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Why WikiLeaks' Spinoff OpenLeaks Failed 79

Sparrowvsrevolution writes "Wired has published an excerpt of the new WikiLeaks-related book This Machine Kills Secrets, which delves into the launch of the WikiLeaks spinoff OpenLeaks at the Chaos Communication Camp in Berlin last year. The detailed account of the site's debut, with German ex-WikiLeaker Daniel Domscheit-Berg at the helm, reveals that even before the dispute between WikiLeaks and OpenLeaks led to the controversial destruction of the decryption keys for 3,000 of WikiLeaks' encrypted leaks taken by Domscheit-Berg, OpenLeaks was already facing significant problems: Rumors that the group had been infiltrated by the German government, a lack of code open for public auditing and even a failure to get the site online in time for the penetration test it had invited the CCC hackers to perform. The book passage gives a peek into the infighting, bad luck, disorganization and personality problems that has left the world without a real sequel to WikiLeaks despite the dozens of leak-focused sites that have launched in the last two years."
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Why WikiLeaks' Spinoff OpenLeaks Failed

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  • "Open" (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CharlyFoxtrot ( 1607527 ) on Friday September 14, 2012 @10:23AM (#41334467)

    The story of too many of the "open" projects :
    * someone creates something worthwhile
    * it becomes very popular
    * some douchebag says: "I'll make something exactly like this, except it will be better because it's OPEN."
    * nothing of value is produced
    * Lather, rinse, repeat

  • by Jeremiah Cornelius ( 137 ) on Friday September 14, 2012 @12:28PM (#41336005) Homepage Journal

    Don't know if he's owned by CIA, MI[5-6] or Mossad.

    Recycled bits from Sept, 2011:

    David Leigh/Guardian is working in the interest of CIA/MI6 and looking not to collaborate with WikiLeaks, but to ensnare him for prosecution.

    Clue: DL Insisting on seeing the actual files

    Clue: DL Pressing for the GPG passphrase

    Clue: DL Publishing the ENTIRE proceeding and passphrase in a book

    Dumbshit-Borg is either a long-time mole or was "turned"

    Clue: D-B had full access to all unredacted material

    Clue: D-B acrimoniously split with Assange/WikiLeaks over ego-boundary shit and speculative "risk" issues

    Clue: D-B in his schism is part of the probable exposure of these cables - portrayed as an "accident", while he was unilaterally and admittedly sabotaging WikiLeaks

    Clue: D-B can now say "I told you so" over this exposure of sources - pointing to this as evidence, rather than a situation he perpetrated

    The US Army Counterintelligence Agency said in 2008 that WikiLeaks was"a potential force protection, counterintelligence, OPSEC, and INFOSEC threat to the US Army" and PLANNED OPERATIONS to neutralise/discredit WikiLeaks:

    "The identification, exposure, or termination of employment of or legal actions against current or former insiders, leakers, or whistleblowers could damage or destroy this center of gravity and deter others from using Wikileaks.org to make such information public."

    http://www.scribd.com/doc/28385794/Us-Intel-Wikileaks [scribd.com]

    Question: Do you think that the Agency makes these declarations in vain, for their entertainment value?

    Question: Do you think they are alone, and that there are not equivalent planned and current operations by the CIA, etc.?

    Question: Are the combined actions of DL and D-B implausible as the intended outcome of a counter-WikiLeaks strategy, set in motion by one or more intelligence agencies, including US Army Counterintelligence?

    Think about it. Once they set this down IN PRINT, internally, and don't have a "positive" outcome? Sombody goes through the ringer.

    This is likely all a setup. One with a scenario that is similar to the one indicated here, if not completely identical. It is one where where David Leigh and Dumbshit-Borg are either pathetic and self-serving dupes, or sickening quislings.

    Either way, this is a noose fabricated of intentional actions with plausible deniability. Identify WikiLeaks with Assange's personality, and attack the personality. Attack the credibility of WikiLeaks methodology while distracting from their effectiveness and success in exposing filth, corruption and illegal government action.

A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
