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Mailchimp Says an Internal Tool Was Used To Breach Hundreds of Accounts (techcrunch.com) 13

Email marketing giant Mailchimp has confirmed a data breach after malicious hackers compromised an internal company tool to gain access to customer accounts. From a report: In a statement given to TechCrunch, Mailchimp CISO Siobhan Smyth said the company became aware of the intrusion on March 26 after it identified a malicious actor accessing a tool used by the company's customer support and account administration teams. Access was gained following a successful social engineering attack, a type of attack that exploits human error and uses manipulation techniques to gain private information, access or valuables. "We acted swiftly to address the situation by terminating access for the compromised employee accounts and took steps to prevent additional employees from being affected," Smyth said.
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Mailchimp Says an Internal Tool Was Used To Breach Hundreds of Accounts

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