X-Force Changes Vulnerability Disclosure Policy 98
BitHive writes "ISS has changed their policy for announcing security vulnerabilities. The new guidelines will give vendors thirty days to come up with a fix before disclosure is made, though there are a number of exceptions that can prompt faster disclosure. From the PC World article, these are: "The vendor issues a patch or announcement; an in-depth discussion of the problem occurs on a public mailing list; active exploitation of any form of the vulnerability occurs on the Internet; ISS receives reliable evidence that a vulnerability is in the wild; the media reports the vulnerability; or the vendor is unresponsive.""
$40 billion (Score:2, Funny)
No wonder we spent $40 billion [slashdot.org] on ISS! [iss.net]
They needed to research and develop their policies.
Whoops.... wrong ISS
Bad idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Bad idea (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Bad idea (Score:2)
That's rediculous. (Score:1, Insightful)
The same could (should!) be said about the police. Should we abolish policemen?
Anarchy is a better answer than corporation-cum-government forced secrecy, but it's still uncivilized. It should be someone's job to tread that tricky middle ground where the vulnerability is not irresponsibly publicized, but the vendors of the insecure software are not allowed to unreasonably suppress the details of the vulnerability. In other words, someone to maintain the threat of publicity just long enough to force the vendor to patch the wares as fast as possible, but not at the expense of end users everywhere.
Sounds like the ISS is stepping up to the plate and doing just that.
Re: Bad idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally, I think 30 days is a good time span for letting software companies fix their code. On the other hand, why wait 30 days until mentioning the vulnerability? ISS could simply announce that there *is* a problem with a given product without going into the details ("buffer overflow in Bind, tracking number #25521, details will be published December 16th 2002"). So, if your business runs a vulnerable piece of software which is not critical to your operation, you can disable the service until a patch is available. If the software is critical, it's up to you to take the risk.
Re: Bad idea (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: Bad idea (Score:1)
Hear hear.
There has to be some balance. If a vulnerability has existed for months or years without known exploits, the discoverer must consider that there is a high likelihood that even the slowest vendor could fix it before any black-hat re-discovers and exploits it. If that's the case, it is irresponsible to disclose it without giving the vendor -- even slow, crap, poor-at-bugfixing vendors -- a reasonable window to fix it.
I'm thinking particularly of the GreyMagic disclosures of cached object/XSS vulnerabilities here: As far as I know, they existed for around 18 months without anyone of any hat colour knowing, then GreyMagic unilaterally decided that 93% of internet users deserve to be rooted.
Re: Bad idea (Score:1)
I think the point was that this kind of relationship being established between the enforcer and the enforcee can easily lead to corruption.
Not that this was the end of security issue reporting as we know it.
And I agree. What do we call it when the Police have any kind of "relationship" with the criminals?
ISS Paid Off? (Score:5, Insightful)
Your argument is that this open change in their disclosure policy is a slippery slope to behind-the-scenes cash-for-silence deals. In my mind, the threat of such deals is not influenced whatsoever by the open and stated policy of ISS but rather by their corporate ethics. ISS and other security companies which deal with the government gain vast swaths of revenue due to the fact that they retain their integrity by laying out rules and following them. A single deal of the type that you mention would put the profits of the entire company and all its public shareholders at risk. In short, I believe your hypothesis is unfounded.
Re:ISS Paid Off? (Score:3, Insightful)
These are NEW guidelines? (Score:5, Informative)
BTW, the ISS press release is here [iss.net].
Re:These are NEW guidelines? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:These are NEW guidelines? (Score:2)
Re:These are NEW guidelines? (Score:2)
They've Reached a Balance (Score:4, Insightful)
rights of sysadmins (Score:2)
Excellent policy (Score:2)
Only one new aspect really. (Score:5, Informative)
The first to come to mind was when Apache was given less than a days notice before they disclosed the vulnerability.
Under the new policy Apache will be given the same 30 days that Microsoft has gotten. Fair's fair.
Re:Only one new aspect really. (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Only one new aspect really. (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsoft has an advantage at preventing this situation... black hats, or anybody else, can't look at MS's code.
Re:Only one new aspect really. (Score:1, Informative)
Reverse engineer the crash itself and determine if you've corrupted the stack sufficiently to execute arbitrary code, then determine the required junk to send it to cause it to run the code you want.
No source code is required for any of this to work.
The actual process is... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The actual process is... (Score:1)
2600 only prints exploits like "How to social engineer your way to admin on a Win95 box" or "Brute Forcing the intercom at Hardees with a Red Box."
Re:The actual process is... (Score:1)
Is ISS still relevant? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Is ISS still relevant? (Score:1)
Two words: Gilian Anderson.. rrrrr...
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:5, Insightful)
The script kiddies are clueless too. Script kiddie != black hat hacker. A script kiddie is someone who downloads the exploit when posted and uses it. The black hats discover the exploit.
The ratio of real 'hackers' to script kiddies is about 1 to a zillion.
So sure, that 1 hacker can still be running amok for 30 days, but the zillion script kiddies are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:2)
granted, this approach does open the door for more knowledgable blackhats to work on exploits... but its an interesting trade-off.
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:2)
But by even announcing that a hole has been found in a certain piece of software, you're giving a headstart to all the blackhatters, telling them where to start looking. If you can announce the hole and the patch at the same time, you at least give the sys admins ample opportunity to fix their machines before the bad guys figure out how to hack in.
Automated attack anyone? (Score:1)
It takes only one black-hatter, his installed base of zombies and a newly invented exploit to take out enormous quantities of vulnerable servers. Automagically. In under a day. Make that in under an hour. Ergo, you don't need script-kiddies. The only thing that saves us is that most black-hatters are not willing to risk getting caught so easily by doing the attacks themselves. They usually just want their fellow black-hatters to know how smart they are. 80% of the rest of them never even make their exploit known. They use it to their (financial) gain and get out. They are not going to tell anybody if they have any clue.
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:1, Insightful)
You weren't aware that ISS has a history of hiring known black and gray hats to work in X-Force and product development? ISS is not the only company guilty of this either. Corporate America would likey have a kitten if they found out that a substantial portion of the code base of many of the security products on the market were developed by people with less than pristine backgrounds.
And before anyone jumps up and says that it takes a hacker to catch a hacker, I certainly agree. However, is it the best possible outcome to have black hats working for security companies actively researching vulnerabilities, possibly funneling that information to the underground community, and ultimately into the hands of script kiddies? And just think of what bugs might be in the code of security software intentionally.
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:3, Insightful)
Which part of
did you not understand?
If ISS follows these guidelines, then any evidence of the vulnerability being actively used will mean an immediate (or at least accelerated) release of information.
This is a pretty good process, at least if it's held to for everyone fairly and equally.
Look, I can understand not reading the article, but when you don't even bother to read the freaking summary of the article and then postulate stupidly you're an idiot.
Re: (Score:1)
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:1)
And when it's my network that gets cracked and becomes the "evidence of the vulnerability being actively used" I'll be a whole lot less than happy to discover that "We knew all about this problem 29 days ago but didn't bother to tell you about it."
It's cold comfort to be told that your house is the first one to be burned down by the known-to-everyone-but-you faulty wiring when you're sitting in the middle of the smoking ruins.
Re:When guns are outlawed... (Score:1)
On the facts reported (Score:5, Insightful)
The message to vendors: we'll cooperate with you, if you act responsibly and respond quickly.
Quickly being the operative word. The tragic thing in the disclosure and response-time debate is the assumption that if the white-hat side discovers a flaw, they're the only ones who've found it... and just because you can't find a paper or an exploit after a bit of looking doesn't mean it's not out there.
Certainly, there is a long history of big vendors (I wont name any names... ah, whatever, Microsoft) who completely ignore (i.e. wont return calls) or yes the helpful hackers to death (i.e. yes, it's on the list, we'll have a new patch _any day now_ - rinse, repeat for 6 months), and then whine when the disclosure becomes public... even as the publicity stings them to finally bestir themselves to release a patch. So I'm very glad to hear of those in the security community making a logical response to it all.
Re:On the facts reported (Score:1)
Odd (Score:3, Interesting)
So, they give the vendors 30 days to respond -- unless the vendor doesn't respond sooner? Immediately? What's the point of the "30 day" rule if response is required BEFORE then?
Sounds like a completely arbiratry process to me.
Re:Odd (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Odd (Score:1)
Re:Odd (Score:1)
Being responsive only means ANSWERING to the e-mail, ACKNOWLEDGING the bug, and saying that you are TRYING to fix the problem.
Re:Odd (Score:1)
(but I see your point)
Why this is... (Score:4, Interesting)
Disclosure for the most part, is a good thing. Even with things such as smb, whereas the samba team found a way to shut down a server remotely with it, aren't disclosed, unless there is a threat of disclosure, in which you need to go ahead and patch your hole or you will be seen as, well, uncaring by those who care.
This also allows for faster knowledge, i.e., if there is an active mailing list on it, but I am not on that list, then iss will inform me of the problem, this is in the mailing list, or whatever form of communication said project uses.
The Cons
As mentioned in comments already, I am assuming, people will be able to blackmail one another in order to keep said hack/hole/easter bunny out of the lime light. A little bit of cash can go a long way sometimes. Be wary of what is, and what isn't, reported.
Why this is important to you:
It gives you a more defined description of how things are going to go, and how much salt grain you should take with each hack. You should know that each hack/hole out there has already been out there for a month, and that it could have been out there for a lot longer. Joe blackhat just doesn't give up his tools, unless they are not useful.
Why this is not important:
ISS is not the only security site, and it should not be your only site to get updates from, either. Do a google...
Surefire way to deal with pesky s'kiddies... (Score:2, Funny)
(Boy, did that headline have me confused or what?)
Cable? (Score:2)
I'm skeptical. (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyway, we've heard similar promises before from OIS (of which ISS is a founding member) and it never stopped ISS from unethical behavior. But now apparently it bit them in the ass. I am surprised that nobody of their "alliances" denounced ISS for their malpractices earlier; I suspect this has been done behind the curtains, but granted, as long as it's effective, fine with me!
So way to go ISS, but I wouldn't already sing hallelujah - they were always wrong and this is just normal.
Re:I'm skeptical. (Score:1)
DMCA issues vs. vulnerability issues (Score:5, Interesting)
Hey, if Wal-Mart can invoke it because people are pre-announcing their sale prices....
Re:DMCA issues vs. vulnerability issues (Score:1)
Re:DMCA issues vs. vulnerability issues (Score:2)
this was featured on
Another reason the DMCA is a completely evil law.
It protects corporations from having to take responsibilty for security flaws in their software, and it turns the people who try to help users by providing information about the flaws and possible fixes into "criminals."
Re:DMCA issues vs. vulnerability issues (Score:1)
I don't like the DMCA, either; however, the DMCA really isn't an issue in that case.
reminds me of something (Score:3, Informative)
In any case. The period looks pretty reasonable to me. The firm will have enough time to investigate and release a patch before the scriptkiddies out there will get their hands on exploit code. Now if all bughunters out there would follow this policy...
open source (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:open source (Score:1)
An idea (Score:3, Insightful)
If the exploit is highly dangerous, but complex, it would be preferrable a step-by-step disclosure in a period up to 30 days.
If there are middle-term solutions capable of making a temporary solution, then the problem is disclosed in a shorter period.
If the vendor/developer has a terrible record of playing "it's a feature not a bug", then no pitty on him. Either disclose ASAP or in shorter periods. This could be a good instrument to punish their lamerness.
If the vendor/developer comes up with half-measures and dubious patches, disclose without pitty.
And, besides, I believe it would be good to get some early warning stuff. Or disclosure may catch many people asleep. Maybe it would be good to get a standarized warning message 24 or 48 hours before disclosure, that something wrong may have happened with that or that app. This message should n no way be similar to press releases the Mass Media uses to pump over the crowd. Or else we may risk having information spoiled by some journalists trying to gain points in their careers.
They needed to (Score:4, Informative)
I'm personally glad that they aren't held up as the norm in the community. Most people seem to follow some variation of Rain Forest Puppys RFPolicy [wiretrip.net] concerning vendor contact and reasonable time tables for releasing to the community when faced with unresponsive/uncaring vendors.
Good for X-Force, good for the community for browbeating X-Force.
Before we congratulate ISS (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's not forget the way things *used* to be. A few years back, the rule was that a small cadre of elite people knew about the vulnerability before the rest of the world. This caused lots of problems, which was one of the reasons for rfp [wiretrip.net] to push for responsible full disclosure in the first place.
The ISS policy represents a regression back to the old way of doing things, except now the cadre of people "in the know" are the ones who can afford to pay ISS for advanced vulnerability information. Presumably the rest of the world has to suffer and get hacked. Support companies and organizations who TRULY practice responsible full disclosure -- don't support companies trying to make a quick buck off this kind of extortion.
I wouldn't trust X-Force (Score:2)
Responsible only if you are not a customer... (Score:2, Insightful)
How can this be responsible disclosure unless they make sure that all their customers are "good guys"?
bad idea (Score:2)
Two, the companies NEED to keep getting hammered with emergency DO IT NOW-NOW-NOW work, because EVENTUALLY it will sink in to code once, troubleshoot, audit, bugfix, do it again, do it again, THEN release it. It won't eliminate all bad code, that isn't happening, but it sure will slow it doen to a manageable level. We need bored maytag repairmen security guys because stuff is "a lot more secure outta the box", not this make work growth industry model we have now, releasing buggy stuff to create jobs is what it looks like to me. We need FEWER releases of BETTER audited code, not faster releases of still buggy stuff. I could care less if releases of this or that software were once a year, or once every two years, and extremely robust and stable and secure, as compared to willy nilly constantly needing bugfix after bugfix. Closed source or open source. Hardware or software. Less releases of much better quality.
--generic rant--
Same with detroit and tokyo, new models every other year, or even 5 years, not every single year, and I don't care what happens to the evolution of that industry either, there's too much crapola gets released all across the manufacturing spectrum, throw-away-itis and almost constant obsolesence is not a good idea, it simply costs too much in terms of money and resources. The world is credit-maxed out from this push to constantly throw away still useful stuff for "new and improved". It's ridiculous. Here's an example, I got a pile of older cellphones, the reason? Because they have made it so it costs twice as much for a new battery as buying yet again another phone! ALL my old phones still work swell, if they only had a battery that worked for more than 30 seconds. It's silly. Durable goods and software is the same. Yes, I know that at some point older stuff just needs to get chunked by geez loweez it's gotten out of hand with stuff only two years old being classed as antique worthless throw it away and replace it.
Re:bad idea (Score:1)
Re:bad idea (Score:2)
Personally, I think it's better to leave it up to the customer to decide "when" they are to be notified about any vulnerabilities, then whatever happens, the white hats and vendors are off the hook (merely ethically after all with free/open source) and can proceed at their own pace. Of course that would open up another set of problems, as you couldn't be sure that someone who wanted immediate notification would keep it secret. Closed source propietary for cash software-I gots no sympathy anymore. I am usually against more laws but something has to be done about massive mega for-profit corporations and their products that have ZERO warranties with them. No other consumer product enjoys that status, it needs to be altered to some sort of guarantee with liability. They want it both ways, pay for our stuff, but too bad if you are snafued and screwed blued and tatooed. That's a side issue but dang if I think it's any sort of "fair" now or even remotely ethical or equitable. Bet a buck that if commercial closed source had to carry normal consumer warranties that it would be written a LOT better, with a lot less conflicts or security vulnerabilities. If it means those various companies make slightly less profits or maybe release less-too bad.
Oh well. Guess I just liked it the way it was before, it was an "almost" immediate public release on security vulnerabilities. A full month in computer time for unpatched vulnerabilities and no notification gives me the buckwheats. And I don't even run servers or anything. I also understand this "month" is the outside limit, but still--seems sorta excessive.
"Discussed openly on a public mailing list" (Score:1)
Ok so the kernel people might be able to keep quiet, but what about a smaller project that's more in the open and less critical? Sourceforge lists are public, so are CVS commits..
This really only works with closed software. Open source stuff has such a public development process that keeping it quiet is next to impossible.
Nessus Project (Score:1)
Black hats at ISS (Score:2)
But as we all know, that's just ludicrous, right?
Last Post! (Score:1)
to the list because `I think it's the right thing to do', I'd get a lot of
flames afterwards
-- Christian Schwarz
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