IE and Konqueror Bug Makes SSL Insecure 452
Spad writes "The Register reports that IE and Konqueror both have a bug that allows anyone with a legit Verisign SSL certificate to issue a 'legit' certificate for a 3rd party site. IE and Konqueror don't both to check the issuer of this intermediate cert making SSL in both browsers something of a joke". Update by Hetz: if you're using KDE from CVS, the fix is inside or you can wait to next week for KDE 3.0.3 (which will have more fixes for KDE 3.0). Thanks to Waldo bastian for the blazing fast fix (95 minutes since it was reported).
Heh (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Heh (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
So, it just looks like a bug.
Sounds like a feature to me! (Score:4, Funny)
Little did I know, the answer was right in front of me, in the form of the one Verisign certificate I shelled out the cash for :-)
Security. (Score:2, Funny)
And here I was assuming that a fine MS product like Internet Explorer would embody the rock-solid security I've come to expect from the fellows in Redmond.
For shame, for shame.
Different standards (Score:2)
Besides, the poster has a point. In case you haven't been keeping up lately:
People who bogusly defend multibilllion dollar corporations against altruistic volunteers annoy me.
Not surprising (Score:2, Funny)
After all, Konqueror is clearly a clone of IE (think about it: explorer vs. conqueror, both are file-managers cum web browsers, etc.). This is just a demonstration of how well the KDE people can emulate MS.
Start Timing... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Start Timing... (Score:2)
Re:Start Timing... (Score:2)
1 day: Konqueror is fixed in CVS
1 week: most KDE developers get the fixed version
2 weeks: unmasked in Gentoo, in Debian unstable, RPMs released
3 weeks: MS releases a patch in a security update
4 weeks: in Debian testing, RPMs that work are released
1 months: many MSIE users have the security update
6 months: most MSIE users have the security update
1 year: most Linux/BSD users get around to updating
Re:Start Timing... (Score:3, Funny)
1 year: most Linux/BSD users get around to updating"
You forgot:
7 months: security people figure out that MSIE patch doesn't work, MSFT denies it.
9 months: microsoft releases new patch
18 months: IE users finally are patched
So? (Score:5, Insightful)
Besides, the contracts of all cert providers totally absolves them from any crime or misuse of data undertaken by their issued members. Which is a strange definition of "trust"...that it can only be placed in an unknown third party who has no control nor responsibility over the site you're connecting to, and neither has any liability should your data wind up in the hands of ne'erdowells.
Which is why I self sign everything. Since it all boils down to whether or not you trust me, why should I spend $150 trying to trick you into thinking I've passed some rigorous test for "trust". All that matters is that the data users send me is encrypted, which it is. That $150 cuts into my already wafer thin margins, and it cuts even more when you think I'll have to get a different sert for each of my subdomains.
Which is where this bug is actually beneficial. It allows you to get signed once for all your domain names. No more paying exorbitant sums for the paltry 10,000 cycles of processor time it takes to generate a certificate, you can get www.yourdomain as well as yourdomain, yourmisspelleddomain, secure.yourdoman and mail.yourdomain certified for the price of one. Just sign the main site...and use the money to buy an escrow insurance policy.
Re:So? (Score:5, Insightful)
Unfortunately most clients/browsers seem to go out of their way to discourage self-signed certificates with error messages that sound like "This certificate was self-signed. We don't know who the hell this person is. They could be a terrorist wanting to destroy your computer. If you click YES then they could format your harddrive and steal your credit card. By the way, even if you click YES we'll keep asking you everytime you visit this site unless they shell out some $ to Verisign or Thawte"
Re:So? (Score:2)
Thing is that having an "official" certificate dosn't prove much anyway. Other than that someone had given money to Verisign. I'm sure people here can say exactly what checks Verisign carries out.
In strict terms this probably isn't even a bug, since it's just following a "web of trust" approach.
Re:So? (Score:2)
Proof of the lack of checking being done is that fact that not too long ago somebody managed to by certificates that proved they were Microsoft when they weren't.
Re:So? (Score:2)
Other software which understands IMAP over SSL can handle storing the certificate. Maybe it's deliberate to dissuade people from using non Microsoft server software.
Re:So? (Score:3, Interesting)
I know that Verisign is less than absolutly trust worthy. I also know they take atleast basic steps to ensure they issue a certificate to the correct entity. (Yes, they have made mistakes on that in the past, re: Microsoft).
I don't on the other hand, have any reason to believe you aren't a fly-by-night huckster waiting to receive a dozen (or thousand...) credit card numbers...
I want some level of assurance that you are indeed traceable. Even if, to some degree, its a false hope. Even if you pull off a scam on Verisign (or any other registrar) I know that there is a much larger trail to trace back to you and that it is more likely to get a good response from law enforcement authorities and/or financial institutions.
On the other hand, I've never concerned myself much with running programs which were self-signed. I mean, heck, I've run unknown programs on my computer since 1988, whats a few 'self-signed' programs...
Self-signing doesn't fix anything (Score:2)
A Web-of-Trust is the only way to really have much confidence that you're not being Man in the Middled.
Or to put it another way: SSL sucks, PGP rules.
How do I get my key signed? (Score:2)
A [PGP/GNUPG style] Web-of-Trust is the only way to really have much confidence that you're not being Man in the Middled.
I understand the advantages of PGP's model over SSL's, but under PGP's model, how do I get my key signed by somebody who does not live within a few kilometers of my residence? How do I, an individual who wants to send and receive secrets to another party who lives on another continent, establish a chain of key signatures from myself to the other party?
Re:How do I get my key signed? (Score:2)
judgements of consumers of that key. Really,
a chain of trust is a silly idea anyhow, because
trust is modal. I may trust you not to cheat me,
but that does not mean that I trust everyone you
introduce to me not to cheat me. That's how
venereal diseases spread.
When we have a global relation store built on hash
circles, then you can fetch a record of all the
people who will rate a key, what modality they
are rating it in, and how they rate it.
As a result, you will be able to model their
likelihood of default in all well-defined
modalities, if the sample is large enough.
I sign the keys of people I know by phone, or
interact with entirely online on an ongoing basis.
I don't see what distance has to do with it.
potential MitM there as well (Score:2)
I sign the keys of people I know by phone, or interact with entirely online on an ongoing basis.
I understand how it would work by telephone (read the hex digits of the fingerprint) because the public telephone system is a reasonably secure system, but I don't see how it could work for signing a public key you see on somebody's web site. How do you know the connection over which your online buddy sends her key isn't tampered somewhere between her computer and yours?
You don't get it (Score:3, Insightful)
By consulting with a mutually trusted third party, of course. A similar concept as that of a notary public. (I said similar, not identical).
Trust centers such as Verisign make it a little simpler to verify identity: I don't have to personally check you out myself -- I accept Verisign's "voucher" that you are who you say you are, and therefore I offload my research responsibilities onto Verisign.
This is not a perfect system for many reasons. But you can't HAVE a perfect secure system. I think this system is about the best we have for now.
Re:So? (Score:2)
Self signing is a terribly bad idea because a man in the middle can always intercept your authority key and replace it with his own. This can happen too when you used standard keys, like Verisign, and download your browser on the web but it is less likely and you can check Versign's local public key in many ways to reduce the change you are being spoofed to near 0. Every encryption system in existance involves an inital trusted event, but I don't want to have to have an initial trusted even with each site I want to do business with.
Still, for simple crap (e.g. anonymous message boards), self signig is probably ok by me. I just wouldn't bank or purchase with it.
Re:So? (Score:5, Interesting)
A certificate authority really is nothing different than a 3rd party who says "that certificate is legit". As you point out, anybody can be a certificate authority. However, I should be able to control who I think is a TRUSTED certificate authority, and the application should assure that I'm only told that certificate authority X certified certificate Y if that did in fact happen. If a CA goes "rogue", you can (and should) simply remove it from CA's that you trust.
This bug is much worse: IE appearently treats anyone certified by a CA as equivalent to that CA for certification of intermediates. Verisign certifies JohnDoe and then JohnDoe can transitively assert that Verisign certifies BadDude.
That is a disaster, because it means that in order to trust Verisign, you have to trust **everybody** that Verisign has ever certified, which is impossible.
Which is why I self sign everything. Since it all boils down to whether or not you trust me, why should I spend $150 trying to trick you into thinking I've passed some rigorous test for "trust".
Thats why I self-sign everything as you too
funny... (Score:2, Interesting)
So, why on earth would a bank, or all companies, only allow what is probably the most insecure browser around to access the site? A bank for cryin out loud! A company that people trust to handle their hard earned cash, allows only IE to handle "secure" transactions on their site!
And don't get me started on payment processing companies partnering with MS to develop secure payment solutions... You'd think they'd partner with IBM or any other company with a decent track record of reasonable security.
Re:funny... (Score:2)
Re:funny... (Score:2)
Everyone who doesn't use IE, and a lot of people who do.
Re:funny... (Score:2)
Re:funny... (Score:2)
Well, since he was running OS X I told him to try it with Mozilla and alas, it worked flawlessly.
We both find it refreshing that at least one online banking system sees IE for the POS that it is.
Re:funny... (Score:2)
Re:i don't follow you (Score:2)
My point was that while Mozilla was accepted (which is good) and IE wasn't (which was funny, and a little relieving).
Sorry if you didn't understand.
testing Moz 0.9.4 doesn't qualify as a test (Score:4, Informative)
Somebody please turn this guy onto Mozilla 1.0!
Re:testing Moz 0.9.4 doesn't qualify as a test (Score:4, Insightful)
Because, dear troll, Microsoft alleged at their respective release times that IE5 and 5.5 were 'release quality' software, while moz made it clear that 0.9.4 was still undergoing development.
Re:testing Moz 0.9.4 doesn't qualify as a test (Score:3, Informative)
Incident response? Let the race begin! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Incident response? Let the race begin! (Score:2, Informative)
According to #kde on openproject.net, an uncommitted fix already exists for Konqueror. I'm sure more details will be posted when it has been tested and committed.
Re:Incident response? Let the race begin! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Incident response? Let the race begin! (Score:2)
Interesting page (Score:2, Interesting)
Check the SecurityFocus thread about this here (Score:5, Informative)
It seems that it isn't TOTALLY browser related. Verisign and Microsoft both know about this error, according to the people in the thread. It's a good read with a lot of detailed info about the flaw and where the flaw exactly is.
Re:Check the SecurityFocus thread about this here (Score:5, Insightful)
Damn. (Score:5, Funny)
This is just rediculous. Why are they taking so long? I don't have all day.
Seriously though, with a long list of IE bugs still outstanding and Microsoft blaming Verisign, rather than fixing their software, I'll bet that KDE has a fix a month or more before MS.
'nother link (Score:3, Informative)
The real bug is... (Score:2, Troll)
Interesting resonance (Score:5, Informative)
Fess up... (Score:2)
Certificates aren't very effective to begin with (Score:4, Insightful)
Signed certificates simply state that Verisign trusts the company is who it says it is. That's about it. Signed certificates do not define whether your communications are encrypted or cleartext.
Signed certificates cannot prove that:
Many companies don't bother with having their certificates signed. It's pricey, an administrative burden, and doesn't really increase security. I'm annoyed that browsers have been swept into warning you if the site you're visiting doesn't support Verisign's cash flow.
Re:Certificates aren't very effective to begin wit (Score:3, Interesting)
I know the feeling... the only other problem is, though, how does the vast consumer-base out there deal securely online? It doesn't add anything to have to phone up to read out an SSL certificate fingerprint - you might as well just place the order over the phone!
Maybe what we need is a kind of web-of-trust like the idea of a PGP key-server, only for SSL certificates?
Re:Certificates aren't very effective to begin wit (Score:2)
Re:Certificates aren't very effective to begin wit (Score:2)
Re:Certificates aren't very effective to begin wit (Score:3, Interesting)
Other than take money do they do that much to establish that the company is who they say they are.
Anyway the certificate can say that the company is A and the webpage can say it's company B. If the certificate is okeyed by Verisign the user won't even see the certificate by default.
It hardly makes SSL a "joke" (Score:2, Insightful)
Indeed, the site authentity thing is the way Verisign and friends get away with charging ridiculous amounts to spin off a key pair. I'm not saying that it's a useless service (it is nice to know that I'm talking with my bank versus the incredibly remote scenario that someone hijacked their domain), however that feature is pretty low on most people's importance list.
Re:It hardly makes SSL a "joke" (Score:2)
Re:It hardly makes SSL a "joke" (Score:3, Informative)
About 99.999%+ of the primary uses of SSL/TLS out there are for transport encryption, not for site authentity verification, and this does nothing to reduce the security of the transport encryption.
Umm. No. You are wrong. If you don't authenticate the person you are talking to, then you are vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack and the security of the transport encryption is nil.
Overall Impact (Score:4, Insightful)
Please beware that the overall impact of this problem is relatively minimal. The sky isn't falling. What this allows is a man-in-the-middle attack without the usual telltale browser confirmation box that one sees when using an unsigned certificate. The attacker still has to get on the network between you and the website and essentially transparent-proxy your connection through a rogue ssl proxy to make this all work. For the most part people with this level of network access for wide numbers of people are not so devious as to actually do this for profit.
On another note - if they did a traditional man-in-the-middle SSL attack, it might be very hard to track down who did it, but it would be very easy to tell it was being done (because you'd get a browser warning about the certificate not being vaild for this site and/or signed properly). With this new approach, you get no browser warning, but it's presumably easy to track down the culprit, since the certificate signing chain will include a legitimate cert issued to the attacker that can be queried at Verisign or whoever they used - unless they steal a cert from someone else.
Re:Overall Impact (Score:2)
Re:Overall Impact (Score:2)
This just makes three (Score:3, Interesting)
I love KDE, but I will love it fully when I can stop having to load gnome-ish apps like Mozilla to cover up KDE's shortcomings.
A joke (Score:5, Funny)
This is truely wonderful - if lessons are learned. (Score:3, Insightful)
Rather puts buffer overflows into the shade, doesn't it?
As the late Professor Doctor Edsgar W. Dijkstra commented: "If you don't know what your program is supposed to do, you'd better not start writing it." RIP, a great man.
Re:What about Mozilla (Score:4, Informative)
"Mozilla was not vulnerable, but I'm not sure if that's because it handled the situation properly, or is, ironically, somehow too buggy to be exploited."
I don't know if that's exactly a show of support. It goes into more depth if you'd bother to read the article.
Re:What about Mozilla (Score:2, Informative)
I've had Moz 1.1 complain about certificates where the cert company was inconsistent with the issuer.
Re:What about Mozilla (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What about Mozilla (Score:2)
Mozilla handles it correctly (Score:2, Interesting)
Try it yourself right now ... here is what I saw: (Score:4, Informative)
will not display the page. Note this is not a complete spoofed-site demo unless you trick your DNS resolver into reporting his IP for www.amazon.com and pull up his page using SSL with that URL.
I would infer that Mozilla is correctly detecting the mistake in the certificate chain.
Notes on another practical demonstration of this bug are here [ipsec.pl].
Re:Try it yourself right now ... here is what I sa (Score:2)
How exactly is this a bug? IE saw a problem, reported the problem to me, and gave me options on how to handle the problem. If a user decides to hit "Yes" thats their problem, not IE's.
Re:Try it yourself right now ... here is what I sa (Score:2, Informative) www.amazon.com
For the full effect.
Re:Try it yourself right now ... here is what I sa (Score:5, Informative)
Now, do the spoof as he suggests. Edit your hosts file so that www.amazon.com has www.thoughtcrime.org's IP address, ie put in the line: www.amazon.com into your hosts file. Where that file is depends on your system; in Unix it's in /etc, in Windows 9x it's in C:\WINDOWS (or whatever %WINDIR% is), in Windows NT it's something like C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\etc. It's a plain text file. To confirm you've set it up right, type "ping www.amazon.com" afterwards, if it's pinging then you're all set.
Now open your browser, and go to https://www.amazon.com/. If you don't get an error, your browser is vulnerable.
Re:Try it yourself right now ... here is what I sa (Score:3, Informative)
Mozilla 1.0: passed (the others are right, the error message could be more user friendly, but it worked)
Chimera 0.4.0: failed (no SSL options in Preferences, also an early version without many features)
Omniweb 4.1 (v422): failed (SSL options in Preferences)
iCab Preview 2.8.1: failed (no SSL options in Preferences)
By "failed", I mean displayed the web page with no error messages (which I presume is the test). Some of those that failed don't appear to provide SSL support in the first place.
OmniWeb doesn't have much excuse though, it appears to have SSL support, and it is not a beta.
It's beginning to look like Mozilla is the only one on the ball here.
"What I'm thinking is different from what you are."
Belabera, "Mothra 3" 1998
Re:Huh? (Score:2, Funny)
Now, in L33T SP34K:
1E 4ND KoNKw3R0r d0n'T BO+her tO cHeCK Th3 1$Su3r 0f +h15 iNTERmEdi@+E cEr+1PHiC4+3, M4K1nG 55l iN BO+h BR0w5ERS 5OMe+hIN9 0F @ JoK3.
Anyone up for Swedish Chef'ing this?
Interface this (Score:2)
Now, in L33T SP34K:
Clearly, this [google.com] is for you. As for your Scandanavian relatives with professional interests in cooking, you might suggest they visit this [google.com] instead.
Re:Huh? (Score:5, Informative)
What this means, for people who have browsers which don't check where the cert came from, will not be warned that a certificate was granted from an untrusted source. Who are trusted sources? AOL, Thawte, Verisign.. etc.. Look in browser prefs for certificate authorities; the trusted circle of people to say you are who you are.
Why is this dangerous? Well, for one, you can claim you are whomever you wish, while looking like you are from this trusted circle. You look like you are from this trusted circle because no one claims otherwise. Your browser would usually bitch at you about certs made from non-authorities. But since your browser won't bitch about where your cert came from, and just looks at the authority..
So what if it isn't from a trusted circle? Using this in combination with dns spooofing, you could get people to give you information over ssl "secure connection" (rolling eyes) without the browser bitching at you that the cert you are looking at was made by verisign but not issued by verisign.
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
Re:Huh? (Score:4, Informative)
You'll get an "end-entity" certificate earmarked for your own website (you have to prove you're in charge of the URL that you are getting a certificate for). The certificate won't work on other sites (because the browser compares the site's URL with the URL embedded in the certificate),...
Start producing certs
Re:SSL is insecure? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:SSL is insecure? (Score:2, Insightful)
The Win32 API isn't fundamentally flawed... (Score:2)
Good developers use the tools, bad developers end up getting abused by them. The concepts of how to properly use them have been kicked around for years; if a programmer decides to use an inherently insecure protocol as a security mechanism, whose fault is it? I suppose it depends on whether we're developing for Microsoft or *nix, eh?
Re:SSL is insecure? (Score:2)
Read your RFCs and then re-read them with a friend or two to make sure you read them right the first time.
I'd say another thing is to give some glory to people that write regression tests for RFC compliance for various applications.
Even all the stupid sounding things that people think "never" happen in real life. Those things that happen only one out of 1e7 times are the first things that the cracking crowd applies their crowbars to.
Microsoft, especially, could do with some of that kind of testing given their huge R&D budgets. It might help diminish the public black eyes they keep getting with respect to standards compliance and security vulnerabilities. Getting the mindset of being compliant to a standard rather than "we are the standard" might help them to write more watertight APIs.
Re:Whoah... (Score:2)
Re:Whoah... (Score:2)
I guess it wasn't, my mistake. Never mind that if I made that comment about Microsoft I'd get a +1 Funny.
Frankly, my feelings aren't hurt. If I'm going to get modded down for pointing out that Linux has it's own security problems, that's fine. I'm not the one who's pride's gonna bite me in the butt down the road.
Re:Whoah... (Score:2)
I do agree with you, though. To assume that a system is any more secure than another system is ridiculous. You're just begging for a huge problem that way. It's nice that Linux is free from some of the common Windows issues that come up, but shit still happens. The true problem isn't defects in the design of either OS or application. The true reprecussions of an exploit used in a system are multiplied by the dependence on the system.
If it's really important for me to have a particular file, but I only have the one copy on my hard drive, then a Windows or Linux exploit's true danger cannot be measured by the loss of my file. If that file costs me my job, I can't say that anybody in particular is responsible for my lost wages. It's my own fault. I overly trusted my system. I didn't make a backup of the file. I didn't set up a firewall or take sensible internet precautions. Maybe I bought a defective hard drive. Who knows?
It doesn't matter which OS you use, you still have to be cautious.
Re:Whoah... (Score:2)
Anyway... a bit to the topic at hand: my preferred browser is NS3.04, which is old enough that it thinks most of these Certs are no good anyway. To get to the test page, I had to jump thru all the hoops involved to get NS3.04 to accept the cert for this session only, and that meant going against the defaults in 5 or 6 dialog boxes before I finally reached the "you've been hacked" page. There's no way I could avoid noticing the problem!
Most users would have gone "Whoa, NS thinks this site is like really bad, let's not go there!"
Re:Whoah... (Score:2, Troll)
It still comes with KDE. Now, to be fair, it's not as interconnected as say Outlook is to IE. However, SSL is a typical browsing mode that has to be secure. Just because the problem exists, it isn't anymore a vulnerability to Windows than Konqueror is to Linux.
However, that is far from the point I was making. The point I was making was that security on any OS or browser is a myth. Switching to Linux doesn't make your computer more secure, it makes it more obscure.
The only reason that hasn't harshly been demonstrated yet is that Linux users are few and far between compared to Windows or even Mac users. So Windows bears the most of the brunt of the effort put into taking it down. Trust me, if/when Linux has it's day, it'll have it's share of security related issues as well. I don't care if you disagree with me on that point or not. However, you're not doing yourself any harm by treating your computer as though it is vulnerable, and take sensible precautions.
Re:Whoah... (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Spoof? (Score:2)
Re:Spoof? (Score:3, Insightful)
> not likely to be pulled off "in the wild".
No. MITM attacks are very easy to pull off with the right tools. You can easily take control of any TCP connection made by any other machine on the same Ethernet. Even if the network is fully switched you can use ARP poisoning to get around that.
Of course, if you manage to take control of a DNS server then you can easily do MITM attacks against many machines. Heck, do you trust the employees of your ISP with your banking information?
Re:Spoof? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Spoof? (Score:3, Informative)
involved and myselft as victim. It's easy and works perfectly, so I've put
a brief description and screenshots at http://arch.ipsec.pl/inteligo.html
Details on programs' setup and fake certificate generation are omitted
not to provide script-kiddies with a ready recipe.
Actually, you can use Mike's https://www.thoughtcrime.org/ as demo
site but you first need to DNS spoof your browser into thinking
that www.amazon.com has address of, which is easy using
dnsspoof from dsniff for example.
From the SecurityFocus thread referenced in another post.
Re:Spoof? (Score:4, Informative)
Also the entire *point* of SSL certs is to make this sort of thing impossible. It should have popped up a warning telling the user that it wasn't the real certificate.
Re:Spoof? (Score:2)
I expect that this bug could exploited in a deadly manner with some onmouseover tricks. The unwary user could be lulled into a false sense of security by seeing amazon.com (placed by javascript) in the status bar when in fact they are being sent to some other IP address, whose secure certificate is spoofed by exploiting this vulnerability.
Re:Opera? (Score:2)
Where is the logic in that?
And please don't take this as a flame against Windows and IExplore. Konq has the same problem, but it will be fixed like- immediately. No waiting on the MS code monkeys to do the job.
Re:Opera? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The Joke had already been made... (Score:3, Insightful)
Totally broken protocol from the end users' perspective.
if you install kde-bindings ... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Heres a fix for IE.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Take that B of A! (Score:4, Informative)
With the older closed browsers there is supposedly a much smaller chance of that happening.
Try Opera... Some of them disallow NS6, but allow opera...
Re:Well I see /. says a "fix" is available now... (Score:5, Informative)
The patch HAS been tested in the last 2 days, but it took 95 minutes to post a fix since the story was released..