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Leopard Upgraders Getting "Blue Screen of Death" 542

Z80xxc! writes "Some Mac users upgrading to Apple's new Leopard operating system are encountering long delays on reboot — an experience they liken to the Windows 'Blue Screen of Death.' While some of those upgrading were able to access their computer after waiting for as long as several hours, others were forced to do a complete reinstall. Some suspect that a framework called 'Application Enhancer' by Unsanity LLC may be causing the problem, but there has been no official word from Apple at this point."
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Leopard Upgraders Getting "Blue Screen of Death"

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  • Archive and install (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ( 731545 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:01PM (#21142199) Homepage

    Archive and install!

    It's the safest way to upgrade. Yes, it's less convenient, but way better than finding out that some 3rd party tweak is not compatible the hard way...

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:07PM (#21142255)
      There have been plenty of issues with archive and install as well. Just backup your home directory to that lovely new HD you got for time machine, and then unplug it and Erase and Install Leopard. I had no issues.

      Then restore the data from the backup drive, erase the backup drive and then you can turn on time machine.

      See, those years of doing Windows upgrades finally paid off for something :P

      Or, if you actually get the blue screen:

      1. Reboot into single-user mode (hold Cmd-S while booting machine)
      2. Follow the directions OSX gives you when you get to the prompt (I think these were them - just type the two commands it tells you to):
      fsck -fy /
      3. Remove the following files:
      rm -rf /Library/Preference Panes/Application Enhancer.prefpane
      rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Application Enhancer.framework
      rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application Enhancer.bundle
      rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.ape.plist
      4. Exit, to continue booting normally

      Via: []
      • by morgan_greywolf ( 835522 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:47PM (#21142567) Homepage Journal
        Oh, yeah, you expect Aunt Tillie to be able to do that? All these command-line fixes just show how Mac OS X is not yet ready for the desktop, and how Linux is superior because "it just works." ;)

        (Laugh. It's funny.)

      • by shawnce ( 146129 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @05:13PM (#21142843) Homepage
        Safer to do the following given the spaces in the paths (or escape the spaces in the path using \)...

        3. Remove the following files:
        rm -rf "/Library/Preference Panes/Application Enhancer.prefpane"
        rm -rf "/Library/Frameworks/Application Enhancer.framework"
        rm -rf "/System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application Enhancer.bundle"
        rm -rf "/Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.ape.plist"
      • ...except those commands will silently fail. The spaces need to be escaped with backslashes, or the entire file path needs to be in quotes. Getting rid of the .plist may be enough to disable Application Enhancer, but it's not getting rid of the entire haxie.

        fsck -fy /
        mount -uw /
        rm -rf /Library/Preference\ Panes/Application\ Enhancer.prefpane
        rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Application\ Enhancer.framework
        rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application\ Enhancer.bundle
        rm /Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.a
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by sgant ( 178166 )
      That's the way I did it. Took about 25 minutes to install everything and I was back up and running with no problems.

      The only thing I've changed is the 3D dock to a 2D dock. It looks nicer...even nicer than the old dock. I'm one of the few it seems to really like the new Stacks feature, but I understand the gripes of others that used nested folders (I never did). I love the new Finder and Spotlight...even though I'll still be using Quicksilver. Spaces is useful for me so far. All my applications are up and r
    • Unplug any external USB hard drives, especially if they USED to have a system and now only contain data, but you never reformatted them, and only erased files via the Trash.

      Try rebooting afterwards, and you'll start up just fine. People really waited HOURS?!? Wow, what a bunch of Geniurds....

      It's the same boot issue that occurs when a windows machine has USB set to boot ahead of the CD ROM or HD, and you put an empty keychain in the USB slot - it hangs.

      I had this problem, as soon as I rebooted with
  • So far the biggest problem is with airport disks. The support is a bit wonky.

    In addition Apple have pulled support for time machine on airport disks in the last minute. Big stinker. It's bad enough that Aperture can't use airport disks for vaults...

    • Airdisk probably isn't fast enough for it to be feasible.
    • I upgraded to Leopard with my LaCie drive attached via Firewire, so that Time Machine would recognize it. I also let it set over night to do the full backup (which I think it did--saw 150GB disappear from that disk). Now today, that same LaCie drive is back where it belongs attached to Airport Extreme, and anytime that that volume shows up on the network, Time Machine seems to recognize it. That is, I am able to enter the Time Machine restore interface, and I can start or stop a backup.

      I want to plug tha
  • jesus h christ (Score:3, Insightful)

    by deathtopaulw ( 1032050 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:06PM (#21142243) Homepage
    people are so fucking stupid
    "oh no this 3rd party application which adds dubious and useless enhancements to my system is causing my computer to not work upon upgrading to a completely new version!"
    bust out the slashdot article I guess
    • Re:jesus h christ (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:13PM (#21142307)
      Using APE is an insanity of the first order anyway. Dealing with Unsanity's refusal to help is what made me dump all their products.

      Me: "Hi APE is causing crashes on my mac"
      Unsanity: "No it's not, it can't. This is why.... "
      Me: "OK, that makes sense thanks"

      two weeks later

      Me: "Hi, APE definitely is causing crashes on my mac"
      Unsanity: "No, it can't be, because... "
      Me: "I just did a fresh install. it survived multiple reboots in its completely standard configuration. I installed APE, now X, Y and Z all crash"
      Unsanity: "Well it's not APE, because APE does ... "
      Me: "I removed APE, and instantly it's working again"
      Unsanity: "Well it can't be APE, because ... "
      Me: "Fuck you"

    • Mod parent up (Score:5, Interesting)

      by phillymjs ( 234426 ) <<gro.ognats> <ta> <todhsals>> on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:26PM (#21142403) Homepage Journal
      This is hardly the first time Unsanity's stuff has caused problems with a new version of OS X. If people are too damned dumb to uninstall their unsupported-hack add-ons before upgrading, that's their problem, not Apple's.

      And no matter how much better OS X is than Windows w/r/t the "it just works" aspect, things can and do still go wrong sometimes. A little pre-upgrade basic system maintenance never hurts (at least repair permissions and verify/repair the target disk from Disk Utility on the Leopard CD), and neither does making a bootable clone of the system in case you have to revert.

      • Re:Mod parent up (Score:4, Interesting)

        by GarfBond ( 565331 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @10:00PM (#21144601)
        Not everyone knows about APE. I, for one, found APE on my system after wondering why my logins were so damned slow. Hint: update_prebinding was being run on every user logon because that was the only workaround that Unsanity decided to use for some retarded bug of theirs. Nevermind that this slows user logon down by about 5 minutes each time! However, I had never installed APE ever in my life, so how did it get there?

        Logitech mouse/keyboard drivers install them for you, without asking or telling you! It's not entirely the user that's to blame - even a reasonably careful user won't notice surreptitious installs like this. Logitech's method of bundling it is vaguely like spyware, I'd say.

    • "oh no this 3rd party application which adds dubious and useless enhancements to my system is causing my computer to not work upon upgrading to a completely new version!"

      I've had these dubious and useless enhancements added to my Macs for years. 0 problems to date. These enhancements are tied very closely to the OS rev, and I would not expect them to work past an OS change.
    • It's "this 3rd party application which adds absolutely essential enhancements to my system isn't compatible with he new OS".
    • Why not? It's not as if Windows gets a pass around here when poorly-written 3rd-party apps cause a kernel dump.
  • by bombastinator ( 812664 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:10PM (#21142285)
    Unsanity is officially listed by the company not to worik with 10.5
  • by conspirasseur ( 1119387 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:11PM (#21142291)
    I have done this on two Macs so far, my PowerBook G4 @1.5 GHz and a G5 iMac @2.1 GHz Both have Application Enhancer as well as Fruit Menu, WindowShade X and other Unsanity products installed. They still show up in System Preferences, but are not functioning. I'm hoping for updates soon. However, their presence in my systems had no ill effect on my Leopard upgrades.
  • by Stormwatch ( 703920 ) <rodrigogirao@h o t> on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:11PM (#21142293) Homepage
    I had used Application Enhancer for a while, but Photoshop became very crash-prone; a friend reported Safari crashes after installing it. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.

    Also, rule of thumb: 100% clean installs are always the safe way to go. Back up your stuff, wipe the HD, then restore as needed.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by m2943 ( 1140797 )
      Also, rule of thumb: 100% clean installs are always the safe way to go. Back up your stuff, wipe the HD, then restore as needed.

      Unfortunately, it then takes many hours to reinstall all the little utilities and applications and settings one has come to depend on.
      • go get a Mac and learn the easy way of life.

        Since the majority of OS X applications are really nothing more than special folders, you can drag and drop them to the new system as fast as you can copy them. when you run the app it will look for new preference settings and failing to find them will result in the default state back but prefence files are stored in one directory in your home directory. you can copy them to.

        you don't spend hours reinstalling apps off of CD's and looking for obtuse serial numbe
        • by AusIV ( 950840 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @05:18PM (#21142869)

          Hell Linux you can do something similar most of the time.

          I'm not aware of anything quite as straightforward as copying files to an external hard drive and copying them back, but with Ubuntu it goes something like this:

          $ dpkg --get-selections > /backup/installed-software.log
          Then on the new system:

          # dpkg --set-selections < /backup/installed-software.lo
          # dselect
          Then Ubuntu goes back to the repositories and grabs everything again.
      • If you're using a lot of OS extensions, then don't be a pioneer. Let other people install early.
  • Safe Mode (Score:5, Informative)

    by Monkeys with Guns ( 1002565 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:17PM (#21142339)
    Anyone experiencing this should try holding shift while booting. Any additional frameworks, kexts, and whatever will be left out and the system will boot cleanly. If that works, then the offending software should show up in a log and can be identified and removed.

    There is no need to reinstall when something can be removed easily with a safe boot. Too bad Apple doesn't talk up safe booting more so people will know it is there.
    • by m2943 ( 1140797 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @05:05PM (#21142763)
      Too bad Apple doesn't talk up safe booting more so people will know it is there.

      Too bad Apple doesn't do the user-friendly thing, which is to offer users "safe mode" when the previous boot failed. That's what both Linux and Windows do, and it's the right thing to do (well, even better would be detecting and disabling broken extensions, but I guess that's too hard for any of them).
  • iBSOD (Score:5, Funny)

    by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:22PM (#21142369) Homepage
    It really IS catching up with Vista!
  • Clean Install (Score:3, Informative)

    by cyberbian ( 897119 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:25PM (#21142401) Journal

    Any time there is a major OS version, it's foolhardy to 'Upgrade' in that there is no way for the vendor (in this case Apple) to possibly test for each potential configuration. While it's true that this may make the move to a new platform base take longer (with needed software reinstallation) it's the best way to ensure a smooth transition, and also assist the end-user AND the software vendors in question to bug squash.

    It's easy to point fingers, and the upgrade process should in truth be discontinued altogether (imco) and rather provide utilities that will help a user migrate personal settings and preferences to a new build via a back-up utility of some type. To be fair, Apple does a GREAT job by providing the archive and install method which goes half-way but does not provide the opportunity to 'archive and clean install' which would be the ideal case.

    For myself, I can't wait to step into the time machine, and also get the new features available in the OS X Server product.

  • Boot verbosely (Score:5, Informative)

    by kithrup ( 778358 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:36PM (#21142487)
    Command-v during the boot chime (or "sudo nvram boot-args=-v" to set it permanently). This shows a lot of "scary" unixy output, but it's great for diagnosing a boot problem.

    Of course, I'm a cli guy :).
  • by devjj ( 956776 ) * on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:38PM (#21142503)
    It isn't. A kernel panic is the Mac OS X equivalent of a BSOD. If the machine takes hours to launch after an upgrade, or doesn't launch at all, it's a different kind of failure. I speak from first-hand experience, as this happened to me. Thankfully I keep good daily backups.
  • Here's the fix (Score:2, Interesting)

    by nilbog ( 732352 )
    You can either give up on an upgrade and do a fresh install or an archive/install. If you want to be able to upgrade, try this to manually get rid of APE: Please note that this does involve manipulation of files from the root prompt. This is not for the faint-of-heart, or those who are unfamiliar with the UNIX file system/command structure. 1. Reboot into single-user mode (hold Cmd-S while booting machine) 2. Follow the directions OSX gives you when you get to the prompt (I think these were them - just t
  • by xyankee ( 693587 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:43PM (#21142543)
    What makes this all the more ironic is that in the new CoverFlow Finder, PCs on the network are displayed with a Blue Screen of Death []... teeeheee!
    • I think the funniest part of this easter egg, is that it is a screen shot of the BSoD from Windows 95/98. So for Apple to mock MS they have to go after a 10 year old OS, when Apple was still using horrible System 9. Ouch...

      They should have a least used an NT based BSoD, that would have been more funny.
  • best practices (Score:3, Informative)

    by squarefish ( 561836 ) * on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:50PM (#21142589)
    1) backup your home directories [] first
    2) do not let the install do a straight upgrade, use the archive and install option or erase/install if you have reliable backups and can afford a little risk and a little more work
    3) remove any programs that integrate themselves with the OS (hint: these will often add new preference options to the system preferences pane). These programs almost always have issues during an upgrade and are often not supported right away by new operating systems due to their nature.

    These are just some basic guidelines, but if you have any specific questions or concerns, ask Apple and search for answers prior to installation. Not rocket science, but most users have never upgraded their own OS before and Apple makes it appear that anyone can do it without the slightest worry. That's close to the truth, but not close enough.
  • by argent ( 18001 ) <peter@sla[ ]ot.2 ... m ['shd' in gap]> on Saturday October 27, 2007 @04:58PM (#21142669) Homepage Journal
    There are similar Windows applications that modify the OS. They have been known to not work on new versions of the OS. Even the most extreme Microsoft skeptic wouldn't say it was Microsoft's fault if Windowblinds had to be upgraded to work with Vista.

    If you're doing an upgrade to the OS, and you're using any third party system extensions, you remove them before you upgrade. That's pretty basic.
  • Deceptive summary (Score:3, Insightful)

    by edwardpickman ( 965122 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @05:00PM (#21142691)
    I was worried when I first saw it until I found that it was a 3rd party app causing the issue. The summary would lead me to believe it was a defect in Leopard. It would be nice to mention it's a 3rd party issue and not Apple's fault in the summary.
  • by iliketrash ( 624051 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @05:13PM (#21142841)
    Unsanity's Application Enhancer uses the debugger framework to access and modify an application's memory space. Since Leopard randomizes memory, one might expect that trouble would ensue.

    The Unsanity hacks have been a source of trouble for many users for several years. Unsanity has vehemently denied that their products are the trouble, and by a twisted piece of logic, it is the application itself which is misbehaving when things go wrong. It's not hard to find heated discussions of these things on message boards and sites like and The source of the disagreements might be related to how long a person leaves an application open, with the probability of mayhem increasing with time since launch. These remarks relate to pre-Leopard versions of the OS; it seems that Unsanity is finally caught with their pants down and no place to crap.
  • 20 and counting..... (Score:5, Informative)

    by CaptScarlet22 ( 585291 ) on Saturday October 27, 2007 @09:36PM (#21144483)
    14 upgrades, 4 reformats and 2 archive and install. 0 problems.

    Thats 10 G5's and 4 Mac Pro's with upgrades.

    Thats 4 MacBook Pros reformats.

    Thats 2 Powerbooks with archive and install.

    You can mod me any way you like, but it wont change the success I've had with Leopard....Awesome.

  • Come on Kdawson (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Ilgaz ( 86384 ) * on Sunday October 28, 2007 @03:52AM (#21146401) Homepage broke the FAKE story, a FUD of "APE responsible for this". I have even risked my VT Pro, $50 year account and called the editor openly to resign.

    This thing turned out to be a password hash issue related to accounts created back in 10.2 and never changed. Documented here: []

    APE has nothing to do with it. In fact, Unsanity recommends latest APE to be on OS while upgrading to Leopard since believe or not, APE is not just couple of themes or pointers, there are many companies using that functionality and their software may break when linked library is not there.

    It doesn't change the fact that APE will be ignored by Leopard btw.

    Macfixit has even surpassed itself and was openly called "Depictable" [] because of their horrible FUD mongering, calling people to ERASE and INSTALL and after CNET buyout, some people think they do it on purpose to make people afraid to use OS X or Mac.

    If there is, it should have better hand picked stories, no fanboy idiotic stuff, no "maccies are idiots" stuff, just "news for Mac nerds".

    This story was sitting on for hours and even couldn't make to being popular (like slashdot accepted) because people simply didn't buy it, especially APE reason.

    We rarely get new non-ipod etc. stuff on and I wished the second one after Leopard shipment wasn't FUD with false information.

No spitting on the Bus! Thank you, The Mgt.
