Escape from Data Alcatraz 248
nihilist_1137 writes "Zdnet is reporting on a new information facility that is built to surive the worst.Triangular in shape, two of the sides house offices while the third, a large rectangular block if taken in isolation, contains two data centres, as well as the infrastructure to ensure that Web sites continue to function come fire, flood, natural catastrophy or foreign invasion."
Foreign Invasion? (Score:5, Interesting)
Seriously, though... you're saying they can stand up to repeated shelling by artillery? Or infantry-placed demo charges? Or anything else an invading force is likely to have?
If you're being invaded, you've got more important things to worry about than if your company's web site will stay up!
The other half of this is: What if the invasion is an invasion of illegal immigrant workers? Can this thing survive having a janitor who's been slipped a hundred bucks (three weeks pay) to pull out a wire here and there?
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:5, Informative)
Want to know how we caught one of the fuckers? Get some "Super Phosphorescent Pigments" [blacklite.com] make sure its NONTOXIC and coat thinly an item that has been stolen in the past and put it in a place where it is easily stolen with no video cameras. Install blacklight in a cubicle, wait till object is taken and invite people to come over and look at it with a blacklight poster. The thief is the one with the glowing hands.
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm no lawyer, but I don't think the "glowing hands" argument would stand up in court.. How do you know the guy didn't just touch the coated box, previous to it being stolen? Unlikely, perhaps, but perfectly plausable.
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:5, Funny)
If you really wanted to get crafty you could have used TOXIC glow in the dark paint, then, when someone died in their cubicle, WHAM! Hit em with the black light to determine if it was natural causes or theivery.
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:2)
Many and varied; of many kinds; multiple: our manifold failings.
Having many features or forms: manifold intelligence.
Being such for a variety of reasons: a manifold traitor.
Consisting of or operating several devices of one kind at the same time.
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:2)
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:5, Interesting)
1 - Parking lot is too close to the building (a reasonably sized car/truck device could do serious structural damage.
2 - "ram proof"??? Not hardly. I don't see a double berm system. Some of those nice decorative tree planters that are actually 2 foot thick reinforced concrete might help
3 - No view of the perimeter. Does it have a ditch, double fence line, k-rails to require a zigzag entrance.
(plenty more)
1 - From what I can see all conduits are directly attached to unistrut on the ceilings. Big problem if you take a good shock to the building (ie - it's rigid)
2 - Equipment is not isolated by springs/rubber mounts from the floor. Same shock damage possibilities as above.
3 - No water collection trough around the sides of each room. I don't see floor water sensors either.
4 - Water drip pans under all chilled water and condensate lines.
5 - *1* generator? For the cost of the facility it would have been a pittance to go with two and have full redundancy when running on local generation.
All in all it's a decently engineered place. It just needs the final touches...
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:2)
Also depends what they were thinking of it being rammed with I'm sure the people who built the Pentagon thought it was "ram proof".
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:2)
I used to work with a generator similar to this and hope they have a good service contract with mechanics on site just in case. Ours was an emergency backup generator and used sparingly for electrical surplus curtailment (when the electric company runs out of power for peak demands and tells us to curtail usage unless we want to pay large fines.) Well, after a year, it tossed a valve through the cover. The next year, the shaft from the 2800hp CAT twin turbo to the Marathon 1.6MW 480 volt three phase generator broke. Sheared the shaft in two from cracks due to undamped vibrations. Both times, we were in the dark.
Generators, especially ones over 1MW are very large machines and are subject to catastrophic failure. Redundancy is recommended.
Re:Foreign Invasion? (Score:4, Funny)
"Remember thealamo.com!" (Score:2)
Seriously, though..
I am missing something here. What are you referencing to? If i go to thealamo.com i arrive at some hotel/casino. google only find advertisements.
please explain.
Re:From the article (Score:3)
Notice that it does not say explosion resistant.
Re:Foreign Invasion? Yeah, by USA (Score:2, Informative)
The 2100 Lb B43 is no longer in the US arsenal, having been replaced by the 2400 lb B83. Perhaps you have the weight confused with the 10,000 lb B41, which had a much higher yield.
Firstly, I can find no evidence of a M110 bomb existing, other than one-line entries in copy/pasted lists on free hosting sites.
Secondly, the only aircraft capable of lifting and dropping a 7.5 ton Daisy Cutter is a C-130 (a B-52H's bomb racks aren't built to hold anything that big). This is enough to make me doubt the existance of a 11 ton bomb, which would require aircraft specially modified to handle it.
On this point, you're quite right. Getting a 20 ton yield out of conventional explosives is going to require a big bomb.
One Problem (Score:5, Funny)
Re:One Problem (Score:5, Funny)
Re:One Problem (Score:2)
And who will use the various Unix and Linux derivates when we are all dead, but they don't fail. Might this be the beginning of digital evolution?
Re:One Problem (Score:3, Funny)
Re:One Problem (Score:2, Funny)
I don't care... (Score:5, Funny)
Never Underestimate The Power Of Human Stupidity.
Primary Concerns at Defcon 1 (Score:1)
Secure vs. Secure for Real (Score:3, Funny)
(start sinister laugh)
I can just see some script kiddie taking the place down. That would be too funny.
(end sinister laugh)
Re:Secure vs. Secure for Real (Score:2, Insightful)
Security through obfuscation (Score:2, Insightful)
I say build it in the middle of a desert, six feet underground, under cover of night.
Nit Pickery (Score:2)
I say build it in the middle of a desert, six feet underground, under cover of night.
To which I say, satellites can see in the dark (the better to watch your construction, my dear), and they can also see these sorts of facilities six feet underground from the rather notable heat signature. Keep in mind, even if the facility is properly cooled, all that heat has to go somewhere, and the bleedoff point will give away the operation. It's the same method employed to find military bunkers in the desert. When a satellite looks down and sees a heat plume coming from nowhere, it's short work to investigate why.
Don't they have editors at ZDNet? (Score:3, Funny)
Built initially to house currency, the Hostworks data centre in the suburb of Kidman Park, Adelaide is a tribute to the profligacy of Timothy Marcus Clark, [snip] Nestled in a semi-industrial area, with minimum road signage, it is at once unassuming, virtually impenetrable and to this day an inspirational feet of excess engineering.
Unassuming feet? What, size 5 1/2 D?
All That Money... (Score:2, Funny)
Odds.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Interesting... (Score:4, Interesting)
Kinda scary.
Build redundancy with distribution (Score:2, Interesting)
Looks like a big basket to me. Would you put all your eggs there?
What for? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:What for? (Score:3, Informative)
2 Connections to Telstra and 2 to Optus at different exchanges
"Hostworks Control Centre features over half a gigabit per second of connectivity. This is delivered via four high capacity divergent path links connected to Optus and Telstra.
As a matter of policy, Hostworks ensures that it always has four times the capacity of its peak traffic loads."
Re:What for? (Score:3, Insightful)
Remember back in 2000 when an accident [ireland.com] took out a huge fraction of Australia's international bandwidth? Better make sure those "divergent path links" don't just end up in the same undersea cable....
Re:What for? (Score:2, Insightful)
I find it so sad in the information world we keep thinking single data point and single information point. And people keep thinking things like FreeNet, GNUTella, etc are just "copyright" violators. In fact they are the future of the Internet. But the suits would much rather sell single point of failure systems.
C'est la vie, maybe one day
Good Investment (Score:5, Insightful)
Less crucial information that needn't be updated regularly could find a home here at a discounted price. Take for example, building plans. Every city, county, and State in America has a plan somewhere for every building its ever built that lists (among other things) the locations of all wiring and plumbing. This isn't terribly confidential information (though it very well may become so for large buildings with a realistic threat of terrorist attacks) and could be modestly encrypted with read access only granted to the owner.
Copyright owners might be interested in it as a way of saving back-ups of their paper-work that cannot be destroyed by some freak accident.
I for one don't like these ideas because they represent too many eggs in one basket. When information security is required, it is my personal belief that having it stored in a known location that every hacker in the world would drool over to get inside is a bad idea. History has shown, however, that not everyone (indeed few people) listen to me.
Re:Good Investment (Score:3, Insightful)
That's how I'd temper the worthiness of something like this.
Re:Good Investment (Score:2)
Re:Good Investment (Score:5, Insightful)
That's easy. Publish it on the usenet. Short of total Earth destruction, that piece of work will never get lost.
Re:Good Investment (Score:3)
Re:Good Investment (Score:2)
Re:Good Investment (Score:2)
History (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, the article says they can expand capacity 300%. Frankly, that sounds like pretty short-term planning to me. In my experience, it's a rare data store that doesn't double in size every year or two.
Still, it sounds like a cool place, and probably has a better climate than Sealand
Re:History (Score:3, Insightful)
Right you are, but of the giant space they've already allocated for racks, how much is currently used, like 5%? Your comment seems to assume that 100% of their racks are already full.
I'd imagine they set up a giant space for 24 months worth of business growth to fit in, and put in a contingency for 300% above *that*. That way they can see how the demand acts over the next year or two, and react accordingly by adding more physical space.
That's just my SWAG*, though.
*For newbies, that's "Scientific, Wild-Assed Guess."
Re:History Ok, a solution... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:History (Score:2)
You seem to be implying that the physical space required to store data doubles...that doesn't seem reasonable. I've seen top-of-the-line IDE hard drive capacity grow from 2.1GB to 100GB in my 5 years in this industry; I'd think the amount of physical space required to store data could actually shrink over time, even if the amount data is doubling every couple of years.
I am, of course, talking through my hat, as I've never managed a large data store. Let me know if I'm drawing all the wrong conclusions...
Physically securing data (Score:2)
Short on details but interesting... (Score:2, Interesting)
The article is pretty high level, but interesting none the less. I'm skeptical that is really as secure as they say it is. It would seem that any building which relies on outside connections would be vulnerable if those connections were cut. Not to mention that the air towers that were mentioned could be closed off, etc.
It seems to me that the best defence would be geographically distributed datacenters synced up on a regular basis. Of course you would have to deal with data syncing, and perhaps a master-slave relationship amongst the datacenters, but these are relatively simple problems to solve, compared to preparing for a nuclear or other attack...
Take care,
Only a few Free Palm m100's left... [assortedinternet.com]
Looks nice, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
"So, where do you go on vacations? Are you married? What's your spouse's name? What's your favorite sports team? Any music style preferred?", etc...
Big Deal (Score:2)
I'm glad ZDNet has the time to waste on stories like this. Physical security is nothing without a secure network to run in. All the `dead man zone's` in the world mean nothing if it isn't backed up on the network side by a good solid firewall.
Re:Big Deal (Score:2)
Besides, a firewall is not a solution, a pure capability system like EROS [eros-os.org] or Vapour [sourceforge.net] is.
Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:5, Interesting)
By far, the cheapest and most effective method of redundant systems is to just safe your money and not buy fancy equipment for one place, but to spend it on cheap equipment is several places. That way, who cares if someone takes out an entire hosting center, leaving only a 100 ft dep crater. You still have servers running in California and Asia.
The Domain Name System doesn't rely on a huge Fort Knox-like system. It simply has 13 (?) different places throughout the world where amazingly cheap (for its importance) equipment resides. Even if North America sinks to the bottom of the Ocean, DNS should still happily resolve.
Expensive (but impressive) measures are not the answer to reliability. Geographic diversity of cheap systems is the answer most most applications. Today, we have incremental transfer protocols such as rsync that will even transfer massive databases back and forth by only sending the changes. It's largely marketing, unwarrented by technical considerations, that make companies spend so much money on these extra sigmas of reliability.
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:2)
Imagine at the two extremes, this secure facility and a small building in an industrial park. For the cost of this facility you could build many smaller less secure facilities, but each of them would be trivially destroyed.
While it is certainly true that three secure hosting facilities is better than one secure hosting facility, one secure hosting facility is still better than three less secure ones.
Geographic diversity of cheap systems is the answer most most applications.
A server that costs one third as much and fails three times as often isn't a bargin. Even if said cheap server only fails twice or one and half times as often you will still end up paying more in the long run.
As for DNS, I believe that the root servers run on E10K's and similar, if you consider that equipment cheap then I's like to have your job.
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:2, Interesting)
I was touring one of these secured data sites once and (being the shit I am) I asked the techie-sales dude there if they'd secured the site against tempest. He hadn't heard of the technology. Thick bullet-proof glass but no sign of gounded chicken wire.
The roof wasn't shielded as far as I could see either, and there were other businesses on floors above.
So ymmv.
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:3, Insightful)
No, I wouldn't agree. What we are talking about is a battle of probabililties. The most likely vulnerabilities can be protected against at one site more cheaply than multiple sites. The "backhoe" attack is easily defended against with seperate entry points to different wire centers.
One very good reason for disparate location is regional events out of your control. It is difficult to protect yourself from a massive power outage affecting most of Califonia, or natural disaster. Even if your facility has power, etc required support services may not be available. Your site may have 14 days of diesel fuel in the basement, but how long are your NOC monkeys going to watch the screens if they can't be relieved because all the roads are closed?
I fully support having multiple redundant locations, but that is no excuse for doing them cheaply.
On the other hand, if you have two locations and each one is not able to seperately withstand foreseeable negative events what do you do when they are both affected? What if a hurricane takes out you east coast and an earthquake hits the west? Each facility still needs to be as independatly survivable as possible, otherwise you don't really have redundancy, you just have "extra".
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:2)
But it is a far more difficult task to attack many different targets at once. Regardless of if you are using commandos, missiles, bombers or human guided improvised cruise missiles.
Also I don't recall any mention of this building having anti air and anti tank capability.
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:2)
It's only difficult if you make it difficult. If your datacenter is in your garage it hardly takes an infantry division to wreck it. If you only need one bomb/commando/missle per target you only need 10 bomds to take out ten targets. On the other hand of you need ten bombs, commandos and missles to take out each target you will probably have a difficult time taking out just one or two.
Re:Cheap geographical redundancy, not $$$ gimmicks (Score:2)
How many garages could you buy cost of one of these "data forts". Let alone the sort of weapons you need to mount on them and shielding everything. Wouldn't do to sucessfully shoot down a missile and have the fire control radar crash all the computers.
If you only need one bomb/commando/missle per target you only need 10 bomds to take out ten targets. On the other hand of you need ten bombs, commandos and missles to take out each target you will probably have a difficult time taking out just one or two.
Putting 10 bombs on 10 targets and putting 10 bombs on *one* target are somewhat different tasks. Not only do you need 10 delivery systems vs one unless the attacks are very closely coordinated expect quite a bit of resistance after the first attacks. Also using garages has the useful "difficult to see the wood for the trees" attribute. So maybe they blow up a few of your data centres and some garages
You could go one state further and put the actual computers on trucks...
and this means what? (Score:3, Insightful)
As we've all seen time and time again the real threat to computer systems does not come in the form an earthquake, tidal wave, or random highjacked 767. The real threats rear their ugly heads when some idiot user doesn't update his M$Outlook security package, or takes his password out of the dictionary.
I'm not trying to say that physical threats to computer systems aren't important. By all means they are usually the last thing people think about. But the data here is only being protected from physcially being damaged and or lost. There's nothing in that article about firewall's, encryption, open access ports, faulty software, defective hardware, etcetera ad naseum.
The protection of data by the building is just one part of the problem of everything becoming digital. It's by no means the end all solution.
One man can crack it (Score:3, Funny)
(Or George Clooney, in a pinch. Yeah, I liked the movie. Cash vault, sure.)
Re:One man can crack it (Score:2)
Wow... This is just too easy.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Simple way to take down the site....
3 Letters.... E M P
Re:Wow... This is just too easy.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Decommissioned ECM pods now sitting in Russian Aerodromes and/or US Military Surplus sites from the 60's had the power to fry radar electronics from a mile or so away.
FCC regs don't require shielding from this type of high power frequency.
Heck - a good electromagnet or a junkyard magnet could do a similar number on the place.
Not So Easy (Score:3, Insightful)
Two words in return: Faraday Cage. This deals with the big electromagnet as well. As for the junkyard magnet, you could just arrest or disable the crane operator before he could get it near the building.(bfg)
Re:Wow... This is just too easy.... (Score:3, Insightful)
But it does depend on whether the building is reinforced, and how long the steel cabling is within it, etc. But the effect should not be so severe, reguardless. And remember, the EMP only affects unshielded electronics. They could simply invest $100 in wiring and build a giant Faraday cage around their server farm.
That's great! (Score:3, Funny)
The future lies in big buildings paying big money for big reliable redundant systems with big corporations paying big rent to make sure their big connectivity is almost permanent! Luckily the new pop-up ads will pay for it all!
Why, the only thing stopping people from getting to the completely-reliable sites located there is the fact that 99.99999999% of the routers on the net aren't in that building! But the last two nodes of any traceroute will be absolutely rock-solid! As long as there is some money left to pay bright, qualified network engineers, including 24x7 manned duty! Way to go!
(Phew. I didn't think I had a reserve of enough sarcasm to complete the post.)
So 1999 (Score:3, Interesting)
This sort of excess overspending and the lack of emphasis put on _real_ security (i.e. data security rather than physical security) ignores the vastly more likely threat to most company's web servers and database servers (and frankly that's what most of the boxen in these places are - huge rooms full of Yahoo and eBay machines). I'm not saying that a certain degree of security isn't appropriate, but withstanding foreign invasion? Please. The invaders are looking to break in with their armored brigade to the Exodus data center!!! Oh no!! Come on. A modest degree of armed guard presence, a low profile, some generators and massive UPS system - fine, this all makes sense. But you can go overboard.
Anyway, don't take my word for it. Just look at Exodus' stock. Their excesses seemed to ignore the fact that the service they provided just wasn't worth the outrageous amount of money they were charging for it, and these days, the more budget conscious hosting/data center/colo companies are the ones left standing.
Re:So 1999 (Score:2)
Here's the weak link (Score:2, Informative)
US national labs rejected proximity cards years ago because they could be surreptitiously read out and cloned.
Really?!! (Score:2)
You got to be kidding. I don't think *anything* can survive the: "/. effect"
Secure data centers, reality & redundancy (Score:2)
I've been a customer at Exodus, and I've toured a number of other data center sites. The centers are generally designed to impress visitors - the "dead man zone" room being a perennial favorite - and to suggest a level of security that isn't truly there. There's a reason that the government doesn't build secure sites in the middle of an industrial park, yet that's often where you find colo/data centers. Also, the number of "sales prospects" triapsing through the data center should suggest that the true security level is lower than advertised.
As far as survivability goes, no matter how much work you put into the power, the redundant data lines, the physical security, there is no true survivability in a single site. (Look at 9/11 - how many WTC companies basically said "we'd have been dead if we didn't set up off-site disaster recovery after the '93 bomb"). Any single building can be disrupted by a determined attacker. You have to use multiple sites to be truly survivable (again, look at the Internet - the whole idea was a distributed, survivable network.
Re:Secure data centers, reality & redundancy (Score:2)
Also it's harder for someone to attack multiple targets at the same time. An invading army would probably be more concerned with securing actual communications systems than those simply housing data anyway...
Sure, it's secure, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Tank in a swamp (Score:2)
Pr0n! (Score:2)
Australia isn't exactly pro-liberty (Score:2)
Nice specifications, though. A single generator for on-site power is probably a bad idea, though, even with 2 substation feeds; any outage which could take down a substation could easily be system-wide, and some of those take a long time to restore. Witness the 9-11 situation where 111 8th and 60 Hudson (2 of the 3 important NYC carrier facilities) were on extended generators). 111 8th's generator 1) ran out of fuel 2) didn't start due to dust clogging the air filters. And powering up a 2MW diesel every 6 weeks for testing is also bad; should be done weekly or better.
I think it's rather telling that no one is building out bare colos like Exodus, Frontier GlobalCenter, etc. did back in the mid-1990s; there's a glut of raw space except in very specific markets. Managed services or differentiation (by security, expansion of over-capacity carrier hotels, low pricing, etc.), but not by massive up-front capital spending.
More than one place... (Score:2)
If someone really wants to blow up a builiding, they can do it. It is a lot harder if that building is only part of a redundant network.
Real security (Score:2)
The software development for this would be expensive, and performance would be modest, but highly secure, limited-purpose back-end systems would be far better than what we have now.
Bullet resistant (Score:2)
From the movie Strange Days by James Cameron:
Take it easy. The glass is bullet resistant.
Bullet resistant? Whatever happened to bullet proof?
Can you imagine... (Score:2)
Drops dead and dies as a mob of angry
Errr... geographical redundancy? (Score:3, Interesting)
Let's face it - someone who wants to take your website down isn't going to do it by physically storming the building! Unless, of course, they're the government - in which case they'll also cut off your internet feed. What good is your 7-week's worth of diesel going to do you then?
Furthermore, it doesn't make any difference how physically secure your boxen are, if you're running an OS with networking vulnerabilities, or are vulnerable to DOS attacks.
The most secure solution is complete redundancy/distribution, in both physical and network space. The most obvious example is Freenet, which sadly isn't quite mainstream-useable yet.
Store your documents in a distributed fashion across thousands of machines. Encrypt them, so even the individual user doesn't know what his cache contains. Cryptographically sign each piece of content you produce. How is anyone going to fuck with your site when it's in a thousand different places?
Re:Errr... geographical redundancy? (Score:2)
If the building isn't as secure as you think it is the 7 weeks supply of diesel may simply help it burn better. IIRC WTC 7 contained a large store of fuel...
As with anything else.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Nothing here changes that.
Can it survive /.'ing? (Score:2)
More importantly, can it survive a DDoS?
Can it survive the
Sorry to be morbid (Score:2)
It's all well and good to defend against those who want to steal, but beyond a certain point, you can't really defend against those who wish to destroy.
So how do they make money? (Score:2)
If you can't convince clients that it's worth the extra money to have all of this physical security, you can't make money.
In the midst of a global slowdown, are companies going to want to spend that extra money, rather than investing in distributed data warehousing approaches?
Familiar (Score:2)
It was built to secure the data of the world.
It was built to withstand natural disasters.
It was built to withstand armored assault.
One man would bring it down.
One man would free the information.
One man - Lord Legba!
Coming to a theater near you this summer.
how quaint (Score:3, Insightful)
Redundancy isn't everything... (Score:2)
At least one firm in the World Trade Center had what they thought was a very safe backup procedure: Their data center in one tower was backed up to the second. In their minds anything that would take out *both* towers would obliterate Manhattan, and therefore was considered too remote to worry about...
Re:Redundancy isn't everything... (Score:2)
FWIW Manhattan was virtually obliterated. A significant (large) percentage of the office space outside of the WTC is unuseable and will remain so for quite some time. Services to lower Manhattan are not fully restored and will remain problematical for quite some time. Denial of Service (Mission Kill) is every bit as effective as outright destruction.
Not so unique... (Score:4, Interesting)
There were essentially two data centres in one building, each with its own exceptionally large UPS system with rooms full of wet-cell batteries, and each with two backup generators. Naturally there were separate power feeds into the building (three separate sub-stations if memory serves). The most memorable part tho' was walking through the separating wall - 10 feet thick re-inforced concrete which, we were told, had been designed to withstand an impact from a 747. They were under the local airports flightpath - an airport whose runways will never take a 747, but anyway. The wall runs diagonally to the flightpath, but if it lands right on top they've still lost the facility.
The thing that always strikes me about all these types of centres is that they seem to ignore (or just don't talk about) the human factor. Most disaster recovery plans are just as bad. Picture the scenario - half of your facility has just been taken out by some disaster, you probably just lost half of your collegues. I won't describe the scene, but you can imagine what horrors might be going on on the other side of the 10 foot concrete wall from you - how well will the average person be able to cope emotionally, never mind how well they'll be able to do their job? I imagine a lot of people simply wouldn't be able to face coming into work in those situations.
All that said of course, from what I hear those who survived the WTC proved me wrong, but then they were making a stand against the terrorists, and I really admire that. What if though, for the sake of this scenario, the disaster had been caused by human error, natural disaster or whatever. How would people have coped and done their jobs under those circumstances. I think a lot more people would have refused to come into work, even in the disaster recovery site, and those that did would probably have been a lot more distracted and lack motivation, at least once the immediate response to the disaster was over.
What about connectivity? (Score:2, Interesting)
Okay, good structure, check.
Anyone remember what happened to CNN, MSNBC, etc. after the WTC thing? The sheer number of accesses brought them right down. It was a perfect testament to the fragility of the Web. This ought to be addressed as well; we may not always have Google's famous cache to fall back on.
Nothing compared to the Amadeus Data Processing Fa (Score:2, Informative)
My issue with the Hostworks facility is that it's designed to handle physical currency, not data. You can fit a hell of a lot more electronic currency in 1 square foot than you could ever fit physical currency.
The Amadeus Data Processing Facility (aka the ADP [no relation to the ADP you see on your paychecks]) in Erding Germany is the Fort Knox of data facilities. It's designed to not only protect the servers physically, but to also protect the transactions within the facility
Amadeus is the European equivalent of Sabre in the US. They have roughly a 90% market share of the European market, 10% of the US, and a lot of the rest of the world to boot.
Their facilities are oriented towards traditional transaction processing systems (Tandem/Himalaya machines) rather than "normal" servers. While there is overlap in methodology there are a *lot* of differences. For the most part, they manage all the machines.
This facility supports all of the Amadeus traffic (both queries and bookings for hotels, cruises, airlines, car rentals, even travel insurance.), as well as the data processing for a number of international airlines (British Airways is one), and supposedly several international banks as well.
The facility is oriented around (roughly triangular) firecells, of which there are 3 for machines. These are massively over built. They were originally designing for hundreds of mainframe style machines, and (literally) tons of copper cabling in each firecell.
Each primary walkway is secured at multiple points. You're escorted at all times by a guard who doesn't have the ability to open any doors. Doors can only be opened by a guard remotely. At every point a guard can verify what he's seeing on the camera by direct visual observation.
Cooling is completely isolated from electrical which is completely isolated from network cabling which is completely isolated from the machines. Machines are the at the center of the firecells with corridors for cooling, electrical, and other support systems surrounding it. Each of the corridors is physically secure from all of the others.
ADP has enough generator power to run the entire town of Erding in the event that Erding loses it's main power source(s). Rumor has it that this has happened on numerous occasions.
Geographically isolated in a "easily defensible location". (One of those comments that kinda sticks in your mind when you hear it)
If they don't know you're coming you are stopped by armed guards before you're in sight of the building.
There is a No-Fly zone around their facility. (How this is enforced I don't know...)
Every Tandem is actively mirrored by another in a seperate firecell on a seperate floor. If your Tandem in cell-1 floor-2 goes away, the mirror in cell-3 floor-1 keeps the transaction from being lost.
The list goes on and on. Someone out there in the /. universe has to have heard of this facility and can probably fill in or correct details, but the Hostworks facility is by no means truly unique.
Not BackHoe-Proof - Two cuts and you're off-net (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Good backup solution, bad availability (Score:2)
This ladies and gentlemen makes perfect sence to me. There are just too many weaknesses in our communication fabric to justify this sort of protection for a simple server that relies of this very fabric.
I imagine that if the thought would occur to someone so prone to grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, it has probably also occurred to the designers of the facility. I imagine also that they have taken steps to address this issue, and that most of their security is, in fact, not publicy documented.
Re:Good backup solution, bad availability (Score:2)
They should publicly document all their security measures, using an open documentation license, so that everyone could examine the security for flaws!
Re:Where are the pictures? (Score:2, Informative)
Pictures of Hostworks [hostworks.com.au]
Re:kind of makes you think... of ways to defeat it (Score:2, Informative)
Who says EMP bombs are fictional?
Winn Schwartau (sp?) covers this technology in medium depth in his book 'Information Warfare' (which is btw a VERY good book on Information terrorism and counter e.terrorism, as well as providing a good design for a closed cell architecture for terrorist oragnization. A MUST read in this day and age).
With a mediocre knowledge of Electrical Enigineering, one could pretty easily be constructed, or at the very least one could construct a powerful high energy radio frequency gun, with the proper power supply. It sounds like the facility is located in a fairly insdustrialized area, meaning that the power infrastructure to power it is probably already there to be hijacked.
There is always a way, and it doesn't always involve crashing a 767 into it *grin*.
Re:you want safety for your data? (Score:2)
Oh, they'll answer to the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
alright, just haven't been asked yet!
When she asks, she'll be asking nicely, with a cruiser and harriers just in case she gets the wrong answer.
Using Missile Silos (Score:5, Informative)
Assuming you mean reusing old missle silos, it's a bad idea, for several reasons.
1.) The old silos were not designed to handle the electrical load that a datacenter requires.
2.) Missile silos are designed to protect against nuclear strike, but not much else. Foot soldiers would make short work of such facilities. Think heavier-than-air tear gas or burning jet fuel if you don't know why.
3.) Missile silos are generally full of asbestos and other nasty stuff that would be very costly to remove.
4.) Most missile silos have water leakage problems. This wasn't much of an issue when the only thing that got wet was the tail of the rocket booster, but computers are understandably less durable in such circumstances.
5.) Data connectivity was a non-concern then (they only needed a telephone, and then only until nuclear war began), so getting them wired would be prohibitive. Just about the only answer is satellite link, but that's not secure from destruction from the air.
6.) Missile silos were not siege-ready; that is, they didn't have weeks of supplies in case they were locked in. The assumption was that by the time they had a problem with supplies, the missile would have already launched.
Kevlar to the rescue (sort of) (Score:3, Interesting)
In Tsutomu Shimomura's book Takedown (about the hunting and capturing of Kevin Mitnick), Shimomura describes how a snow plow would constantly sever wires running between the trailer he had his computer in and the data center next door. His solution was to wrap super strong kevlar cable around the the vulnerable data cable. This solution worked a little too well-- the snow plow caught the kevlar cable, and indeed it did not break and neither did the data cable; instead the snow plow ended up pulling off the entire side of the trailer the kevlar cable was attached to!