Symantec to Acquire SecurityFocus 202
cbv writes "Symantec Corp. today announced the acquisition of SecurityFocus for approximately US$75 million in cash. The press release reads, 'With this acquisition, Symantec will offer customers the most comprehensive, proactive early warning system across the broadest range of threats.' The transaction is expected to close by early to mid-August 2002."
Conflict of Interest? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:1)
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:5, Insightful)
Symantec is a corporation after all. If let's say, a certain company would cut them vital information required for the lowlevel of the system so that their antivirus technology work effectively (on their future OS), well I can see a very *VERY* persuasive effort that could just work.
I am happy for the people at security focus if it pays off their hard work, but I am worried about the quality and most importantly, the neutrality of the service that will result from this acquisition.
Re:Conflict of Interest? - Valid conerns, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
But, I would say two things in their defense:
1) They tend to hype more than hide. The worst thing is that they will try to get securityfocus.com on the map with IT execs by hyping the security flaws disclosed in bugtraq. Now, it's a double-edge sword, but I don't think it will be awful if certain M$-based operating systems were a bit more publicly scrutinized.
2) Slashdot didn't change after the aquisition, at least not outwardly. I don't work here, so I can't talk about the behind-the-scenes, but the postings are as hard-hitting as ever. Granted, Andover isn't a corporation the size or with the intrests of Symantec. But it's a valid point.
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:3, Funny)
Oh Wait . . .
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:2)
This is a bad thing IMHO.
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:2)
Lil'HTTP Pbcgi.cgi XSS Vulnerability
Remote ICQ Sound Desactivation
AIM forced behavior "issue"
etc. Man. Bugtraq is barely useful.
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:2)
Now I'm quite honestly worried about vendor bias and conflict of interest. Trusting a third party to be objective is easy, trusting a divison of a vendor is not.
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:1)
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:2)
lol, I read this on another hardware site and came to /. looking for this post. Bugtraq was getting bad [theregister.co.uk] anyway. It looks like it's time to find another mailing list.
Re:Conflict of Interest? (Score:2)
What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:5, Interesting)
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:28 PM
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Administrivia: Symantec acquiring SecurityFocus
Good day,
Today, SecurityFocus and Symantec announced that Symantec is acquiring
SecurityFocus. Symantec sees real value in the services SecurityFocus
provides to its customers and believes they are an excellent fit with
their current offerings. We at SecurityFocus see this as an opportunity to
provide even better services for the security community.
Symantec recognizes the value and uniqueness of the public services
SecurityFocus provides to the community, such as the numerous mailing
lists we host and the content we provide via the SecurityFocus Online web
In particular, Symantec and SecurityFocus want to ease any fears as to
whether the character of this mailing list will change.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What is the Symantec strategy for keeping data sources?
A. We believe it is critical to maintain the integrity of the existing
security community currently part of the SecurityFocus portal and
Bugtraq mailing list.
Q. What is Symantec's disclosure policy?
A. Symantec believes in responsible vulnerability disclosure and is active
in initiatives to set best practices in this area. Our first priority
is to help our customers protect their computing assets by providing
tools and information to safeguard their systems.
We will work with vendors, if we discover vulnerabilities in other
products, to report and investigate the issue in a thorough and timely
fashion, in the same way that Symantec will work with other security
researchers if they find an issue with any Symantec technology.
We observe a 30-day grace period after the notification of a security
advisory to give users an opportunity to apply the patch. During this
grace period, we provide our customers significant information about
the vulnerability and the fix, but not step-by-step instructions for
exploiting the vulnerability. We do not provide detailed exploit code
or provide samples of malicious code except to other trusted security
researchers and in a secured manner.
Q. Will Symantec change SecurityFocus' vulnerability reporting policy?
A. We believe that in order for the SecurityFocus/Bugtraq community to be
effective, it must be an independent entity. We believe that its
current disclosure policy is appropriate for the venue. Symantec will
continue to operate with its separate disclosure policy.
Elias Levy, David Ahmad,
and the rest of the SecurityFocus staff
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:2)
Aleph1; and, all good things come to an end. (Score:5, Insightful)
We believe that in order for the SecurityFocus/Bugtraq community to be effective, it must be an independent entity. We believe that its current disclosure policy is appropriate for the venue. Symantec will continue to operate with its separate disclosure policy.
Pretty words, Mr. Levy and Mr. Ahmad. Now where is the proof?
Those of us who are working journalists remember the transition of ABC News under Roone Arlege from Cronkite-esque "news" to "entertainment" -- and know that "independence" is a very fragile concept, one that can be crushed very quickly and with little fanfare at any level including the board room. All it takes is one vote of no-confidence on the part of the management to completely change the editorial head, and thus the independence of SecurityFocus. You most likely mean well -- can the same be said of your bosses? Can you point to one Symantec acquition that proved that editorial independence has been achieved in the long run?
I was an expert witness at a multi-million dollar trial because a well-respected computer magazine's editorial staff prostituted themselves to shore up a bad space-sales management decision. It only takes one episode to sully the good name of a publication. (The name of the publication is withheld from public statement to protect the guilty and to keep me out of civil court for defamation.)
I'm happy you were able to get a pile of money, but don't think that SecurityFocus will be viewed the same way. Now, if you had made the sale to an outfit like O'Reilly, the SecurityFocus name would have retained its luster and elan in the industry.
All good things must come to an end. Thanks for all the fish.
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:3, Insightful)
Personally, I like nothing better than to get code which demonstrates and exploit, and see if the architecture I have put in place is designed well enough to stop attackers, or at least properly minimize the risk to my servers.
What good will this do anyhow? Do they think script kiddies will not get the exploit code now? Or is this calculated to give Symantec, and those who will partner with them (no doubt, in exchange for a hefty chunk of change) a distinct advantage over the general public?
Thank you for protecting me, and all sys-admins out there, from ourselves. How stupid we were to think we could secure and test the security of our systems without Symantec's approval!
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:2)
But the exploit could be combined with others so that it would breach your defences. So knowing that you're immune to the published exploit may give you a false sense of security.
I see publication of exploits as useful only when the vendor makes the 'purely theoretical' claim and refuses to patch a bug. Even then, the exploit should be sent to the vendor first.
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:2)
Re:What Aleph1 has to say... (Score:2)
Prediction! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Prediction! (Score:2)
Parent should have been modded as 'Funny' (Score:2)
Re:Prediction! (Score:2)
No support. No service. No help. No recovery. Nada.
Trusting Symantec is like playing Russian Roulette. You might be lucky. But I've been damaged more often by Symantec's "protection" than by any other virus. And damaged worse, too.
Loss of credibility (Score:5, Insightful)
Hogwash (Score:1)
Re:Hogwash (Score:1, Funny)
You watch too much techtv.
Re:Hogwash (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hogwash (Score:2)
Re:Hogwash (Score:2)
NAV has hurt me worse than any virus I ever caught. LiveUpdate both times.
Mind you, Ximian's Red Carpet has done something a bit similar more recently, only not as bad. It was fixable with a system reinstall (wiping the
Re:Hogwash (Score:2)
I had to rebuild my WinNT4 system from scratch twice because NAV combined with WinFAX (from the same company) caused a blue-screen upon boot. I did not quite figure out went wrong the first time, and put over 40 hours trying to recover with out the total reinstall (trying registry edits, etc.).
Once I rebuilt the system, I only reinstalled NAV (required to connect with my office). A few weeks later I reinstalled WinFAX, and boom it happened again. I used McAfee after that with no problems.
Re:Hogwash (Score:2)
Demographics of /. (Score:1)
Re:Hogwash (Score:1)
Re:Loss of credibility (Score:2)
That's a very narrow view to take. I bet they'll be trying to find ways to flog pcAnywhere, Ghost and WinFax, too.
Countdown..... (Score:3, Interesting)
Cash? (Score:1)
symantec will NEVER be secure (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:symantec will NEVER be secure (Score:2)
Oh, well. It's ok, then. I mean, if they _said_ so, it _must_ be true, right?
Re:symantec will NEVER be secure (Score:2)
Mind you, my skepticism will have little or no effect on them, as I no longer use their products, but I have very little faith in PR statements, no matter who makes them. I have perhaps less faith when they come from management than when they come out of "tech support". Too many in management are specialists in conning people. They're even worse than marketing.
The end of the best security related mailing list? (Score:1)
Re:The end of the best security related mailing li (Score:1)
to: BugTraq Mailing list
Subject: Large hole in Norton Firewall
Would you like to not send this message to the list?
Message Deleted
What kind of intentions? (Score:1)
I think they'll need new servers.... (Score:5, Funny)
Which will be worse, the slashdot effect or the mass unsubscribes pounding the mailing lists??
I'm glad I have Junkbuster (Score:2)
And I'm doubly-glad I use mozilla to stop those damn pop-ups.
And SecurityFocus.com was a great site... I can only hope Symantec doesn't run it into the advertising ground.
Re:I'm glad I have Junkbuster (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I'm glad I have Junkbuster (Score:2)
Proxomitron (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Proxomitron (Score:2)
Slashdot people run IE and Windows. (Score:2)
More than 90% of the desktop computers in the world run Windows. And... Windows ESPECIALLY needs filtering. Now Internet Explorer has a kind of serial number that it transmits to every site you visit.
With Proxomitron, your browser can identify itself as "Space Bison", one of the built-in options, or anything you choose. I choose to take out the serial number.
It gets old, Slashdot people saying they don't run Windows. I posted a link to an article on my web site, and lots of Slashdot people visited. Most were running IE and Windows. Other people have mentioned this also.
There will be a day when almost everyone runs Linux, but that day is not here yet. I can't yet sell Linux to my customers because it is a little too technical yet.
In spite of what the OSDN Terms of Service [osdn.com] says at section "4. CONTENT", paragraph 6, I own this comment, exclusively.
Re:Slashdot people run IE and Windows. (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong - Proxomitron looks like a really cool piece of software. And yea, Windows users probably need this kind of thing even more considering the silliness going on in their environment. But for the most part, this just isn't for me. I believe Slashdot itself has a statistics page (forget where it is) that breaks down browser identifications that hit the site - and the vast majority is, in fact, IE. It makes sense - Windows is going to be in most environments no matter what your personal preference is.
I personally prefer Linux. I run it on my desktop and my laptop. But I do still run Windows when needed (dual boot or vmware). And I work with Windows when customers need it. Of course, at the same time, I've been able to sell Linux solutions more and more often when Linux makes sense. Granted - I've yet to run in to a good oportunity to sell it as a desktop solution for a customer (although a lot of them find it interesting to see it on my laptop).
Cool but come on...... (Score:1)
Full Disclosure Mailing List (Score:5, Informative)
Here was the announcement:
Subject: Announcing new security mailing list
We are pleased to announce the creation of a new security mailing list
dedicated to FULL DISCLOSURE. When Scott Chasin handed over the bugtraq
mailing list, it was clearly dedicated to the immediate and full
dissemination of security issues. The current bugtraq mailing list has
changed over the years, and some of us feel it has changed for the worse.
If you believe in full disclosure, and wish to participate in unfettered,
and unmoderated discussions, please feel free to subscribe to the new
mailing list by accessing http://lists.netsys.com [netsys.com]
I don't trust that list either... (Score:4, Informative)
I don't trust a spamming pompous ass to run a security list any more than I trust Symantec to do it. I'm sorry, but Netsys really dropped the ball on this one; I'm not about to hand my email address over to them.
Not to mention.. (Score:2)
Re:Full Disclosure Mailing List (Score:2)
Rumours of NAI/McAfee acquisition discussions with (Score:1)
So, Symantec buys SecurityFocus, NAI busy Symantec, and boom, overnight you have a huge amalgam of one-stop Security and Anti-Virus.
Jeez, kinda scary. No?
Re:Rumours of NAI/McAfee acquisition discussions w (Score:2)
Not really scary to me, seeing how their entire product line is useless on any of my Linux machines anyways.
I read that as... (Score:1)
"Symantec To Aquire Bugs"
Re:I read that as... (Score:2)
Re:I read that as... (Score:1)
the broadest range of threats? (Score:1)
Does that include threating emails from ex-girl freinds?
Cause if soo Sign me up!
Not Sure What To Make Of This (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't really know what to say. It'd be like Ford buying Volvo or something. Oh, wait . . .
The new BugTraq (Score:4, Funny)
DATE: July 17, 2002
All systems for which Symantec sells products.
Holy Fucking Shit!! The computer just, like, explodes! It's the end of the world!
Install Norton Anti-Virus. If you already have Norton Antivirus installed, buy another copy and install it. That'll fix it, we promise.
Re:The new BugTraq (Score:5, Insightful)
While exaggerated, I think your post is probably and example of the future of any mailing list done by SecurityFocus. Sad. Symantec always seemed cheap and sleezy to me while SecurityFocus at least tried to be legitimate.
With this purchase, SecurityFocus' credibility (at least with me) has gone out the window. I can't see how they can continue to be credible when they've got a company in charge that ONLY cares about the bottom line. Just look at their irresponsible virus warnings (as you've so clearly demonstrated). Boooooo!
Re:The new BugTraq (Score:1)
(I ran across the phrase "wild sex" in a graduate thesis once. That was amusing. This would be more so.)
Re:The new BugTraq (Score:2)
Dude, you must be an old professor or something.
Another free service turned pay-based (Score:1)
this is the company that would allow magic lantern (Score:5, Insightful)
Ahh, Symantec pledges to acquiese to FBI backdoor demands [politechbot.com]
This is a real problem and needs to be addressed.
Has Symantec policy changed with respect to things
like magic lantern and so forth?
bugtraq. Poof.
Well, (Score:1)
(Sorry if this is trollish but it just seems like things get worse when an outside company aquires something useful.)
Bad news... (Score:2, Interesting)
Where is Symantec headed? (Score:5, Informative)
Serve as a FW/VPN
Act as a network IDS
Serve as a management console for Host IDS
Act as the A/V Manager
Because they have agents installed on every machine when you run Intruder Alert, NAV, or other tools, it would allow them to sync up the status of a host, network, etc. with the mothership at Symantec-Focus, and determine in real-time what devices are vulnerable. This is kind of cool in concept but not easy in execution.
My concern is that they already have bought other products, which are completely jacked up and are still not fixed. I spent my Thanksgiving morning last year doing a disaster recovery on a Symantec Intruder Alert System...what a mess that product is...where is the high availability, the fault tolerance, etc.? Again...cool concept, crappy execution.
This merger puts Symantec in direct competion with folks like eSecurityOnline, and I can tell you that for people already in bed with Symantec who have legal obligations to stay on top of vulnerabilities (e.g. Banks) this makes it a one stop shop for them. I see it as a conflict of interest. They should buy a couple of pen-test companies while they're at it and they can even validate their product implementations are secure ;)
Re:Where is Symantec headed? (Score:2, Insightful)
Depressing.. (Score:1)
Awsome! (Score:2)
Sorry for the flamebait, but I've bought too many Symantec products over the years, and they seem to get worse with every revision. I remember when Norton Utilities was something beneficial, now I refer to that package as Norton Anti-System.
Other fun past experiences with Symantec products have included Act, which was a big pile of poo, and WinFax, which was pretty good last time I used it, as long as you limited your use to a specific subset of it's advertised functionality.
Re:Awsome! (Score:2)
Atguard is the perfect example of this...
Tried systemworks with internet security 2002? well "DUDE you need a GHZ DELL" to run this thing, and what more does it give than the original atguard? well.. list updates, and some automated features that punches holes left and right therough the firewall, for "user's simplicity"'s sake... Everything slowed down to molasse and it's a shame.
At least ghost is still working well and the improvements are nice, but that's the only product that I can only say good things about since it got acquired.
Microsoft wannabes. (Score:2)
I agree. It is amazing how badly managed Symantec is.
There are many stories to tell, so I'll tell only one. Once I was having a problem with a Symantec product and I called Symantec technical support and told them how much time I had lost over it. This time they actually had an answer: The problem was caused by another Symantec product.
Microsoft wannabes.
Symantec is not as badly managed as Microsoft, but they are putting in an impressive effort.
Are Symantec's interests honest? (Score:1)
Next is dotSymantec, subscribe for yearly fee to get AntiVirus software, updates, and security advisories...The Internet is beginning to suck, I'm going back to the library, some of those are still FREE!
Re:Are Symantec's interests honest? (Score:1)
It doesn't matter (Score:5, Insightful)
Getting something to work like bugtraq technically is absolutely no problem. A mailing list with 30000 subscribers, ok let it be 300000, isn't voodoo.
The "selling point" of bugtraq is/was the trust many people have in them, the people which post there, their policy. If anything would cause people to mistrust them, it needs just one trusted guy from the security community to start a new list, and bugtraq is dead. I've even read a post that one alternative has already started.
If someone like Dan Farmer, Wietse Venema or, for the hell of it, Bruce Schneier decided to start a bugtraq clone, the original would not stand a chance if its reputation had already been damaged.
Re:It doesn't matter (Score:2)
BUGTRAQ is not all the infrastructure controlled by SecurityFocus. Symantec is probably more interested in the world-wide sensors network.
Furthermore, quite a few people already Cc other lists when posting to BUGTRAQ. (There are reports that BUGTRAQ moderators try to force submitters to make pointless changes to their articles.) Lately, BUGTRAQ hasn't seen many interesting discussions. I don't think it could get a lot worse...
Symantec sells more than JUST anti-virus crap (Score:1)
the enemy is NOT microsoft nor virus authors.
the enemy IS those ignorant programmers that have no idea how to test their code to see if the CODE is vulnerable...
Symantec taking over should have little effect on the amount of product they sell. They are simply heading into a new market and doing so by purchasing the leader in that market. By being ready for what may come, they can better attack the problems when they arrive and better serve their customer base.
Re:Symantec sells more than JUST anti-virus crap (Score:2)
Editorial Independance (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Editorial Independance (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Editorial Independance (Score:2)
Sorry. A management statement is one thing. Truth is something else. Often quite something else.
Independence isn't a policy directive. It requires an organizational structure that supports it. At minimum. If the mailing list were maintained as a separate company under the same board of directors, I would still doubt that there was real independence, though at the day-to-day level I would accept that there could be a great deal of independence. But for any lesser degree of separation
Once upon a time Symantec made great products. Before it merged with Norton. And in those times, Norton also made great products. After the merger, both product lines went into a slump in quality from which I have not heard either recovered from. My guess is that there was a management change at that point, and the bean-counters took over from the technocrats. But this is just a guess from the outside.
Re:Editorial Independance (Score:2)
Ryan....Please (Score:2)
If things change then it is time to move...
Argh!!! (Score:1)
So I guess that means that Symantec has acquired SecurityFocus. I also heard that Symantec has acquired SecurityFocus. And in related news, yeah, you guessed it- Symantec has acquired SecurityFocus.
Packetstorm..... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Packetstorm..... (Score:2)
How to tell if they are cheating... (Score:1)
Other acquisitions (Score:4, Informative)
Symantec also bought Riptech and Recourse! (Score:1)
No kidding! [thestreet.com] Here's Riptech's press release [riptech.com] and Recourse's news [recourse.com]. This follows the purchase of MountainWave [mountainwave.com] earlier this month.
Mixed feelings... (Score:4, Interesting)
Let me provide my basis (petty as it may seem): I'm the system administrator at an ISP small enough that I do some of the tech support. I've seen NAV's mail scanner totally screw up peoples' mail settings enough times that I don't think quality is something they emphisize. To make matters worse, this problem tends not to be fixed by a reboot, and NAV will lock the mail server fields in OE (I don't think it can do that in Netscape/Mozilla, but I'm not sure) making it impossible to use the affected mail account without completely deleting it and readding it. Sometimes, disabling and re-enabling mail scanning will fix the problem, but that's not always the case.
I used to prefer NAV over most other virus scanners (and some other Symantec products back in the days of MS-DOS), but I really think they've gone downhill in the past several years. I hope that the same fate doesn't come to Bugtraq--the list has already become bad enough.
Great. (Score:2)
The company who's tech support told me "Sir, you shouldn't use that program, it's dangerous" when I called, as their customer, to ask how I could remove a so-called 'virus' from the scanning list.
Shameless Plug (Score:2)
Convicted Felons as Employees (Score:2)
In other news... (Score:2)
This follows on the footsteps of several recent corporate buyouts, including the impending $5.8x10^300 (USD) Church of Scientology buyout of Truth [dictionary.com] and Morality [dictionary.com].
Man, I am so glad I'm a fucking trans-national megacorporation. Suckas!
Symantec advertorial? (Score:2)
That said, if Symantec simply wanted to support the growth and dissemination of security-related information it could have paid for ads and provided technical resources to SecurityFocus, (however much that may have spurred charges of bias or interference) instead of buying it outright.
The acquisition legitimately raises questions of conflict of interest.
Will we see Symantec advertorial content written by product marketing managers? Will we see Symantec's products being touted as the solutions to problems and vulnerabilities?
The most valuable commodity that SecurityFocus had was its independence (of ownership) from any of the product vendors. Without that independence there will always be doubt and doubters.
Is it just me or... (Score:2, Interesting)
I mean, I am sure symantec is a great windoze security company, but what do they care about securityfocus?
Now that website is probably going to be filled with even more useless HTML and crap