, the commands for UNIX are tried and true; no brainers. They're not going to change any time soon and you can bet they'll pretty much work wherever you go.
But really, how do you do that in Windows?
Where's your Microsoft Bob when you need him?
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
Thank you.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
Simple. The desktop setting is simply another registry setting. Have a batch file run that imports a
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
C:>copy con ftpscript.txt
1 file(s) copied.
C:>ftp -A -s:ftpscript.txt ftp.some.site.com
How hard is that?
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
Oh, you meant tasks, not functions?
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
I won't touch a windows network or help admin one because of how cheesy and unreliable that software is designed. If you want my help you got to use the best tool for the job, which unless we're talking about the desktop does NOT come from Microsoft.
By scripting and automating shit with perl you can deal with any number of these stoopid windows boxes that keep getting in your way, prompting you if you are sure. Hell, perl expect can securely manage an entire UNIX network using one user account and ssh.
If you can't find a command on an NT box and want to waste your time writing one I suggest grabbing perl and cygwin and smoking a big phat bowl to supress the desire to throw the box out the freakin window because of all the "are you sure" prompts.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:3, Interesting)
At sometime launch some program, click to the appropriate tab, uncheck the appropriate box.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
It can call any script or executable with or without switches. It may be ugly, but it is basically functional.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:3, Informative)
In addition, for the simpler GUI jobs, there's PTFB ("Push the Freaking Button"), which will allow you to have a certain button or location clicked-on a certain amount of time after the window appears.
In fact, I setup many a batch file, that would lauch PTFB with a certain config file, then start a software installer. In case you haven't caught on yet, PTFB was configured to push the buttons automatically, so you didn't have to click a single button. (If I hear one person comment on how this nullifies EULAs, I may be forced to beat them to a bloody pulp.)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:3, Interesting)
Here's a free clue, kid: just because you don't know how to do it, doesn't mean it can't be done. Like the other poster said, at
Here's a free clue, kid: someone posts that command line tools are useful for in cron jobs, and that many times he wishes there was a "command line" tool to do something. (not schedule something)
60 people post a reply to him on slashdot to inform him of the command "at" which allows a windows machine to schedule things.
What do you do? what.. DO.. you... DO?
Heck, just add a 61st post which tries to put the original poster in his place by answering a question he didn't even ask! It's the slashdot way!
Not that those other 60 posters aren't just as clueless... but you all should learn that if you don't understand someone's post... you should just keep your trap shut.
karma? who cares... flame away.
Re:Automated jobs (Score:1)
Re:Automated jobs (Score:2)
That's what WSH is for. Try it, you might like it.
Advantage of command line... (Score:5, Informative)
As well as just about every other kind of script I would assume...
Re:Advantage of command line... (Score:1)
Re:Advantage of command line... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Advantage of command line... (Score:2)
Re:Advantage of command line... (Score:2)
$^^#@#$@34fds#@$23$@# (Score:1, Funny)
Story, or advertisement? (Score:5, Insightful)
It doesn't look like a normal submission to me. Proper grammer, objective opinion instead of random flames, and bulleted titles to visually seperate paragraphs instead of the shitty formatting job Slashdot forced me to get used to.
Me suspects there is more than meets the eye here...
Re:Story, or advertisement? (Score:5, Insightful)
Go back to the drawing boards, ad-bot!
Re:Story, or advertisement? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Story, or advertisement? (Score:1)
Next iteration... (Score:2)
I'll pass your feedback to the guys in ad copy writing, thank you. Who would have thought that the rules for advertising in Slashdot are reverse of everwhere else.
CLI version (Score:1)
Whenever I get a new computer, I expect a Command Line Interface (or shell as some are wont to call it) I must be old school, but I don't feel I'm totally in control if I have layers of GUI-fication and de-GUI-fication between me and processes.
Though that's probably not their reasoning, it's probably more of a spite thing, or keeping a finger in the pie, anyway.
I hear ya (Score:2)
I primarily prefer command line interfaces, as opposed to GUI or curses/ncurses, because it is so damn easy to script it. I can encrypt all
Another example of "old school" being the better choice is in security. I have the logger daemon piping output to a dumb terminal so that I can watch what's going on. I'm about to add a second that displays httpd logs.
Old school games are also better; even after porting
Maybe we should have a no-GUI holiday in which we don't use curses, X11, Aqua, or winshitgui.
Please note that the winshit download has yet to be tested.
HIPAA and PGP (Score:5, Interesting)
Command line GUI (Score:5, Interesting)
The command line is much quicker too. Don't want to type out a million options and flags? Then make an alias... one word is all it takes to run enormous computations.
In the case of PGP, the only GUI integration I need is in e-mail, and thankfully Evolution provides it. The rest of its use is on the command line, making encrytped tar archives, and saving other information.
Smug (Score:4, Funny)
The look on his face is so smug, like, ha ha, "I have no such non-compete agreement with NAI", so I'm gonna screm 'em!
--naked [slashdot.org]
GNUPG? (Score:1)
I'm Confused? (Score:4, Insightful)
this, but I could not resist.
I thought that the last time I used my pgp
(the oldie from MIT, now updgraded to GPG),
the whole darn thing is command line.
I get encryped email. I save it to a file (using
pine, my mua). I copy the file to my home machine.
I decrypt it using gpg, which is a command line
action. I read the message. I make my reply. I
encrypt it using my command line GPG. I ftp it
back to my email account. I use pine to include
the file into the reply email messages.
Now, I have been doing this both for my personal
use. I have also been using it to communicate
with one of my customers who is buying fetish
clothing from me, but who lives in a place that
he has to be careful.
Now, you are saying that I have to pay $5,000
for the privilege of using this, especialy for
my business?
Re:I'm Confused? (Score:2)
Re:I'm Confused? (Score:2)
I will look into it.
Why not sell the banks GPG? (Score:4, Insightful)
I guess banks want to pay for software so they have someone to moan at or something, perhaps the commercial software runs really quick?
Apart from this I can't think of a reason not to use GNUPG [gnupg.org], or am I missing something fundamental here?
Re:Why not sell the banks GPG? (Score:3, Insightful)
That, and it's fairly unlikely that the GPG group, as great as they are, has a dedicated corporate relations guy whose sole job is to make banks and corporations see the better value in the open-source world.
It's the same thing with Linux, although, now that there are companies like Red Hat backing it and there are lots of people embracing it and talking about their successes, that people are more likely to pick it up and use it for their installations. Sadly, GPG and a lot of other great projects haven't had this happen to them yet.
Re:Why not sell the banks GPG? (Score:1)
I see the need for the product, command line for encrypted server->server communications. Just wondering how/why it beats GPG. Maybe support. But at 99 dollars a user, the costs seem extremely high.
Good luck to Zimmermann, but cost saving companies will the free GNU versions.
Are you blind? (Score:5, Insightful)
[dan@dimension dan]$ gpg --help
gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.7
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to
redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.
Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:
Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160
Syntax: gpg [options] [files]
sign, check, encrypt or decrypt
default operation depends on the input data
And it doesn't cost $100...
Re:Are you blind? (Score:2, Insightful)
GPG is great, I just wish corporate customers to which the command-line version of PGP is targeted didn't feel unhappy using software they don't have to spend vast sums of money on.
People still believe in the mantra of "you get what you pay for" even if that saying is blatantly untrue with regards to free software - it's going to take a while before everyone understands that.
Re:Are you blind? (Score:3, Insightful)
GNU Privacy Guard isn't graphical (Score:5, Informative)
Neither Version Is Usable By Mom (Score:4, Insightful)
For some of us, there's the other problem - we use Pine or FringeMail 1.0003 or something for which the multiple-megabyte SMTP client plugins PGP GUI monster is just too unwieldy. Perhaps Phil Zimmerman sees that as a niche that got left behind as the giant GUI version evolved, and recognizes a need for the simple command line version.
Works for me; I'll always cut n' paste my ciphertext. I still use PGP 2.6.2. What's needed is a very simple cut n' paste Windows app that can generate or accept PGP-style blocks of ASCII.
Re:Neither Version Is Usable By Mom (Score:1)
Re:Neither Version Is Usable By Mom (Score:4, Informative)
It interoperates with GPG/PGP compatible mail clients. Of course, your email to people who have no encryption support is not encrypted, but that's pretty much unavoidable
It has Bruce Schneier's stamp of approval, and for a crypto product, that's really saying something.
Check it out.
Cut & paste (Score:2)
Re:Cut & paste (Score:2)
I'm not sure if it's still an exploit, but IE used to have an exploit in which a javascript could monitor your cut&paste buffer and, for example, transmit it to a third party. Of course, if you're really paranoid about security, you're probably not using IE
Or you could just use mcrypt (Score:1, Informative)
It's so easy that one time I need a encryption for some data from php, and I couldn't get libmcrypt installed. So, I wrote a simple cgi to stream the text through and then save the encrypted contents.
I'll sell it for $5 a copy for personal use and $500 a seat for commercial. I can customize the interface at my normal rates. But you really should just check out:
Believe it or not (Score:3, Insightful)
I have nothing against GUI's, I'm running KDE right now, but to have to fire one up just to encrypt text when I'm already in text mode is not only annoying, it's doofey.
Drifting, drifting.... (Score:3, Funny)
I'm sure PGP is important, but I can't remember what the acronym stands for --don't drift, don't drift off, focus buddy you can hang in there...
"...when NAI spun off PGP to PGP Corporation in 2002, they held onto the command-line version. OpenPGP, for whom Zimmermann serves as a technical advisor (as well as a reseller),..."
Almost five, it's about time to pack up and leave here, I wonder what's on TV tonight, probably nothing, Friday night blows. Need to get Road to Rome, but the flunky at Best Buy, who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, said they're getting another shipment today, so probably need to go by there after work...maybe pick up mgs2 for xbox while I'm at it. mmmm xbox....
"...is contractually unable to sell a command-line version. (He is on the board of Veridis as well.) But why introduce a text-only version of utility software, anyway, when the GUI-fied desktop version has been maturing for years and costs less?
"actually, if I send Bill Lumberg my tps reports now
Re:Drifting, drifting.... (Score:2)
PGP is important, but the world won't be ready for its functionality for another 10 years.
TOOMA here, but I think Phil Zimmerman once wrote in the documentation that when you use 2,048-bit encryption it would take the "US Government's best computers about 13,000 years to brute force the private key and decrypt the message." This translated to an encryption that while will not survive forever, it will survive long enough that you will be dead many times over before anyone cracks it. Therefore, its not perfect but its..
Pretty Good Privacy
Advertorioal again? (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't really understand why Phil is doing this. Perhaps some commercial customers feel more comfortable with a commercial package. However, GPG has had (German) government money funding its development and is thought to be quite good. The German Govt liked PGP as well, but it was complicated to licence. The old PGP commercial licence only permitted you to use the supplied binary, not to compile from source. The Germans supported the rewrite and AFAIK it is a standard there.
To me this seems like another of the recnt /. advertorials. An article about a product that isn't really newsworthy and there is a good Open Software and free equivalent.
Sad really isn't it!
I'm really disappointed.... (Score:4, Insightful)
In any case, it's not really clear this story is all that interesting as news anyway, for the very simple reason that it is very doubtful that commercial versions of PGP will succeed, simply becuase for the naive user, PGP is Just Too Hard to use. The moment you have to explain certification chains to users, you've lost. The naive user (the ones who can't figure out how to set the time on their VCR's) simply won't be able to cope. And for the expert users, they'll just simply download GPG, or perhaps the old version of PGP 2.6.2. Why should they pay $$$ for a commercial command-line version?
Re:I'm really disappointed.... (Score:1)
Re:I'm really disappointed.... (Score:2)
In any case, it's not really clear this story is all that interesting as news anyway, for the very simple reason that it is very doubtful that commercial versions of PGP will succeed, simply becuase for the naive user, PGP is Just Too Hard to use.
I guess commercial versions of relational databases will never succeed because for the naive user, SQL is Just Too Hard to use.
Not disappointed.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I'm really disappointed.... (Score:1)
They had a piece of text that was clearly allowable to mirror (press releases probably aren't things people want kept secret) and they did. More people could read the story. Seems like a good thing to me.
Re:I'm really disappointed.... (Score:2)
What makes you think it was free? Slashdot now accepts commercial ads written to look like the other stories. This started maybe a year ago?
GUI vs CLI (Score:1)
Selling it through his site (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
Command Line Crypto? GnuPG, surely? (Score:5, Interesting)
Let's be honest here. No-one in their right mind would use the PGP command line since something much better - GnuPG [gnupg.org] - came along, and this has been a while ago (they aren't migrating, they've often completed migration).
What Phil's trying to do here is sell a piece of software for an extremely high price which competes directly - directly, not just on the same turf but on the actual same blade of grass - with now well-proven software which is entirely free (beer and speech).
This is not a smart business plan. Only chance Veridis has is fast talking, name leverage and selling good support - trouble is, GPG doesn't actually need support as such, the software doesn't need to be, and isn't, really all that complex. Documentation should be enough, because it works already. The source is even friendly enough to adapt and build around for your own purpses, unless you're a moron, and morons should really not be adminning boxes you wanted to use strong crypto on.
I can't see a single reason you'd want to actually use Filecrypt over gnupg, especially given the high price tag... anyone?
Commercial vs freeware (Score:5, Insightful)
One reason for this is psychological; Republicans like to pal around with Republicans, Democrats like to hang with Democrats, and companies like to do business with companies.
Re:Commercial vs freeware (Score:2)
GPG is freeware
No GnuPG is not ``freeware'' It is licensed under the GPL; hence, it is Free Software. ``Freeware'' refers to a classification of software that is distributed by the author (or his publishing company) at no monetary cost. You may still be restricted by anti-community clauses in the EULA and by the source code remaining secret. Free Software preserves your freedoms and guarantees that you have access to the source code for studying, modification, and redistribution.
Better Solution (Score:1)
ncrypt (Score:1, Informative)
PGP Cluster (Score:3, Interesting)
Imagine someone wants to have strong key based encryption for a growing database with sensitive information. That someone could use huge muliprocessor, or clusters of smaller (or even just as large) computers to ecrypt that data, and archive it for another party or even themselves. Normally such a thing would take a while on a single computer, but with many computers working together, it could conceivably instantaneous.
A robust command line application could easily do that with currently availble cluster systems non-prepiertary to PGP. Someone with a cluster already built wouldn't even consider a GUI program.
Non-ssl-secured purchase form...??? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Non-ssl-secured purchase form...??? (Score:2)
But I agree, not having the form itself SSL secured is a bad move, as it's easy to assume your information will not be encrypted either.
"Here are three instant clarifications" (Score:1)
Why GPG is not an option (Score:1)
Re:Why GPG is not an option (Score:1)
Re:Why GPG is not an option (Score:2)
It doesn't include it by default because of patent issues, but if you need it, it's available [gnupg.org]. (There's even a precompiled Windows DLL.) Of course, depending on where you live, it may be against the law for you to use this code. You may even care. You might even be able to negotiate a license from the patent-holders to use the code, and still save money compared to what a commercial IDEA-based system might cost. And that might even help you begin a gradual migration away from IDEA and it's associated licensing fees, if an abrupt transition isn't possible. Just a thought.
Re:Why GPG is not an option (Score:3, Interesting)
It probably could be, but it's true that it isn't. However, the former problem can be mostly solved with pgpgpg [nessie.de], and the latter problem is pretty rare in my experience.
Anyway, all the tools I use [debian.org] have been updated to work with GPG. I think some of them may have even dropped PGP support.
FileCrypt comptetes with NAI product, not GPG (Score:4, Informative)
Re:FileCrypt comptetes with NAI product, not GPG (Score:2)
How 'bout you sign your posts so we know it's really you?
from a home/personal use standpoint... (Score:2)