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Encryption Security

"Fast Packet Keying" Improvements to WEP 88

Weedstock writes: "BBC Tech News has an article about the latest development in wireless networking security. It seems that RSA Security has improved the encryption system used by the protocol. Will this new update finally make wireless networking secure? You can also find a list of papers about wireless security issues here." RSA has a press release about their changes to WEP being accepted by the 802.11 committee.
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"Fast Packet Keying" Improvements to WEP

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  • by tempmpi ( 233132 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @06:59PM (#2763386) 6&mode=thread
  • by zcat_NZ ( 267672 ) <> on Saturday December 29, 2001 @07:07PM (#2763407) Homepage
    My own view is simple; encryption shouldn't be done at the hardware layer. Assume that everything on the network is wide open and use SSH / SSL on each protocol or an encrypted VPN.

    This way you can be sure everything is encrypted consistently from the host machine all the way to the client, even when your packets pass through 'unknown' equipment.

    The other advantage of this approach is that you can get all your hardware cheap on ebay because everyone else is abandoning them as 'not secure enough' :)
    • The conservative approach is to use both link and end-to-end encryption.
    • Unless you use that VPN for everything, your DNS requests are still visible and there's a possibility of spoofed DNS replies.
  • I know... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by The Paradox ( 470614 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @07:09PM (#2763414) Homepage Journal
    ...that it isn't fashionable - or geeky - or (mostly) smart - to thumb one's nose at security issues. But frankly... I'm not that worried about 802.11b's encryption problems. Why? I use 802.11b over my home network, totally unencrypted. I live on a dead-end court, so "war drivers" aren't an issue, especially since the access point I'm using has an effective range that makes me turn the 'top the right way to get reception when I'm on the other side of the house (not centered, because of layout issues).

    Yes, I know, perhaps it's stupid of me, and I'm planning to set up some kind of security. But for many users out there - the people who wanna be able to check their email from the kitchen - weak security is just not a problem. Just so long as the spooks don't start wanting wireless access... :D

    • Re:I know... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      its great that you dont care. this doesnt change the fact that someone can use your wireless connection to do something illegal and you're going to have a very difficult time proving that it wasnt you. this also doesnt stop others from snooping everything you do over your wireless connect. just because you personally have no interest in security doesnt make it a non issue. in fact, its makes it more of an issue because lots of people feel like you--they could care less about keeping up with security. its up to those who care to make things safe and secure for those who dont.
    • I live on a dead-end court too. Two of my neighbors have open 802.11 networks. If I didn't need a static IP address I'd consider dropping my DSL and using theirs; with connection bonding I'd get faster downloads than either of them ;-)
  • yawn (Score:3, Redundant)

    by jeffy124 ( 453342 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @07:12PM (#2763422) Homepage Journal
    old news []
    • What's wrong with Slashdot lately? This is not the first time within the last month when duplicate topics are posted.
  • Just use a form of VPN to get your security over a wireless network. Remember, ethernet isn't secure either.

    It is probably better to use your own encryption tools anyway, since built-in schemes will likely be obsoleted eventually.
    • IPSec *yawn* (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      IPSec solves this problem. And the much more common of someone plugging into a wire or hub between point A and point B. And the man-in-the-middle problem, for some networks. For some reason people seem to think it'l only work with IPv6 but it works fine with IPv4. You don't need to pay extra for a card that supports >40 bit encryption, either. All you need is an OS that supports it. Even Microsoft supports IPSec these days. Why are people still worrying about 802.11-level encryption when true end-to-end encryption is better and cheaper?
  • IPSec is what I'm planning to use to make my future wireless LAN be secure.

    Old 486 laptop with broken screen + OpenBSD + some 802.11 card = "no kids breaking into your network via wireless" for under $100.
  • Can I get this for my Linksys hardware in a firmware update?
    • Can I get this for my Linksys hardware in a firmware update?

      I'd like to know that too, but for my WaveLan cards. And if it can't be upgraded, I want a refund on the $20 extra per card I paid to get "128-bit" (yeah, as if) encryption.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Offtopic, but here is a link for a project to attempt converting 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless LAN cards down to the 900 MHz band to help overcome non line-of-sight issues.

    here's the link []
    • Sorry, the 2.4G unlicensed band is 83 MHz wide while the 900 MHz band is just 26 MHz. Downconverting will spill into cellular and other frequencies in use.

      I'm not saying it will not work, but if you are going to step on someone else's frequencies you may as well convert to other frequencies.
  • old news (Score:2, Redundant)

    by f00zbll ( 526151 )
    This article has been out for a while. move on, nothing to see here. You're probably gonna have to complain to get your 802.11 wireless lan cards updated.
  • not that secure (Score:5, Informative)

    by xtp ( 248706 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @08:07PM (#2763545)
    The press releases are designed to soothe security-minded corporate customers and disguise the remaining technical issues with WEP, such as
    1. the key-mixing technique was diluted in strength so that the overhead of firmware upgrades would be acceptable. The "improved" technique has been changed a few times as weaknesses were discovered. It is quite possible that the new WEP can be cracked as thoroughly as the original.
    2. the key-mixing technique requires that a new temporal key be set up every 16K packets - a sign of weakness. The 802.1X procedures for setting up the temporal keys have not been finalized and contain weaknesses.
    3. it is debateable whether the 802.1X temporal key procedures, once finalized, will be practical at higher PHY rates of 802.11g or 802.11a since the rate of temporal key updates must be greater than the lower rates needed for 11b.

    It is more foolproof to rely on IPSEC as other posters observe. The argument against IPSEC and for wireless link crypto is based on the perceived overhead of forcing everything on an internal enterprise network to run IPSEC so that the wireless subnet can be secure. For SOHO setups this should not be an issue.
    • Re:not that secure (Score:5, Interesting)

      by hawkfan ( 11267 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @08:59PM (#2763628) Homepage
      The argument against IPSEC and for wireless link crypto is based on the perceived overhead of forcing everything on an internal enterprise network to run IPSEC so that the wireless subnet can be secure.

      Using IPSEC on the wireless network only requires the wireless stations and a gateway to run IPSEC. The IPSEC gateway acts like a normal router to the rest of the network. You can even do transparent gatewaying based on proxy-arp.
      Our laptops use 802.11b cards without WEP and 2 Linux machines with Prism2 based cards operating in HostAP mode. One AP handles the encryption and allows handoff to the other via proxy-arp depending on which AP has the link to a particular station on their own wired subnet. The primary AP acts as a router to the rest of the unencrypted wired lan. All the stations on the wireless lan are configured to drop all but the IPSEC traffic. This not only protects against spoofing and hijacking on the wireless lan but also gives strong encryption to the traffic.
      After the pleasant experience I had with Freeswan on the wireless network I'm considering bringing IPSEC to the rest of the wired network.
      • Re:not that secure (Score:3, Insightful)

        by swillden ( 191260 )

        All the stations on the wireless lan are configured to drop all but the IPSEC traffic.

        Bravo! This is the absolutely crucial element that most people miss. If any of the wirelessly-connected stations accept any non-authenticated traffic, they're vulnerable to being compromised, which, in turn, compromises the entire network, wired and wireless.

    • Re:not that secure (Score:3, Insightful)

      by swillden ( 191260 )

      The "improved" technique has been changed a few times as weaknesses were discovered. It is quite possible that the new WEP can be cracked as thoroughly as the original.

      Remember, it's a *good* thing that the new technique has been cracked a few times. Had serious (or even rudimentary) cryptanalysis been applied to the original protocol, we'd never have gotten into this mess. RSA Data knows how to create good cryptography, and wireless networking is important enough that many other people will take a hard look at this new protocol before it's implemented.

      the key-mixing technique requires that a new temporal key be set up every 16K packets - a sign of weakness

      Very possibly. It certainly seems not to leave a whole lot of margin for improvement in the face of any new attacks. However, I don't know how much conservatism is built into the 16K number.

      It is more foolproof to rely on IPSEC as other posters observe.

      Absolutely. As long as all hosts have firewalls that drop all non-IPSEC traffic. However, it's worth remembering that the original intent of WEP was to build something that approximated the security of a wired network. Although the first attempt failed utterly, if the upgraded protocol can just make all passive attacks infeasible and make active attacks fairly difficult then the original intent will have been achieved.

      Had it been designed by knowledgeable cryptographers, WEP would have been as strong as IPSEC, which would have been great. As things are now, the patched system won't ever be as good as WEP could have been, but it probably will be as strong as it needs to.

      • Had it been designed by knowledgeable cryptographers, WEP would have been as strong as IPSEC, which would have been great.
        I see this as a blessing in disguise: the popularity of wireles + WEP's insecurity == people are learning how to do end-to-end security. The techniques learned and the software perfected will help everywhere.
    • The notion that IPsec has lots of overhead is largerly bogus. As a proof, I wrote simple wrappers around sendto/recvfrom for ESP transport mode with hmac-md5 and no encryption. It interoperates with Freeswan with manual keying just fine. The total code footprint was about 6k, 5k of which was the md5 hmac. Encryption could easily be added, and for a point to point application like AP/host you don't *really* need tunnel mode, though if they were smart they use IPv6 and link local addressing with autoconfiguration -- you're going to need router advertisements for mobility eventually, after all.

      Of course, aside from the completely bone headed reuse of RC4 keystream, the actual Hard Problem is key distribution. Why the 802.11 guys want to revinvent this is a complete mystery to me. IPsec has IKE -- which is about to get a face lift in the form of either JFK, IKEv2 or most likley a combination of these proposals. IPsec also has KINK (Kerberized IPsec) which is about to go to last call. Eventually, I expect that AAA (DIAMETER) based IPsec keying will be formalized since they're already toeing that line in many areas.

      Yet, the 802.11 folks still want to roll their own. Ick. How this will all play out with fast mobility (ie so you can run voip instead of circuit switched voice on CDMA/802.11 dual mode phones that will eventually appear) will be very interesting. My guess is that it won't until somebody takes an integrated look at security, quality of service, admission control, etc. I have some hope that the IETF protocols will eventually get this right, but the best I can hope for the L2 folks is that we can turn all of this krufty L2 wheel-reinvention off.

  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @08:39PM (#2763602) Homepage
    not unless it's a firmware update that fixes all current equipment. There is alot of 802.11b stuff out there. much of it is 24-40 bit only. Most everyone using it hasn't a clue about firmware updates or even security problems for that matter (The sheer number of open 802.11b networks I can snif that have no encryption is proof of that.

    They need to make this a part of the driver and make the driver force a firmware update and enable it by default if securing wireless is important. Otherwise this is only an expected feature of the new stuff that I'll buy in about 2-3 years.
    • some people don't need encryption for their wireless networks. they are not top secret information. i have a wireless network which i never bothered to encrypt. mostly because it doesn't do much but also because im too lazy to
  • by William Tanksley ( 1752 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @08:48PM (#2763613)
    I wonder... The press release quotes a PhD from Hifn and a marketing droid from RSA, and says that RSA and Hifn developed this together.

    I know RSA's the big name here, but I wonder whether they merely contributed the name, not the research.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      The web page at RSA security lists someone from RSA Labs as being a co-author for the IEEE paper, wasn't the same name as the marketing droid.

      See ix.html
  • by nsayer ( 86181 )
    Rotating the keys quickly will not solve the only problems with WEP. In general, encrypting stuff isn't enough. The receiver of encrypted data must insure that the data was not changed in route. Since the packet validator in WEP is CRC rather than something cryptographically strong, it is possible to perform replay attacks, or even worse, replay modified packets and have them be received as if they were legitimate. Even if it is not possible to decrypt packets, the ability to modify and reinject packets and have them be received creates some big problems.
  • darn (Score:3, Funny)

    by NotAnotherReboot ( 262125 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @09:47PM (#2763697)
    I rather enjoy going to colleges' student centers and reading everyone's email. Hope this won't change my ways.
  • How about using private/public key cryptography? A randomly-generated private/public keypair can be blown into WiFi cards during manufacturing. When a card hops onto a network, it exchanges public keys with all devices on the network, and seamlessly encrypts all data to that device with the appropriate key. Make it built right in and mandatory. (The size of the key and selection of the algorigthm are left as an exercise for the reader.)
    • Problems... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Tom7 ( 102298 )

      - every card knows every other card's public key, so the storage requirement grows polynomially with the size of the network (not good).
      - key exchange is a non-trivial step; in order to have adequate security you need to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.
      - using fixed keys is probably not so smart, since recovering the device would mean that you could decode all messages previously sent to that device, and a device with a compromised key could never be used securely again.
  • Fast Packet Keying (Score:3, Interesting)

    by afidel ( 530433 ) on Sunday December 30, 2001 @12:52AM (#2763973)
    Already implemented in Cisco's newest firmware, acu and drivers (both Linux and Windows). Since the old firmware wasn't even vulnevable to airsnort unless there were VERY determined hackers out there Cisco gear hasn't been vulnerable at all. With the new firmware they also implemented per packet hashing so spoof attacks are foiled.
  • PS2's all-important backward compatibility with PS One games means that PS2's 4×-speed DVD drive must be able to read PS One's Super Discs based on the CD-ROM/XA format, which, ironically, Sony developed in the late 1980s for use with a never-released Super Nintendo game-console peripheral. PS2, like its PS One predecessor, also plays audio CDs. PS2-targeted games come on both copy-protected CDs and DVDs, and the console also plays DVD-Video discs if you buy the $19.99 remote-control accessory. Memory cards let users store saved game states and other personal data for use when they play friends' consoles (Reference 8). PS2 accepts two such cards.

    Not true, we have a PS2, and we don't have a special remote, and we watched a movie on the conslole it last night using an ordinary dual shock controller that came with the system. It's also documented in the manual. I think this author may be thinking about the Xbox, but I don't have one of those.

    My playstation may have a more recent firmware than the author's, we bought it this Christmas. I notice you can view version info when you boot it. Does anyone else have a PS2 that does this?
    • No, I have one of the original ps2's that was sold when they came out, and mine plays DVD disks fine.

      I think with the XBOX you do need to buy the DVD kit but not sure.

      My ps2 has a menu that i can access with my ps2 controller, for ff, rewind, play, all the normal stuff.
  • The problem with WEP (Score:3, Interesting)

    by XNormal ( 8617 ) on Sunday December 30, 2001 @04:24AM (#2764229) Homepage
    The real problem with WEP isn't the weak method it uses to generate RC4 keys. I've seen with my own eyes many networks that don't even have encryption enabled.

    The real problem is that encryption is:

    A. Optional.
    B. Difficult to set up.

    WEP isn't close to being "wire equivalent" because wires are, by default, pretty secure. You don't need to manually enable 'no-public-hub-ports-on-external-walls' mode with a wired Ethernet.

    A wire isn't just a way to get the bits from A to B - it also acts as a user interface for associating machines with networks. I bet you didn't think of the patch panel in the server room as a user interface, right? Actually, it's a pretty good user interface. It's much more intuitive than any GUI and very reliable (ok, so it's a little messy, but so is my desktop :-)

    Here's an idea for how WEP could have been much closer to 'wired equivalent':

    When you set up the device on your machine it scans for available networks and shows a list. You choose one. It then tells you to press a key at the same time as pressing a button on the access point.

    If you have physical access to the access point you can do it yourself. Otherwise you call the admin on the phone and after checking your identity (usually it's just a matter of recognizing your voice) the admin tells you to press the key '!'. That's it. You're on the network, with securely configured strong encryption.

    This can be much more secure that it appears - the key is exchanged using Diffie-Hellman key exchange so eavesdropping is not possible. Man-in-the-middle attacks are difficult in a shared medium such as wireless where everyone hears everyone else: if the two participants are careful they can detect such attacks. To prevent attempts to 'take a ride' and join the network at the same time as another machine the access point will verify that there are no other attempts to join the network within a certain period before or after the time window for 'simultaneous' button presses (actually within plus or minus a few hundred milliseconds).

    Now, what are the chances of some company actually implementing this?
  • "fast packet rekeying" is not the same as changing the base keys or master keys (knowledge shared by the endpoints and key distribution system).
    Rather, it refers to a technique of using regular
    'ol WEP to encipher each packet, but using a different key FOR EACH PACKET. These per-packet keys are computed on the fly using a hash function-like method that scrambles the real key and thus increases the difficulty of attacking the underlying RC4. This technique has been called "key mixing" - a better term than "fast packet rekeying" IMHO - because it avoids confusion with "rekeying" whereby key material is exchanged between endpoints. Rekeying every 16K packets is required in addition to key mixing in order to avoid the passive key recovery methods (airsnort).

    By the way, the "real" problem with RC4/WEP is that WEP uses the initial 256 bytes of the RC4 cipherstream. The best "fix" for WEP would be to simply discard all the key flogging trickery, but that approach was rejected because of overhead and difficulty of retrofitting NIC cards that have dedicated RC4 hardware.

    It should also be pointed out that spiffing up the WEP does not eliminate attacks whereby 3rd parties inject messages. The rest of the fixup work for WEP involves specifying a separate message authentication function that prevents imposters from sending messages. A good example of what can happen in the absence of authentication is the recent well-publicized weaknesses in Universal Plug and Play. One problem was that an unsolicited UPNP NOTIFY message, if bogus and accepted, initiated a bad chain of events.

    Similarly, a rekeying procedure using something like 802.1X is vulnerable to hijacking if the rekey messages are not protected with an authentication function. The bad guy can, in theory, instruct the endpoints to switch to a new key. Of course it's not quite as easy as that because the messages may not be easily forgeable. But if there are ways to forge such messages and there is no authentication function, then the system is wide open.

    There is a fair chance that 11b vendors will subset WEP updates in a manner that will may separate message authentication as a configurable option. The result will be a better WEP, but in a system context that can still be compromized although not as easily as before.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
