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Encryption Security

Transfer Files Using TCP... Headers? 72

cloudmaster sent us something pretty sweet: a document describing how to send files byte by byte using TCP headers. Pretty crazy covert channel if I've ever seen one. Anyone see any other clever ones lately?
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Transfer Files Using TCP... Headers?

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  • Just read the article, and the stego reference reminded me of another paper [] on the Peacefire site []. Another good read for ideas on covert internet activity.
  • I've got a better idea, with no packet loss during hunting season. It's based on a field application used at the Beach Burn in Seattle by some of the Burning Man crew.

    What we do is use real wood pallets to encode the information in art sculptures. Then we burn them in a wild party, with drums used to transmit the signals that were in the art to the participants. OK, the packets are kind of big, but most observers will be distracted by the art that they'll never clue in that the painted glyphs on the packets contain actual information.

    It's kind of lossy, and you need trucks to transport the pallets, but it makes for a great party. And you can even roast the pidgeons from the other method if you get hungry.

  • I've not seen such egregious moderator abuse since I started posting to slashdot. See my previous comment about this. [] I'm restating it since there is some discussion about this in this thread.

    So Signal 11 posts a lot. In fact, judging by # of posts and user number, he probably has 5 digit karma. He even proudly proclaims he is the "greatest karma whore of all times"

    That DOES NOT give anyone the right to unfairly moderate him down. I happen to read /. because of the good posts and I will not stand to see good posts unfairly modded down. That totally defeats the purpose of /.

    I vastly prefer any Signal 11 post to an AC post. The moderator abuse has gotten so bad that now I can't see most of his posts because they are unfairly modded down to 0 or -1.

    Please stop.

  • How could this be covert if everyone knows about it? If your sniffing the line, your going to be getting all the data anyway, and if you know about this technique, then you can read the information. Not exactly ultra-l33t stuff here.

    Security through obscurity isn't very good security, and since this has been posted on /. it isn't even obscure anymore.
  • There is one other method of encoding data, which would allow for more data throughput. The one I am thinking of is to make a subtle modification to a TCP/IP stack, so that it must send all IP packets twice for which it wishes to encapsulate data within. The first packet sent would have a sequence number which is made to look wrong, and the second packet would have the correct sequence number. The receiving host could have a similar modification made so that it recognizes when there is data to be found buried in the payload of the (seemingly) error ridden packet. With this method, you could potentially encode a larger percentage of covert data per byte of legitimate data sent.
  • It's all in varying degrees, so it makes perfectly good sense to me.

    What is all the big fuss about U.S. encryption export laws anyway? ROT-13 and XOR should be perfectly good for anyone... =)


  • When I was doing X25 programming many years ago, we were able to do the same thing, transfer files in Call Request Packets. Since you made sure you never established a call, you could transfer files for free.
  • by Tom7 ( 102298 )

    Steanography over usenet porn is clever... this isn't. I can't think of a simpler covert channel in TCP.
  • It's not really a covert channel, but Mailtunnel [] lets you send IP packets via Internet mail messages, which is an equally twisted way of getting data from A to B.

  • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @02:43PM (#1080282) Homepage
    I'd like feedback on this idea of mine for passing covert information. I've gotten it down to packets that seem to come from anywhere on the net, going to the proper subnet but not the specific computer (Oh, but I am still trying to come up with a way to get them to have the destination of an arbitrary location... maybee in a few weeks I'll have come up with something).

    Ok, here's how it goes: Using raw sockets, you can write your own IP headers. First, you pick your subnet you wish the packet to come from. You determine how far away it is, in hops. Then, you set the packet timeout time to 1 less than that. You then make the packet's source IP be the address of the subnet you wish to send to, but an incorrect node on that subnet, and its destination address the subnet you want the packet to appear to come from.
    Now, on the end of the net which you're faking as the source, the packet will timeout and it will send a timeout response (much in the same way traceroute works). This includes the original packet. This packet gets forwarded to what it thinks is the original address, which is actually a fake node on your destination net.
    When it gets to the destination net, the receiving end is in promiscuous mode, that is, it picks up all packets. It filters them out for some "code" information, perhaps using a public key encryption scheme to hide the source address and some checksum data so it'll know that it is something it should pick up, and where it came from.

    The only complication that I've come up with so far for this scheme is smart firewalls, that is, ones that check the source IP to make sure its possible before sending it on. You can't expect anything like that from a net backbone, or even a large ISP, but perhaps on a local network; thus, if this method is used, other methods (such as simply faking the source address as being from another node on your current subnet, and sending straight to a fake node on your destination subnet) should be used. Another risk is that firewalls get smart to this, and the person's destination firewall learns to block return packets when they're coming too frequently, but thats just a bottleneck.

    .. Of course, if both options did exist, noone would be the wiser as to whether that was truly your subnet, or whether it was a completely fake one. Anyone want to have music being pirated from 208.225.90.*? ;) (Metallica presses charges against the Recording Industry Association of America)..

    Please send me feedback on this idea. I may be implementing it soon. Too bad it needs root access for raw sockets/promiscuous mode ;)

    - Rei
  • Just use Morse code. Long packet short packet short packet....

  • and most days the files just encrypt noise.

    Rather than just encrypting noise, I'd encrypt sensible data, such as a story or maybe even a jpeg of a dog.
  • ISDN has a similar feature (not very surprising - ISDN borrows some concepts from X25), and I heard that some people actually used this loophole to transfer files. (Remember, this is Europe, where you have to pay for local calls.)

    Of course, it takes a long time to transfer a file this way. Each packet can hold only a few bytes.

    Finally, the local phone company answered by charging a small call setup charge for ISDN to ISDN communications.

  • You could use to main message body to pass an encripted file while using this header trick to transmit the password. This should improve the speed of transmission of pseudo-secured data in a covert way.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Bad thing is that using target as return address is prune to fail with ingress filtering, and might draw attention of IDS'ses and similar.
  • When I read this I wondered if you might not build it into a network protocol, something like token ring except with tokens of constant size. Sometimes they'd have noise, sometimes they'd have data, but the tokens would show up every second (or whatever) and every single one would be 10 MB (or whatever) so no one would be able to gain any information by looking at the size or frequency.

    Disclaimer: I'ts now 3 AM and I'm typing this is my sleep, so I haven't thought the idea through. So don't flame me if it's a dumb idea. :)
  • What's even funnier is that "hiding small bits of data in a TCP/IP header" was pretty much the summation of the Slashdot article before this about tracing DDoS attacks. Talk about repetiveness.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yes, but imagine if you rewrote parts of the TCP stack to twiddle the outgoing bytes of "regular" packets.

    You need at least one blue mana.

  • What is the big deal?
  • by PD ( 9577 ) <> on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:20PM (#1080292) Homepage Journal
    How many packets does it take to transmit the message "Boss' credit number 1234 5678 9012 3456 11/00".

    Or maybe "Attack Jun 6 44, Normandy".

    There is much data that is tiny, but sensitive.
  • Its a method to help you get toward security, not security in itself (blah, blah).

    At any rate, the best method, along the lines you mention, would be to covertly hitch the data along existing data streams, not create new ones. This is much more difficult, but a better approach to hiding your data. You would want to hide your encrypted data in a packet of a given type and figure out some way to get it from A to B while looking just like other packets already taking that route that you have not "manufactured".

    Doing this would probably be near impossible (without source-routing, which is disabled on many hosts now) but could be simulated with a next generation of anonymous remailers; ISPs that bounce individual packets at a given frequency only (very low) and send them along to where they need to go. This way, each piece of the message would take a different route, each piece would be sent in the wrong order, and be reassembled (sounds like a really bad TCP connection ... ;-).

    The problem with your idea is that it would be relatively easy to identify the true encrypted data unless your random number source is sufficient to produce 5M per day of random bits. It probably won't, so you'll end up with a patterned 5M per day, with a more chaotic bit in it some days (the encrypted traffic).

    I would be tempted to use TCP fragments, small IPX packets containing the encrypted data sent over a UDP encoded stream, etc. to send small amounts of a message over the process of a few days or weeks. This would spread it out so much that it would be much harder to trace, especially if out of order.

    Its not an ideal system for actual messages, but quite interesting as a method for key exchange ...
  • moderate that up.....
  • Or the time in Star Trek they sent secret messages
    by modulating sub-space.
    Just as geeky :-)
  • the finger protocol is not the same as http. try finger://
  • Pesonally I think packets are best transferred by homing peidgeons. Only really applies to pings though. Huge packet loss when it's hunting season.

    I'd caution anyone against employing this mode of data transport in a production environment. Not only is latency high, but the RFC [] still has experimental status: []

  • Use triple cryptography - encode using a rotation and translation algorithm turning it into meaningless gibberish, transmit it inside random ICMP packets. Use a number of different translation matrixes in sequence for each packet, chosen arbitrarily. If the intercepting party can't understand your data, its as good as useless and passes by unnopticed. @:^)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hi, a lot of cover channels can be performed using hping2. You can download it at (let me know if you are unable to find the correct switches or if you find some unusual cover channel using this tool!).
  • Well, you could also use the ICMP data field to send files ! And not so many firewalls block ICMPs, so that must be cool...
  • wasn't there a slashdot article a while back about tcp over email?

    ah...can't seem to find the article, but I do remember it--maybe the two could be combined into the firewall proof version...or I could just be talking out my ass again.

    you decide

  • We were thinking about this when I was working with Schlumberger. Sending data over 8 carrier pigeons, 7 normal pigeons with one black parity pigeon.


  • I see two complications:

    - The ICMP Time Exceeded message contains only the IP header and the first 8 octets of the packet, so the transfer will be very inefficient (perhaps not a problem for some applications, but transferring MP3's 8 bytes at a time would get old pretty quickly).

    - Some sites already rate-limit ICMP messages to avoid some kinds of DoS attacks, which although it wouldn't prevent this channel, would restrict the bandwidth still further.

    I'm not sure if there is any way around these, but the channel would still be useful for low-bandwidth communication.

  • This is right up there with storing data in the mode bits of directory entries in your filesystem, then tar'ing the directory structure up and sending it to someone else.
  • Was it obvious before or after you read the article?
  • Of course, they couldn't use anything simple like morse code.
    They had to play back the rhythm of some weird alien glockenspiel.
    Now _that's_ geeky.
  • I think any firewall that is worth anything will rewrite all TCP packets that pass through it.

    Not really. It depends upon the type of firewall. A full application proxy firewall will do this, but a simple packet filtering firewall will not. Rewriting the TCP packets is a very time consuming process and for performance reasons this may not be acceptible. In fact, the two most popular commerical firewalls, Checkpoint FW-1 and Cisco PIX, are stateful inspection firewalls and don't rewrite the TCP packets.

  • by gbnewby ( 74175 ) on Thursday May 11, 2000 @04:42AM (#1080308) Homepage
    See the paper by Dr. Ronald Rivest at affing.txt []. It describes a similar method.

    Remember, people, this is steganography, not encryption (Ok, there are some encryption aspects, too). Don't complain that it's not secure to eavesdroppers - its purpose is to obfuscate data, not make them unreadable.

  • ...people want their pirated Metalica songs that badly...
  • A phrack article [] a few years ago had a cool idea of sending data in the payload field of ICMP packets. Not sure if this was covered in the article, but the phrack article was cool reading.
  • Ya ... it's called encapsulating an FTP packet inside the TCP packet.. duh! I've been doing that for years !! hehe..
  • ...isn't that an awful lot of overhead just to send byte-by-byte? You're sending more bytes for the header than for the data, so your transfer speed will be low... and (granted, this is coming from someone who barely qulifies as a geek by some standards), isn't receiving a lot of headers without any actual content a red flag that something's going on?
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @12:54PM (#1080313)
    There was an SSH trojan which was documented on BugTraq about 6 months ago that utilized this technique, as well as several others. It also had the ability to detect and bypass firewalls automatically from the remote site to establish a "reverse" connection with the attacker's proxy.

    In short - this has been going on for a long time.

  • by ZZamboni ( 30487 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @12:50PM (#1080314) Homepage
    This paper describes three techniques to covertly pass information in IP and TCP packets, using the IP identification number and the TCP sequence number. Nothing groundbreaking. The only mildly non-obvious part is the bouncing of packets off a third host, which makes up the third technique. The paper would be reduced to two pages if it were not for all the packet traces (which, in my opinion, do not add much to the explanations) and both the ``user's guide'' and the whole code of the sample program both of which should not be included in the paper, in my opinion.

    You can tell by now that I did not like this paper very much. The covert channels described are all quite obvious. The one thing I liked was that the author actually implemented his technique. I think this is interesting because there are not many covert-channel implementations out there.

    I see this paper more as an example of simple covert channels, used to explain what covert channels are about, than as a research paper in the area.


  • Hehe, on the other hand, it /might/ be useful for some of the Peacefire dudes working on tunneling through those damn filtering proxies.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Specialized technology for covertly transporting hot grits into my pants.
  • by ecampbel ( 89842 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:24PM (#1080317)
    The article mentioned that there exists firewalls that do not prevent this sort of thing, but it didn't mention whether there are firewalls that do prevent this sort of thing.

    It seems that any network that woud require you to utilize a covert channel like TCP headers will have a firewall. If it doesn't have a firewall then using any normal protocol will be just as "covert" as using TCP headers since there won't be anything that can monitor the data coming in or out of network.

    So if we assume that a firewall is in place, how much of the article still applies? I think any firewall that is worth anything will rewrite all TCP packets that pass through it. Also, a decent firewall should ensure that all return address's are in fact valid, so the spoof method would not work.

    Basically, it seems like this method will only work on networks that contain poorly written firewalls or on networks that don't have a firewall. Am I correct with these statements?
  • by JamesSharman ( 91225 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @12:55PM (#1080318)
    This document is incredibly long and draw out, and yet it can be paraphrased down to "you can hide small bit's of data in a TCP/IP header". The document is full of minor technical errors (ascii values in the range 0-255, nah! Just call it an octet).

    If you really want to go about hiding a data communications channel try encoding it icmp packets (A ping can be up to almost 64k filled with whatever you like), or maybe additional http headers. Going to all this effort for a hidden comms channel seems almost deranged.

    Identified channels include:

    • Space exhaustion
    • Unmounting of busy system channels
    • Contention for devices like printers
    • Timing of processes
    The notion that TCP winds up transmitting some "header" info that doesn't always get recomputed presents an obvious instance of this; it is only covert to those that don't properly understand TCP/IP.
  • by KFury ( 19522 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:26PM (#1080320) Homepage
    This is a nifty idea, but now that it's on /. it shouldn't be considered secure anymore than stegography is.

    If you want a secure way to transmit data from point A to point B without letting anybody know the size, contents, frequency, or destination of the transfer, I would suggest the following:

    An intermediary (ZeroKnowledge, or datahaven of your choice) could be set up such that every day as a specific time, it mails you an encrypted file of size n (Say 5 megs) and you mail it an encrypted file of size m (again, say 5 megs). This is automated (with a 'dispatch program' on the client side), and most days the files just encrypt noise.

    Now say that you, Alice, want to send a file to your friend, Bob. You encrypt it with Bob's public key, and put it in your dispatch queue (a program supplied by the data haven) along with Bob's identifier.

    The next time your dispatch program is supposed to send something out, it looks in the queue, finds Bob's package, appends it with an EOF and enough noise to reach size m (5 megs), encrypts that with the data haven's public key (either a regular key, or preferably a freshly exchanged key), and sends it on to the DH.

    Once there, it's decoded, revealing Bob's package, and the address to send it to. This now goes into Bob's inbound queue at the data haven, so the next time Bob's dispatch program connects at it's regular time, the file is gathered with whatever other files Bob has received and is encrypted (with the appended noise, for size constancy) and sent down to Bob's folder, where it is decrypted, and the individual packages are decrypted as well (automatically or as desired).

    The keys here are that you:

    • Send and receive the same size file every day at the same time, whether you have info to send or receive or not, so no patterns can be tracked
    • Make m and n big enough that you don't need to change them (because bumping up from 5 megs to 10 is a sign that you're using more, and this is a piece of information you don't want known)

    This way outsiders can't tell how much data you're actually sending or receiving, who you're sending it to, who you're receiving it from, how frequently you're sending or receiving data, or whether you're actually getting or sending anything at all (you could sign up just to thwart prying eyes, and never send anything through but the default noise file).

    Further, if the data haven is compromised at a given point in time, they would have the packages A was sending to B, which were already encrypted with B's key, so not even the data haven knows what's inside. Depending on how the DH is run, you may or may not be able to tell where the package came from (that info could be hidden inside the package before sent), or any history info of transactions (preferably no record be kept, obviously).

    Of course, for the paranoid, you can nest data-havens (send to bob@datahaven2@datahaven1, etc) or chain them yourself with ghost users (send to bob@datahaven2@bobsfakeaccount@datahaven1).

    Basically, it'll be like the post office: You send out one batch a day (or week, or hour, whatever) and you get one batch back, no more, no less, and data analysis by activity pattern is thwarted, and obscurity doesn't play a breakable part of the data pipeline.

    Kevin Fox

  • by torpor ( 458 ) <> on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:30PM (#1080321) Homepage Journal
    Most peoples /etc/passwd or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf wouldn't take very long to transfer this way...

    I like the idea of spoofing packets out to the net with retaddr set to target. That's pretty damned interesting, actually... the more I think about it, the more fun it is! ;)

  • He even proudly proclaims he is the "greatest karma whore of all times"

    Thanks but no thanks.. I have no done that for some time now: what I post is what I *really* *do* *believe*. Please judge me on my content, and not who I am. As part of this, I usually do not use my +2 bonus.. all I ask is that if people do want to moderate that they do so on what I'm saying.. and not who I am.

  • by Chester K ( 145560 ) on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:34PM (#1080323) Homepage
    Would be a version of a distributed file sharing client (like Gnutella) that uses covert channel #3 (bouncing forged packets off a third party host) to anonymize the server.

    I'd like to see Metallica try to shut that down.
  • 5 MBytes of pretty random data is easy to come by.

    Use tar to archive up your system, pass the output tar file through gzip or compress. Then encrypt it with tripple DES using a randomly generated key and then forget the key. For better randomness, skip a random number of bytes into the output stream before using. If you want even better randomness, XOR it against another data set. While not perfect, it does generate a huge data set that is hard to predict. Anywhere you can throw in a randomness into the generation method helps improve the output data set. One possibility would be to randomly select files to archive. Randomly you could drop blocks or XOR them with them with the next block. When building a chaff data set like this it's important to lose input information and bring in other randomness as it's built.

    For a truely random number generation method see LavaRand [].

  • At the very least, all this does is test a firewall and the people who set it up.

    A decent firewall, supports statefull filters. (i.e. Outside connections can only be established if they originated from the inside.) As for Public Web Servers, they should be setup in a DMZ, not on the private side. (Firewall 101)
    This method relys on getting a SYN (not SYN/ACK)request in from the outside. With statefull filters, this is most difficult.
    As for spoofing IP addresses, a firewall should never allow private address from the outside/public network.

    This exploit is only good for a skr1p+ k1dd13 trying to hack into his high school.
  • You could also send out random-sized random chunks of encrypted data all times throught the day and, if the messaged was bigger the the allocated random chunk for that time, split it up into several different uploads. that way you could say, "That was concidence that the data was sent off after I had the telephone conversation with Bob. Notice after all of the other conversations I had with him no 'data' has been sent and the call/file upload ratios have been the same for every constant communication has been the same."
  • Something in the line of this article is this paper [] It talks about storing information on people's machines without their consent.
  • Using headers could approach complete anonymity across a logical point to point link by inserting the data into other (presumably legitimate) packets. The advantage: Packets neither originate nor end at the locations you insert or strip data. The disadvantages: Routing - you have to make sure packets are routed from your insert site through your destination. Proxy access - you have to be able to rewrite the packet where you insert the data. The destination site must at least read the data. The drawbacks may limit this to major backbones, or someone with access to them...
  • In a related thing,

    IIRC, the Trinoo distributed DoS attack system used ICMP packets to communicate...this is how it got past many detection schemes.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Why is this moded to zero?? Its a covert channel, and, it almost satisfies this "Anyone see any other clever ones lately?"

    That's the thing with covert channels. If you don't mind very, very low bit rates, if there are unimportant bits somewhere, you can use them to send information. It doesn't matter one jot what format those bits come in, bits are bits. eg, you could use a series of /. posts to distribute your metallica mp3s. Encrypt your data with a public key, then have a substitution table, a particular value between 0 and 255 -> a particular english word. Then break it into random size chunks, then post it to /. some "hidden" sids. And too reconstruct it, you need to take into account the time and order it was posted, and shove it through some complex algorithim to work out the true order of the chunks. Voila, covert channel, stable for 2 weeks.

  • This one has actually been done just to prove it's possible.

    I learned of it in an Interop tutorial back a number of years ago - either David Clark or Marshall Rose mentioned it in passing. Intrigued, I pawed through the RFCs long enough to satisfy myself that although it was weird, and would require an accomplice on the inside, it was possible, and would simply fly through pretty much any firewall that allowed DNS resolution of external IP addresses.

    I don't know if anyone has ever publicly used or distributed this method.

    The basic problem is that pretty much anything that goes through can be used to tunnel almost anything else if you want to do it badly enough...
  • The Cisco PIX will rewrite TCP sequence numbers by default. See the documentation at abu/pix/pix_v51/config/commands.htm#6833

    Other than that, I think the PIX rots.

    One sure way to tell you're running nmap against a PIX is that all the sequence numbers are impossible to predict and they're running IIS.
  • Not having read anything:

    ipfilter, common on FreeBSD and OpenBSD has the option of dropping packets with tcp options. See the latest SysAdmin mag for more info. I don't think Linux ipchains has this ability.

  • Most mathematicians consider chaotic noise to be close enough to 'truly random' to count. But aside from that there are very few sources of truly random data.

    A chaotic source would include white noise from radio frequencies carrying no stations.

    A random source would be how often I blink while sleeping or how much fluid I drink while sipping my coffee -- these are unpredictable (within their limits).

  • I saw that about 5 years ago while I was working at Data General. They were all into covert channels there, since they were building an OS that was supposed to be B2 secure. It was pretty secure, too...

    Encrypted data transmitted in TCP headers is, as far as I can tell, impossible to detect. You can even spoof a bunch of packets out to the network with the return address set to your target and the network will merrily bounce the packets to their destination. Cool stuff.

    Only problem is it'd take a long time to transfer a file like this.

  • Yes, but imagine if you rewrote parts of the TCP stack to twiddle the outgoing bytes of "regular" packets. In that case, it wouldn't be nearly as detectable.
  • Pesonally I think packets are best transferred by homing peidgeons. Only really applies to pings though. Huge packet loss when it's hunting season.
  • So with all this DDoS stuff we see that thay were just moving large files. hrmmm.
  • by torpor ( 458 ) <> on Wednesday May 10, 2000 @01:39PM (#1080339) Homepage Journal
    Just keep sending it out, constantly.

    Otherwise you give investigators a clue as to when messages were sent in the *real* world - this can be important when creating an evidence trail for conviction. Being able to say that "the dummy packets sent out between X and Y dates contained the secret info" is one step closer to having evidence - so throw out the time factor and it reduces the investigative trail as well.

    Also, a scheduled send permits calculated intercepts. If you're going to all this trouble to fight a war on your own rights to private communication, there is no point giving your enemy any information at all - and a simple "dummy messages goes out at 5pm" gives the opportunity for other tactics.

    If you're worried about bandwidth, then just do random sends/receives of the dummy data, albeit on a more persistent basis.
  • You shouldn't care about choosing the noise-pad size to be large enough. You can always split messages across several communications, right?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I believe that one of the communication protocols used in back orifice 2000 [] involves sending information in ICMP echo request and responses. There is a limited amount of optional information that you can include in the IP header of any such packet (ICMP or otherwise) that you can use for such a purpose. -kozubik
  • You shouldn't care about choosing the noise-pad size to be large enough. You can always split messages across several communications, right?

    Right, unless you either care about a delay of more than one transmit-period (eg, day) or that there might be a backlog if you start getting more than your batch size. If this happens, your backlog would just get longer and longer.

    I do like the of constant or randomly placed up and download periods, as options, so the user would have a tradeoff of predictability (some would value more predictability, such as needing their daily files by 9am each day, and sending out their batch at 6pm), while others would value the obscurity a randomized schedule would provide.

    As far as legality goes, there's also a nice defense in being able to say "The transmission on 9am wasn't anything out of the ordinary. We always transmit a 5 meg file at that time, every day, before we'd ever met Bob" while a randomized schedule might create unfortuante coincidences, "We see that right after your telephone conversation with Bob, you sent off a 5 meg file. Why is that?"

    Steady stream may be the way to go, but then again, if you are looking to hide this at all (not that obscurity is useful), a steady stream tends to attract flies more than a periodic burst.

    Kevin Fox

  • Yeah but it's still way cool.
  • Interestingly enough this particular post is not a troll, it is not flamebait, and it is clearly not offtopic. So moderating it down would be an abuse of moderator priveliges, right?

"If there isn't a population problem, why is the government putting cancer in the cigarettes?" -- the elder Steptoe, c. 1970
