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Security United States

New Charges Filed Against Capital One Hacker, Trial Postponed To 2022 ( 18

The US government has filed a superseding indictment against Paige A. Thompson, a former Amazon engineer accused of hacking Capital One and stealing the personal data of more than 100 million Americans. From a report: According to court documents filed earlier this month and obtained by The Record, the US Department of Justice has added seven new charges on top of the original two it filed in August 2019. The new charges -- six counts of computer fraud and abuse, and one count of access device fraud -- come as investigators have made headway in analyzing data seized from Thompson's computers and servers.
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New Charges Filed Against Capital One Hacker, Trial Postponed To 2022

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  • I actually feel really sorry for Paige Thompson. She has shown herself to be seriously mentally ill and emotionally naive. She did the crime for sure, but the punishment seems like beating a dog that can't understand what it did wrong.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        Although she probably didn't do it for financial gain, it's still a crime and she should still do some prison time in my opinion, just not the same amount of time that someone who did it for financial gain would get. Roughly half, maybe.

    • I actually feel really sorry for Paige Thompson. She has shown herself to be seriously mentally ill and emotionally naive. She did the crime for sure, but the punishment seems like beating a dog that can't understand what it did wrong.

      You sound extremely gullible. My take was that they did this knowing exactly what they were doing.

      • of course she did, which why what she did wasn't illegal. When someone publishes something on the internet, it becomes public domain. She's not guilty of anything Google hasn't been doing for decades.

        • by gtall ( 79522 )

          So if someone were to publish your social security number, bank account numbers, a few passwords, private details about your life, etc., what's the harm. They aren't doing anything Google hasn't been doing for decades (approx 2 of those).

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