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Security Encryption Privacy

Samsung, LG Smartwatches Give Up Personal Data To Researchers 46

An anonymous reader sends word that security researchers have been able to extract personal information from a pair of smartwatches: the LG G Watch and the Samsung Gear 2 Neo. The G Watch gave up calendar information, pedometer data, and the user's email address, while the Gear 2 Neo gave up health data, emails, messages, and contact information. The researchers said it wasn't very difficult to get the data, in part because it wasn't encrypted. "The Gear 2 Neo uses Samsung's Tizen operating system, while the LG G Watch is one of several models that uses Google's Android Wear operating system. The researchers obtained the data both by poking through the watches' files and finding traces of watch activity on the Samsung Android smartphone to which they were linked. The researchers also have begun testing the Apple Watch."
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Samsung, LG Smartwatches Give Up Personal Data To Researchers

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Really? Fucking sheeple. Who among us Slashdotters didn't think that this was happening? Even if that data is encrypted, it's being used to track the details about you. Now, let's ask how this information can be used against you. Insurance premiums maybe? Establishing alibi? Fuck 'em all.

  • by kcitren ( 72383 ) on Friday June 12, 2015 @08:14AM (#49897551)

    The researchers obtained the data both by poking through the watches' files and finding traces of watch activity on the Samsung Android smartphone to which they were linked.

    So, they had both the watch and the connected phone. I'm not really concerned about this. If this was a remote access thing, I'd be a little worried.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      To boot, the Android smartphone which didn't have /data encrypted (which is one of the first things a savvy user turns on)

      Well... duh. It is like a researcher buying a car, leaving the boot unlocked, and then saying that just tugging the handle allows an attacker to see what brand of toilet paper you use.

      • Well... duh. It is like a researcher buying a car, leaving the boot unlocked, and then saying that just tugging the handle allows an attacker to see what brand of toilet paper you use.

        You have a BATHROOM in your CAR?!?!? Wow!!!

        That must be one of them newfangled self-driving jobs!!!

        • by dkman ( 863999 )
          When you buy toilet paper how do you get it home? Clearly he's implying he just went shopping.
  • These researchers had physical control of the hardware in question and were able to extract unencrypted data? That must have been difficult.
    • I have the Gear 2, and absolutely love it. The only way someone is getting physical control of it is if they chop my wrist off. At that point stopping bleeding will supersede my need for privacy.
    • by rsborg ( 111459 )

      These researchers had physical control of the hardware in question and were able to extract unencrypted data? That must have been difficult.

      You can't do that with an iPhone. Hardware access that's in a locked mode shouldn't necessarily give you access to encrypted data. Oh, in one case at least it simply wasn't encrypted. Health data. Nice.

      • Health data. Nice.

        I'm not terribly concerned about people knowing how many steps I've taken today or what my average heart rate is. Saying "health data" in this context is like saying "financial data" when referring to the knowledge of what some 10 year old receives as an allowance each week.

    • by dkman ( 863999 )
      I came to say that it would have been much more interesting if they were sniffing the data between the watch and phone, which would mean they were capturing bluetooth data (having larger implications).

      I'm not quite should how they're seeing files on the watch, so that might be interesting on it's own.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Time to update your watch!
    Time to update your computer!
    Time to update your car!
    Time to update your thermostat!
    Time to update your garage door opener!
    Time to update your food processor!
    Fuck computers!

  • Does anyone actually buy them? I think a smart watch is redundant, until it entirely be able to replace a cell phone. To better understand the market I did some quick research - [] So they sold 6.8 millions of these gadgets in 2014 in US. I'm not impressed with these numbers. The only actual usage so far is: - fitness crowd - cool people that buy anything new that comes out for bragging rights - gifts for people who already have everything else
    • by Minupla ( 62455 ) <> on Friday June 12, 2015 @08:43AM (#49897719) Homepage Journal

      I've been wearing one since Christmas (thanks Santa!) and I have to say I don't think I'd wanna give it up now. It's a nice to have definitely, rather then a necessity, but so is my smart phone.

      I have the type of job with double and triple stacked meetings 8 hrs a day and it's REALLY nice to be able to glance at my watch and find out where I need to be next, what the dial in for the conference bridge is etc without having to pull my phone out of my pocket, unlock it, etc. Means I'm late for fewer meetings.

      It's also a lot more socially acceptable in my office at least to glance at a watch and check to see if that new email your phone is buzzing about is important enough to excuse yourself from the meeting or not. Also being able to screen a call without the fuss of pulling out a phone. Glance at the watch, see it's important, excuse myself from the meeting and pull my phone out on the way is a lot less disruptive.

      So ya, it's a nice to have, but it's quickly becoming a high priority nice to have. I miss it when I forget to put it on in the morning (like today) because I have too little caffeine in my blood.

      Like every other early adopter device, it's got bugs but it's over the "more trouble then it's worth" hurdle for me at least.


      • I am soooo grateful my office bans (under threat of firing) cellphones, smartwatches, cameras, tablets, etc.
      • by adolf ( 21054 )

        I have the type of job with double and triple stacked meetings 8 hrs a day


        I want a job where my main responsibility is moving from one meeting to the next under the auspices of accomplishing work.

        Where do I sign up?

    • I also wear one (Samsung).

      When the Bluetooth is disconnected, it alerts me. This means I left my phone in the house and I need to go back and get it.

      When my customer texts me and requires only a "Yes" or "No" while I'm trying to de-plane, that is a real time and annoyance saver to be able to use one of the pre-programmed Quick Replies.

      Looking at time is much easier and socially acceptable on a watch than a phone.

      The step counter reminds me that I've been sitting too much (I have to access it, but it's stil

    • by King_TJ ( 85913 )

      Yes, people buy them by the millions.... You're not impressed that 6.8 million were sold in 2014 (the first year this stuff really went mainstream, with lots of version 1.0 products that will get more compelling as the years pass)?

      I have the Apple Watch myself and sure it's redundant -- but that's sort of the point. I mean, in the era of everyone carrying around cellphones which ALL display the date and time, any wrist worn watch is redundant anyway!

      The advantages are ones of convenience, primarily. People

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      For me, I want a stand alone smartwatch that doesn't require a phone like the old school Casio Data Bank watches. ;)

  • Remember when the lack of physical access to a computer was one of the many security rings surrounding that computer?
    • Remember when the lack of physical access to a computer was one of the many security rings surrounding that computer?

      It sounds like, with these phones, lack of physical access is the ONLY security ring surrounding them.

  • Yet Pebble is safe. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Lumpy ( 12016 )

    The #1 smartwatch.... well actually #2 after the iWatch but it still outsells all the Android wear watches put together, the Pebble is not giving up data.

    Plus it is significantly easier to write software and faces for. Oh and that 5-7 day battery life that destroys all other smartwatches...

  • "An anonymous reader sends word that security researchers have been able to extract personal information from a pair of smartwatches"
  • The unencrpyted phone you paired to your smartwatch gives up data.

Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.
