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Canadian Charged With Running, Selling Stolen Info ( 27

A Canadian man accused of operating the website, a major repository of stolen online credentials, has been arrested and charged with trafficking in billions of stolen personal identity records, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said on Monday. From a report: The site, which was shut down in early 2017, had collected details from a string of major breaches and made them accessible and searchable for a fee. The man, 27-year-old Jordan Evan Bloom, is due to appear in a Toronto court on Monday to hear charges that as administrator of the site he collected some C$247,000 from the sale of stolen records and associated passwords.
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Canadian Charged With Running, Selling Stolen Info

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  • Yay! (Score:3, Funny)

    by davecb ( 6526 ) <> on Monday January 15, 2018 @04:17PM (#55933629) Homepage Journal
    I love it when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (colloquially "the horsemen") catch crooked nerds. They look so surprised when the horse shoulders their door out of the way!
  • The man, 27-year-old Jordan Evan Bloom, is due to appear in a Toronto court on Monday .

    Oh shit, Jordan got arrested, eh?

    Posted from the country up north where Americans think we all live in a tiny village and only have one road going from coast to coast.

    • The man, 27-year-old Jordan Evan Bloom, is due to appear in a Toronto court on Monday .

      Oh shit, Jordan got arrested, eh?

      Posted from the country up north where Americans think we all live in a tiny village and only have one road going from coast to coast.

      You built a second road now?

      • by JustOK ( 667959 )
        No, they just painted a yellow line down the center. Now they have one road from coast to coast, and a SECOND on from coast to coast.
    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      To be fair, I think there's a little segment between Thunderbay and Nipigon were there is only 1 road connecting east to west.

      Everywhere else there is at least two.

      (I think Labrador can only be reached on one road; and there are very few... possibly just one road to the north coast (their
      s one to Tuktoyaktuk (from Whitehorse)).

      • Re:Oh shit (Score:5, Funny)

        by alexo ( 9335 ) on Monday January 15, 2018 @05:06PM (#55933951) Journal

        (I think Labrador can only be reached on one road; and there are very few... possibly just one road to the north coast (their
        s one to Tuktoyaktuk (from Whitehorse)).

        You know that you've been programming for too long when the first thing that bugs you about the statement above is not the presence of spelling/grammatical mistakes but that the parentheses are unbalanced.

        • You know that you've been programming for too long when the first thing that bugs you about the statement above is not the presence of spelling/grammatical mistakes but that the parentheses are unbalanced.

          How could you even read it? My parser threw an error.

    • by sycodon ( 149926 )

      You have one trail going from coast to coast.

      I mean to hike it one day.

    • Oh shit, Jordan got arrested, eh?

      Posted from the country up north where Americans think we all live in a tiny village and only have one road going from coast to coast.

      Also we all live in igloos.
      Although the igloo is a great place to to keep the server rack.

    • Well Toronto is the capital of Canada, so I am not surprised he is from there.
    • >only have one road going from coast to coast

      We DO have only one road going from coast to coast... the aptly titled 'trans-Canada highway'.

      Most of our roads don't even cross municipal boundaries!

  • >> website

    I thought the URL was ""
  • So he ran a website facilitating the commerce of identity theft - in the order of billions of records handled. In that time he managed to make just north of $120k per year (USD $96.6k/year). (This based on [] saying the site began selling data in Oct 2015)
  • by wardrich86 ( 4092007 ) on Monday January 15, 2018 @04:54PM (#55933875)
    He's gonna be in DEEP trouble!
  • If your credentials are stolen and out there, then they are already available. One could easily get the same sources that he collected and have the entire database for free.
    Other sites will say: yes, your password has been stolen, but you might have no idea which one, or from which time frame without being able to see the password.

  • Canada man, now giving Florida man a run for his money as the top contender...

  • I hope he gets good practice stretching his anal sphincters...

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